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以学员的视角浅谈人体解剖学的教学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在医学课程体系中,人体解剖学是一门研究正常人体形态结构、位置关系、发生发展的科学,属于生物学的形态学范畴.与其他医学学科有着密切联系,是学好其他医学基础课和临床课的奠基石.  相似文献   

解剖学理论课教学方法的探索   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
<正>人体解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构的科学,属于生物学的形态学范畴,是医学生步入医学殿堂后最先必修的一门重要的医学基础课程。由于人体解剖学专业名词和术语多,且其中一些字、词非常  相似文献   

郑军  高海  张旭  杨宇  张璠  曹宇 《解剖科学进展》2019,25(4):495-496
<正>人体解剖学是一门研究正常人体形态和构造的科学,隶属于生物科学的形态学范畴。在医学领域,它是一门重要的基础课程,其任务是揭示人体各系统器官的形态和结构特征,各器官、结构间的毗邻和联属,为进一步学习后续的医学基础课程和~([1])临床医学课程奠定基础。生理学属于生物科学中功能科学范畴,主要任务是阐明正常人体的功能活动及其机制。形态结构决定生理功能,生理功能反过来又影响形态结构。解剖学和生理学原来同属于一  相似文献   

<正>人体解剖学是一门古老的和应用现代科学技术及方法研究正常人体形态结构的科学,属于生物学中的形态学范畴。其任务是阐明人体各器官的形态、结构、位置、毗邻关系及其发生发展的规律。通过人体解剖学的学习,目的在于掌握和理解人体<正>各器官、系统的形态结构特点及其相互间的关系。所以,人体解剖学是一门重要的形态学课程,是医  相似文献   

论《解剖学》教学中的"逆向"和"顺向"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《解剖学》是医学中一门重要的基础学科,是研究正常人体形态和结构及其变化规律的科学,隶属于形态学的范畴,是一门实践性较强的学科。因此,《解剖学》的教学在整个医学各门课程的教学中尤显重要。  相似文献   

正人体解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构的科学,是医学生走进医学大门的"敲门砖",是一门重要的医学基础课,是联系基础医学和临床医学的纽带,为学习其他基础医学和临床医学,奠定了必要的形态学基础,医学中三分之一的名词来自人体解剖学。一般来说,人体解剖学第一堂课内容都是绪论,而绪论篇幅较少,内容简单,但名词较多且抽象。目前中专生主要来自初中生毕业生,学生学习目的不明确,没有学习动力,缺乏学习兴趣,文化基础薄弱,  相似文献   

人体解剖学传统教学方法与现代多媒体教学之比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人体解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构及其发展规律的一门形态学学科 ,是医学生必修的一门主干医学基础课程 ,是医学课程中基础的基础。在教学改革不断深入发展的今天 ,如何教好人体解剖学这门课程 ,不仅关系到学生此后的医学课程的学习 ,而且也是对人体解剖学教学改革的尝试和探索。如何学好人体解剖学一直是令每一个医学生头痛的问题 ,而教学方法的好坏对学生学习人体解剖学来说就显得尤为重要。笔者就传统的人体解剖学教学方法与现代多媒体教学作如下比较。1 人体解剖学的特点人体解剖学内容多、名词概念多、方位术语难、描述难、记忆难、…  相似文献   

<正>人体形态学是研究正常人体形态结构的科学,是基础医学乃至临床医学的基础学科。通过人体形态学的学习,可以认识、掌握和理解人体各系统器官的形态结构特点及相互关系。只有在正确认识人体各部分的形态结构的前提下才能判别异常,区别生理与病理过程,从而为其他医学课程的学习打下良好的基础。“胜任力”一词由美国哈佛大学David McClelland教授于1973年首次提出,就是作为一名合格的医生必须具备毕业后能胜任临床医疗工作的知识、技能、素质和品质。1999年美国毕业后医学教育认证委员会将临床医学岗位胜任力界定为住院医师应具备6大核心能力:照顾患者、医学知识、基于实践的学习和改进、人际和沟通能力、职业精神和素质、基于系统的实践[1]。在新冠肺炎疫情防控中,  相似文献   

