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ObjectiveRecent work on arousal vs. activation in adults showed that skin conductance levels (SCLs) increased, and global alpha levels decreased, from eyes-closed to eyes-open resting baseline conditions. This study explored whether similar effects occur in children.MethodsEEG activity was recorded from 30 children aged 8–12 years during counterbalanced eyes-closed and eyes-open resting conditions; SCL was measured as an index of arousal.ResultsSCLs were negatively correlated with mean alpha levels in the eyes-closed condition, and increased significantly from eyes-closed to eyes-open. Reductions were found in across-scalp mean absolute delta, theta, alpha, and beta from eyes-closed to eyes-open. Topographic changes were evident in all bands except alpha.ConclusionsResults confirm the use of mean alpha level as a measure of resting-state arousal under eyes-closed and eyes-open conditions. Focal changes in the other bands suggest that these reflect differences in activation, rather than the simple increase in arousal shown in alpha.SignificanceThis child study confirms the generality of eyes-closed vs. eyes-open non-alpha EEG measures differing in mean power levels and topography, the latter indicating brain activity related to visual processing. Such differences should be considered when evaluating EEG research, and in choosing baseline conditions for different paradigms.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe tested the hypothesis that inter-hemispheric directional functional coupling of eyes-closed resting EEG rhythms is abnormal in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS).MethodsEyes-closed resting EEG data were recorded in 38 DS adolescents (18.7 years ±0.67 SE, IQ = 49 ± 1.9 SE) and in 17 matched normal control subjects (NYoung = 19.1 years ±0.39 SE). The EEG data were recorded from 8 electrodes (Fp1, Fp2, C3, C4, T3, T4, O1, O2) referenced to vertex. EEG rhythms of interest were delta (2–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha 1 (8–10.5 Hz), alpha 2 (10.5–13 Hz), beta 1 (13–20 Hz), and beta 2 (20–30 Hz). Power of EEG rhythms was evaluated by FFT for control purposes, whereas inter-hemispheric directional EEG functional coupling was computed by directed transfer function (DTF).ResultsAs expected, alpha, beta, and gamma power was widely higher in NYoung than DS subjects, whereas the opposite was true for delta power. As a novelty, DTF (directionality) values globally prevailed from right to left occipital areas in NYoung subjects and in the opposite direction in DS patients. A control experiment showed that this DTF difference could not be observed in the comparison between DS adults with mild cognitive impairment and normal age-matched adults.ConclusionsThese results indicate a peculiar abnormal directional inter-hemispheric interplay in visual occipital areas of DS adolescents.SignificanceDirection of inter-hemispheric EEG functional coupling unveils a new abnormal brain network feature in DS adolescents.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2020,131(1):205-212
ObjectiveGlobal EEG alpha activity is negatively correlated with skin conductance level (SCL), supporting alpha as an inverse marker of arousal. Frequency Principal Components Analysis (f-PCA) of resting EEG amplitude spectra has demonstrated natural components in the alpha band of healthy persons. This is a preliminary exploration of whether such components differ with arousal, possibly underpinning the anomalous ADHD hypoarousal link to reduced alpha.MethodTwenty-seven right-handed undergraduate students participated in three 2 minute blocks of resting eyes-open/closed EEG and SCL: EO1, EC, EO2. For each condition, mean EEG spectra were submitted to separate f-PCAs.ResultsThe inverse alpha/SCL relationship was confirmed for band amplitudes. EO had two alpha components; both correlated negatively with SCL. EC alpha contained four components, but only one had a substantial negative correlation with SCL; two had no relationship, suggesting natural alpha components with different non-arousal functionality in EC.ConclusionSome alpha components in both EC and EO reflect arousal, with other non-arousal components in EC. Our f-PCA approach offers insight into previously-noted alpha anomalies in disorders such as ADHD.SignificanceThis proof of concept demonstration in typical participants may provide the basis for a new research effort in clinical disorders involving atypical arousal patterns.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2014,125(3):491-499
ObjectiveThis study investigated the Hypoarousal Model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) in girls.Methods40 girls with AD/HD and 40 girl controls (aged 7–12 years) had an eyes-closed resting EEG recorded from 19 electrodes and Fourier transformed. Estimates for total power, absolute and relative power in the delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands, and theta/beta ratio were analysed in nine cortical regions. Skin conductance level (SCL) was simultaneously recorded. Regression analyses explored relationships between symptoms and physiology.ResultsCompared with controls, girls with AD/HD had globally elevated relative delta, globally reduced absolute beta, and globally reduced absolute and relative gamma activity. Girls with AD/HD also had lower mean SCL. Inattentive symptoms were predicted by elevated frontal relative delta, reduced SCL, and reduced temporal relative gamma activity, while elevated hyperactive–impulsive symptoms correlated with elevated frontal relative delta activity in both the patient and control groups.ConclusionsThese EEG results are comparable with the limited female AD/HD literature. Girls with AD/HD are hypoaroused, indicated by reduced SCL, and appear to have an anomalous arousal mechanism. Absolute and relative gamma results are similar to previous findings in AD/HD children. Symptom correlations with physiology offer intriguing insights for future research.SignificanceThis is the first study to examine CNS arousal exclusively in girls with AD/HD.  相似文献   

