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临床资料患者女,45岁。左侧纹眉处扁平丘疹半月余。患者3个月前曾于当地一私人美容院行双侧纹眉术,半月前左侧纹眉处出现散在皮色扁平丘疹,无明显自觉症状,皮疹逐渐增多,沿纹眉处密集分布,遂就诊于我科。否认纹眉后局部外伤史。既往体健。体格检查:系统检查无明显异常。皮肤科检查:左侧纹眉处见密集分布的米粒至绿豆大扁平丘疹,正常肤色,表面光滑,基底及周围无红肿,质硬(图1)。诊断:扁平疣。  相似文献   

清除纹眉色素引起增生性瘢痕一例杨日东第一军医大学珠江医院皮肤科(邮政编码510282)患者女,24岁,因清除纹眉色素后双眉部出现疤痕伴疼痛、痛痒半年来诊。因眉毛稀疏两年前在某美容院行纹眉术,术后一般情况好,局部无皮损及不适。因纹眉线太宽要求清除纹眉色...  相似文献   

作者遇到姐妹同时纹眉后相继发生扁平疣 2例 ,报告如下。例 1,女 ,2 8岁 ,半年前于当地一私人美容院行纹眉术 ,1月后发现纹眉处散在几粒小疹子 ,无自觉症状 ,且日渐增多 ,几乎布满纹眉处 ,故就诊我科。否认纹眉后局部外伤史。皮肤科情况 :双侧纹眉部见较密集分布的针头至绿豆大扁平丘疹 ,正常肤色 ,表面光滑 ,基底及周围无红肿 ,其作者单位 :福建省泉州市福建医科大学附属第二医院 ,362 0 0 0余部位未见类似皮损。诊断为扁平疣。予左旋咪唑、病毒灵、VitC口服 ,聚肌胞注射液肌注 ,小功率CO2 激光治疗 2次后皮疹完全消退 ,无瘢痕形成。…  相似文献   

数年前国内盛行纹眉术,随着审美观念的转变,越来越多的人因眉色或眉型不自然,而来医院要求祛除纹眉。  相似文献   

患者女,30岁。1月前行纹眉术后,感眉部微痒,半月后发现右侧眉部出现散在针尖大小的丘疹,数日后增多。检查:右侧眉部沿纹眉处密集分布黄褐色扁平隆起丘疹,表面光滑,0.1cm~0.3cm大小,左侧纹眉处可见同样皮损,但皮损较稀疏。诊断:扁平疣。予口服病毒唑0.2g日3次及酞丁胺软膏日3次涂于患处,半月后病情减轻纹眉术后引起扁平疣1例报告@张颖$北京市怀柔县第一医院皮肤科!101400  相似文献   

患者女,35岁。9个月前纹眉及眼线,6个月前于纹眉及眼线处出现小丘疹,渐增多增大,曾用多种药物治疗未见减轻。既往体健,家族中无类似疾患。查体:双侧眉及眼线处呈纹眉及眼线后黑色斑。双侧眉及眼线处有针尖、粟粒至绿豆大小不等的丘疹,呈褐色,部分表面粗糙、融...  相似文献   

临床资料患者,女,30岁。纹眉后双侧眉弓出现疣状丘疹6年。6年前,患者在当地一所美容院纹眉约1个月后,左侧眉弓处出现米粒大丘疹、无任何自觉症状,未行任何处理,继之皮损渐增大,且在双侧纹眉处沿眉弓方向又有数个同样性质的丘疹出现,无任何不适,未及时就诊。今因面部有新的皮损出现,有碍美容,前来我院就诊。既往身体健康,否认有家族遗传病及传染病史。  相似文献   

1999年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 1月我们应用液氮冷冻治疗不满意纹眉 2 2例 ,疗效显著 ,现报告如下 :1 病例与方法1 .1 临床资料 2 2例中女 2 1例 ,男 1例 ,年龄 1 9~ 4 9岁 ,平均 3 3岁 ,纹眉时间最短半年 ,最长 6年。1 .2 治疗方法 利用液氮棉签直接接触法 ,用棉签蘸液氮压于治疗部位 ,反复冻融 2~ 3次 ,痂脱后再次治疗。2 疗效判定及结果 完全去除异常色素达到患者满意为治愈 ,2 2例中经二次治疗治愈 2例 ,3次治疗治愈 8例 ,4次治疗治愈 9例 ,5次治疗治愈 3例。3 体会 治疗操作时要准确压于治疗部位上 ,掌握冻融时间 ,冷冻局部红肿 ,…  相似文献   