运动解剖学是各体育大学、体育学院(系)开设的一门必修的、专业基础课程。它是人体解剖学的一个分支,是在正常人体解剖学的基础上阐述正常人体形态结构,研究运动对人体形态结构产生的影响、变化和发展规律,探索人体结构的机械运动规律与体育动作技术关系的一门科学。它为后续课程:运动生理学、运动生物化学、运动生物力学、体育保健学、运动医学、运动选材学和体育测量与评价等奠定必要的形态学基础。它不仅是一门主干、基础理论学科,而且也是一门实用性较强的应用学科。  相似文献   

类比教学法在解剖学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构的科学,属形态学范畴,它为基础医学和临床医学提供了重要的基础知识和众多的医学名词,是医学生的必修课,是医学生开启神圣医学殿堂的金钥匙。虽然解剖学具有直观性强的特点,但由于名词多、形态描述多、记忆内容多且琐碎,再加上人体结构繁杂,有的抽象难懂,靠死记硬背难以达到理想的效果,特别是一些结构名词有时即使把标本放在眼前,也很难理解透彻。时间久了便觉枯燥乏味,严重挫伤学生的学习信心和兴趣,直接影响解剖学教学质量的提高。针对这一现象,笔者在多年的解剖教学过程中,尝试把类比法用于教学。  相似文献   

Medical expenses have been increasing annually, and reducing expenses while maintaining effective medical care is desirable. In the late 1990s, Japanese government introduced policies expected to improve the medical security system. In the clinical laboratory field, some revisions such as packaging of certain tests(blanket test), separation between performance and interpretation fees for laboratory test, proper use of tumor markers, and additional fees for sample management. Japanese government also wants the clinical laboratory to return accurate laboratory test result to patients and physicians. Laboratory physicians have to make a great effort to manage clinical laboratories according to the guideline for GIOs of laboratory physicians from the Japanese Society of Clinical Pathology. The laboratory physician is the key person for good laboratory management.  相似文献   

Evidence-based laboratory medicine--a new trend in laboratory medicine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The most important target of "evidence-based laboratory medicine(EBLM)", based on the fundamental concept of evidence-based medicine(EBM) is to improve appropriate, effective utilization of laboratory tests through close communication between clinical laboratories and clinicians. It is mandatory for clinicians to know of analytical uncertainty for better utilization of laboratory tests in clinical practice. Furthermore, the improvement of clinical utilization and interpretation of laboratory tests can be expected by supplying the evidences obtained through systematic reviewing or meta-analysis of laboratory tests. In order to pursue these purposes, closer communication and cooperation between laboratories and clinicians are important to obtain an effective consensus. Clinical laboratory must work together with interested clinician(s) for systematic review of laboratory tests. Construction of the ways of better laboratory-clinician communication should be an important paradigm for EBLM which will be an important factor for new revolution of laboratory medicine in future.  相似文献   

A medical student's introduction to the clinical laboratory often sets the tone for the relationship that will exist between him or her and the laboratory throughout medical practice. As part of the sophomore pathology and laboratory medicine course at the University of South Alabama, Mobile, groups of seven or eight medical students spend one hour in each of ten different areas of the clinical laboratory. This experience acquaints the students with laboratory personnel, organization, and procedure, and emphasizes the importance of communication between clinicians and the laboratory staff. Consequently, our students have greater awareness of the capabilities and limitations of laboratory testing. This has, in turn, resulted in more efficient use of laboratory resources by clinicians and fewer complaints about laboratory service. The relatively small size of the classes in our institution enables us to schedule these sessions effectively. However, schools with larger classes could use a similar system since many of these schools have access to laboratories at more than one hospital.  相似文献   

The number of clinical laboratory physicians is currently about 400, and is estimated to reach, at most, 1,500 after 20 years, even if we train 50 young clinical laboratory physicians every year. This is too few to display their abilities and to prove themselves as necessary specialists in the Japanese medical world. However, the number of laboratory technologists in Japanese hospitals and clinics is currently about 50,000. If we train excellent technologists to take part in the work of clinical laboratory physicians, we will be able to prove ourselves as necessary specialists in about 20 years. Postgraduate training for laboratory technologists is necessary to increasing their abilities and increasing the number of specialists in laboratory medicine. We consider this is the most effective method of developing Japanese laboratory medicine in the 21st century.  相似文献   

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