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OBJECTIVES: To examine the congruence in perceptions and attitudes of legislators and the public regarding tobacco and tobacco control policies. METHODS: Two cross-sectional surveys were used, one of elected federal and provincial legislators and one of adult residents in Ontario, Canada. Perceptions and attitudes were analyzed as dependent variables using multiple logistic regression, and adjusted for age, sex, educational attainment, and smoking status. FINDINGS: Congruence was found in most instances, however, some differences were found. Legislators were more likely than the public to agree that most smokers are addicted and were more supportive of a smoking ban in workplaces, but these differences disappeared after controlling for socio-demographic characteristics. Legislators were also more aware than the public of the magnitude of deaths due to tobacco compared to alcohol, whereas the public was more supportive of strong penalties against stores that sell cigarettes to minors. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide considerable evidence for congruence in the "real-world" (unadjusted) perceptions and attitudes of Ontario legislators and the Ontario public toward tobacco control policies. Such findings are positive for tobacco control advocates and should be leveraged to bring forward strong tobacco policies in the political arena.  相似文献   

Using religion to improve health is an age-old practice. However, using religion and enlisting religious authorities in public health campaigns, as exemplified by tobacco control interventions and other activities undertaken by WHO's Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, is a relatively recent phenomenon. Although all possible opportunities within society should be exploited to control tobacco use and promote health, religion-based interventions should not be exempted from the evidence-based scrutiny to which other interventions are subjected before being adopted. In the absence of data and debate on whether this approach works, how it should be applied, and what the potential downsides and alternatives are, international organizations such as WHO should think carefully about using religion-based public health interventions in their regional programmes.  相似文献   

Warning: this article contains strong language.

This paper focuses on the ways in which social context structures smokers’ views of, and reactions to, tobacco control. This exploratory study examined the interactions between tobacco control and smokers’ social contexts and how this may be contributing to inequalities in smoking. We found in our sample that higher socio-economic status (SES) smokers are more likely to positively respond and adapt to tobacco control messages and policies, viewing them for their future health betterment. Lower SES smokers in our study, on the other hand, are in conflict with tobacco control and feel intransigent with regard to the effects that tobacco control is having on their smoking. A better understanding of how social context structures people's perceptions of tobacco control may help us to understand why social inequalities in smoking are deepening, and potentially what can be done better in tobacco control to decrease them.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To replicate the finding of a negative association between parental control and fruit and vegetable consumption in girls. To extend the investigation to boys and examine sex differences. To test the hypothesis that children's food neophobia explains this association. DESIGN: Cross-sectional questionnaire survey. MEASURES: The questionnaire included items assessing parents' and children's fruit and vegetable intake, the Parental Control Index, and the Child Food Neophobia Scale. SUBJECTS: Parents of 564 2- to 6-year-old children, recruited from 22 London nursery schools. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Relationships between continuous variables were examined with Pearson product moment correlation coefficients. Sex differences were tested using independent sample t tests, and sex differences in correlations were assessed from their 95% confidence intervals. Parental control and children's food neophobia were entered into a hierarchical multiple regression to test the hypothesis that neophobia explains the association between parental control and children's fruit and vegetable intake. RESULTS: We replicated the finding that parental control was correlated with children's fruit and vegetable consumption and found no significant sex differences. Parental fruit and vegetable consumption and children's food neophobia were also strong predictors of children's fruit and vegetable consumption, and both were associated with parental control, suggesting that they might explain the association between control and intake. Controlling for children's food neophobia and parental intake reduced the association of parental control with children's fruit and vegetable intake to nonsignificance. CONCLUSIONS: These findings emphasize the importance of systematic research about associations between parental feeding styles and children's dietary habits so that dietetics professionals can give parents sound advice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The first aim of the present investigation was to examine cross-sectional differences between smokers who engage in additional health risk behaviors (i.e., high-fat diets and low physical activity levels) and those who do not that could affect readiness for smoking cessation treatment and treatment prognosis. The second aim was to examine prospective associations between risk factor status and smoking outcomes (i.e., cessation and quit attempts). DESIGN: Data were derived from baseline and 1-year follow-up surveys for the SUCCESS project, a randomized trial of worksite smoking interventions conducted in 24 worksites in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. Included in the analyses were 2,149 study participants who reported smoking at baseline. METHODS: Current smokers were categorized into one of three "risk groups": the "1 additional risk factor" group (i.e., either low physical activity level or high dietary fat intake), the "2 additional risk factor" group (i.e., both low physical activity and high dietary fat intake), and the "smoker only" group (i.e., neither low physical activity nor high dietary fat intake). Mixed model regression analyses examined cross-sectional associations between risk group status and baseline demographic variables, smoking dependency, social environments for smoking, and health problems. Prospective associations between baseline risk group status and 1-year follow-up cessation attempts and quits were also examined. RESULTS: At baseline, risk factor status was associated with smoking dependency for both men and women. Women smokers with at least one additional risk factor reported a greater number of cigarettes smoked per day, higher Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence scores, and lower self-efficacy for refraining from smoking in a variety of situations compared with smokers with no additional risk factors. Men smokers with at least one additional risk factor reported higher Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence scores compared with smokers with no additional risk factors. Women smokers with at least one additional risk factor were more likely to report being encouraged to quit by co-workers compared with smokers with no other risk factors. No relationship between risk factor status and social pressure to quit was observed among men. Prospective analyses indicated that baseline risk factor status was marginally related to smoking outcome at 1-year follow-up; however, these relationships were attenuated considerably when controlling for smoking dependence. Relationships between risk factor status and smoking outcomes were stronger for men. CONCLUSION: Results indicated that the presence of multiple health risk behaviors was related to more serious problems with smoking. However, the presence of additional risk factors did not strongly affect prognosis for smoking cessation.  相似文献   

