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Sera from 1283 patients and 73 staff members from Cherry Farm Psychiatric Hospital were screened for hepatitis B antigen over a five year period, following a single confirmed case of type B hepatitis in one villa. Apart from the presenting case, 10 asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis B antigen were detected, three of these being from the same villa and possessing the same antigen subtype as the presenting patient. Only two of 26 Down's syndrome patients and two of 44 Polynesian patients were positive. No staff members were positive. A case of frank hepatitis B occurred in a male nurse accidentally pricked with a needle contaminated with blood from one of the carriers. The low prevalence of hepatitis B antigen in this population for the mentally ill is possibly related to the reduced patient contact resulting from the isolated villa type of accommodation.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒感染是全球健康问题,目前已有20 亿人曾感染过乙肝病毒,其中约4亿人为慢性乙肝患者。乙型肝炎是慢性肝病的主要原因,约15% -40%的乙肝感染者可能进一步进展为肝硬化、肝功能衰竭、肝细胞性肝癌。因此治疗慢性乙型肝炎对延缓病情进展,减少肝硬化、肝癌的发生率有重要意义。  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the planned movement of long stay patients with chronic mental disorders from Sunnyside Hospital into staffed residential accommodation in the community. METHOD: Sixty-nine long stay psychiatric patients were followed up over 18 months to assess their social functioning, psychiatric symptomatology, resource use, relapse rate, satisfaction with their care, and impact on the community. RESULTS: Social functioning and psychiatric symptomatology scores on the social behaviour schedule remained stable overall. Relapse rates were low, and rehospitalisation rare. Use of community and area health board resources tended to decrease. Over 90% of patient responses indicated satisfaction with their new living arrangements. Over 50% reported no contact with outside friends, though over the follow up period about 70% maintained at least monthly contact with relatives. CONCLUSION: Careful community placement of the long term mentally ill, with ongoing supervision, can have a successful outcome from clinical, patient and community perspectives.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎(乙肝)一直是困扰医学界的一大难题,长期带毒使疾病迁延易导致肝硬化和肝癌的发生.传统的抗HBV治疗,并不能有效清除体内病毒.RNA干扰现象的发现,引起了人们的浓厚兴趣.其高效性与高特异性为乙肝治疗带来了新的思路和希望.随着对RNA干扰了解的加深和新技术的开发,RNA干扰用于治疗乙肝的研究取得了显著进展.本文试图总结近年来的研究成果,并展望未来可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

目的:为临床药师尽快建立慢性乙型病毒性肝炎(Chronic Viral Hepatitis B,CH—B)药学服务模式提供参考。方法:收集药师参与跟踪的在厦门市中医院住院的67例CH-B患者资料、56例住院并进行抗病毒治疗的CH—B患者资料、34例住院并注射干扰素治疗的CH-B患者资料,并进行综合分析,探索药学服务模式。结果:67例患者中,低血糖症发生率为11.94%;56例患者中,口服核苷类药患者自行停药发生率为27.78%,注射干扰素患者中无自行停药者;34例患者中,干扰素不良反应发生率高,主要为流感样症状、血液系统不良反应。临床药师由此建立药学服务模式,进行针对性的药学监护。结论:临床药师应从不同角度参与CH—B患者的药学服务,如预防低血糖反应的药学监护、乙型肝炎病毒学突破的药学监护、抗乙型肝炎病毒药物主要不良反应的药学监护、联合应用抗病毒药的药学监护、降低用药成本的药学监护等,以提高患者用药的安全性。  相似文献   

目的 了解重型乙型肝炎时乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV)的复制状况及其与病情的关系。方法 应用酶联免疫吸附实验和聚合酶链反应测定 172例乙型肝炎病人的HBV复制指标。结果 慢性重型肝炎病人的HBeAg和 /或HBVDNA阳性率明显低于非重型慢性肝炎 (P <0 0 1) ;HBV复制状态与血清转氨酶、总胆红素水平及预后无明显相关性。结论 HBV复制活跃不一定是重型肝炎发生的因素。  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a worldwide public health problem. Vaccination is the most efficient way to prevent hepatitis B. Despite the success of the currently available vaccine, there is a clear need for the development of new generation of HBV vaccines. Needle-free immunization is an attractive approach for mass immunization campaigns, since avoiding the use of needles reduces the risk of needle-borne diseases and prevents needle-stick injuries and pain, thus augmenting patient compliance and eliminating the need for trained medical personnel. Moreover, this kind of immunization was shown to induce good systemic as well as mucosal immunological responses, which is important for the creation of both a prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine. In order to produce a better, safer, more efficient and more suitable vaccine, adjuvants have been used. In this article, several adjuvants tested over the years for their potential to help create a needle-free vaccine against HBV are reviewed.  相似文献   

您知道吗?乙肝病毒的传播方式和艾滋病病毒传播方式是一样的。也就是说,我们可以把乙肝看做一种性病。它不能通过空气传染。通过食物传染的可能性也微乎其微。乙肝,没有您想象的那样可怕。  相似文献   

The most critical problem in the treatment of prostate cancer is the emergence of hormone-refractory tumour during hormonal therapy. Although the vast majority of patients initially have an excellent response to androgen withdrawal, disease will often return later. There is no effective treatment for such hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Despite the fact that the mechanisms leading to transition from androgen-dependent to androgen-independent disease have been extensively studied, they have mostly remained unclear. It was earlier considered that the growth of hormone-refractory tumour is independent of androgens and androgen receptor (AR) signalling pathways. Recently, however, several studies have indicated that aberrations in the AR signalling pathway could actually be key mechanisms in androgen independence. For example, the revelations of AR gene amplification, mutations and cross-talk with the ERBB2 pathway suggest that AR is still operational in hormone-refractory tumours. Thus, AR is a putative new-old target for novel treatment modalities.  相似文献   

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