浅淡单株毛发植眉术范正秦(江苏省靖江市人民医院皮肤科,214500)关键词:植眉术,单株毛发,美容整形眉毛的有无和式样,对容貌有很大影响,不论平面纹眉或是近年提出的“立体纹眉”、但均缺乏真实感。为此,特试作单株毛发植眉术,获得较为满意的效果。现将此术...  相似文献   

调Q开关紫翠宝石激光器治疗错误文眉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的去除错误文眉的方法无论是化学的还是非化学的,都有一定疗效,但可遗留疤痕和色素沉着异常。现在随着激光技术的发展,调Q开关紫翠宝石激光在治疗错误文眉时可不留疤痕,因此很受患者欢迎,现将治疗结果报告如下:  相似文献   

Sarcoidosis encompasses a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical presentations, including sarcoidosis in association with tattoos. We report the development of cutaneous and pulmonary sarcoidosis in a patient with long-standing eyebrow tattoos whose cutaneous sarcoidosis almost completely resolved when treated with tacrolimus 0.1% ointment. A 70-year-old woman with a 3-year history of an erythematous eruption circumscribing her eyebrow tattoos presented with a chronic, nonproductive cough of 8 months' duration. Skin biopsy results demonstrated naked tubercles consistent with sarcoidosis. Results of radiographs and a computed tomography scan of the chest revealed multiple pulmonary nodules with mediastinal and hilar adenopathy. The results of transbronchial biopsy were consistent with the diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis. Initial treatment with oral prednisone only improved the pulmonary sarcoidosis. The cutaneous sarcoidosis almost completely resolved after the addition of tacrolimus 0.1% ointment.  相似文献   

Although Q‐switched (QS) lasers are the mainstay of modern tattoo removal, paradoxical darkening of tattoo ink may occur. This darkening of tattoo ink is dependent on laser wavelength, pulse duration and fluence, with high‐energy, nanosecond‐pulsed lasers more prone to induce tattoo‐ink darkening. Laser toning, consisting of multiple‐passed QS neodymium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (Nd:YAG), 1064‐nm laser treatment with low fluence, short pulse duration (< 10 ns), and a repetition rate of 10 Hz has been successful in the treatment of melasma. A mistake commonly made during laser toning is to scorch scalp hair, eyebrows or eyelashes, but this phenomenon is reversible. A more problematic error is caused by treatment of eyeliner or eyebrow tattoos. We report a patient who experienced changes in unperceived, skin‐coloured tattoos, turning them blue after QS Nd:YAG laser treatment of melasma.  相似文献   

目的 对我院近十年激光祛纹身治疗的疗效进行回顾性研究.方法将这些病例根据纹刺时间长短分类,分为≥10年的纹身和<10年的纹身,并比较了纹身的特点,激光祛除纹身的疗效.结果激光祛纹身的疗效与纹身的颜色、染料成分、纹刺的深浅等因素有关,≥10年1次激光祛纹身术后有效率与<10年有效率两者比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);≥10年和<10年激光治疗4次后有效率比较,差异也均有统计学意义(P<0.05);≥10年和<10年激光治疗色素沉着副反应发生率比较,差异也均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论现在的纹身虽然越来越美观,但激光祛除的难度增大,治疗次数增多.  相似文献   

Laser removal of tattoos is not generally or readily available on the National Health Service and removal in privately run clinics is expensive. For those seeking removal of their tattoo this can create significant financial hardship. We investigated the psychological, social and financial impact of tattoos on the lives of those patients requesting laser removal. Sixty-eight patients with a mean age of 36 years participated. Twenty-seven (40%) had one tattoo, whereas eight (12%) possessed 10 or more; 54% had an amateur tattoo. Only 18% had received an explanation of the procedure or side-effects. The mean age at application of the first tattoo was 16 years; 48 (71%) were tattooed below the legal age limit of 18 years. Most tattoos were applied for the sake of fashion. The median duration of regret was 14 years before seeking removal. The main reasons for removal were enhancement of self-esteem and social, domestic and family reasons. In those patients attending for removal, most tattoos are applied impulsively and inexpensively in youth. They are often regretted for decades and create significant psychological, social and financial burdens.  相似文献   

