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对50~70岁绝经后妇女经尼尔雌醇及钙制剂补充治疗者106例和未经治疗者85例骨矿含量及生化检查进行了比较。1对象与方法随机选择1998年1月~2000年12月在门诊就诊的50~70岁绝经后妇女106例,经尼尔雌醇及钙制剂补充治疗者作为治疗组。另随机抽取未做任何治疗者85例作为对照组。两组对象均为绝经后妇女,绝经年限1~10年不等,均无妇科及肝、肾疾病,亦无内分泌系统疾病。方法1采用SD200型单光子骨密度仪测定观察对象右前臂桡骨中下1/3处的骨矿含量,并计算出均值和标准差,其单位为g/cm2。…  相似文献   

0引言本文通过对绝经后骨质疏松患者服用结合型雌激素及尼尔雌醇,观察服药前及服药后半年腰椎的骨密度及血清雌激素水平的测定,探讨结合雌激素及尼尔雌醇对绝经后骨质疏松的疗效,为临床选择用药提供借鉴。1材料和方法1.1材料2000-01/2001-05就诊于本院妇科门诊的原发性骨质疏松患者。年龄50~60岁,绝经1~6年的健康妇女,共64例。63例为自然绝经,1例为人工绝经。以WHO(1994)提出的骨矿含量或骨矿密度作为诊断标准。所有病例均排除甲状旁腺功能亢进,糖尿病等内分泌疾病;近3个月内未使用过雌…  相似文献   

0引言随着社会老龄化的到来,妇女在绝经后的寿命也将逐渐延长。根据多数国家的调查报告,妇女的绝经年龄城市约在50岁,农村约45岁左右。长寿妇女约有1/3或更长的生命是在绝经后期渡过的。老年性骨质疏松(osteoporosis,OP),将随之而来的成为威胁老年女性的一种常见病。本文通过分析妇女围绝经期几种常见生化指标的变化情况,了解骨吸收、骨形成及骨转换,为临床预防、诊断和治疗骨质疏松提供可靠的依据。1材料和方法1.1材料受试者共116例,其中绝经前非OP组37例,年龄43~52(47.89±3.23)岁;绝经后…  相似文献   

尼尔雌醇对绝经后妇女骨代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
营口市中心医院与市妇婴医院妇科门诊对2001年1~12月就诊于两院的已绝经妇女89例进行追踪观察,了解尼尔雌醇在预防和治疗绝经后妇女骨质疏松中的作用。1对象与方法被追踪观察人均为两院门诊自愿参加此研究的已绝经的妇女,其中营口市中心医院58例,市妇婴医院31例,年龄40~73岁,平均54.7岁,最长绝经35年。并通过询问病史及体格检查,除外了甲状腺功能亢进、糖尿病等影响骨代谢的疾病和长期应用影响骨代谢的药物。将患者随机分为两组,其中一组服尼尔雌醇(1mg/片,北京四环制药厂生产),每半月1片,3个月…  相似文献   

国内外文献报告绝经后和老年性骨质疏松症患者脊柱压缩性骨折的发病率高达80%左右。一般易把骨质疏松所致的压缩性骨折误认为肿瘤所致的压缩性骨折。本文分析报告56例绝经后妇女,通过骨矿分析仪测定其骨矿含量,并摄胸腰椎X线片进行对照。  相似文献   

