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Pseudophakic retinal detachment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 93 cases of pseudophakic retinal detachment are reported. The present study showed that vitreous loss had occurred during cataract surgery in 28% of eyes, indicating that anterior segment complications are an important contributory factor to aphakic retinal detachment in these cases. There was impairment of the retinal view in 46% of eyes, and in 22.5% no retinal breaks could be identified. The main factor responsible for poor visibility was inadequate pupillary dilatation, which was found particularly in association with the use of iris-supported lenses. Detachment of the macula was unexpectedly found to occur in as many as 88% of cases. Reattachment of the retina either by conventional detachment procedures or by pars plana vitrectomy was achieved in 76.3% of eyes. Complications directly attributable to the presence of an intraocular lens (such as dislocation or haemorrhage) are described. Failure of surgery was more likely to occur in eyes exhibiting a poor fundal view, in which the detection of retinal breaks was difficult. The best results were achieved in eyes in which posterior-chamber lenses had been implanted. Offprint requests to: A. Chiguell  相似文献   

Modern phacoemulsification has established itself as a safe and very rewarding surgical procedure. Patients and surgeons may not associate late complications with the initial surgery. However, recent studies have demonstrated that such a causal relationship may persist for many years after the cataract procedure and that there is a significant increase in the risk for developing a retinal detachment during the postoperative years. The mean time period between cataract surgery and pseudophakic retinal detachment is between 3 and 4 years. Even uncomplicated cataract surgery alters the physiological processes within the eye and can lead to progressive destruction of the vitreous for many years after the surgery. Therefore, the risk for a retinal detachment is increased for at least 10 years after the initial procedure. In recent epidemiological studies, the most important risk factors for pseudophakic retinal detachment were myopia, younger age and male gender. If all factors are combined, the cumulative risk for developing a retinal detachment after cataract surgery may rise to 20 %. Additional factors that may increase this risk are additional intraoperative complications, for example, rupture of the posterior capsule, vitreous loss or dropped nucleus. Compared to phakic retinal detachments, pseudophakic patients on average present with a shorter history of visual symptoms, are older, more commonly male and display fewer, smaller and more anteriorly located retinal breaks that frequently are only detected during surgery. The anatomic success rates have improved significantly over the past years, in particular through the advances and increasing popularity of primary vitrectomy. However, functional results are still disappointing. Only about half of the patients will achieve reading ability without low vision aids. The increased and long-term risk for pseudophakic retinal detachment should be part of the preoperative consent process of any cataract surgery, in particular, in young myopic males.  相似文献   

Pseudophakic retinal detachment   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Pseudophakic retinal detachment is a rare, but potentially serious, complication of cataract surgery. The incidence of pseudophakic retinal detachment following current surgical techniques of cataract extraction, including extracapsular cataract extraction by nuclear expression and phacoemulsification, is lower than that found after intracapsular cataract extraction. The risk of pseudophakic retinal detachment appears to be increased in myopic patients, in those patients in whom vitreous loss had occurred at the time of cataract surgery, and in patients undergoing Nd:YAG posterior capsulotomy. Most cases present to the clinician when the macula is already detached and the central vision is affected. When evaluating patients with pseudophakic retinal detachment, the fundal view is often impaired by anterior or posterior capsular opacification, reflections related to the intraocular lens, or poor mydriasis. Scleral buckling, pneumatic retinopexy, and primary pars plana vitrectomy, with or without combined scleral buckling, are the surgical techniques used to treat pseudophakic retinal detachment. Anatomical success rates are high after vitreo-retinal surgery for pseudophakic retinal detachment, although a smaller proportion of patients recover good vision following surgery.  相似文献   

The clinical findings, surgical techniques, anatomic results and visual recovery in 71 pseudophakic and 71 aphakic eyes with retinal detachment repaired concurrently were compared. Preoperative visibility of the peripheral retina was significantly reduced in the pseudophakic group. Intraoperative identification of retinal breaks was useful for the pseudophakic eyes. The surgical techniques used in the two groups were similar. Anatomic success was achieved in 65 pseudophakic eyes (92%) and 63 aphakic eyes (89%); however, the visual recovery after a mean follow-up period of 18 months was poorer in the pseudophakic group, only 35 (54%) of which, compared with 39 (62%) of the aphakic group, had a final best-corrected visual acuity of 6/15 or better.  相似文献   

We reviewed 165 cases of non-referred pseudophakic retinal detachment. Fifty-three eyes (32%) had sustained significant complications due to cataract surgery prior to retinal detachment; 45 eyes (27%) presented with grade B, C or D proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The overall reattachment rate was 84%. This was significantly higher in the posterior chamber lens group than in the iris-fixated lens or anterior chamber lens groups (93 vs. 69 and 81%). Our data show that uneventful extracapsular cataract extraction plus posterior chamber lens implantation offers the best chance of successful detachment surgery.  相似文献   

