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三维电解剖标测系统指引下射频消融治疗心房颤动的护理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
总结30例三维电解剖标测系统指引下射频消融治疗心房颤动的护理。认为治疗前做好各项准备,治疗中加强病情观察,监测射频仪各参数,治疗后做好一般护理,给予饮食指导,加强并发症的观察与护理,可提高心房颤动射频消融治疗的成功率。  相似文献   

王娟  丁金玲 《上海护理》2013,13(5):52-54
近年来射频消融术已成为根治室性心律失常的常用方法之一。Carto三维标测系统采用磁场定位跟踪技术,与常规x线透视标测方法相比,因其定位准确极大提高了射频消融的成功率,且可减少术中X线曝光时间、放电时间并且同时缩短整体手术时间。  相似文献   

辜桃  郑明霞  秦容 《华西医学》2012,(10):1531-1533
目的总结在三维标测系统Carto3指导下射频消融治疗特发性室速患者的护理方法。方法对2010年11月-2011年10月收治的62例特发性室速患者,采用Carto3系统进行心室标测和消融治疗,并予以周全细致的护理。结果本组61例患者顺利完成射频消融术,1例因诱发室颤后停止手术。术后随访6个月,3例出现既往相同形态室速,其余58例症状较前均有不同程度的缓解,未发生明显心动过速,手术成功率为93.55%。结论Carto3系统指导下的特发性室速射频治疗安全、高效,可减少射线透视量,恰当细致的护理配合是手术获得成功的基础与保障。  相似文献   

导管射频消融治疗房性心动过速李振海张小妹房性心动过速(AT)临床上较少见,且药物难以控制。AT持续发作可能导致不可逆的心肌损害。导管射频消融治疗房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)和房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)已比较成熟,但治疗AT报道尚少,国外亦仅...  相似文献   

叶虹  苏蓝 《护士进修杂志》2012,27(12):1101-1102
目的 探讨在(CARTO)三维标测系统指导下进行射频消融治疗室性早搏的护理方法.方法 对28例行射频消融术治疗的室性早搏患者进行观察和护理.术前做好准备和心理护理,术后密切观察患者的生命体征,加强并发症的观察和护理.结果 28例均完成了射频消融治疗.随访2~20个月,治愈率92.9%.结论 Carto三维标测系统指导下行射频消融治疗室性早搏安全有效.合理、细致的护理,可消除患者的恐惧心理,提高手术耐受性,且能及早发现和防治并发症,增加手术的安全性.  相似文献   

目的探讨在EnSite 3000三维标测系统指导下射频消融治疗心房颤动的护理体会。方法对25例EnSite 3000三维标测系统指导下行射频消融术治疗房颤患者进行观察和护理。结果 25例患者全部手术成功。其中发生并发症2例,为皮下血肿1例及血管迷走反射1例,经及时、准确、有效的护理措施后,患者康复出院。结论得力、有效的护理措施能预防术后并发症,提高手术成功率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨三维标测系统(Carto Univu)在房室结折返性心动过速射频消融手术中的总辐射剂量、手术时间、并发症发生情况。方法:记录近6个月内在Carto Univu引导下完成的70例房室结折返性心动过速射频消融手术(Carto Univu组)的总辐射剂量、总手术时间、手术并发症,并与6个月前在二维标测技术引导下完成的70例房室结折返性心动过速射频消融手术(二维组)进行对比。结果:两组患者总手术时间差异无统计学意义。Carto Univu组总辐射剂量较二维组下降(P0.05)。Carto Univu组后10例手术辐射时间、辐射剂量较前10例手术减少(P0.05)。两组均无手术并发症发生。结论:Carto Univu引导下的房室结折返性心动过速射频消融手术中辐射剂量明显减少、学习曲线短,且不延长手术时间、不增加手术并发症,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

