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临床资料例1,女,65岁。因进行性吞咽困难9个月余伴发热3 d入院。胸部CT提示两肺下叶炎性改变,食管中段占位。门诊胃镜检查见食管中段内壁不规则隆起,考虑食管鳞癌。入院后查体未发现阳性体征。予以抗炎、化痰等处理,CT复查肺炎明显吸收。气管内插管静脉复合全身麻醉下行食管癌根治术,主动脉弓上食管胃机械吻合。术中探查肿瘤位于主动脉弓下,病变长约5 cm,无明显外侵。术后给予抗  相似文献   

目的:探讨N1期食管鳞癌淋巴结转移规律及其与预后的关系。方法回顾性分析2005年1月至2008年12月间天津医科大学肿瘤医院行食管癌根治术且术后病理诊断为N1期(1~2枚淋巴结转移)的126例患者的临床及随访资料,分析各组淋巴结转移情况及其对预后的影响。结果126例患者中仅1枚淋巴结转移者70例,2枚淋巴结转移者56例。上纵隔淋巴结、中下食管旁淋巴结、贲门周围淋巴结和胃左动脉旁淋巴结的早期转移率较高,分别为53.8%(14/26)、38.3%(41/107)、34.5%(30/87)和36.8%(39/106)。隆突下淋巴结转移(P=0.031)和中下食管旁淋巴结转移(P=0.042)是影响食管鳞癌早期淋巴结转移患者的独立预后因素。隆突下淋巴结转移者5年生存率明显低于其他部位淋巴结转移者(8%比26%,P=0.004);而仅中下食管旁淋巴结转移者5年生存率则明显高于其他部位淋巴结转移者(33%比12%,P=0.029)。结论 N1期食管鳞癌淋巴结易转移至上纵隔、中下食管旁、贲门周围和胃左动脉旁淋巴结等部位,而隆突下及中下食管旁淋巴结转移是N1期患者的独立预后因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴茎转移癌的临床特点、诊治方法及预后。方法回顾性分析18例阴茎转移癌患者的临床及随访资料并复习相关文献。18例患者原发肿瘤包括膀胱癌8例,前列腺癌4例,直肠癌2例,结肠癌、肾癌、食管癌和肺癌各1例。其中9例患者接受了阴茎切除+静脉化疗,5例患者仅接受静脉化疗未行阴茎切除术,2例患者仅接受了阴茎局部放疗,1例肾癌患者仅接受了索拉菲尼靶向治疗。结果本组18例患者中,从确诊原发肿瘤至出现阴茎转移时间为1~100月,平均(18.7±1.9)月。从确诊阴茎转移至患者死亡时间为4~23月,平均(10.2±1.7)月。所有18例患者均死于出现阴茎转移2年内。结论阴茎转移癌是一种罕见且预后较差的疾病,即使进行治疗,多数患者仍死于确诊阴茎转移1年内。逆行性静脉途经是发生阴茎转移的主要机制。阴茎切除仅限于缓解局部症状而不应常规应用。  相似文献   

肾上腺转移癌(附11例报告)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨肾上腺转移癌的临床特点与诊治方法。 方法 回顾分析 1993年 12月至2 0 0 3年 3月肾上腺转移癌患者 11例的诊治结果。原发灶为肺癌 4例 ,肝癌 5例 ,胆管癌 1例 ,肾癌 1例。临床表现腰背部胀痛 3例 ,乏力、消瘦 3例 ,血尿 1例 ,无症状者 4例。 11例行B超及CT检查 ,2例行正电子发射断层扫描 (PET)检查。 11例均行手术治疗 ,肿瘤完整切除 9例 ,姑息性切除 1例 ,双侧转移者仅行左侧切除 1例。 结果 完整切除转移癌 9例中 5例生存 6~ 6 3个月 ,平均 34个月 ;2例已分别存活 2及 16个月 ,仍在随访中 ;2例失访。 1例行姑息性切除者生存 3个月 ,1例双侧肾上腺转移癌仅行左侧切除者生存 4个月。 结论 B超及CT是诊断肾上腺转移癌的重要检查方法 ,PET对诊断肾上腺转移癌有较高的临床价值。手术切除转移灶是延长患者生存期的最有效方法。  相似文献   