Retinal reattachment rates and visual results were analyzed in 227 consecutive primary pseudophakic rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. The overall anatomic reattachment rate was 90%, with no significant difference between the anterior chamber (AC) and posterior chamber intraocular lens groups. Visual results were significantly worse in the AC lens group (P less than 0.05). Negative prognostic indicators for reattachment included age greater than 65 years, poorer preoperative vision, larger extent of the retinal detachment, inability to identify a retinal break, longer duration of symptoms before presentation, and grades C or D proliferative vitreoretinopathy (P less than 0.05). In addition to the above factors, eyes with AC reaction, AC lenses, and macular detachment had a poorer visual prognosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyse retinal detachment in pseudophakic eyes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of 23 pseudophakic patients with retinal detachment operated at the Department of Ophthalmology in Bydgoszcz in the period from 1996 to 1998. The following factors were evaluated: time interval to retinal detachment surgery from the date of cataract surgery, intraoperative complications during the cataract extraction, state of posterior capsule, type and location of retinal tears, extension of retinal detachment, anatomical and functional results and state of fellow eye. RESULTS: Retinal detachment occurred in 65.2% pseudophakic eyes in the period shorter than 3 years after cataract extraction and IOL implantation and in 34.8% more than 5 years after this operation. In 17.4% pseudophakic eyes posterior capsula was ruptured intraoperatively, in 17.4% YAG capsulotomy and in 4.3% surgical capsulotomy were performed. In 56.5% eyes posterior capsula was intact. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest possibility of the occurrence of delayed retinal detachment in pseudophakic eyes. The rupture of posterior capsule is not the only risk factor for this disease.  相似文献   

Eighteen eyes that developed pseudophakic retinal detachment after YAG laser capsulotomy were reviewed. There did not appear to be any relationship to the energy used, or the size of the capsulotomy. The majority of eyes had only one retinal break and these were located superior-temporally two-thirds of the time. High-risk characteristics for post-YAG retinal detachment included high myopia, lattice degeneration, and retinal detachment in the fellow eye.  相似文献   

Eighteen eyes that developed pseudophakic retinal detachment after YAG laser capsulotomy were reviewed. There did not appear to be any relationship to the energy used, or the size of the capsulotomy. The majority of eyes had only one retinal break and these were located superior-temporally two-thirds of the time. High-risk characteristics for post-YAG retinal detachment included high myopia, lattice degeneration, and retinal detachment in the fellow eye.  相似文献   

We reviewed 254 cases of extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lenses (ECCE & IOL) which were performed between the years 1983 and 1985 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of pseudo-phakic retinal detachment in uncomplicated cases of ECCE & IOL. The incidence of retinal detachment (RD) was found to be 0.79% overall. The incidence of other post-operative complications such as posterior capsular thickening was 2.8% and of cystoid macular oedema 1.2%.  相似文献   