A number of phasic events influence sleep quality and sleep macrostructure. The detection of arousals and the analysis of cyclic alternating patterns (CAP) support the evaluation of sleep fragmentation and instability.Sixteen polygraphic overnight recordings were visually inspected for conventional Rechtscaffen and Kales scoring, while arousals were detected following the criteria of the American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA). Three electroencephalograph (EEG) segments were associated to each event, corresponding to background activity, pre-arousal period and arousal. The study was supplemented by the analysis of time–frequency distribution of EEG within each subtype of phase A in the CAP.The arousals were characterized by the increase of alpha and beta power with regard to background. Within NREM sleep most of the arousals were preceded by a transient increase of delta power.The time–frequency evolution of the phase A of the CAP sequence showed a strong prevalence of delta activity during the whole A1, but high amplitude delta waves were found also in the first 2/3 s of A2 and A3, followed by desynchronization.Our results underline the strict relationship between the ASDA arousals, and the subtype A2 and A3 within the CAP: in both the association between a short sequence of transient slow waves and the successive increase of frequency and decrease of amplitude characterizes the arousal response.  相似文献   

Transliminality reflects individual differences in the threshold at which unconscious processes or external stimuli enter into consciousness. Individuals high in transliminality possess characteristics such as magical ideation, belief in the paranormal, and creative personality traits, and also report the occurrence of manic/mystic experiences. The goal of the present research was to determine if resting brain activity differs for individuals high versus low in transliminality. We compared baseline EEG recordings (eyes-closed) between individuals high versus low in transliminality, assessed using The Revised Transliminality Scale of Lange et al. (2000). Identifying reliable differences at rest between high- and low-transliminality individuals would support a predisposition for transliminality-related traits. Individuals high in transliminality exhibited lower alpha, beta, and gamma power than individuals low in transliminality over left posterior association cortex and lower high alpha, low beta, and gamma power over the right superior temporal region. In contrast, when compared to individuals low in transliminality, individuals high in transliminality exhibited greater gamma power over the frontal-midline region. These results are consistent with prior research reporting reductions in left temporal/parietal activity, as well as the desynchronization of right temporal activity in schizotypy and related schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Further, differences between high- and low-transliminality groups extend existing theories linking altered hemispheric asymmetries in brain activity to a predisposition toward schizophrenia, paranormal beliefs, and unusual experiences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the use of caffeine to manipulate arousal level without the confounds associated with task-related activation. From previous work in our laboratory, an increase in skin conductance level (SCL) and EEG alpha frequency, together with a global decrease in alpha power, were used as markers of arousal increase, and we sought to identify these effects with caffeine ingestion. METHODS: We examined the effect of a single oral dose of caffeine (250 mg) in a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled repeated-measures cross-over study. Eighteen healthy university students (mean age 21 years; 13/18 females) participated in two sessions 1 week apart. EEG and autonomic data (SCL, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and respiration rate) from a 2 min eyes-closed epoch, commencing approximately 30 min after ingestion of caffeine or placebo, were examined. RESULTS: Caffeine was associated with increased SCL, a global reduction in EEG power in the alpha band, and a global increase in alpha frequency. There were no cardiovascular effects. CONCLUSIONS: The positive results are consistent with recent electrodermal and EEG studies of arousal and suggest that caffeine may be utilised as a task-free means of manipulating arousal in future investigations. Further work is necessary to clarify the absence of cardiovascular effects, and to integrate those data with emerging conceptualisations of arousal and activation. SIGNIFICANCE: The present data support the use of caffeine as a simple tool to explore the role of arousal in both normal and atypical functioning, and this may be useful in determining the validity and importance of supposed hyper- or hypo-arousal in such syndromes as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD).  相似文献   