目的:了解围绝经期妇女骨量情况,分析引起骨量流失的因素,提高围绝经期妇女的保健质量。方法:选择2000-01/2003-12在广西柳州市妇幼保健院院门诊进行超声骨密度检测的围绝经期妇女860人。按年龄分为2组,40~49岁组444人,50~59岁组416人。采用超声骨密度仪对所有测试者的跟骨进行检测,检测后采用自编问卷调查以获得相关因素资料,问卷内容包括年龄,孕产史,哺乳时间,体育运动,是否绝经,是否补充钙剂及激素替代疗法,是否有影响骨量情况的疾病如慢性肾脏病、慢性消化不良、严重肝病、甲状腺功能亢进症、肾结石病、糖尿病等,是否长期使用糖皮质激素类药物。问卷统一格式,统一印制。在问卷填写过程中,作者使用相同的指导语,由测试者按照填写要求自行完成。如无法自己填写,由作者按照测试者的回答完成问卷调查。问卷采用无记名形式,当场收回。骨质疏松评定标准:按照世界卫生组织的骨质疏松诊断标准:骨矿含量或骨密度较成年人骨量峰值减低不超过1个标准差,T-评分&;gt;-1为正常;骨矿含量或骨密度较成年人骨量峰值减低1-2.5个标准差,-2.5&;lt;T-评分&;lt;-1为骨量减少;骨矿含量或骨密度较成年人骨量峰值减低2.5个标准差以上,T-评分≤-2.5为骨质疏松;骨矿含量或骨密度较成年人骨量峰值减低2.5个标准差以上并且出现了一处或多处骨折为严重骨质疏松。这些标准可用于中轴或外周骨的测定。主要观察两组骨量分布特点及绝经与骨量的关系。组间比较采用X^2检验。结果:发放问卷860份,回收合格860问卷份,有效率100%。①骨量分布特点:40~49岁组444例,骨量减少发生率为25.7%(114/444),骨质疏松的发生率为10.8%(48/444);50~59岁组416例,骨量减少发生率为34.6%(144/416),骨质疏松的发生率为21.2%(88/416),50~59岁组骨量减少及骨质疏松的发生率明显高于40~49岁组(55.8%,36.5%,X^2=32.17,P&;lt;0.05)。②绝经与骨量的关系:骨量流失包含骨量减少及骨质疏松。40~49岁组绝经妇女69例,骨量流失的发生率为47.8%(33/69),未绝经妇女375例,骨量流失的发生率为34.4%(129/375),绝经妇女骨量流失的发生率明显高于未绝经妇女(X^2=4.53,P&;lt;0.05)。50~59岁组绝经妇女352例,骨量流失的发生率为58.6%(206/352),未绝经妇女64例,骨量流失的发生率为40.6%(26/64),绝经妇女骨量流失的发生率明显高于未绝经妇女(X^2=7.03,P&;lt;0.05)。结论:围绝经期妇女骨量的减少及骨质疏松的发生率随年龄增高而增加,绝经期妇女骨量减少及骨质疏松的发生率明显高于未绝经妇女。  相似文献   

本文通过对32例绝经后的妇女用T骨密度仪测量骨密度及用放免法测3、T4的变化。对象与方法1997年1月~2000年5月就诊的绝,绝经期限1年以上,在用药前1:32例绝经后妇女,年龄53~61岁,平55.3±4.5岁,平均绝经年龄48.7±岁。其中有2例子宫肌瘤于绝经后行、双侧附件切除术。对照组:12例绝经龄52~62岁,平均56.5±5.1;平均绝经年龄47.9±4.2岁。方法:观察指标:每例研究对象在治后6个月分别测定腰椎正侧位的骨,促性腺激素和T3、T4的变化。每月门诊就诊1次,有阴道出血者…  相似文献   

医疗体制的改革,对医疗服务提出了新的要求,本文对58例采用不同治疗方案治疗并获良好疗效的绝经后骨质疏松妇女的疗效、疗程及医疗费用进行回顾性研究,结果表明简便、经济的治疗方案对本病是可行的,现报道如下。1对象与方法本组58例均为2000年5月~2001年1月来我科就诊的绝经后女性患者。年龄47~78岁,绝经年限1~25年,均有不同程度骨痛、腰背酸痛、腰膝酸软、关节痛等症状。排除肿瘤等严重疾病及内分泌系统疾病。治疗前后采用SD200型单光子骨密度仪测定右前臂桡骨中下的骨矿含量和血碱性磷酸酶(ALP)及…  相似文献   

950283科研设计与护理论文撰写(科研设计九)/梅祖鱿//护士进修杂志二1994,9(3).-1~4950284科研设计与护理论文撰写(护理论文撰写)/梅祖琳//护士进修杂志二1994,9(4)..3~4950285绝经后妇女的骨矿含盈分析/员子英…//山西护理杂志,1994,8(l,2).-14~16 利用SD一100型骨矿物仪测量非优势手远端1/3处尺、挠骨骨矿含量。共测45~70岁老年妇女291例,其中绝经后妇女274例,占94.1%。从绝经年限、坚持运动否、饮食结构三方面分析了不同因素对骨矿含量的影响,经统计学检验有显著差异性。同时提出了骨质疏松的顶防措施。表4参7(原文摘要)9502舫护理科研…  相似文献   

体育锻炼对绝经期妇女雌激素,骨代谢和骨密度的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
张文平 《现代康复》2000,4(9):1326-1327
目的 观察体育锻炼对绝经期妇女雌激素、骨代谢和骨密度的影响。方法 38例常年参加体育锻炼(锻炼组)和/或不参加锻炼(对照组)的绝经期妇女按年龄、体重、身高和绝经年限进行1:1配对比较,空腹测定两组的血Ca^2+、P、血碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、雌二醇(F2)、睾酮(T)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)、尿Ca/Cr和前臂远端1/3处的骨矿含量(BMD)。结果 锻炼组的ALP和FSH明显低于对照组、而BMD、E2  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study examined the effect of low intensity exercise on bone density by conducting trunk stabilization exercise on females after menopause for 24 weeks. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty three female subjects over 47 years old and under the age of 53 were selected and 16 for experimental group and 17 for control group were randomly selected. Experimental group had performed spinal and pelvic stabilization exercise 30 minutes a day, 5times a week, for 24 weeks. Except for the daily life, control group did not participate in any characteristic movement. Bone density of every member in experimental group was measured using average value of bone density of 1st–4th lumbar through quantitative computer tomography. [Results] There was a meaningful difference in only control group about measured value of bone density within each group, experimental and control group, but there was no meaningful difference in measured value of bone density between two groups, experimental group and control group. [Conclusion] Through this research, we could see the fact that although trunk stability exercise could not change bone density meaningfully, it could maintain bone density. In the future, it is randomly necessary to study things related this because results of researches can show different results according to exercise intensity, exercise period, age, weight, hormone status and mediation period. It is considered that it will help to prevent and treat patients with osteoporosis a lot.Key words: Bone mineral density, Computer tomography, Low intensity exercise  相似文献   