Carto标测系统指导下射频治疗心房颤动患者的护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
导管射频消融是治疗心房颤动的重要手段,而在常规X线透视下难以确保消融线的连续性和完整性,术后房颤复发率较高。应用Carto,标测系统,通过类似于全球定位系统的原理来确定心腔内每一点在空间的位置及其移动方向,判断消融线的连续性和完整性,可使误差〈1mm。我院2006年8月-2007年1月采用Carto标测系统指导下行射频治疗房颤患者16例,  相似文献   

We report a case of a 63-year-old women with Chagas'disease and recurrent, syncopal VT treated by RF catheter ablation in whom endocardial application of RF energy was guided by nonsurgical epicardial mapping. The procedure was undertaken in the electrophysiology laboratory under deep anesthesia. VT was interrupted after 2.4 seconds of application and rendered noninducible afterwards. Two weeks after the procedure, a distinct morphology VT was induced by programmed ventricular stimulation, and the patient was started on amiodarone, remaining asymptomatic 12 months after the procedure.  相似文献   

Two cases of successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of adult-onset atrial tachycardia originating from the left atrium adjacent to the mitral annulus are presented. Endocardial catheter activation mapping performed by retrograde or atrial transseptal approach revealed presystolic activation at the successful ablation site in both patients, and fractionation during sinus rhythm and tachycardia in one. The 12 lead electrocardiogrnphic P wave appearance was suggestive of a left atrial tachycardia origin in both cases.  相似文献   

Ectopic atrial tachycardia (EAT) is often refractory to pharmacological suppression, and if uncontrolled, it can lead to cardiomyopathy. Although RF current catheter ablation therapy has been effective in eliminating the arrhythmia, there is limited information. particularly in adult patients with regard to the reversal of the tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy. Four adult patients, 20–56 years of age, and a 6-year-old boy, were referred with refractory EAT. Four patients had heart failure and three had depressed LV function by echocardiographic criteria. AH patients underwent electrophysiological study, and RF ablation was successful in abolishing the arrhythmogenic foci. Of these, four were located in the right atrium and one in the left atrium, and were identified by recording of the earliest atrial activation. No complications occurred. Termination of the EAT resulted in symptomatic improvement. Serial echocardiographic assessment of LV function indicated a significant reversal of the cardiomyopathy picture with reduction in chamber size and recovery in systolic function; indices of diastolic dysfunction persisted in one patient. Chronic, uncontrolled EAT can cause tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy. The picture of the cardiomyopathy resolves after elimination of the focus. RF ablation is both effective and safe, and may be considered as early therapy, particularly in patients with incessant EAT and ventricular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency catheter ablation is now the first line treatment for atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. The success rate is high with a low incidence of complications. However, a possible proarrhythmic effect of radiofrequency energy has been rarely reported and no study has demonstrated a direct correlation between the anatomic site of the radiofrequency application and the origin of a new post‐ablation arrhythmia. We present a case of a focal atrial tachycardia that occurred after slow pathway radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial nodal reentrant tachycardia and originating close to the previous ablation site. This tachycardia was successfully treated with a second ablation session. (PACE 2011; 34:e33–e37)  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that typical atrial flutter (AFL) results from right atrial reentry around the tricuspid annulus (TA), constrained between the TA and crista terminalis (CT) on the free-wall and the TA and eustachian ridge (ER) on the septum. Creation of a complete line of conduction block across the subeustachian isthmus, between the TA and ER, elminates AFL. The accuracy of fluoroscopy in localizing the anatomical boundaries and previous radiofrequency application sites is limited. This article describes an approach for utilizing a new three-dimensional nonfluoroscopic electroanatomical mapping system (CARTO) to examine the global right atrial activation pattern in patients during AFL, localize the anatomical boundaries, and create a complete line of conduction block by ablation across the subeustachian isthmus. During AFL, the locations of CT and ER are identified by double atrial potentials recorded along the intercaval region and between the inferior vena cava and coronary sinus ostium, respectively. Radiofrequency ablation across the subeustachian isthmus is performed during coronary sinus pacing. Beginning at TA, the ablation electrode is moved toward ER in 2–3 mm increments. Each movement is marked on the right atrial map to visualize the ablation line. In the event of residual conduction across the ablation line, defects in the ablation line are located by mapping along the previous ablation sites guided by CARTO system to locate the transition from the double atrial potentials (indicating block) to a single atrial potential (indicating conduction). Radiofrequency ablation to the site showing the single atrial potential along the ablation line produces complete conduction block across the subeustachian isthmus. In conclusion, the new electroanatomical mapping system allows precise 3-D localization of the anatomical boundaries of the AFL reentrant circuit, and facilitates ablation by accurately locating defects in the ablation line.(PACE 1998; 21:1279–1286)  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been an exponential increase in the number of catheter ablation procedures performed for atrial fibrillation (AF). While for paroxysmal AF, proximal pulmonary vein isolation is sufficient in the majority of cases, ablation of persistent and longstanding AF requires an extensive surgical-like procedure. This approach is correlated with a high rate of AF termination; however, this is achieved at the cost of at least one atrial tachycardia (AT) during the index procedure or during the patient's follow-up in the vast majority of cases. As these ATs are often multiple, complex, and frequently more symptomatic than AF, they constitute the last and frequently the most difficult step in ablation for patients with persistent AF. This review concentrates on the practical approaches to the treatment of AT in the context of AF ablation and provides an algorithm that aims at facilitating mapping and ablation strategies using conventional electrophysiological tools .  相似文献   