EEG spectra in dyslexic and control boys during resting conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the resting eyes open and eyes closed EEG in carefully screened samples of 9-13-year-old dyslexic and control boys within a 2-cohort cross-validation design with repeat testing 1-3 years later. We found: no difference between groups in delta or theta activity in either cohort or in repeat testing 1-3 years later; in the dyslexics, decreased beta (19-24 c/sec) activity at bilateral central, parietal and mid-temporal leads referenced to vertex; inconsistent group differences in the alpha band: the first cohort dyslexics had lower alpha power than did the controls, but there was no group difference in the second cohort; and significant relative delta differences between groups in the first cohort, which were shown to be a statistical artifact of the use of relative power. We conclude that: dyslexia per se is not associated with increased absolute power in the delta and theta bands; lower power in the high beta band is reliably found in these samples of dyslexics without other disorders; and alpha power levels are not consistently lower in the dyslexic group.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurologic conditions. It is characterized by the tendency to have recurrent seizures, which arise against a backdrop of apparently normal brain activity. At present, clinical diagnosis relies on the following: (1) case history, which can be unreliable; (2) observation of transient abnormal activity during electroencephalography (EEG), which may not be present during clinical evaluation; and (3) if diagnostic uncertainty occurs, undertaking prolonged monitoring in an attempt to observe EEG abnormalities, which is costly. Herein, we describe the discovery and validation of an epilepsy biomarker based on computational analysis of a short segment of resting‐state (interictal) EEG. Our method utilizes a computer model of dynamic networks, where the network is inferred from the extent of synchrony between EEG channels (functional networks) and the normalized power spectrum of the clinical data. We optimize model parameters using a leave‐one‐out classification on a dataset comprising 30 people with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) and 38 normal controls. Applying this scheme to all 68 subjects we find 100% specificity at 56.7% sensitivity, and 100% sensitivity at 65.8% specificity. We believe this biomarker could readily provide additional support to the diagnostic process.  相似文献   

We used two established methods for analysing the EEG response of the neurotypical adult human brain to examine the execution and observation of simple motor actions. In one, execution or observation of a button-press in response to a tone caused a decrease in the power at 8-13 Hz (“mu”) frequencies. In the other, the response preparation (or the inferred response preparation when these actions are observed in another person) was measured by the averaged response time-locked potentials measured over motor cortex - the “readiness potential”. Results indicated that the mirrored readiness potentials were bilaterally generated. We found sex differences for both measures. However, whereas females showed a greater degree of response for the mu power measure during the observation of movement only, males showed larger readiness potentials during both movement performance and observation. Both measures have been claimed to be neural correlates of mirror systems in the brain where processes responsible for actions are linked to the perception of such actions. Such mirror systems have also been implicated in higher order social cognition such as empathy. However, we found no correlations between either of our EEG measures and self-report scales of social cognition. The results imply sex differences in the measured systems and for mirroring that are not directly related to social cognition. We suggest that the results may indicate two dissociable motor mirroring systems that can be measured by induced and evoked EEG.  相似文献   

Endogenous cortical fluctuations captured by electroencephalograms (EEGs) reflect activity in large-scale brain networks that exhibit dynamic patterns over multiple time scales. Developmental changes in the coordination and integration of brain function leads to greater complexity in population level neural dynamics. In this study we examined multiscale entropy, a measure of signal complexity, in resting-state EEGs in a large (N = 405) cross-sectional sample of children and adolescents (9–16 years). Our findings showed consistent age-dependent increases in EEG complexity that are distributed across multiple temporal scales and spatial regions. Developmental changes were most robust as the age gap between groups increased, particularly between late childhood and adolescence, and were most prominent over fronto-central scalp regions. These results suggest that the transition from late childhood to adolescence is characterized by age-dependent changes in the underlying complexity of endogenous brain networks.  相似文献   

