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阴道手术助产是指在第二产程通过使用阴道助产仪器牵引胎头,以加快或实现胎儿阴道分娩.常用的阴道助产仪器有产钳和胎头吸引器,但在临床工作中,其应用受到仪器本身可能带来的伤害及操作者技术的限制.2009年世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)批准了在人体上测试顺产助产器(Odon Devi...  相似文献   

分娩方式包括经阴道自然分娩、经阴道助产和剖宫产.经阴道自然分娩是人类进化的一种本能;阴道助产包括胎吸、产钳器械助产、臀位助产和臀位牵引术;剖宫产作为解决难产的重要手段,对降低孕产妇及新生儿死亡率起到重要作用,但任何一种分娩方式均存在利弊.不同分娩方式对母儿健康的影响不一,对公众应该根据循证医学证据,改变卫生策略,以促进合理地选择分娩方式;对单独的个体,应该根据具体的情况权衡利弊,帮助孕妇选择最佳的分娩方式.  相似文献   

分娩助产技术选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分娩是正常的生理过程,大多数产妇都能从阴道自然娩出胎儿。而随着近年来阴道难产率的升高及剖宫产指征的放宽,以及各种社会因素的干扰,剖宫产率呈明显上升趋势。如能在分娩过程中,采用适当的助产方法,对于降低剖宫产率,保证母儿健康仍是安全而有效的手段。助产技术种类繁多,对不同胎位、不同情况手术方式也各异。胎头吸引术及产钳术是分娩时的常用助产技术,  相似文献   

550例头位分娩评分法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院1984年7月至1985年10月住院分娩产妇共1116例,头位分娩资料完整的有583例,其中自然分娩444例,阴道助娩59例,剖宫产80例,本文对550例进行回顾性评分(去掉非难产原因阴道助产及手术产33例)。头位分娩评分法:根据骨盆大小、胎儿大小,胎头位置及产力强弱四项,按项评分。单项骨盆评分称骨盆评分,骨盆和胎儿  相似文献   

<正>阴道助产手术包括产钳助产术和胎头吸引术两种。分娩过程中发生产程异常或需要紧急分娩时,把握阴道助产术的手术指征、掌握手术技巧、了解母儿并发症、正确选择手术方式,可以使产妇、胎儿迅速地脱离危险,保障分娩安全,减少母婴损伤。产钳术和胎头吸引术有着悠久的历史。产钳由16世纪Chamberlen家族发明至今应用已有400年的  相似文献   

目的:分析2007~2016年10年期间四川省妇幼保健院分娩产妇中的阴道手术助产率、剖宫产率以及母婴结局的变化,探索提高阴道助产技术,降低剖宫产率的方法和途径。方法:回顾性分析2007~2016年分娩的51199例产妇病历资料,比较经过全面阴道助产培训后的5年(2012~2016年)与全面培训前的5年(2007~2011年)全院的分娩情况及近期母婴预后,并分析培训后5年分娩产妇的阴道助产率、剖宫产率、新生儿窒息率的变化趋势。结果:(1)培训前的5年,分娩产妇的阴道手术助产率是1.11%,剖宫产率是58.52%,Ⅲ度以上会阴裂伤率是0.56%,新生儿窒息率是5.88%。而培训后的最近5年,分娩产妇的阴道助产率是3.16%,剖宫产率是46.42%,Ⅲ度以上会阴裂伤率是0.23%,新生儿窒息率是3.21%。培训前后两个阶段的指标比较,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。(2)经过培训后近五年我院分娩产妇的阴道助产率逐年上升,而剖宫产率则逐年下降,新生儿窒息率和产妇的会阴损伤率也逐年下降。结论:通过对我院产科医护人员进行阴道助产模拟培训和临床实践培训,可以提高阴道助产技术的临床应用,降低剖宫产率,并改善母婴结局,阴道助产模拟培训模式值得推广运用。  相似文献   

<正>经阴道助产是处理第二产程的重要技术,产程中的情况随时可能发生变化,每次分娩都可能需要紧急或选择性助产。阴道助产术方式众多,正确的选择助产的时机、方式,可取得理想的效果,否则将会引起一系列近远期并发症,给母儿健康带来严重危害。头位分娩阴道助产的方法主要有两种,产钳助产术和胎头吸引助产术。这两种助产方法各有优缺点,怎样选择正确的助产方法,达到使产妇经阴道安全分娩,减少新生儿损伤的目的,是产科医生的必备技能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨产后出血与分娩方式的关系。方法:回顾性分析本院近5年内产后出血与分娩方式(剖宫产、阴道助产、自然分娩)的关系。结果:产后出血在剖宫产中发生率最高,其次为阴道助产,顺产中产后出血发生率最低。剖宫产中产后出血的发生率呈逐年下降的趋势。结论:提高产科质量,严格剖宫产指征,提高剖宫产的手术质量,掌握好产后出血防治的适宜技术,是降低产后出血的主要措施。  相似文献   

