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The trend towards the privatisation of health services in South Africa reflects a growing use of private sources of finance and the growing proportion of privately owned fee-for-service providers and facilities. Fee-for-service methods of reimbursement aggravate the geographical maldistribution of personnel and facilities, and the competition for scarce personnel resources aggravates the difference in the quality of the public and private services. Thus the growth in demand for these types of providers may be expected to increase inequality of access in these two respects. The potential expansion of medical scheme coverage is shown to be limited to well under 50% of the population, leaving the majority of the population without access to private sector health care. Even for members of the medical schemes, benefits are linked to income, thus clashing with the principle of equal care for equal need. The public funds needed to overcome financial obstacles to access to private providers could be more efficiently deployed by financing publicly owned and controlled health services directly. Taxation also offers the most equitable method of financing health services. Finally, attention is drawn to the dilemma resulting from the strengthening of the private health sector; while in the short term this can offer better care to more people on a racially non-discriminatory basis, in the long term, health care for the population as a whole may become more unequal and for those dependent on the public sector it may even deteriorate.  相似文献   

目的:研究基本药物制度对基层卫生机构药品价格、收入和门诊服务的影响。资料与方法:抽取陕西省两县(市)4家基层卫生机构2009和2010年的药品购销数据、收入、服务量和次均费用进行分析,并对相关人员进行深入访谈。结果:样本机构的药品采购价格上升、不变和下降的比例各占1/3;样本机构总收入有增有减,财政投入不足和不及时影响到了基层机构的正常运转;有的机构门诊和住院服务量下降明显,有通过增加医疗服务种类和数量、延长住院日来增加医疗服务收入的现象。结论:理性看待基本药物制度实施前后药品价格的变化,在保证财政补助收入足额并及时到位的前提下,通过有效激励手段鼓励基层医务人员和患者使用基本药物,增强基层卫生服务需求和提供能力。  相似文献   

Many developing countries are considering insurance as an option for increasing resource availability in the health sector in order to alleviate financial crisis. In addition to its impact on revenues, however, an insurance program also affects the efficiency and equity of health service delivery. This article examines these consequences of health insurance by reviewing a number of critical institutional characteristics of insurance programs in four developing countries—Brazil, China, Korea and Zaire—and assessing their impact on the efficiency and equity of the health sector. The characteristics highlighted in the article are: the system for reimbursing providers; the services covered by insurance; the role of the insurer; the extent of beneficiary cost-sharing; and, the extent of the population covered by the insurance program. Indicators of health sector efficiency and equity affected by these characteristics reviewed are: cost escalation; resource allocation; the use of specific medical technologies; and, equity of access to services. Efficiency and equity problems are found to arise from the financial incentives facing providers coupled with their powerful influence over both the supply and demand for personal health services. Experience suggests that these problems are magnified when an insurer serves merely as a financial conduit for reimbursing providers. Efficiency and equity goals can be more effectively promoted by an insurance institution which actively organizes the entry of consumers into the health system and removes the financial incentives that encourage providers to increase the volume and cost of services.  相似文献   

The 1998 Spanish reform of the Personal Income Tax eliminated the 15% deduction for private medical expenditures including payments on private health insurance (PHI) policies. To avoid an undesired increase in the demand for publicly funded health care, tax incentives to buy PHI were not completely removed but basically shifted from individual to group employer-paid policies. In a unique fiscal experiment, at the same time that the tax relief for individually purchased policies was abolished, the government provided for tax allowances on policies taken out through employment. Using a bivariate probit model on data from National Health Surveys, we estimate the impact of said reform on the demand for PHI and the changes occurred within it. Our findings indicate that the total probability of buying PHI was not significantly affected by the reform. Indeed, the fall in the demand for individual policies (by 10% between 1997 and 2001) was offset by an increase in the demand for group employer-paid ones. We also briefly discuss the welfare effects on the state budget, the industry and society at large.  相似文献   