Three chiidren with atrial ectopic tachycardia (AET), ages 7–10 years, underwent radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Two had AET localized to the inferolateral orifice of the right atrial appendage, one had AET at the posteroinferior orifice of the left atrial appendage. Each patient received RFA at 15–16 watts for 30 seconds per application. Acceleration of AET rate was observed only during successful RFA application in each palienf. occurring within 5 seconds and Jasfing 2–4 seconds. All unsuccessful applications failed to show this phenomenon. Observation of acceleration of AET rate during RFA was a useful predictor of successful procedure, possibly indicating destruction of abnormally automatic substrates.  相似文献   

Background: Left atrial tachycardia (AT) is a complication of left atrial catheter ablation (LACA) of atrial fibrillation (AF). However, its prevalence and characteristics have not been sufficiently clarified.
Methods: We divided 121 patients who underwent LACA into 2 groups based on the results of AT occurrence after LACA (follow-up period; 12 ± 7 months): an AT+ group and AT– group.
Results: New-onset left AT occurred in 30 patients (25%) 31 ± 51 days after LACA. Among the 26 patients with an early onset of AT, 4 underwent a second ablation for AT, and 21 became free of AT within 6 months without a repeat ablation procedure. Among the 4 patients with a late onset of AT (>2 months after the LACA), the tachycardia remitted without a repeat ablation procedure in a single patient within 6 months. Among 71 patients who underwent LACA with additional ablation lines, 22 (31%) developed new-onset left AT. Among 50 patients who underwent LACA alone, 8 (16%) developed new-onset left AT (P = 0.02).
Conclusions: New-onset left AT is a frequent complication of LACA for AF, especially in men and in patients with a low left ventricular ejection fraction. Early (<2 months) onset AT does not require a repeat ablation because it often represents a transient phenomenon and disappears spontaneously.  相似文献   

When performing epicardial ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT), caution must be taken not to damage the coronary arteries. We report a case in which a new, nonfluoroscopic technique for incorporating an accurate, real‐time reconstruction of the main coronary vessels into a three‐dimensional electroanatomic map was used for epicardial VT ablation.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation of periatrioventricular (peri‐AV) nodal atrial tachycardias (AT) from the noncoronary aortic cusp (NCC) can be challenging due to the close proximity of the AV node In such cases, intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) together with three‐dimensional mapping system can be helpful in guiding the ablation catheter and in assessing the anatomic relationship of the aorta to the surrounding structures. We report two patients with AT originating near the AV node who underwent successful catheter ablation from the NCC. ICE proved useful in positioning the ablation catheter within the aortic cusps. Electroanatomic mapping enabled tagging the earliest activation site and renavigation back. (PACE 2013; 36:e19–e22)  相似文献   

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