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The spacer oligonucleotide typing (spoligotyping) method was evaluated for its ability to differentiate Mycobacterium bovis strains. This method detects the presence or absence of spacers of the direct repeat locus of the M. bovis genome. The spacers in the direct repeat locus are amplified by PCR and are detected by hybridization of the biotin-labelled PCR product with a membrane containing oligonucleotides derived from spacer sequences that have previously been bound to a membrane. One hundred eighty-two M. bovis isolates from domestic animals (cattle, goat, sheep, and cats) and wild animals (deer and wild boar) were spoligotyped, and the results were compared with those obtained by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Two rather homogeneous clusters of isolates containing 20 and 4 types, respectively, were identified by spoligotyping. The first cluster included isolates from cattle, cats, and feral animals. By spoligotyping, isolates from the Spanish wild boar and deer had the same pattern as some bovine isolates, suggesting transmission between these animals and cattle and highlighting the importance of the study of these reservoirs. The second cluster included all the caprine and ovine isolates. Within each cluster, the patterns of the different strains differed only slightly, suggesting that the spoligotypes may be characteristic of strains from particular animal species. Spoligotyping proved to be useful for studying the epidemiology of bovine M. bovis isolates, especially of those isolates containing only a single copy of IS6110. In view of our results, we suggest fingerprinting all M. bovis strains by the spoligotyping method initially and then by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism typing of the strains belonging to the most common spoligotypes.  相似文献   

It is important to correctly identify species within the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex because of the zoonotic implications of bovine tuberculosis, especially in developing countries. We assessed the use of various genetic markers for species-specific identification of mycobacteria from the M. tuberculosis complex. A multiplex PCR designed for detection of the mtp40 and IS1081 elements was optimized and evaluated in 339 mycobacterial strains from different animal and geographic origins. The host range of the IS6110, MPB70, and 16S rRNA genes was also studied by PCR in all the strains. Finally, the usefulness of the genetic markers was compared by an immunoperoxidase test for specific identification of Mycobacterium bovis strains. The mtp40 sequence was detected in 87 of the 91 strains of M. tuberculosis and in 9 of the 11 Mycobacterium africanum strains but not in any of the M. bovis or Mycobacterium microti strains, indicating that the mtp40 element was also found in all of the M. tuberculosis complex strains isolated from seals. This organism is considered to be a true seal pathogen, but its origin is essentially unknown. The finding of the mtp40 element in the strains from seals suggests a closer relationship of these strains with a human origin than to an animal origin. The mtp40 element was not found in any other mycobacterial species included in the study. As a result of this study, we suggest that biochemical tests or alternate genetic markers are still needed to differentiate M. tuberculosis from M. africanum when these species coexist as causative agents of tuberculosis. The immunoperoxidase test worked well for the identification of M. bovis strains. We also report, for the first time, PCR amplification of the repetitive element IS6110 in an isolate of Mycobacterium ulcerans and an isolate of Mycobacterium gilvum, which emphasizes the need for further investigation of the host range of this sequence.  相似文献   

Forty-nine isolates of Mycobacterium bovis from humans and animals in Sweden were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns probed by the insertion element IS6110. Most isolates had patterns indicating the presence of only one or two genomic copies of the IS6110 insertion element. This simple type of pattern was found in all human isolates. In contrast, isolates from M. bovis infections in five herds of farmed deer in Sweden showed a specific RFLP pattern with seven bands, indicating seven copies of the IS6110 sequence. In 1958, Sweden was declared free from M. bovis in cattle. However, in 1987, M. bovis was reintroduced with imported farmed deer, and since 1991, 11 outbreaks in deer herds, but not in other livestock or wildlife, have been diagnosed. Continued RFLP studies of the new Swedish M. bovis isolates can reveal possible transmission of this deer strain to other animals or humans.  相似文献   

Widespread use of DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) to differentiate strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to monitor the transmission of tuberculosis has been hampered by the need to culture this slow-growing organism and by the level of technical sophistication needed for RFLP typing. We have developed a simple method which allows simultaneous detection and typing of M. tuberculosis in clinical specimens and reduces the time between suspicion of the disease and typing from 1 or several months to 1 or 3 days. The method is based on polymorphism of the chromosomal DR locus, which contains a variable number of short direct repeats interspersed with nonrepetitive spacers. The method is referred to as spacer oligotyping or "spoligotyping" because it is based on strain-dependent hybridization patterns of in vitro-amplified DNA with multiple spacer oligonucleotides. Most of the clinical isolates tested showed unique hybridization patterns, whereas outbreak strains shared the same spoligotype. The types obtained from direct examination of clinical samples were identical to those obtained by using DNA from cultured M. tuberculosis. This novel preliminary study shows that the novel method may be a useful tool for rapid disclosure of linked outbreak cases in a community, in hospitals, or in other institutions and for monitoring of transmission of multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis. Unexpectedly, spoligotyping was found to differentiate M. bovis from M. tuberculosis, a distinction which is often difficult to make by traditional methods.  相似文献   

