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The convenient and clearly organised structure of this second revision of the practice guideline on urinary-tract infections from the Dutch College of General Practitioners provides a clearly described role for the general practitioner in the diagnosis and treatment of such infections. Most striking is the change in the classification of diagnostic patient categories. It seems that pregnant women with urinary-tract infections represent an important group in extramural medicine. This revised guideline shows great promise for ensuring efficient and effective routing of the various patient groups presenting with urinary-tract infections at the office of the general practitioner.  相似文献   

The revised practice guideline 'Bacterial skin infections' developed by the Dutch College of General Practitioners replaces the previous practice guideline from 1998. Most bacterial skin infections can be diagnosed based on the patient history and clinical findings. Skin cultures and serologic analysis (in the case oferythema migrans) are not necessary. Exceptions are made for patients with bacterial skin infection and a high risk of MRSA involvement, or if nasal treatment is indicated for patients with recurring furunculosis. A superficial skin infection can be treated with local therapy. In case of a deep skin infection, oral antibiotics or surgical intervention is recommended. Antibiotic prophylaxis after a tick bite is not recommended. Erysipelas is considered a specific type of cellulitis and is treated as such.  相似文献   

The 1999 practice guideline 'Acne vulgaris' from the Dutch College of General Practitioners has been revised. Benzoyl peroxide and local retinoids are first choice in local treatment of acne. When treatment with oral antibiotics is indicated, doxycycline is first choice. Use of minocycline is not recommended in general practice. It is recommended that both local and oral antibiotics are always combined with local benzoyl peroxide or a local retinoid. Oral contraceptives are only recommended in women with acne who also desire contraception. Use of oral contraceptives containing cyproterone acetate is no longer recommended in women with acne, because they are not more effective than other oral contraceptives. Treatment with oral isotretinoin may be given by the general practitioner, as long as the treatment guidelines are carefully followed.  相似文献   

The general practitioner (GP) should be aware of clues pointing to dementia. The GP can establish the diagnosis himself or refer the patient for extended testing. The diagnosis of dementia focuses on memory impairment, other cognitive impairments and decreased functioning in daily life. For patients with dementia and their relatives, information and advice are more important than medication. The GP must take care aspects into consideration as well as the way patients' relatives cope with the dementia patient. The treatment and care of the patient with dementia and the relatives requires good coordination and collaboration with other health workers.  相似文献   

The second version of the practice guideline 'Sore throat' has been updated from the 1999 version. --Infections of the throat generally cure spontaneously within 7 days. In most cases the sore throat is caused by a virus. Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci (GABHS) are the most important bacterial cause ofa sore throat. --In diagnostics, the main focus is placed on evaluating how sick the patient is in general. --In adolescents who have had a sore throat for more than 7 days, the possibility of mononucleosis infectiosa should be borne in mind. This diagnosis can be verified by a test for IgM against Epstein-Barr-virus. --Additional investigations to detect GABHS are not recommended. --Prescribing antibiotics is only recommended for patients who have a severe throat infection or an increased risk of complications. Pheneticillin or phenoxymethylpenicillin remains first choice. --Referral for tonsillectomy should meet the following criteria: 5 or more episodes of sore throat per year or 3 or more episodes per year in the last 2 years.  相似文献   

The NHG practice guideline 'Miscarriage' provides guidelines for the diagnosis and management of pregnant women with vaginal bleeding during the period up to and including the 16th week after the first day of the last menstruation. The guideline has been revised on the basis of the developments over the last few years. The most important modifications are: In case of an imminent miscarriage, more consideration than before is given to the patient's preference with regard to ultrasonography, expectant management and curettage. The GP should therefore discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these options with the patient. A midwife was involved in the formulation of the new guideline. Referral from a GP to a midwife for transvaginal ultrasonography is offered as one of the possibilities. The paragraph on 'information' has been expanded on the basis of the results of a patient focus group.  相似文献   