胃癌癌周淋巴结转移状况与胃癌预后关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探索胃癌病人淋巴结转移率及个数与胃癌病人预后以及病理参数之间的关系。方法:对174例有淋巴结转移的胃癌病人行胃癌根治术加D2或D3淋巴结清扫,分析淋巴结转移阳性率,个数,部位与预后及病理参数之间的关系。结果:胃癌根治术后(D2,D3)5年生存率为29.6%(50例)。阳性淋巴结率在1%-20%的5年生存率为70.6%,20%以上5年生存率为12.0%,阳性淋巴结个数为1-55年生存率为46-6%(33例),大于5个为17.4%(17例)(P<0.005)。5年生存率随着阳性淋巴结率及个数增多而呈下降趋势。随着肿瘤浸润加深,淋巴转移率及个数增高(P<0.005)。结论:胃癌阳性淋巴结率及个数与胃癌病人预后有相关性,胃癌阳性淋巴结率,个数可作为简单,有效的预后指标。  相似文献   

目的总结食管神经内分泌癌的临床特点、治疗及预后。方法回顾性分析经病理确诊和治疗的47例食管神经内分泌癌患者的临床资料。结果47例患者占同期收治食管癌患者的1.1%(47/4189).其中食管类癌5例.食管小细胞癌42例(其中局限期40例。广泛期2例)。全部采用手术治疗.其中8例接受术后化疗.4例接受术后放疗,3例予以术后放化疗。类癌和局限期小细胞癌患者中位生存期分别为75.5(10.0~168.0)个月和13.0(4.7~21-3)个月。结论食管神经内分泌癌少见.宜采用外科手术为主的综合治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨唾液酸化的路易斯寡酶-X(sialyl Lewis-X,SLeX)抗原,CD44v6和E-上皮钙粘附素(E-cadherin,ED)蛋白表达与肝细胞癌(HCC)转移和预后的关系。方法:应用免疫组织化学方法,检测110例HCC组织中SLeX,CD44v6及ED蛋白表达,结合随访资料分析。结果:在HCC中,SLeX,CD44v6和ED阳性表达率分别为39.1%(43/110),42.7%(47/110)和44.5%(49/110),SLeX和CD44v6阳性表达及ED阴性表达的HCC转移率高(P<0.05),分化程度差和患者大于5年生存率低(P<0.05),结论:SLeX,CD,44v6和ED表达与HCC转移和患者生成期密切相关,检测SLeX,CD44v6和ED蛋白的表达可作为判断HCC预后的参考指标。  相似文献   

肝细胞癌转移复发研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一百多年来,手术切除仍被公认为肝细胞癌(下称肝癌)获得根治的最好手段.但远期疗效尚欠满意,术后复发是影响疗效的主要因素.据报道,肝癌根治性切除后5年复发率为54.1%~61.5%,小肝癌(≤5 cm)为43.5%,而局部治疗的转移复发率则更高.为此,研究肝癌转移复发的防治将成为21世纪肝癌研究的一大热点,也是攻克肝癌的难关之一.近年来,国内外许多学者从基础到临床开展大量研究,取得了瞩目的成绩.  相似文献   

肾上腺转移癌(附16例报告)   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
目的 提高肾上腺转移癌的诊断与治疗水平。方法 报告1987~1998年收治的16例肾上腺转移癌诊治经验。其中单侧10例,双侧6例。结果 7例肾上腺转移癌经肾上腺切除术治疗后生存6个月~6年,平均39个月。9例未手术者采用化疗、中药等综合治疗,5例失访,余4例中3例生存〈1年,1例生存1.5年。结论 恰当选择肾上腺转移癌手术适应证,通过手术治疗可改善、延长患者生存期。  相似文献   

