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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the current status of teaching on spirituality in medicine in UK medical schools and to establish if and how medical schools are preparing future doctors to identify patients' spiritual needs. METHODS: We carried out a national questionnaire survey using a 2-part questionnaire. Section A contained questions relating to the quantity of teaching on spirituality and the topics covered. Section B contained questions relating to teaching on alternative health practices. Medical educators from each of the 32 medical schools in the UK were invited to participate. RESULTS: A response rate of 53% (n = 17) was achieved. A total of 59% (n = 10) of respondents stated that there is teaching on spirituality in medicine in their curricula. On extrapolation, at least 31% and a maximum of 78% of UK medical schools currently provide some form of teaching on spirituality. Of the respondents that teach spirituality, 50% (n = 5) stated that their schools include compulsory teaching on spirituality in medicine, 80% (n = 8) include optional components, and 88% stated that teaching on complementary and alternative medicine is included in the curriculum. CONCLUSIONS: Although 59% (n = 10) of respondent medical schools (the actual UK figure lies between 31% and 78%) currently provide some form of teaching on spirituality, there is significant room for improvement. There is little uniformity between medical schools with regard to content, form, amount or type of staff member delivering the teaching. It would be beneficial to introduce a standardised curriculum on spirituality across all UK medical schools.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether items of progress tests used for inter-curriculum comparison favour students from the medical school where the items were produced (i.e. whether the origin bias of test items is a potential confounder in comparisons between curricula). METHODS: We investigated scores of students from different schools on subtests consisting of progress test items constructed by authors from the different schools. In a cross-institutional collaboration between 3 medical schools, progress tests are jointly constructed and simultaneously administered to all students at the 3 schools. Test score data for 6 consecutive progress tests were investigated. Participants consisted of approximately 5000 undergraduate medical students from 3 medical schools. The main outcome measure was the difference between the scores on subtests of items constructed by authors from 2 of the collaborating schools (subtest difference score). RESULTS: The subtest difference scores showed that students obtained better results on items produced at their own schools. This effect was more pronounced in Years 2-5 of the curriculum than in Year 1, and diminished in Year 6. CONCLUSIONS: Progress test items were subject to origin bias. As a consequence, all participating schools should contribute equal numbers of test items if tests are to be used for valid and fair inter-curriculum comparisons.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Medical schools in the UK set their own graduating examinations and pass marks. In a previous study we examined the equivalence of passing standards using the Angoff standard-setting method. To address the limitation this imposed on that work, we undertook further research using a standard-setting method specifically designed for objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs). METHODS: Six OSCE stations were incorporated into the graduating examinations of 3 of the medical schools that took part in the previous study. The borderline group method (BGM) or borderline regression method (BRM) was used to derive the pass marks for all stations in the OSCE. We compared passing standards at the 3 schools. We also compared the results within the schools with their previously generated Angoff pass marks. RESULTS: The pass marks derived using the BGM or BRM were consistent across 2 of the 3 schools, whereas the third school generated pass marks which were (with a single exception) much lower. Within-school comparisons of pass marks revealed that in 2 schools the pass marks generally did not significantly differ using either method, but for 1 school the Angoff mark was consistently and significantly lower than the BRM. DISCUSSION: The pass marks set using the BGM or BRM were more consistent across 2 of the 3 medical schools than pass marks set using the Angoff method. However, 1 medical school set significantly different pass marks from the other 2 schools. Although this study is small, we conclude that passing standards at different medical schools cannot be guaranteed to be equivalent.  相似文献   