The important changes in the Dutch College of General Practitioners' revised guideline on urinary tract infections, with respect to the first edition, are as follows: In assessing a urine sediment the leucocyte count has been omitted due to its low specificity. In the case of a negative nitrite test, the number of bacteria is of diagnostic importance. If a microscopic count is difficult to carry out, a semi-quantitative culture with a dip-slide is a good alternative. In the case of uncomplicated urinary tract infections, nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim are the preferred antibiotics, whereas for pregnant women nitrofurantoin and amoxicillin without clavulanic acid should be used. The most important pathogen is often resistant to sulphonamides. In the case of complicated urinary tract infections, characterised by fever, and a still unknown sensitivity of the pathogen, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid is recommended except in the case of pregnant women. The usefulness of tracing and treating pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria has yet to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Compared with the former guideline, more attention is paid to the attitude of the general practitioner towards problem drinkers (about 200 problem drinkers in a standard practice of 2350 patients) and the combined use of alcohol and drugs among young people. The five-shot questionnaire has replaced the earlier 'cutdown, annoyed, guilty, eye-opener' (CAGE) test. Laboratory tests are of little value in the diagnosis. The general practitioner is given tools with which to motivate problem drinkers to change their behaviour. Medication is of minor importance.  相似文献   

The practice guideline 'Asthma in adults' from the Dutch College of General Practitioners was revised on the basis of the developments over the last years. The most important modifications are as follows: - 'Asthma with persistent obstruction' was replaced by the double diagnosis 'Asthma and COPD'. - The prednisone test to distinguish asthma from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is no longer recommended. - Spirometry is currently preferred for the diagnosis of asthma. An increase of the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of > or = 12% compared with baseline or in case of a smaller lung volume (FEV1 < 1.67 liters) of > or = 200 ml (therefore, no longer > or = 9% of the predicted value) supports the diagnosis 'asthma'. - As of 2007, the guidelines from the Dutch College of General Practitioners for COPD and asthma in adults are divided into two separate practice guidelines: the practice guideline 'COPD' and the practice guideline 'Asthma in adults'.  相似文献   

Typical angina pectoris is characterised by retrosternal complaints that are provoked by exertion, cold, emotional stress or heavy meals and are relieved by rest within 15 minutes or within a few minutes of using sublingual nitroglycerin. If 2 or 3 of these symptoms are present then the term 'atypical angina pectoris' is used. The general practitioner can estimate the risk of significant coronary artery disease on the basis of the anamnesis. Additional diagnostics in the form of an exercise ECG is only worthwhile if the pretest probability of coronary artery disease lies between 30% and 70% (atypical angina pectoris) and not if the diagnosis is extremely likely or extremely unlikely. Patients with angina pectoris should be informed about the alarm symptoms which can be indicative of unstable angina pectoris or acute myocardial infarction. Sublingual nitrate therapy is used for the short-term control of angina. If more than 2 attacks per week occur, a maintenance treatment consisting of beta-blockers, nitrates, or calcium channel blockers should be started in this order of preference. For secondary prevention, acetylsalicylic acid and statins should be prescribed and lifestyle advice should be given, such as smoking cessation, sufficient physical exercise and a healthy diet.  相似文献   

Most children pass through a period of otitis media with effusion, which can be considered as a normal reaction of the body to viral or bacterial infections. The general practitioner provides education and advice regarding the favourable prognosis of the hearing loss and is alert to the detection of high-risk groups and an aberrant course. In most children with otitis media with effusion, the general practitioner can wait for the disease to take its natural course. Children with persistent otitis media with effusion whose development is retarded should be referred to an otorhinolaryngologist. The former screening for perceptive hearing loss in infants resulted in the detection of many children with otitis media with effusion. Children with abnormal results on the new form of neonatal auditory screening should preferably be referred to a centre for audiology.  相似文献   

The practice guideline 'Diabetes mellitus type 2' (second revision) addresses the diagnosis, treatment and management of adults with diabetes mellitus type 2 in general practice. The aim of management is the prevention and treatment of diabetes-related symptoms and complications such as cardiovascular disease, nephro-, retino- and neuropathy. The general practitioner gives the patient education and lifestyle advice and repeats this regularly. In addition, the general practitioner and the patient strive to achieve good glycaemic control. The agent of first choice in the medicinal treatment of all type 2 diabetic patients is metformin. This is continued even after the addition of a sulphonylurea derivative or insulin. This represents a change compared to the previous version of the practice guideline. The indications for thiazolidinediones are limited. To reduce the cardiovascular risk, it is advised to aim at a systolic blood pressure below 140 mmHg. It is also recommended that each patient be prescribed a statin, unless the patient belongs to a subgroup in which the indication for cholesterol lowering therapy is weak or the patient refuses it. Compared to the former guideline, more emphasis is placed on the prevention of nephropathy. The general practitioner is advised to calculate the creatinine clearance yearly and to test for relevant albuminuria in each patient with a life expectancy of 10 years or more. If microalbuminuria is present, the patient is prescribed an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, even if the blood pressure is not elevated. The detection of patients with a high risk of diabetic ulcer is also given more emphasis.  相似文献   

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