Supply factors, depicted by input market conditions and government regulations, and demand factors, depicted by financing mechanisms and utilization patterns, are likely to determine the shape and character of private medical practice. The interaction of this complex set of factors will have considerable implications for the cost access and quality of services offered by this sector. Understanding these characteristics from a provider perspective is imperative to influence the behaviour of providers in this sector. This paper describes some of the important characteristics of private medical practice using a case study of an urban district in India, Ahmedabad, and analyzes their implications. Using survey data of 130 private doctors in the allopathic system, the paper describes broad characteristics of private medical practice using parameters such as growth of private practice, patient load and referrals within the sector, payment methods and determinants, patient concerns, and risks associated with private practice. The paper presents views on the prevalence of various undesirable practices in the private medical sector. It also discusses the awareness of providers about selected important regulations. The findings suggest that growing capital intensity due to cost of location, medical equipment and technology, and financial sources of capital investments are some unfavourable environmental factors experienced by private providers. The findings also indicate a high prevalence of various undesirable practices and low awareness of the objectives of important legislation among practicing doctors. Lack of awareness of important and relevant legislation raises serious questions about the implementation of these laws. The paper identifies the strong need for instituting and implementing an effective continuing medical education programme for practicing doctors, and linking it with their registration and continuation of their license to practice. The paper also suggests that cost of health care, access and quality problems will worsen with the growth of the private sector. The public policy response to check some of the undesirable consequences of this growth is critical and should focus on strengthening the existing institutional mechanisms to protect patients, developing and implementing an appropriate regulatory framework and strengthening the public health care delivery system. The study also discusses various other policy implications arising.  相似文献   

In much of the developing world, private health care providers and pharmacies are the most important sources of medicine and medical care and yet these providers are frequently not considered in planning for public health. This paper presents the available evidence, by socioeconomic status, on which strata of society benefit from publicly provided care and which strata use private health care. Using data from The World Bank's Health Nutrition and Population Poverty Thematic Reports on 22 countries in Africa, an assessment was made of the use of public and private health services, by asset quintile groups, for treatment of diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections, proxies for publicly subsidized services. The evidence and theory on using franchise networks to supplement government programmes in the delivery of public health services was assessed. Examples from health franchises in Africa and Asia are provided to illustrate the potential for franchise systems to leverage private providers and so increase delivery-point availability for public-benefit services. We argue that based on the established demand for private medical services in Africa, these providers should be included in future planning on human resources for public health. Having explored the range of systems that have been tested for working with private providers, from contracting to vouchers to behavioural change and provider education, we conclude that franchising has the greatest potential for integration into large-scale programmes in Africa to address critical illnesses of public health importance.  相似文献   

Research amply documents that language barriers impede access to health care, compromise quality of care, and increase the risk of adverse health outcomes among patients with limited English proficiency. Federal civil rights policy obligates health care providers to supply language services, but wide gaps persist because insurers typically do not pay for interpreters, among other reasons. Health care financing policies should reinforce existing medical research and legal policies: Payers, including Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurers, should develop mechanisms to pay for interpretation services for patients who speak limited English.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the system of financial and non-financial incentives underlying job preferences of doctors in Bangladesh who work both in government health services and in private practice. The study is based on a survey of 100 government-employed doctors with private practice, across different levels of care and geographical areas. In-depth interviews were carried out in a sub-sample of 28 respondents. The study explores the beliefs and attitudes towards the arrangements of joint private/public practice, establishes profiles of fee levels and earnings and examines the options to change the incentive system in a way that ensures an increased involvement of dual job holding practitioners in the priority areas of care. Consultation fees were Tk120 on average (range Tk20-300) and found to be correlated with the qualification of the practice owner and the type of service offered. A majority of the respondents reported at least to double their government income by engaging in private practice. Significant predictors of total income included the number of patients seen in private practice (p=0.000), employment in a secondary or tertiary care facility (p=0.001) and ownership of premises for private practice (p=0.033). Age was found to be marginally significant (p=0.084). No association was found between total income and specialisation, private practice costs, level of government salary or a degree from abroad. The data suggest that doctors have adopted individual strategies to accommodate the advantages of both government employment and private practice in their career development, thus maximising benefit from the incentives provided to them e.g. status of a government job, and minimising opportunity costs of economic losses e.g. lower salaries. Commitment to government services was found to be greater among doctors in primary health care who reported they would give up private practice if paid a higher salary. Among doctors in secondary and tertiary care, the propensity to give up private practice was found to be low. Financial incentives that aim to increase numbers of doctors in rural areas, such as a non-private-practice allowance, are more likely to be appreciated by doctors who are at the beginning of their career. Improved training and career opportunities also appear to be of high importance for job satisfaction. Policy changes to ensure a better resource allocation to the priority areas of the health sector have to reflect an understanding of the incentives generated by the organisational and financial context within which dual job holding practitioners operate.  相似文献   