        阴道手术助产(operative vaginal birth)是指在第二产程使用产钳或胎头吸引器直接牵引胎头以加快或实现胎儿阴道分娩的重要手段[1],是处理难产的重要操作方法。目前,阴道手术助产已成为现代产程护理的重要组成部分,在适当情况下使用可保证母儿安全,避免中转剖宫产,减少剖宫产手术并发症。美国妇产科医师学会(ACOG)在154号指南《阴道手术助产(2015版)》的基础上,根据最新的临床回顾性研究结果,发布了第219号妇产科临床管理指南--《阴道手术助产(2020版)》[2]。该指南涉及阴道手术助产的器械选择和技术应用、母婴并发症、禁忌证及替代方式等。现将指南解读如下。 浏览更多请关注本刊微信公众号及当期杂志。  相似文献   

目的:探讨产后出血与分娩方式的关系。方法:回顾性分析本院近5年内产后出血与分娩方式(剖宫产、阴道助产、自然分娩)的关系。结果:产后出血在剖宫产中发生率最高,其次为阴道助产,顺产中产后出血发生率最低。剖宫产中产后出血的发生率呈逐年下降的趋势。结论:提高产科质量,严格剖宫产指征,提高剖宫产的手术质量,掌握好产后出血防治的适宜技术,是降低产后出血的主要措施。  相似文献   


Objective: To assess trends over time of operative vaginal delivery and compare delivery-related morbidity between vacuum delivery, forceps delivery, or combined use of both in California.

Methods: California ICD-9 discharge data from 2001 to 2007 were used to identify cases of forceps and vacuum delivery.

Results: There was a decline in all operative delivery types (9.0% in 2001 to 7.6% in 2007), with the decline in the use of forceps most pronounced (7.26/1000 deliveries in 2001 to 3.85/1000 in 2007). Higher rates of third/fourth degree lacerations, postpartum hemorrhage, manual extraction of placenta, pelvic hematoma requiring evacuation, cervical laceration repair, and thromboembolic events were noted in forceps compared to vacuum deliveries. When both instruments were used, rates of third/fourth degree lacerations and postpartum hemorrhage were increased. Operative delivery failure was highest in combined use compared to forceps or vacuum alone.

Conclusion: The incidence of operative vaginal delivery in California is declining, with decreasing use of forceps most notable. Several maternal morbidities are increased in forceps and combined deliveries compared to vacuum deliveries. There is a significantly higher risk of failure when two operative delivery methods are employed. These findings may be contributing to the declining willingness of providers to perform operative vaginal delivery.  相似文献   