PurposeIn the last 25 years new treatment options in breast cancer have evolved. We wanted to determine whether the survival of; patients with metastatic breast cancer have improved during this period.MethodsPatients consecutively diagnosed with disseminated breast cancer 1985–2014 in the County of Kalmar, Sweden, were identified and followed to 2016. Survival was calculated for each successive 5 year interval. Separate analyses were performed for pts with ER and/or PR and HER2 positive tumours resp.ResultsMedian survival of the 784 patients increased successively from 13 to 33 months. Five year survival increased from 10 to 27%. Patients with high grade primary tumours had the shortest post recurrence survival time but their median survival increased significantly by time from 12 to 30 months, 3 year survival from 16 to 38% and 5 year from 5 to 20%. Median survival for patients with grade 2 tumours was 2 years and did not improve. Only 47 patients had grade 1 tumours and their median survival of 4 years did not change.Median survival for HER2 positive patients treated before the introduction of trastuzumab in year 2000 was 14 months and after 2000 29 months, 5 year survival improved from 2 to 31%.ConclusionsSurvival in metastatic breast cancer improved 1985–2016. For the first time a significant increase in survival time for patients with metastasis from fast-growing grade 3 tumours was seen. The most striking improvement was achieved in the HER2 positive subset.  相似文献   

食管癌(EC)是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,是威胁人民生命健康的重大疾病。以手术为主的综合治疗改善了EC患者术后的生活质量和远期生存.但很多患者会在术后发生复发或转移.预后较差。目前TNM分期是影响EC患者预后最明确也是最重要的因素.此外仍存在着其他影响EC患者预后的因素。对于食管鳞癌(ESCC)中异常表达蛋白的探索可能为完善分期,指导预后提供新的线索。我们回顾了ESCC组织中与预后有关的蛋白质表达异常方面的文献,并试图探讨这些蛋白分子在ESCC中预后价值和潜在的临床应用。  相似文献   

All cancer patients, particularly those treated for colorectal cancer, should be monitored for the presence of liver metastases, but liver metastases from ovarian clear cell carcinoma are quite rare. We report a patient subjected to extended left hepatectomy due to a giant metastasis 5 years after surgical treatment for an ovarian neoplasm that was histopathologically diagnosed as clear cell carcinoma. A 58-year-old woman had undergone hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy due to ovarian cancer (stage Ic). Four years and 8 months after the operation, a computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated a giant tumor in the left lobe of the liver. The tumor compressed the inferior vena cava (IVC), but it was not clear whether it invaded the vessel. She received chemotherapy for 4 months; however, the tumor did not decrease in size. She was subsequently referred to our institution and was submitted to operation after it was confirmed that there were no distant metastases. After being subjected to an extended left hepatectomy and cholecystectomy, the patient recovered from the surgery without any complications. She has been carefully followed for 17 months and has presented no evidence of recurrence.  相似文献   

脊柱转移癌的治疗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报告经病理证实的脊柱转移癌112例,43例(38.4%)未找到原发灶。69例原发癌中,常见的是肺癌10例(14.5%),乳腺癌9例(13.1%),胃肠癌9例(13.1%),甲状腺癌8例(11.6%),肾癌8例(11.6%),食道癌7例(10.1%)。手术治疗为主51例,化疗为主40例,放疗为主10例。分析了临床与X线表现,治疗与预后,认为各种癌脊柱转移的预后不一样,甲状腺癌转移的预后最好,肝癌转移的预后最差,但对同种癌转移而言,早期诊断和综合治疗是影响疗效的主要因素。  相似文献   