At least nine different criteria are relevant for decisions about public spending for health care. These include economic efficiency criteria (public goods, externalities, catastrophic cost, and cost-effectiveness), ethical reasons (poverty, horizontal and vertical equity, and the rule of rescue), and political considerations (especially demands by the populace). Sometimes one criterion should be examined before another one is considered; that is, they are hierarchically related. Sometimes two criteria will not be compatible but will conflict, forcing difficult choices--particularly between efficiency and equity. Properly thought-out choices of which health care interventions to finance with public funds therefore depend not only on looking at all these criteria, but also on treating them in the appropriate sequence and taking account of their possible inconsistencies. Public funds should finance public and semi-public goods that are cost-effective and for which demand is inadequate; cost-effective interventions that preferentially benefit the poor; and catastrophically costly care, when contributory insurance will not work or there are good reasons to finance insurance publicly.  相似文献   

The 153-327 million new cases of treatable sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) each year are a critical health problem and are increasingly associated with transmission of HIV infections. There is strong epidemiological evidence that STDs (especially HIV-1 and genital ulcer diseases such as syphilis, herpes, and chancroid) increase a person's ability to transmit or acquire an HIV infection. In addition, HIV may alter the clinical presentation, natural history, diagnosis, and responsiveness to therapy of STDs; and STDs may alter the natural history of HIV infection by inducing immunosuppression, by chronic immune stimulation, or by direct viral interactions. Most reports on HIV infection and syphilis document neurological manifestation of syphilis in HIV-1 infected individuals. HIV-1 may modify an individual's response to syphilis infection, producing more persistent and higher RPR titres, increasing the likelihood of losing reactivity to treponemal tests correlating with advanced HIV disease, and increasing biological false-positive reactions. HIV also appears to reduce the responsiveness of chancroid to standard therapy, especially single-dose therapy, thus requiring multiple-dose therapy over 5-7 days. Herpes simplex viral infections are more frequent and severe in HIV-infected individuals, but dosage adjusted acyclovir therapy is effective in most patients. Gonorrhea does not appear to be affected by the presence of HIV infection, except that HIV-infected women may be more susceptible to cervical gonococcal infection and pelvic inflammatory disease. The clinical presentation of human papilloma virus, however, is altered by HIV infection as is the rate of recurrence and the responsiveness to standard therapy. Because of the recognition of the interaction of HIV and STDs, STD control is now recognized as an essential component of HIV prevention programs. Parallel prevention campaigns, such as condom promotion, could reduce both.  相似文献   