In 1996 the University of Liverpool introduced a new curriculum based on the recommendations published in Tomorrow's Doctors. This work examines how graduates of that course view their undergraduate curriculum and whether they consider it prepared them well for the pre-registration year. Five focus groups were arranged with a selection of graduates from the first cohort to graduate from the reformed curriculum in order to ascertain their views on the course and how it had prepared them to work as pre-registration house officers (PRHOs). The focus groups were tape-recorded, transcribed and analysed. The PRHOs felt they had been well prepared for the PRHO year, citing the clinical experience of the final year, communication skills classes and the Clinical Skills Resource Centre as having been particularly beneficial. There were concerns about their basic science knowledge base although this had not affected their ability to work as PRHOs. They had criticisms of the way part of their course had been structured but overall they were happy with the content of the course. A reformed medical curriculum in the UK can prepare graduates well to work as junior doctors and can take away some of the anxiety associated with graduation; therefore, to that extent curriculum reform has worked. However, anxiety about undertaking the role of junior doctor seems to have been replaced by anxiety about knowledge base, despite having adequate knowledge to work as PRHOs. Students undertaking a reformed curriculum are wary about being the first people to use their training in the workplace. This factor may need to be considered when further reforms are introduced.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of single-point benchmarking and longitudinal benchmarking for inter-school educational evaluation. METHODS: We carried out a mixed, longitudinal, cross-sectional study using data from 24 annual measurement moments (4 tests x 6 year groups) over 4 years for 4 annual progress tests assessing the graduation-level knowledge of all students from 3 co-operating medical schools. Participants included undergraduate medical students (about 5000) from 3 medical schools. The main outcome measures involved between-school comparisons of progress test results based on different benchmarking methods. RESULTS: Variations in relative school performance across different tests and year groups indicate instability and low reliability of single-point benchmarking, which is subject to distortions as a result of school-test and year group-test interaction effects. Deviations of school means from the overall mean follow an irregular, noisy pattern obscuring systematic between-school differences. The longitudinal benchmarking method results in suppression of noise and revelation of systematic differences. The pattern of a school's cumulative deviations per year group gives a credible reflection of the relative performance of year groups. CONCLUSIONS: Even with highly comparable curricula, single-point benchmarking can result in distortion of the results of comparisons. If longitudinal data are available, the information contained in a school's cumulative deviations from the overall mean can be used. In such a case, the mean test score across schools is a useful benchmark for cross-institutional comparison.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The demonstration of appropriate attitudinal behaviour is crucial in the professional development of doctors. This study explores the experiences of UK medical schools in developing and assessing the behaviour associated with the attitudes of undergraduate medical students. METHODS: A qualitative in-depth interview study was based on a questionnaire survey of all UK medical schools. Six heads of medical schools or their nominated representatives were interviewed. Outcome measures were the perceptions and experiences of developing and assessing appropriate attitudes and behaviour in their undergraduate students. RESULTS: Aspects of the hidden curriculum, especially the negative role modelling encountered during clinical practice, were seen to undermine the attitudinal messages of the formal curriculum. Some participants believed that students could still qualify as doctors despite having inappropriate attitudes or behaviour. Others felt certain that this was now unlikely in their school, and this confidence seemed to be backed up with the knowledge that strategies, systems and structures were in place to detect and act upon poor behaviour. DISCUSSION: The conviction that it is right to assess students on their attitudinal behaviour does not yet appear to be held consistently across all schools and we suggest that this may reflect some fundamental tensions arising from differing views about the essential elements of good medical practice, tensions that are also shaping the hidden curriculum.  相似文献   

Context  There is significant variation in the structure and quality of undergraduate medical education around the world. Accreditation processes can encourage institutional improvement and help promote high-quality education experiences.
Methods  To investigate the overseeing of medical education from an international perspective, the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER®) has developed, and continues to update, the Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA). The directory includes information on the presence of national accrediting bodies and related data. Medical education accreditation information was pooled by World Health Organization (WHO) regions.
Results  Although over half of all countries with medical schools indicate that they have a national process for accrediting medical education programmes, the nature of the various authorities and levels of enforcement vary considerably.