Seventeen eyes of patients who were being followed by their ophthalmologists for aphakic (8 eyes) or pseudophakic (9 eyes) cystoid macular edema (CME) were examined on referral. All eyes showed retinal detachment (RD), and eight eyes had CME with RD. Most RDs were inferior and shallow. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) was noted in 15 eyes (88.2%). There was history of vitreous loss during the last intraocular surgery in 88.2% eyes. Visual acuity ranged from 20/40 to hand movements. Fundus view was hazy in most eyes, and indirect ophthalmoscopy was most useful in detecting RD. Retinal reattachment with scleral buckling and/or vitrectomy was achieved in 16 eyes (94.1%). Postoperative visual recovery was jeopardized due to longstanding macular detachment of greater than 1 month in 11 eyes (64.7%). Eight eyes (47%) achieved 20/50 vision whereas 25% did not improve to better than 20/400. Factors leading to failure in making the correct diagnosis and their prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the risk for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) after phacoemulsification. SETTING: Private and public facility, Auckland, New Zealand. METHODS: A retrospective study of 1793 consecutive patients having cataract surgery by phacoemulsification was performed. Patients younger than 40 years were excluded, as were patients who had cataract surgery after ocular trauma. Patients having cataract surgery combined with other ocular procedures such as keratoplasty, glaucoma drainage surgery, or posterior segment surgery were similarly excluded. RESULTS: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment occurred in 1.17% of the patients having cataract surgery. The risk was greater in patients younger than 50 years (5.17%) and less in those older than 70 years (0.64%). The median interval between cataract surgery and development of the retinal detachment was 39 months. The rate of retinal detachment was greater with complicated cataract surgery, but there was no increased risk for those eyes requiring neodymium:YAG laser capsulotomy. CONCLUSIONS: The overall risk for RRD after cataract surgery by phacoemulsification was small. However, in the younger patient, the risk for pseudophakic detachment was higher. In light of this finding, the requirement for cataract surgery in this group should be reassessed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Localization of retinal tears generating a pseudophakic retinal detachment (RD) is not always possible; subsequently, segmental indentation by external compression often causes a residual RD. Vitrectomy enables a detailed view of the peripheral part of the retina and better detection of small size retinal breaks. Our pilot survey report anatomic and functional results of a surgical treatment of pseudophakic RD, associating vitrectomy and scleral buckling. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty three consecutive pseudophakic eyes showing an RD were operated on with scleral buckling, vitrectomy, internal subretinal fluid drainage, endolaser and fluid-air exchange by SF(6) 20%. Preoperative findings, intraoperative and postoperative complications, and final results were analyzed. RESULTS: The retina was successfully reattached with a single operation in 21 eyes (92%). One eye presented a recurrence of RD due to a preexisting retinal tear. PVR was observed in one case with the recurrence of the RD. In both cases, a second operation achieved the retinal reattachment. After surgery, visual acuity improved on an average of 3 lines. The most frequently occurring complication was a transitory hypertony in 6 cases (26%). CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment of the pseudophakic RD, combining vitrectomy and scleral buckling shows very good anatomic and functional results; it seems to offer the advantage of a better localization of peripheral retina tears, which enables a recovery with a lower recurrence rate than by extra-ocular surgery only.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study aims to evaluate the outcome of primary vitrectomy/gas for pseudophakic retinal detachment (RD) located inferiorly or associated to inferior breaks. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective, non-randomised study comprising 18 pseudophakic RD eyes with inferior RD (group A) and 19 pseudophakic RD eyes with inferior breaks (group B) treated with primary vitrectomy and gas tamponade (SF (6) 20 %). Pre- and postoperative characteristics were analysed, focusing on RD recurrences. RESULTS: In group A, RD recurred in 2/18 eyes (11 %) and was associated to proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) both at first intervention and on recurrence. In group B, RD recurred in 4/19 eyes (21 %). One eye presented PVR at first intervention and all at re-intervention. Anatomic reapplication was achieved after second vitrectomy/gas in 2/4 eyes of group B, whereas long-term silicon oil tamponade was needed in 2 eyes of each group. CONCLUSIONS: This series shows a high success rate of primary vitrectomy/gas in pseudophakic RD patients with inferior RD or detachment associated to inferior breaks. Recurrences after vitrectomy are most often related to the presence of PVR.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the incidence of retinal detachment (RD) after neodymium:YAG (Nd:YAG) laser capsulotomy for posterior capsule opacification (PCO) and define the characteristics of this type of RD. SETTING: A private practice, with statistical evaluation at a university department. METHODS: Five hundred twenty-six consecutive eyes that had Nd:YAG capsulotomy because of visually disturbing PCO were followed prospectively for up to 52 months (median 21 months) to determine the incidence of RD. The median age of the 142 men and 320 women was 76 years and the median axial length, 23.3 mm (range 20.5 to 31.3 mm). Before the capsulotomy, all eyes had uneventful phacoemulsification with implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC IOL). Eyes with additional surgical procedures or with panretinal laser photocoagulation were excluded. Eyes in which a retinal hole had been treated before Nd:YAG (n = 4) were included. The fundus was examined by binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy with a 2.2 diopter Volk lens in full mydriasis. If necessary, an examination with a 3-mirror lens was done. RESULTS: The incidence of RD was 0% (0/483; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.0%-0.8%) at 6 months, 0% (0/407; 95% CI, 0.0%-0.9%) at 12 months, and 0.5% (1/213; 95% CI, 0.0%-2.6%) at 24 months. Twenty-one months after Nd:YAG capsulotomy, 1 eye developed an RD that occurred as the result of a horseshoe tear that reopened. The tear, which formed 7 months after phacoemulsification and PC IOL implantation and 6 years before Nd:YAG capsulotomy, had been immediately treated with argon laser photocoagulation. Excluding the 4 eyes with preexisting tears, presumably sealed retinal holes, the incidence at 24 months was 0% (0/212; 95% CI, 0.0%-1.7%). No other eye developed RD over the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Retinal detachment after Nd:YAG capsulotomy for PCO was rare in eyes that had previous uneventful phacoemulsification and PC IOL implantation. The exact relationship between the 2 events remains to be established.  相似文献   

The overall anatomic success rate of surgical treatment of 122 consecutive cases of pseudophakic retinal detachment was 82%. In 78 eyes with iris-supported intraocular lenses (IOLs), the success rate was 83%, and it did not differ between the 47 eyes with intracapsular and the 31 eyes with extracapsular extraction. Reattachment rate was highest in 14 eyes with posterior chamber IOLs (100%) and lowest (70%) in 30 eyes with anterior chamber IOLs. Low success rate was associated with the preoperative findings of vitreous gel in the anterior chamber in front of the IOL, vitreous reaction, and vitreous hemorrhage, all of which were found most frequently with retinal detachment in eyes with anterior chamber IOLs. Of the 30 eyes with anterior chamber IOLs, 43% required repeat operations, 43% had perioperative complications, and only 14% of the 21 successful cases achieved 20/40 or better postoperative vision.  相似文献   

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