In the context of a busy reference laboratory, radiometric selective inhibition tests were evaluated for rapid differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis and of the M. tuberculosis complex from other mycobacteria. p-Nitro-alpha-acetylamino-beta-hydroxypropiophenone at 5 micrograms and hydroxylamine hydrochloride at 62.5 and 125 micrograms per ml of 7H12 medium were used to separate the M. tuberculosis complex from other mycobacteria (MOTT bacilli). Since it is important epidemiologically to distinguish M. tuberculosis from M. bovis, susceptibility to 1 microgram of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid per ml was also determined radiometrically. By using these three agents as selective inhibitors, M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, and MOTT bacilli were differentiated with a high degree of specificity by a BACTEC radiometric procedure. Results of tests performed on clinical isolates submitted on solid medium to our reference laboratory were available within 5 days.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine strains were compared with Mycobacterium tuberculosis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A 25-kDa protein observed in the BCG strains was absent in M. tuberculosis. Rabbit antibodies specific to the 25-kDa protein uniquely identified this protein in BCG strains but not in M. tuberculosis. It is suggested that the 25-kDa protein and polyclonal antibodies directed against this antigen can be exploited to distinguish BCG strains from M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Profile analysis of mycolic acid ester patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, and Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Gúerin (BCG) using high-performance liquid chromatography indicated that separation of BCG from M. tuberculosis and M. bovis by elution and relative retention times is possible. Mycolic acid patterns of BCG eluted from the column 0.5 min before M. tuberculosis or M. bovis, resulting in relative retention times for two peaks not seen in the pattern of M. tuberculosis or M. bovis. Identification was confirmed by phage typing, which has been the standard procedure for confirmation of BCG strains. These results showed that high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of mycolic acid esters can be used in the mycobacterial reference laboratory for separation of BCG from M. tuberculosis and M. bovis.  相似文献   

Forty Mycobacterium bovis isolates from cattle and goats were analyzed by using different repetitive genetic markers. The 23 M. bovis strains from goats were found to carry six to eight copies of the insertion sequence IS6110. In contrast, most of the bovine isolates contained only a single copy of this element. The standardized IS6110 fingerprinting by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), described for Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, allowed the differentiation of caprine strains. Although this method was not useful for typing bovine isolates, the repetitive elements pTBN12 and DR proved to be suitable for this purpose. A procedure using PCR which amplifies IS6110 in the outward direction was found to be as sensitive as RFLP for typing M. bovis strains from goats. The use of PCR and RFLP methods based on the IS6110 polymorphism would be useful for epidemiological studies of caprine tuberculosis. The results are consistent with different strains of M. bovis being implicated in bovine and caprine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The insertion sequence IS6110 and the direct repeat (DR) specific to tuberculosis complex mycobacteria and the highly repeated DNA sequence, the polymorphic GC-rich repeat sequence (PGRS), were systematically used to identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) within 210 isolates of Mycobacterium bovis. The isolates were primarily of bovine origin, but isolates from badgers, feral deer, sheep, humans, and a pig were included. The RFLP probes IS6110, DR, and PGRS individually identified 17, 18, and 18 different RFLP types, respectively, but in combination these probes identified a total of 39 different M. bovis RFLP types. The recommendations (J. D. A. van Embden, M. D. Cave, J. T. Crawford, J. W. Dale, K. D. Eisenach, B. Gicquel, P. W. M. Hermans, C. Martin, R. McAdam, T. M. Shinnick, and P. M. Small, J. Clin. Microbiol. 31:406-409, 1993) for a standardized RFLP analysis for M. tuberculosis were adapted to facilitate gel documentation, image analysis, and construction of a database of RFLP types. In the present study the same M. bovis RFLP types were evident in the various animal species included, indicating that the strains were not host restricted. Application of these techniques to defined field studies should help elucidate more accurately aspects of the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in different countries.  相似文献   