Discussion  Despite global trends indicating an increasing focus on the quality of education programmes, data linking accreditation processes to the production of more highly skilled doctors and, ultimately, better patient care are lacking. Investigating current accreditation practices is a necessary step for further research. To this end, we will continue to gather data on medical education around the world and will explore opportunities for relating these processes to outcomes.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Many undergraduate medical education programmes offer integrated multi-disciplinary courses, which are generally developed by a team of teachers from different disciplines. Research has shown that multi-disciplinary teams may encounter problems, which can be detrimental to productive co-operation, which in turn may diminish educational quality. Because we expected that charting these problems might yield suggestions for addressing them, we examined the relationships between team diversity, team processes and course quality. METHODS: We administered a questionnaire to participants from 21 interdisciplinary teams from 1 Dutch and 1 German medical school, both of which were reforming their curriculum. An adapted questionnaire on team learning behaviours, which had been validated in business contexts, was used to collect data on team processes, team learning behaviours and diversity within teams. We examined the relationship between the team factors and educational quality measures of the courses designed by the teams. RESULTS: A total of 84 teachers (60%) completed the questionnaire. Bivariate correlation analysis showed that several aspects of diversity, conflict, working climate and learning behaviour were correlated with course quality. CONCLUSIONS: The negative effects of the diversity measures, notably, value diversity, on other team processes and course quality and the positive association between psychological safety and team learning suggest that educational quality might be improved by enhancing the functioning of multi-disciplinary teams responsible for course development. The relationship between team processes and educational quality should be studied among larger study populations. Student ratings should also be considered in measuring educational quality.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: The objective of this research was to explore medical students' experience of challenges to their ethical knowledge and understanding in clinical practice, and to investigate their need and preference for support when faced with such challenges. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional survey using web-based and paper questionnaires. Questions were designed using examples of ethical challenges identified in the previous literature. The study involved 3 UK university medical schools. All incorporate ethics teaching programmes in problem-based learning curricula. Participants were 732 (30% of total) senior undergraduate medical students learning within the clinical environment. RESULTS: Students regularly experienced situations in clinical teaching settings that challenged their ethical values. Despite self-reports of good levels of confidence in their knowledge of ethical principles, medical students reported low levels of confidence in their ability to address these challenges, and perceived a need for additional support from clinical teachers. CONCLUSIONS: Complex and ethically challenging situations occur commonly in medical education. Many students feel that they do not currently access sufficient support from staff to address these. Clinical teachers were identified as the most relevant providers of guidance. The nature of medicine and its delivery makes it highly likely that medical students will come into contact with ethically challenging situations. Appropriate educational provision therefore requires medical educators to be equipped with the knowledge and the skills to engage with students' ethical concerns.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We describe the planning, development and evaluation of a special study module (SSM) on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) as part of the Southampton Medical School undergraduate curriculum. AIM: To address how the module was received by students, the themes that emerged, the effect on student attitudes to CAM and how the teaching aims developed into learning objectives. METHOD: Student feedback questionnaires and regular teaching staff meetings over a period of 3 years. RESULTS: The course resulted in a significant change in student attitudes to CAM and was well received by the students. It offered a reflective insight into conventional medicine. We have developed and validated core teaching objectives. CONCLUSIONS: We hope that our well validated and well received core teaching objectives will provide a broadly applicable base for those who wish to run similar courses.  相似文献   