影响农村妇女孕产期保健的社会因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨影响农村妇女孕产期保健的社会因素。方法:采用定性研究方法,根据目的抽样的原则,抽取孕产期保健服务的提供者、利用者以及地方级别的关键知情人士进行焦点小组访谈、个人深入访谈和关键人物访谈。结果:家庭经济贫困的妇女相对经济好的妇女更不容易利用保健服务;新型农村合作医疗可以吸引妇女到医院分娩,提高住院分娩率,降低母婴死亡率;交通对孕产妇利用保健服务有很大的影响;计划生育政策是计划外生育妇女利用孕产期服务最主要的障碍;流动妇女对孕产期保健服务的利用率低;当地农村仍奉行一些关于生孩子的传统习俗。结论:建议政府制定相关政策限制日益增长的医疗费用;加强流动人口和计划外生育妇女的管理;对农村妇女进行孕产期健康教育;扩大新型农村合作医疗的覆盖范围。  相似文献   

In theory, health care providers may adapt their professional behavior to the financial incentives resulting from their remuneration. Our research question is whether the users of health care services anticipate such behavior from their general practitioner (GP) and, if they do, what consequences such anticipation has on their preferences regarding financial incentives. Our theoretical model explains users' preferences for one or another incentives scheme, disentangling the financial motives (incentives amounts, wealth) from the behavioral ones (perceived GPs' sensitivity to incentives). We empirically test our theoretical predictions using data from a survey that elicits individual preferences for either patient or provider hypothetical incentives in France. The empirical results confirm the theoretical ones: users tend to prefer incentives to patients rather than to GPs when the amount of GP incentives is high, when the amount of patient incentives is low, when they anticipate that their GP's medical decisions are affected by financial incentives or when their wealth is high. Otherwise, they prefer their GP to face financial incentives.  相似文献   

Over one-third of the doctors in Sri Lanka are involved in the delivery of PHC. They form one of seven categories of PHC workers—others being the ayurveda physician, the assistant medical practitioner, nurse, midwife, traditional healer and unqualified practitioner. PHC workers function either in the government or private sector. Their functions in the PHC system are not defined and are dependent on state health policies and people's expectations of health care.The secondary and tertiary levels of the health system are managed by the government through a network of hospitals. These hospitals provide Western type health care facilities free to the people. Government PHC workers have access to referral facilities and back up services provided through this hospital system.Doctors functioning within the PHC system had neither undergraduate nor postgraduate training in PHC. Private general practitioners were the first to realise the need for training doctors in PHC. They sought and got government and university approval for postgraduate training in family practice.The family practice training programme is conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of the University of Colombo. The course consists of educational and clinical components which could be completed in a minimum of 1 year or maximum of 4 years.Nine private general practitioners and 19 government medical officers registered for the course. Fifteen completed the course in 1 year.Family practice trained doctors will function in a PHC system in which the services provided are not coordinated. Changes in the PHC system are being considered. Government is proposing to establish health centres manned by doctors with sub-centres manned by lesser trained health workers.The medical profession has suggested a unified PHC system and a national health insurance scheme.The exact role of the family practice trained doctor in the country's PHC system cannot be defined. Family practice training should influence and be influenced by changes in the PHC system in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

This paper uses the results of a household survey conducted in Cairo, Egypt in 1992 to examine the factors that influence the demand for inpatient and outpatient health services. Multi-stage discrete choice models of the demand for health care, which identify the importance of individual, household, and facility level variables on each treatment decision, are estimated separately for outpatients and inpatients. Consumers are assumed to decide whether to seek any treatment and then choose between three categories of providers: a large public hospital (Embaba Hospital), all other public providers, and private/charitable providers. The results confirm that more affluent consumers prefer the higher cost, higher quality private and charitable hospitals. Age, sex, education, and insurance are also found to strongly impact the use of medical services. The results are suggestive but do not conclusively show that inpatient care is less price responsive than outpatient care. Price responsiveness of inpatient and outpatient demand are imprecisely estimated because price is highly correlated with quality, and the available data on facility quality do not permit us to adequately control for quality variations across facilities.  相似文献   

Public debate about health care reform often focuses on the need for health insurance coverage, but in Latino communities many other barriers also inhibit access to medical care. In addition, basic public health services often go underfunded or ignored. Thus, health care reform efforts, nationally and in each State, must embrace a broader view of the issues if the needs of Latino communities are to be served. This report reviews and summarizes information about the mounting problems Latino communities face in gaining access to medical care. Access to appropriate medical care is reduced by numerous financial, structural, and institutional barriers. Financial barriers include the lack of health insurance coverage and low family incomes common in Latino communities. More than 7 million Latinos (39 percent) go without health insurance coverage. Latinos without health insurance receive about half as much medical care as those who are insured. Structurally, the delivery system organization rarely reflects the cultural or social concerns of the communities where they are located. Therefore, providers and patients fail to communicate their concerns adequately. These communication problems are exacerbated by the extreme shortage of Latino health care professionals and other resources available. Institutional barriers often reflect the failure to consider what it means to provide good service as well as high-quality medical care. Reducing these barriers to medical care requires modifying governmental and institutional policies, expanding the supply of competent providers, restructuring delivery system incentives to ensure primary care and public health services, and enhancing service and satisfaction with care.  相似文献   