禁睡加睡眠脑电图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本组对65例临床诊断癫痫而脑电图正常或界限异常的患者行禁睡加睡眠脑电图检查。其癫痫波出现率为78.4%。禁睡活化率与发作类型、年龄、病程有关,而与发作频率、治疗与否无关。禁睡后清醒和禁睡后睡眠脑电图活化率比较有极显著性差异(P<0.001)。对照组15例,均系正常脑电图,无1例出现痫性放电。癫痫患者虽经其他诱发试验,仍有34%患者为正常脑电图,而行此法检查,痫性波活化率较高,以强直-阵挛性发作者尤高(活化率83.8%)。因此我们认为此法简单易行,活化率较高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

Summary. In the present study gender differences related to the contingent negative variation (CNV) were investigated. A series of two acoustic stimuli was presented to participants across a wide age range. The first stimulus was consistent throughout the experiment whereas the second one was either a high frequency or a low frequency tone. One of them had to be answered by a button press (go condition) the other did not require any response (nogo condition). Between the first and the second tone there was a time period of two seconds in which the CNV appeared as a slow negative potential shift. Within this episode data were analysed with respect to gender differences. Statistical analysis revealed topographical differences between men and women in go conditions for both left and right index finger movements. Differences were found over frontal regions where women showed higher brain activity than men and over temporo-parietal regions where men produced higher brain activity than women. In order to explain the fact that only in “go” conditions significant gender differences occurred we introduce the phenomenon of implicit learning. Due to implicit learning assumed predictions related to S2 might have occurred from time to time. This is so, because a 50% chance for one of two different stimuli to occur leads to reasonable assumed predictions after two or more stimuli of a kind occurring in a series. The present data now provide evidence that if such assumed prediction or expectancy is directed towards an upcoming demand to act then brain activity is subject to gender differences. Further studies providing controlled sequences of “go” conditions versus “nogo” conditions have to be done to prove this idea true.  相似文献   

Predicting treatment response in major depressive disorder (MDD) has been an important clinical issue given that the initial intent-to-treat response rate is only 50 to 60%. This study was designed to examine whether functional connectivity strengths of resting EEG could be potential biomarkers in predicting treatment response at 8 weeks of treatment. Resting state 3-min eyes-closed EEG activity was recorded at baseline and compared in 108 depressed patients. All patients were being treated with selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors. Baseline coherence and power series correlation were compared between responders and non-responders evaluated at the 8th week by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Pearson correlation and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were applied to evaluate the performance of connectivity strengths in predicting/classifying treatment responses. The connectivity strengths of right fronto-temporal network at delta/theta frequencies differentiated responders and non-responders at the 8th week of treatment, such that the stronger the connectivity strengths, the poorer the treatment response. ROC analyses supported the value of these measures in classifying responders/non-responders. Our results suggest that fronto-temporal connectivity strengths could be potential biomarkers to differentiate responders and slow responders or non-responders in MDD.  相似文献   

Continuing investigations of the influences of the hyperbaric pressure upon EEG record in divers during simulated diving. The hyperbaric ecological system exerts influences on brain bioelectric activity manifesting itself by changes of alpha frequency and appearance of slow waves. The changes in the brain activity are mostly observable at the changes in chamber pressure values. The changes in EEG recordings are smallest at constant pressures. EEG examination can be used as a measure of the safety of newly developed decompression schedules.  相似文献   

EEG activity was recorded from left and right parietal cortex in adult male and female rats on a daily basis during 3 days. Absolute and relative power and interhemispheric correlation of the EEG activity were calculated and compared between males and females. Interhemispheric correlation of the theta rhythm was higher in males than in females. Interhemispheric asymmetry in absolute power was larger in males, who showed higher power in the right than in the left parietal for all bands except for delta. Beta2 relative power was significantly higher in females. These results indicate greater functional asymmetry and higher interhemispheric coupling of the parietal cortex in male than in female rats as assessed by cortical EEG activity.  相似文献   