A survey conducted among convenors of sociology courses in British medical schools showed a wide variation in course length, with two medical schools having no course, and two schools providing over 60 hours per year. A mean length of 32 hours was found, but there was considerable variation by region. London schools had a mean of 38.5 hours, compared with 40.5 hours in Scotland, and 22.3 hours in English provincial and Welsh schools. The latter group demonstrated a strong correlation between length of time the course had existed and the hours of tuition provided (r = 0.74, P = 0.007). No correlation was found at a significant level for London or Scottish courses. It is concluded that the London University edict making sociology compulsory in the medical curriculum has ensured a reasonable level of provision. Outside London, no such pressure has been available, and sociology has been squeezed as more subjects vie for curriculum time. Attitudes of non-sociology staff are reviewed and found to be predominantly negative. The recent report of the General Medical Council is noted, and it is suggested that the need for such a lobbyist outside London is necessary to ensure sociology attains a more secure and substantial place in the medical curriculum.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Resource allocation and manpower planning in the clinical faculty of a UK medical school. PURPOSE: To design a model, which is perceived to be fair, to determine indicative undergraduate teaching budgets to departments within the school from university resources and to specialty care groups of the main university hospital from service increment for teaching (SIFT) resources, and to aid manpower planning. METHOD: The student load for each department is measured in full-time-equivalent student numbers (FTEs) for each specialty and compared with the total load for the whole curriculum to derive each department's percentage share of available undergraduate teaching resources. Data on staff numbers available for teaching, both from the school and NHS, are also included. Student load and teaching capacity are then compared. RESULT: Undergraduate teaching resources relate to student load in the resource allocation process, and changes to the course are automatically reflected. Staff data, when compared with student load, facilitate rational planning of establishment levels to meet the teaching needs of the undergraduate curriculum. Of the respondents to a survey of heads of departments and the faculty's management board, 88% agreed that it was a better approach to resource allocation than the previous historical basis. PRESENT LIMITATIONS AND SCOPE FOR DEVELOPMENT: Data are currently entered manually but will be transmitted electronically in the future via the Web. Further consideration will be given to the possible inclusion in the model of weighting factors for different types of teaching and to how appropriate measures of quality may be incorporated into the resource allocation process. CONCLUSION: The model, despite some limitations, is a cost-effective and pragmatic management tool.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Creating respected scholarship from educational and clinical activities is challenging for medical school faculty members. In the USA and Europe, criteria for 'scholarship' has broadened and enriched. However, in developing countries, promotion systems generally continue to emphasise traditional laboratory or clinical research. OBJECTIVE: This paper sets forth a broad conception of scholarship and provides international distribution venues that reinforce the importance of scholarly activity corresponding to clinical and educational work. METHODS: Information sources about non-traditional scholarship included 50 medical school faculty from 20 economically developing nations plus senior faculty from throughout the USA. Resources for distribution venues were drawn from a citation index search, a literature search and Google. RESULTS: The authors provide resources for faculty advancement, including examples of non-traditional scholarship that meet rigorous criteria, and a comprehensive list of venues for the dissemination of educational materials and studies. They give a relative value process for academic work to assist faculty in developing educational scholarship. Finally, they propose a double helix model for academic advancement, consisting of 2 congruent helices with the same axis, 1 representing educational, service or clinical activity and the other scholarly achievement. CONCLUSIONS: These materials and the double helix model will support faculty and promotion committees, especially those from schools that have not yet broadened their view of scholarship, to envisage a realistic starting point and see how educational and clinical activities can generate internationally recognised, high-quality scholarship.  相似文献   

Objectives  Medical students and doctors in the USA frequently mention the patient's race at the beginning of oral or written clinical case presentations. However, this practice is controversial. We aimed to determine whether US medical schools explicitly teach students to mention race at the beginning of case presentations, and to collect additional information on the schools' perspectives on this practice.
Methods  An Internet-based questionnaire was submitted to directors of courses on history taking and physical examination at all US medical schools.
Results  The response rate was 85%. Students are taught to mention race routinely at 11% of schools and selectively at 63% of schools; this practice is discouraged at 9% of schools and not addressed at 18% of schools. Most respondents noted that resident doctors at their institutions routinely mention race at the beginning of case presentations. Even at schools in which mentioning race is discouraged or not addressed, students tend to include race during their clinical rotations. Respondents were divided on whether a standardised approach to inclusion of race should exist at US schools.
Conclusions  Teaching about inclusion or exclusion of race in the opening statement of clinical case presentations varies across US medical schools. This variation presents an opportunity for medical educators to discuss tensions between stereotyping and cultural competence in medical education.  相似文献   

Objectives  Many academic training programmes have developed mentorship programmes for postgraduate doctors in training, but little is known about the factors that influence their establishment.
Methods  Canadian postgraduate training directors were surveyed to determine views on mentorship and factors associated with the establishment of these programmes.