基本卫生服务中政府补偿的方式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于基本卫生服务的特殊性,政府需要对此进行干预以保证居民享有基本卫生服务,可选择的方式主要有补供方和补需方.运用卫生经济学理论和公共经济学理论,阐述了补供方和补需方的理论依据,分析了两者的特点和适用条件.以农村基本卫生为例,分析了农村卫生中财政补助的政策选择.强调无论是补供方还是补需方,都需制定适宜的配套政策和监管措施,才能保证政策的效果.  相似文献   

Faced with the cost explosion in the health care sector, policy-makers in most industrialized countries have been focusing on cost-sharing in health insurance as a possible solution. This is a sanction meted out to users of medical care; the alternative of creating positive incentives for non-users has not yet received nearly as much attention. This paper reports on the experiences made by German private health insurers with their plans offering rebates as well as experience-rated bonuses for no claims. It is argued that a rebate offer may be at least as attractive as conventional cost-sharing plans from the point of view of the consumer since these new options allow him to choose the time at which he is to bear the financial consequences of an illness. In the second part of the paper, predictions are derived concerning the incentives contained in the policies written by three particular insurers. Clear evidence of a decrease in demand for ambulatory medical care at the lower end of the billings distribution is found in rebate and bonus plans. The concluding section of the paper contains a discussion of the results with a view on the continuing debate about the reform of social health insurance.  相似文献   

医疗费用上涨已成为多数人关注的热点,在引起费用上升的诸多因素中,远距离就医、需方的卫生服务需求理念和供方的接诊行为以及当前的医疗保险形式均起着不同的作用,本文仅从这三方面简单分析卫生费用的运作过程以及潜在的节省途径。  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of the study is to analyze the market share of for-profit private and not-for-profit sector from the expenditures on medical services of the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), to show its changes in the last years and to show on which field they can be found. DATA AND METHODS: The data derives from the financial database of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) covering the period 1995-2002. The analysis includes the medical provisions (primary care, health visitors, dental care, out- and inpatient care, home care, kidney dialysis, CT-MRI). RESULTS: In 1995 only 6.91% (12.5 billions Ft) of total expenditure for medical services went to for-profit private providers. By 2002 the market share of private providers increased to 15.95% (78.5 billions Ft). During the same period we realized a dynamic increase in the market share of non-profit sector: from 1.04% in 1995 to 2.58% in 2002. The role of private providers is dominant in the case of general practitioners, dental care, transportation, kidney dialysis, CT/MRI and home care (home nursing). CONCLUSIONS: The financial data of the NHIF showed the dynamic increase of market share of for-profit private providers and non-profit sector in many field of health care, although they role in the two most important fields (out- and inpatient care) is still negligible.  相似文献   

The private medical sector is an important and rapidly growing source of health care in India. Private medical providers (PMP) are a diverse group, known to be poorly regulated by government policies and variable in the quality of services provided. Studies of their practices have documented inappropriate prescribing as well as violation of ethical guidelines on patient care. However, despite the critique that inequitable services characterise the private medical sector, PMPs remain important and preferred providers of primary care. This paper argues that their greater involvement in the public health framework is imperative to addressing the goal of health equity. Through a review of two research studies conducted in Pune, India, to examine the role of PMPs in tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS care, the themes of equity and access arising in private sector delivery of care for TB and HIV/AIDS are explored and the future policy directions for involving PMPs in public health programmes are highlighted. The paper concludes that public-private partnerships can enhance continuity of care for patients with TB and HIV/AIDS and argues that interventions to involve PMPs must be supported by appropriate research, along with political commitment and leadership from both public and private sectors.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(4):394-410
Since Brazil's adoption of universal health care in 1988, the country's health care system has consisted of a mix of private providers and free public providers. We test whether income-based disparities in medical visits and medications remain in Brazil despite universal coverage using a nationally representative sample of over 48,000 households. Additional income is associated with less public sector utilisation and more private sector utilisation, both using simple correlations and regressions controlling for household characteristics and local area fixed effects. Importantly, the increase in private care use is greater than the drop in public care use. Also, income and unmet medical needs are negatively associated. These results suggest that access limitations remain for low-income households despite the availability of free public care.  相似文献   

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