I write in response to Dr. Gina Dallabeta's article with this title (HIV and STDs: How Are They Linked?). Prospective studies in sub-Saharan Africa have established the following: 1. Seropositive commercial sex workers have a higher prevalence of genital ulcer disease (GUD) and positive serology for syphilis. 2. Seropositive men with chancroid more frequently have a history of prior GUD. 3. Seronegative men with a history of recent contact with a commercial sex worker are more likely to seroconvert if they have GUD than urethritis. GUD increases the infectiousness of HIV. Similarly, there is increased susceptibility to the virus in cases of genital chlamydial infection and Trichomonas vaginalis. The mechanisms are basically two--mechanical and biological. Mechanically, the raw area resulting from the STD provides a portal of entry for the virus. Biologically, activated lymphocytes and macrophages enhance HIV shedding and increase the susceptibility of the individual to HIV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although there is good evidence that several pharmacotherapies and counseling can effectively facilitate smoking cessation, there is little information about the use or effectiveness of these or any other quit aids outside of controlled trials. METHODS: A mailed survey with phone follow-up documented the use of various quit aids among 3,122 health plan members who smoke. A multilevel statistical modeling technique controlled for potentially confounding variables. RESULTS: Nearly half (1,513) of these smokers reported a quit attempt during the preceding 6 months. Although 1,036 (33.2%) reported using some type of aid to quitting, primarily nicotine products or bupropion, 10-26% of these "users" did not report an actual quit attempt. Ninety percent of the medication users had a personal cost, averaging $53-$87. Fully 26.9% of those reporting a quit without any type of aid quit for at least 7 days. This rate equals that of users of all types of aids except for nicotine patches and bupropion, both of which had associated 7 or more day quit rates of about 46% (95% CI 39.3-52.2). CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacotherapeutic quit aids are being widely used, even in the absence of significant insurance coverage.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The news media's potential to promote awareness of health issues is established, and media advocacy is now an important tool in combating tobacco use. This study examines newspaper editors' perspectives of tobacco-related issues. DESIGN: This study presents a textual analysis of tobacco-related editorials. The data consist of editorials on tobacco from a sample of 310 U.S. daily newspapers over the course of 1 year (2001). Data were sampled from a random one-third of the days per month, yielding 162 editorials for analysis. A qualitative textual analysis was conducted. Each editorial was coded for theme, position, and frame. We analyzed the topics gaining editorial attention and the arguments made to support various perspectives. RESULTS: Editorials discussed a variety of both positive and negative news events, largely conveying support for tobacco-control objectives. Various organizing frames were used-supporting policy interventions, condemning the industry, highlighting individual rights, and expressing general cynicism were most prevalent. CONCLUSION: Editors largely promoted tobacco-control efforts, particularly policy advances. There was, however, little coverage of key issues such as health effects and addiction-perhaps because they are no longer perceived to be contentious. Advocates should seek to address this area and minimize the cynicism of key media gatekeepers to avoid undermining policy and individual change efforts.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted (n = 1,216) to evaluate the level of knowledge about basic facts of genetics and attitudes toward gene tests among the Finnish population. Our results show that a majority of the Finnish population generally approved of gene tests. Well over half of the respondents believed that genetic testing will have positive consequences, but many also had worries related to the development of gene tests. We showed that there was an association between knowledge and attitudes, but better knowledge did not simply lead to unambiguous acceptance. Among those with the highest level of knowledge there was in many respects both more enthusiasm and more skepticism than among those with the lowest level of knowledge. Those with a low level of knowledge had more difficulties in taking a stance toward attitude statements. In general, steps should be taken, first, to increase citizens' capabilities to seek and understand information about genetics and specific diseases when faced with a need for it. Second, steps should be taken to provide citizens with tools to perceive and discuss potential ethical and social problems, which development of gene technology, genetic testing, and screening bring along. Sites for these enterprises could be the biology school curriculum, genetic counseling, media, as well as health education and health communication in general.  相似文献   

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