目的探讨早年的体育活动对中老年后女性骨密度的影响。方法应用单光子骨矿物分析仪测定了长期从事体育活动的中老年妇女桡、尺骨骨矿含量(BMC)和骨密度(BMD)。结果运动组桡、尺骨BMC、BMD显著高于对照组;两组BMC、BMD均随年龄的增长而下降,对照组的下降幅度有高于运动组的倾向;运动员组BMC、BMD显著高于健身组;运动未中断组的BMC、BMD高于运动中断组。运动中断组BMC、BMD与健身组无显著性差异。结论参加体育活动越早,有可能获得的骨峰值越高;任何时候开始有规律的运动,对维持一定的骨量都有积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的 研究绝经后2型糖尿病合并骨质疏松症(OP)患者外周血中性粒细胞淋巴细胞比值(NLR)、血小板淋巴细胞比值(PLR)、胱抑素C(Cys-C)水平与骨密度的相关性.方法 回顾性选择2020年9月至2021年6月北京市大兴区医院内分泌及骨科门诊就诊的绝经后2型糖尿病患者192例,按照患者骨量情况分为骨量正常组、骨量减少...  相似文献   

目的 观察血液透析患者骨密度变化特点及分析运动强度及透析龄对其影响,为骨质疏松早期预防提供临床依据.方法 120例维持性血液透析患者,以双能X线(dual energy X-ray absorptiometry,DEXA)骨密度仪测定腰椎及股骨近端密度,同时记录患者身高、体质量、透析程度和运动情况,检测血生化指标,行相关性分析.结果 120例血液透析患者骨质疏松发生率为38.33%,运动组与不运动组比较,股骨近端及腰椎骨密度T值均有显著性差异(t=2.578,P<0.01;t=3.074,P<0.01),股骨近端及腰椎骨密度T值均与透析时间成负相关(t=-0.419,P=-0.01;t=--0.378,P=0.02).结论 不运动,透析时间长是血液透析患者骨质疏松的重要危险因素.  相似文献   

背景:研究证明,运动是骨质疏松症治疗的重要组成部分,适量的运动可以改善骨代谢、提高骨生物力学性能、增加骨密度。目的:从运动对骨代谢的影响、运动对骨生物力学的影响、运动对不同年龄段人群骨密度的影响及不同运动方式、运动强度、运动时间和频率对骨质疏松症的影响等方面,就运动干预对原发性骨质疏松症的研究现状进行探讨。方法:检索2000年1月至2014年6月PubMed数据库及维普中文科技数据库。英文检索词为"Osteoporosis;Bone Density;Bone Diseases,Metabolic;Exercise Therapy";中文检索词为"骨质疏松症;运动干预;骨密度;骨代谢"。根据纳入标准保留33篇进一步归纳总结。结果与结论:运动对骨代谢影响的实验提示中等强度运动刺激和雌激素都可以改善骨质疏松的发生程度,对于骨质疏松症的预防、减缓及治疗有积极意义。经过适量运动训练,大鼠去卵巢后体内骨改建的高转换状态可以得到缓解。运动对骨生物力学的影响研究显示,运动和雌激素均能显著提高大鼠股骨骨密度和骨生物力学性能,但运动能够更好地提高骨硬度和增强骨抵抗变形的能力。说明运动训练对骨质疏松大鼠的骨骼和肌肉有良好的刺激效果,肌肉的增大对骨骼质量也有良性的刺激作用。研究结果提示,参加体育活动越早,有可能获得的骨峰值越高,任何时候开始有规律的运动,对维持一定的骨量都有积极的作用。不同时期的运动作用效果不同,儿童期增加骨量,成人期获得骨量并保存骨量,老年期保存骨量减少骨丢失,因此,不同的运动方式和运动强度、频率对骨密度的影响也不同,应根据患者的实际情况,选择合适的运动方式。  相似文献   