PCR-based characterization techniques have been adopted in most laboratories for Mycobacterium bovis typing. We report a molecular characterization of human multidrug-resistant M. bovis isolates and three bovine isolates that share the spoligotyping profile. The analysis of the direct repeat region showed that both groups differed in the presence of spacers not included in the current membrane. They were also distinguished by two out of the nine mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit variable-number tandem repeat loci tested, indicating that the human infection was not acquired from the cattle from which isolates were obtained. These results highlight that a combination of techniques is required for appropriate discrimination, even for those spoligotypes that have a low frequency.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, with a wide host range. Fifty human M. bovis isolates were typed using spoligotyping and variable number tandem repeats (VNTR). Fifteen of these spoligotypes have not yet been recorded in cattle. The predominant spoligotype in humans and cattle was subdivided by VNTR.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine Mycobacterium bovis isolates recovered from Mexican and Texas cattle were categorized into 16 and 25 distinct types on the basis of IS6110 and direct-repeat fingerprint patterns, respectively. By using a combination of both fingerprint patterns, 30 distinct restriction fragment length polymorphism types were defined. Fifty-eight of 79 isolates (73%) were distributed among nine clusters. Clustered isolates were identified within herds, as well as in geographically disperse herds in Texas and Mexico. This observation is consistent with active transmission within herds and among herds, presumably as a result of active or historical cattle movements. The majority of bovine isolates (64 of 79) exhibited a single copy of IS6110. Interestingly, in contrast to previous studies, a high percentage of bovine isolates (15 of 79) exhibited multiple IS6110 copies (two to five) distributed among 11 different restriction fragment length polymorphism types. It is speculated that transmission from noncattle sources may be responsible. Continued fingerprinting of isolates originating from nonbovine sources and herd surveys is expected to provide useful information regarding the epidemiology of tuberculosis in this region.  相似文献   

The gene for histone-like protein (hupB [Rv2986c]) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been identified as a singular target which allows differentiation of two closely related mycobacterial species, namely, M. tuberculosis and M. bovis of the MTB complex, by a PCR assay. The N and S primer-generated PCR amplicons differed in M. tuberculosis and M. bovis; these amplicons were determined to be 645 and 618 bp, respectively. This difference was localized to the C-terminal part of the gene by using primers M and S. The C-terminal PCR amplicons of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis were determined to be 318 and 291 bp, respectively. The differences in the C-terminal portion of the gene were confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequencing. Sequence analysis indicated that in M. bovis there was a deletion of 27 bp (9 amino acids) in frame after codon 128 in the C-terminal part of the hupB gene. In the present study 104 mycobacterial strains and 11 nonmycobacterial species were analyzed for hupB gene sequences. Of the 104 mycobacterial strains included, 62 belonged to the MTB complex and 42 were non-MTB complex strains and species. Neither the hupB gene-specific primers (N and S) nor the C-terminal primers (M and S) amplify DNA from any other mycobacteria, making the assay suitable for distinguishing members of the MTB complex from other mycobacterial species, as well as for differentiating between members of the MTB complex, namely, M. tuberculosis and M. bovis.  相似文献   

We have used spoligotyping to characterize 18 Mycobacterium bovis strains isolated from cattle and 23 M. bovis strains isolated from goats. The spoligotypes revealed that caprine strains form a separate and well-differentiated group that we refer to hereafter in this abstract as the caprine genotype. To evaluate the importance of this genotype as a cause of tuberculosis in other animal species, including humans, we applied the spoligotyping method to 112 strains, including to all isolates identified as M. bovis by a Mycobacterial National Reference Laboratory (Majadahonda, Madrid) from 1994 to 1996. Eighty-three of these strains were identified in human isolates. In addition to being identified in three goat isolates and two sheep isolates, the caprine genotype was also found in three isolates causing human tuberculosis. Evidence to support the argument that there is a zoonotic risk of caprine tuberculosis was presented by the identification of the caprine genotype in an isolate from a veterinary worker with a recent history of contact with tuberculous goats.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical studies have suggested a link between reduced catalase activity and resistance to isoniazid in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this study, we examined the molecular mechanisms of resistance to isoniazid with six in vitro mutants of the M. tuberculosis complex (Mycobacterium bovis and M. tuberculosis). Five of six mutants resistant to isoniazid were negative by catalase assays. Immunoblot analyses using a polyclonal antibody against the katG gene product (catalase-peroxidase) demonstrated that the enzyme is not produced in four of these isoniazid-resistant strains. A complete deletion of the katG gene was detected in only one of these isoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosis complex strains by Southern blot analyses. In two other resistant strains, partial deletions of the katG gene were identified. A point mutation which resulted in the insertion of a termination codon in the katG coding sequence caused a catalase-negative phenotype in a fourth strain. Of the two resistant strains which produce the enzyme, one was shown to be negative by a catalase assay. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism and DNA sequence analyses identified a mutation in the katG gene of this strain which may contribute to reduced enzymatic activity and subsequent isoniazid resistance. These data demonstrate that genetic alterations to the katG gene other than complete deletions are prevalent and may contribute significantly to the number of cases of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Most strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex carry multiple copies of an IS3-like element, and these strains are highly polymorphic with regard to the site of integration in the chromosome. In contrast, Mycobacterium bovis BCG contains a single copy of the insertion element, and in all strains this copy is integrated at the same site in the chromosome. In this study, we determined the sequence of the single-copy insertion element from M. bovis BCG, IS987, and its flanking regions. The analysis of IS987 revealed that this element was virtually identical to the sequence of IS986 from M. tuberculosis. IS987 is located in a region containing direct repeats (DRs). The cloned flanking regions contained 20 virtually identical DRs of 36 bp, each separated by 35 to 41 bp of spacer DNA. Analysis of chromosomal DNA by the polymerase chain reaction revealed the presence of a cluster of 49 DRs, and IS987 is inserted in the 30th DR. Furthermore, the DR sequences were found to occur only in species of the M. tuberculosis complex and not in nine other mycobacterial species tested. Analysis of 14 M. tuberculosis strains revealed the presence of one insertion sequence element in the DR-containing region of eight strains, two insertion sequence elements were located in the DR region of five strains, and one strain did not contain an insertion sequence element in this region. Additionally, the DR-containing regions of these 14 M. tuberculosis strains were polymorphic in length and composition. We conclude that the DR cluster is a specific, hot-spot region for integration of insertion elements in the chromosome of M. tuberculosis complex strains.  相似文献   