我国是食管癌的高发区。近年来食管癌脉管内出现瘤栓是临床上食管癌患者术后常见的病理现象。许多研究结果表明食管癌脉管内瘤栓是多种因素共同作用的结果,且与患者预后相关。多个研究均证实食管癌脉管内瘤栓与肿瘤淋巴结转移风险存在正相关。对于食管癌脉管内出现瘤栓的患者治疗方案至今未达成共识。本文就有关食管癌脉管内瘤栓的研究进展作综述。  相似文献   

目的 探讨复发转移乳腺癌的临床病理特点 ,最佳治疗方法和治疗效果。方法 对3 4例复发转移乳腺癌病人 ,采取化疗 ,结合手术 ,放射治疗 ,术后继续化疗。结果  2 3例伴有内脏转移的 2个部位以上复发转移病人 ,经化疗病灶缩小明显 (PR) 7例 ,病情稳定 (SD ) 8例 ,病情进展(PD) 8例 ,临床获益 (CR PR SD) 65 % (15 / 2 3 )。 1年生存率 65 % ,11例局部复发化疗后病灶缩小 (PR) 10例 ,病情进展 (PD) 1例 ,临床获益 90 % (10 / 11) ,2年无瘤生存率 90 %。结论 伴有内脏转移的复发转移应以化疗为主 ,病灶缩小者 ,局部手术切除 ,放疗 ,术后继续化疗。显著延长生存时间。局部复发无内脏转移 ,也应先化疗 ,再手术 ,可减少远隔器官转移。  相似文献   

BackgroundModels to predict the outcome of patients with metastatic urothelial cancer (UC), based on pretreatment variables, have previously been developed. However, patients often request “updated” prognostic estimates based upon their response to treatment.Patients and MethodsData were pooled from 317 patients enrolled in 8 trials evaluating first-line cisplatin-based chemotherapy in metastatic UC. Variables were combined in the Cox proportional hazards model to produce a nomogram to predict survival from the end of treatment. The nomogram was validated externally using data from a phase III trial.ResultsThe median survival from end of treatment was 10.65 months (95% confidence interval; 9.20–13.24); 69% of patients had died. Baseline and posttreatment variables were evaluated. Baseline performance status, baseline number of visceral metastatic sites, baseline white blood counts, and response to treatment were included in the final model. The nomogram achieved a bootstrap-corrected concordance index of 0.68. Upon external validation, the nomogram achieved a concordance index of 0.67.ConclusionsA model derived from pretreatment and posttreatment variables was constructed to predict survival from the completion of first-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic UC. This model may be useful for patient counseling and for stratification of trials exploring “maintenance” therapy.  相似文献   

BackgroundRadical prostatectomy (RP) has heterogeneous effects on survival of patients with metastatic prostate cancer (mPCa). A reliable model to predict risk of cancer-specific mortality (CSM) and the potential benefit derived from RP is needed.MethodsPatients diagnosed with mPCa were identified using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (2004–2015) and categorized in RP versus nonlocal treatment (NLT). Based on the Fine and Gray competing risks model in 8,463 NLT patients, a nomogram was created to predict CSM in mPCa patients. Decision tree analysis was then utilized for patient stratification. The effect of RP was evaluated among 3 different subgroups.ResultsA total of 8,863 patients were identified for analysis. Four hundred (4.5%) patients received RP. The 5-year cumulative incidence of CSM was 52.4% for the entire patients. Based on nomogram scores, patients were sorted into three risk groups using decision tree analysis. In the low- and intermediate-risk group, RP was found to be significantly correlated with a 21.7% risk reduction of 5-year CSM, and 25.0% risk reduction of 5-year CSM, respectively, whereas RP was not associated with CSM in high-risk group (hazard ratio =0.748, 95% confidence interval 0.485–1.150; P=0.190).ConclusionsWe developed a novel nomogram and corresponding patient stratification predicting CSM in mPCa patients. A newly identified patient subgroup with low-, and intermediate-risk of CSM might benefit more from RP. These results should be further validated and improved by ongoing prospective trials.  相似文献   

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