Eighty-four normal women, 2.5--5 years after their natural menopause, participated in a controlled double-blind trial. The effect of various therapeutic regimens on postmenopausal bone mineral loss was measured by photonabsorptiometric determination of the bone mineral content of both forearms. The women were randomized into four treatment groups: 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) alone in a daily dose of 0.25 micrograms, oestrogens/gestagen alone or combined with 1,25(OH)2D3, and placebo. The groups treated with oestrogens/gestagen (without and with 1,25(OH)2D3) showed a similar increase in bone mineral content of about 1% during one year of treatment. In contrast, both the placebo group and the 1,25(OH)2D3 group demonstrated a decrease of 1.9% and 2.1%, respectively, within the same period of time. While 1,25(OH)2D3 did not alter the rate of bone loss, it caused the characteristic and pronounced increase in urinary calcium excretion (15%). It is concluded that 1,25 (OH)2D3 neither serves as an alternative nor as an additive to gonadal hormones in the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Menopause may induce a phase of rapid decreases in bone mineral density, aerobic fitness, muscle strength, and balance, especially in sedentary women. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects and feasibility of an exercise program of 1 or 2 bouts of walking and resistance training on lower-extremity muscle strength (the force-generating capacity of muscle), balance, and walking performance in women who recently went through menopause. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects were 134 women who recently went through menopause. The study was a 15-week, randomized, controlled trial with continuous and fractionated exercise groups. The outcomes assessed were lower-extremity muscle strength, balance, and walking time over 2 km. Feasibility was assessed by questionnaires, interviews, and training logs. RESULTS: One hundred twenty-eight women completed the study. Adherence to the study protocol was 92%. Both continuous and fractionated exercise groups improved equally in lower-extremity muscle strength and walking time but not in balance. Almost 70% of the subjects considered the program to be feasible. Two daily walking sessions caused fewer lower-extremity problems than did continuous walking. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Brisk walking combined with moderate resistance training is feasible and effective. Fractionating the walking into 2 daily sessions is more feasible than continuous walking.  相似文献   

Patterns of bone loss in the axial skeleton have been studied in a sample of Swedish women participating in a longitudinal population study which was started in 1968. In 1976, the mineral content of the lumbar spine (predominantly trabecular bone) was measured in vivo in 130 women by dual photon absorptiometry. Premenopausal or recently postmenopausal women were compared with women of identical age who had been postmenopausal for a long time. The first group was found to have significantly higher values of bone mineral content. Five years later, in 1981, the same women were re-examined with identical techniques. A slight decrease in bone mineral content with age was found in postmenopausal women. The findings were mostly in agreement with those of the first cross-sectional study, with bigger differences in bone mineral content between women of different menstrual status than between women of different age. In addition, the lower values in women with early menopause compared to those with late menopause remained in spite of increasing age.  相似文献   

Height change and bone mineral density: revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: To evaluate the relationship between height change, osteoporosis risk factors, and bone mineral density. SAMPLE: Secondary data collected on 168 healthy women, ages 50 to 65 years, who had a dual energy x-ray absorptiometry screening of the hip and spine to determine bone mineral density. METHOD: A quantitative secondary analysis of data that replicated in part a study by Hunt (1996). FINDINGS: The relationships between height change, osteoporosis risk factors, and bone mineral density were not significant for this group of healthy postmenopausal women. However, these women did not meet daily minimum requirements for dietary calcium intake and daily exercise. IMPLICATIONS: The good news is that healthy women ages 50 to 65 years still have time to engage in osteoporosis preventing behaviors to prevent bone loss and eventual height loss. The use of measured height change, as an indicator for osteoporosis risk, is a cost-saving tool and should be considered as one component of a comprehensive osteoporosis health appraisal incorporating daily calcium intake and exercise. Further research, with more precise measurement of height, needs to be done to evaluate the relationship between height change, osteoporosis risk factors, and bone mineral density.  相似文献   

1. Four paraplegic men volunteered for an exercise programme in which their paralysed quadriceps muscles were stimulated by means of computer-regulated electrical impulses applied through external electrodes. The first exercise regimen consisted of leg raising against a graded load, and during the second regimen exercise took the form of cycling on a modified bicycle ergometer. Each subject exercised five times weekly for 10 weeks during the first regimen and 32 weeks during the second regimen. 2. Whole-body protein turnover determined by L-[1-13C]leucine during feeding remained constant during both exercise regimens, when expressed either in terms of body weight or fat-free mass derived from measurements of total body potassium. 3. Quadriceps muscle protein synthetic rate increased during the study, from 0.0712 to 0.0985%/h (P less than 0.05), as did quadriceps muscle area assessed by computed tomography. 4. Bone mineral content for lumbar vertebrae was normal in all four patients, but for the femoral mid-shaft bone mineral content averaged only 66% of normal for three of the patients. Trabecular bone density in the distal tibia ranged from normal to 2% of normal for the men with the shortest and longest periods of disability, respectively. No changes in bone mineral content or bone density occurred during the exercise period.  相似文献   

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