ESAT-6 is a secreted protein present in the short-term culture filtrate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis after growth on a synthetic Sauton medium. ESAT-6 has recently been demonstrated to induce strong T-cell responses in a mouse model of memory immunity after infection with M. tuberculosis. In Western blotting (immunoblotting), the monoclonal antibody HYB76-8, reacting with ESAT-6, gave a 6-kDa region was observed in filtrates from four of eight substrains of M. bovis BCG that produced high levels of MPB64, while no band occurred in the 6-kDa region with any of these BCG substrains. Southern blotting and PCR experiments with genomic mycobacterial DNA showed the presence of the esat-6 gene in reference strains and clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis as well as in virulent M. bovis. The esat-6 gene could not be demonstrated in any of the eight substrains of M. bovis BCG tested by these techniques. Two gene deletions that distinguish M. bovis BCG from virulent M. bovis have thus now been demonstrated. Deletion of mpb64 affects four of the eight substrains tested; deletion of esat-6 affects all of them. The reaction of HYB76-8 AT 26 kDa with four of the BCG substrains was demonstrated to result from cross-reactivity with MPB64. HYB76-8 was also shown to cross-react with the A, B, and C components of the antigen 85 complex and MPT51.  相似文献   

RCR-heteroduplex (GDA) and chip methods were used to detect rifampricin-resistant (RR) and rifampicin-sensitive (RS) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in the samples from patients (sputum) and in the clinical isolates of MTB from these patients (MB/BacT liquid medium and Lowenstein Jensen's (LJ) solid medium. The efficiency of detecting RR and RS of MTB (from the sputum) is 100 and 92.3% in the chip and GDA tests, respectively. Correlations between GDA (sputum) and drug test (LJ) were 91.7%, that of chip (sputum) and drug test LJ, 88.5%, chip (sputum) and chip clinical isolates (LJ), 100%. The efficacy of GDA and chip in the detection of RR of MTB strains is under discussion.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 1995, 46 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus were diagnosed with tuberculosis at the University Hospital in Zurich. Using the IS6110 insertion sequence as a genetic marker, restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses were done for 52 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. We have found a large degree of IS6110 polymorphism, ranging from 1 to 16 copies. For isolates from patients from whom multiple isolates had been available, the IS6110 pattern remained virtually stable over a period of up to 4 years, as well as during emerging drug resistance. In none of the cases was a reinfection of a patient with another strain detected. For isolates from 10 patients we detected identical patterns which could be associated with four clusters. In one of these, the strains exhibited a low IS6110 copy number (four bands), and the strains were further analyzed by hybridizing with (i) the polymorphic GC-rich repetitive sequence (PGRS) and (ii) the 36-bp direct-repeat (DR) cluster sequence. One of these isolates had a different pattern with the PGRS as well as with the DR sequence and could therefore be safely excluded from that cluster. These findings point to the importance of applying more than one genetic criterion in the molecular biological study of strain relatedness.  相似文献   

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