Results  A total of 199 of 344 (58%) programme directors completed an online survey. Overall, 65% of respondents reported that their training programmes had a mentorship programme and 40% felt there was a need for more structured mentorship in training programmes. Univariate analysis showed that mentorship programmes were present significantly more often in larger programmes, internal medicine-based training programmes, and in programmes where the acting programme director had either been part of a mentorship programme during his or her own training or felt that mentorship had played an important role in his or her professional development. In adjusting for covariates using a logistic regression analysis, only those factors directly attributable to a programme director's personal mentoring experiences remained significantly associated with having a mentorship programme. Those who felt that mentorship had played a role in their own careers ( P  = 0.008, odds ratio [OR] = 3.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7–6.6) or who had been part of a mentorship programme during their own training ( P  = 0.01, OR = 6.6, 95% CI 1.4–30.1) were more likely to have an active mentorship programme at their institution.
Conclusions  A need for more structured mentorship was identified for many training programmes. Overall, programme directors' previous mentoring experiences were independently associated with having a mentorship programme.  相似文献   

The teaching of communication skills in United Kingdom medical schools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey was carried out of the teaching of communication skills in medical schools in the United Kingdom during the academic year 1989/90. Comparison with previous surveys shows a considerable development over the last 10 years. Departments of psychiatry and general practice continue to play a major part in such teaching. There was wide variation in educational objectives and in the curricular time available. Concern is expressed about the methods of assessment and the degree of integration between departments. Future plans and the perceived barriers are reported and the implications discussed.  相似文献   

Context Research has demonstrated the potential adverse impact of pharmaceutical company marketing techniques on doctor knowledge and prescribing practices. Lack of experience may make resident doctors particularly vulnerable to pharmaceutical industry influence. Curricula addressing resident–pharmaceutical industry relations have been reported, but there is no consensus regarding the best approach to take. Objective This study aimed to review published curricula that address resident–pharmaceutical industry relations and to assess them for content, validity and outcomes measures. Methods Curricula were identified via searches of electronic databases and bibliographies of collected articles. Inclusion criteria required articles to describe an educational curriculum, applied in graduate medical education, on relations between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Results The search identified 9 curricula. Most addressed detailing of residents by pharmaceutical representatives. Two articles described curriculum development. Eight articles included an evaluation component; only 1 included a control group for comparison. Modest improvements were noted in resident confidence, knowledge of guidelines, belief in the potential influence of marketing on behaviour, and self‐reported acceptance of gifts. Only 2 evaluations used a validated outcome instrument, and no studies included longterm follow‐up. Conclusions A limited number of curricula have addressed resident–pharmaceutical industry interactions. Inconsistency in content, application and evaluation methodology prevents any meaningful synthesis of data. Resident attitudes and behaviours may be affected, but the outcome measures used lacked sufficient validity to assess improvements in knowledge and analytic skills. A clearer delineation of the curriculum development process and the use of standardised outcome measures would facilitate the reproduction of positive results at other institutions.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: The Association for the Study of Medical Education states that its aim is to improve the quality of medical education. As a consequence, it commissioned through its Education Research Group a small-scale project to explore the quality of the research methods elements in currently available UK master's and doctoral programmes. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the breadth, depth and diversity of the research methods provision of those programmes currently available to course participants. METHODS: The study comprised a 3-phase approach which utilised: a web-based search of curricula format and content; semi-structured interviews with key informants, and case studies and site visits to conduct documentary analysis of dissertations and in-depth interviews with core personnel. RESULTS: The study revealed wide variation across taught programmes. These discrepancies applied to length of course, requirements for the dissertation in terms of both length and time allowed to complete the study and, crucially, a wide variance in the quality and quantity of the levels of supervision provided for students during this research phase. DISCUSSION: This study raises concerns about the aims and functions of courses offering qualifications in medical education. It identifies a number of obstacles to the development of educational researchers who are skilled in the philosophical underpinnings of research activity or equipped to undertake educational research that is of a quality sufficient to withstand the scrutiny of the authors' scientific and clinical counterparts. We argue that if research into medical education is to thrive, it requires the full commitment of all those who are engaged in teaching the topic and supporting researchers.  相似文献   

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