Laser is a widely accepted tool for tattoo removal, with standardized treatment protocols. Nevertheless, cosmetic tattoo removal may be challenging, because tattoos are performed in proximity of “sensitive” areas and because the ink used in cosmetic tattoos may contain substances that are not standardized and may modify their color at a high temperature. In this case series, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of Q‐switched (QS) Nd:YAG laser for cosmetic tattoo removal. Our study included 20 patients with cosmetic tattoos of lips, eyebrows, and eyeliners treated with QS Nd:YAG laser. Before treatment, an accurate preoperative assessment was performed, taking into account both patient and tattoo characteristics. Complete tattoo removal was obtained in all the cases and no major complications occurred. Adverse events were mild, mostly represented by erythema. All patients reported a high level of satisfaction. Selective photothermolysis enables complete tattoo removal, even in the case of cosmetic tattoos. However, cosmetic tattoos require a personalized treatment based on an accurate preoperative assessment which takes into account both patient and tattoo characteristics. QS Nd:YAG laser may be considered a good choice in the treatment of cosmetic tattoos, because it enables complete removal with acceptable secondary effects.  相似文献   

Dermabrasion generally produces excellent results in the removal of congenital or acquired nonesthetic skin changes. Results obtained by use of dermabrasion in the removal of foreign bodies penetrating the skin by accident (undesired tattoo) and variously motivated voluntary tattoos (decorative skin ornaments) are presented. Unless surgically removed, such tattoos remain in the skin for life. Superficial traumatic tattoos can be removed immediately after the accident, whereas decorative tattoos can be successfully removed by repeat surface dermabrasion. In case of granuloma formation in traumatic tattoos, dermabrasion will not produce satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Using an infra-red coagulator, 42 tattoos were treated using pulses of 1.125 s (27 tattoos) or 1.25 s (15 tattoos). Treatment failures occurred only in three professional tattoos. Amateur tattoos were satisfactorily treated in over 80% of cases regardless of dose. Deeper collagen necrosis occurred with 1.25 s, but scarring was clinically similar. Pre-treatment biopsy to assess pigment depth was of no value in selection of the optimum pulse duration and increased the complication rate. The possible mechanism of pigment removal is discussed.  相似文献   

Background Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia (CLH or pseudolymphoma) is considered a rare complication occurring in tattoos. We analysed the demographics, clinical features, histological aspects, allergy tests, outcome and therapeutic data of CLH in tattoos performed by a professional in a series of patients. Methods We conducted a retrospective chart review of seven patients managed in private practice of dermatology all over France from 2001 to 2007. Results Reactions occurred within 2 years after tattooing, were non‐specific (pruritus, swelling, infiltration) and mainly restricted to red. Photosensitivity was noted in two cases. Histology was characteristic of pseudolymphoma with a T‐cell predominance in all cases. Surgery (2 cases) and laser removal (2 cases, CO2 and QS‐532 nm) were efficient, while local corticosteroids were not. One patient had spontaneous clinical remission after 2 years of evolution. Conclusions This is the largest series of CLH occurring in tattoos. This delayed hypersensitivity reaction may be underestimated and triggered by a specific immunogenic compound of the ink. Its management remains difficult.  相似文献   

The popularity of tattoos is burgeoning with 20-30 million tattooed individuals in the Western World. Requests for removal can be expected to rise concurrently with increased applications. Laser removal of tattoos is potentially a more cosmetically acceptable method of removing tattoos than surgical excision or dermabrasion. Nevertheless, complications and side-effects can result from laser treatment and include scarring, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, partial removal, infection, bleeding and tattoo ink darkening. The latter has been reported for flesh-toned and red tattoos. Such a complication has never been reported for the laser treatment of a yellow tattoo in the dermatological literature. We describe a case of tattoo ink darkening of a yellow tattoo after treatment with the 532 nm quality-switched Neodymium : Ytrrium-Aluminium Garnet laser to highlight clinicopathological features. The mechanism by which some tattoos darken after laser treatment is not clearly understood. We review darkening of tattoos after laser treatment to raise awareness of this important complication. This paper will help to facilitate discussions with the patient and in obtaining informed consent prior to commencing treatment. Tattoo ink darkening of a yellow tattoo adds to the growing list of complications resulting from attempts at tattoo removal.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: In vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is a new method for high-resolution imaging of intact skin in situ. Horizontal mapping of the outer skin is provided (magnification x 1000). OBJECTIVES: Tattooing is popular all over the world; however, tattooed skin has not been studied in using CLSM. RESULTS: Tattoos in two volunteers were studied using the Vivascope1500 of Lucid Inc. Subepidermal massive deposits of dense, clustered pigment granules up to about 3 mum in size corresponding to black tattoos, and more scarce and diffuse deposits, corresponding to red, blue and green tattoos, were observed. Diffuse pigment granules tended to accumulate in the outer dermis underneath the level of the basement membrane zone. CONCLUSIONS: Dermal pigments from tattoos can be imaged in vivo using CLSM. This application of CLSM has an important future potential for pre-evaluation of tattoos before laser removal, predicting good or poor outcome of laser removal.  相似文献   

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