Purpose: In simultaneous scalp electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) changes occurring before the spike have been sometimes described but could not be explained. To characterize the origin of this prespike BOLD signal change, we looked for electrographic changes in stereo‐EEG (SEEG) possibly preceding the scalp spike in patients that showed early BOLD response in EEG/fMRI. Methods: We studied four patients with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy who underwent EEG/fMRI, showed a prespike BOLD response, and were then studied with depth electrodes for presurgical localization of the epileptic generator. Early BOLD responses in the region of the spike field were analyzed using models with hemodynamic response functions (HRFs) peaking from −9 to +9 s around the spike. SEEG recordings in the period and location corresponding to the early HRF responses were analyzed to detect if electrographic changes were present in the SEEG before the scalp abnormality. Key Findings: One of the four patients presented a SEEG interictal discharge in the period corresponding to the early BOLD response. In the other three, no electrographic changes were detected in the SEEG in the period corresponding to early BOLD changes. Significance: Although the early BOLD activity may sometimes be explained by a synchronized neural discharge detectable with SEEG but not visible on the scalp EEG, in most cases the early BOLD response reflects a metabolic phenomenon that does not appear to result from a synchronized neuronal discharge. Prespike metabolic responses can result from synchronized or nonsynchronized neuronal activity, or from nonneuronal mechanisms including glia.  相似文献   

Summary 17 patients with vascular dementia (VaD) representing moderate to severe stage of the disease and 11 age-matched control subjects were examined with spectral analysis of EEG and a neuropsychological test battery comprising visual, praxic, verbal and memory functions as well as Mini-Mental Status test. VaD patients did not have less activity in the alpha band than control subjects, but the alpha amplitude ratio between eyes closed (EC) and eyes open (EO) situations (EC/EO ratio) was decreased in VaD patients, compared to controls. In VaD the variables of the awake background EEG with eyes closed (amplitude of alpha, beta, theta and delta activity; mean frequency) had only a few correlations to neuropsychological test scores. However, the (EC)/(EO) alpha ratio showed significant correlations with several neuropsychological variables in the temporo-occipital and centroparietal derivations and some of these correlations were lateralized to the left or right hemisphere. Frontal EEG derivations with less alpha activity did not reveal any correlations to neuropsychological variables. We conclude that the dynamic EC/EO alpha ratio variable may be even more sensitive in the assessment of brain dysfunction in VaD than the background EEG variables.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) studies showed that resting state activity in the healthy brain is organized into multiple large‐scale networks encompassing distant regions. A key finding of resting state fMRI studies is the anti‐correlation typically observed between the dorsal attention network (DAN) and the default mode network (DMN), which—during task performance—are activated and deactivated, respectively. Previous studies have suggested that alcohol administration modulates the balance of activation/deactivation in brain networks, as well as it induces significant changes in oscillatory activity measured by electroencephalography (EEG). However, our knowledge of alcohol‐induced changes in band‐limited EEG power and their potential link with the functional interactions between DAN and DMN is still very limited. Here we address this issue, examining the neuronal effects of alcohol administration during resting state by using simultaneous EEG‐fMRI. Our findings show increased EEG power in the theta frequency band (4–8 Hz) after administration of alcohol compared to placebo, which was prominent over the frontal cortex. More interestingly, increased frontal tonic EEG activity in this band was associated with greater anti‐correlation between the DAN and the frontal component of the DMN. Furthermore, EEG theta power and DAN‐DMN anti‐correlation were relatively greater in subjects who reported a feeling of euphoria after alcohol administration, which may result from a diminished inhibition exerted by the prefrontal cortex. Overall, our findings suggest that slow brain rhythms are responsible for dynamic functional interactions between brain networks. They also confirm the applicability and potential usefulness of EEG‐fMRI for central nervous system drug research. Hum Brain Mapp 35:3517–3528, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

Twenty-five patients with major depressive disorder according to RDC were examined with computerized quantitative EEG before antidepressive treatment. Normal EEGs were found in 20 patients and slight abnormality in five cases. Relationships between various EEG variables and pretreatment accumulation rate of 14C-5-HT and 3H-NA in rat synaptosomes, incubated in patients' plasma, and 5-HT in whole blood were studied. Age and current treatment with benzodiazepines were taken into account. There was an inverse relationship between alpha-1 amplitude in all derivations and beta-2 amplitude in the parieto-occipital derivation on one hand and pretreatment 14C-5-HT synaptosomal accumulation rate on the other. This result indicates that low 14C-5-HT synaptosomal accumulation rate is related to increased EEG alertness. This EEG pattern is suggested to be associated with a serotonergic subgroup of depression. The relationships between the other biochemical variables and the EEG patterns did not show any consistent pattern.  相似文献   

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