Routine use of a partograph is associated with a reduction in the use of forceps, but is not associated with a reduction in the use of vacuum extraction (Level A). Early artificial rupture of the membranes, associated with oxytocin perfusion, does not reduce the number of operative vaginal deliveries (Level A), but does increase the rate of fetal heart rate abnormalities (Level B). Early correction of lack of progress in dilatation by oxytocin perfusion can reduce the number of operative vaginal deliveries (Level B). The use of low-concentration epidural infusions of bupivacaine potentiated by morphinomimetics reduces the number of operative interventions compared with larger doses (Level A). Placement of an epidural before 3-cm dilatation does not increase the number of operative vaginal deliveries (Level A).Posterior positions of the fetus result in more operative vaginal deliveries (Level B). Manual rotation of the fetus from a posterior position to an anterior position may reduce the number of operative deliveries (Level C). Walking during labour is not associated with a reduction in the number of operative vaginal deliveries (Level A). Continuous support of the parturient by a midwife or partner/family member during labour reduces the number of operative vaginal deliveries (Level A). Under epidural analgesia, delayed pushing (2 h after full dilatation) reduces the number of difficult operative vaginal deliveries (Level A). Ultrasound is recommended if there is any clinical doubt about the presentation of the fetus (Level B).The available scientific data are insufficient to contra-indicate attempted midoperative delivery (professional consensus). The duration of the operative intervention is slightly shorter with forceps than with a vacuum extractor (Level C). Nonetheless, the urgency of operative delivery is not a reason to choose one instrument over another (professional consensus). The cup-shaped vacuum extractor seems to be the instrument of choice for operative deliveries of fetuses in a cephalic transverse position, and may also be preferred for fetuses in a posterior position (professional consensus). Vacuum extraction deliveries fail more often than forceps deliveries (Level B).Overall, immediate maternal complications are more common for forceps deliveries than vacuum extraction deliveries (Level B). Compared with forceps, operative vaginal delivery using a vacuum extractor appears to reduce the number of episiotomies (Level B), first- and second-degree perineal lesions, and damage to the anal sphincter (Level B). Among the long-term complications, the rate of urinary incontinence is similar following forceps, vacuum extraction and spontaneous vaginal deliveries (Level B). Anal incontinence is more common following forceps delivery (Level B). Persistent anal incontinence has a similar prevalence regardless of the mode of delivery (caesarean or vaginal, instrumental or non-instrumental), suggesting the involvement of other factors (Level B). Rates of immediate neonatal mortality and morbidity are similar for forceps and vacuum extraction deliveries (Level B). It appears that difficult instrumental delivery may lead to psychological sequelae that may result in a decision not to have more children (Level C). The rates of neonatal convulsions, intracranial haemorrhage and jaundice do not differ between forceps and vacuum extraction deliveries (Levels B and C).Rapid sequence induction with a Sellick manoeuvre (pressure to the cricoid cartilage) and tracheal intubation with a balloon catheter is recommended for any general anaesthesia (Level B).Training must ensure that obstetricians can identify indications and contra-indications, choose the appropriate instrument, use the instruments correctly, and know the principles of quality control applied to operative vaginal delivery. Nowadays, traditional training can be accompanied by simulations. Training should be individualized and extended for some students.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the views and current practice of obstetricians with regard to operative vaginal delivery and the use of episiotomy. STUDY DESIGN: A national survey of consultant obstetricians and specialist registrars practising in the United Kingdom and Ireland registered with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London. A postal questionnaire was sent to all obstetricians with two subsequent reminders to non-responders. The choice of procedure for specific circumstances, instrument preference, use of episiotomy and views on the relationship between episiotomy use and anal sphincter tears at operative vaginal delivery were explored. RESULTS: The response rate was 80.4%. Instrument preference varied according to the fetal position and station and the grade of operator. Vacuum and forceps were both used for mid-cavity non-rotational deliveries (64% and 56% reported frequent use respectively). Rotational vacuum was preferred for a mid-cavity mal-position (69%) followed by equal numbers using rotational forceps or manual rotation and forceps (34% and 36%, respectively). Inexperienced operators were more likely to proceed directly to caesarean section (35%). A restrictive approach to use of episiotomy was preferred for vacuum delivery (72%) and a routine approach for forceps (73%). Obstetricians varied greatly in their perception of the relationship between episiotomy use and anal sphincter tears at operative vaginal delivery. CONCLUSION: There is wide variation in the use of episiotomy at operative vaginal delivery with uncertainty about its role in preventing anal sphincter tears. A randomised controlled trial would address this important aspect of obstetric care.  相似文献   

Objective  To determine the risk factors for anal sphincter injuries during operative vaginal delivery.
Setting and design  A population-based observational study.
Population  All 21 254 women delivered with vacuum extraction and 7478 women delivered with forceps, derived from the previously validated Dutch National Obstetric Database from the years 1994 to 1995.
Methods  Anal sphincter injury was defined as any injury, partial or complete, of the anal sphincters. Risk factors were determined with multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Main outcome measures  Individual obstetric factors, e.g. fetal birthweights, duration of second stage, etc.
Results  Anal sphincter injury occurred in 3.0% of vacuum extractions and in 4.7% of forceps deliveries. Primiparity, occipitoposterior position and fetal birthweight were associated with an increased risk for anal sphincter injury in both types of operative vaginal delivery, whereas duration of second stage was associated with an increased risk only in vacuum extractions. Mediolateral episiotomy protected significantly for anal sphincter damage in both vacuum extraction (OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.09–0.13) and forceps delivery (OR 0.08, 95% CI 0.07–0.11). The number of mediolateral episiotomies needed to prevent one sphincter injury in vacuum extractions was 12, whereas 5 mediolateral episiotomies could prevent one sphincter injury in forceps deliveries.
Conclusions  Primiparity and occipitoposterior presentation are strong risk factors for the occurrence of anal sphincter injury during operative vaginal delivery. The highly significant protective effect of mediolateral episiotomies in both types of operative vaginal delivery warrants the conclusions that this type of episiotomy should be used routinely during these interventions to protect the anal sphincters.  相似文献   

Operative vaginal delivery with the vacuum extractor or forceps is integral to the practice of obstetrics worldwide. The rates at which obstetricians in different countries intervene vary enormously. The wide range of operative vaginal delivery rates reported in the United Kingdom has been noted as a cause for concern. At a Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists consultants' conference, the participants of a discussion group were surveyed regarding their 'actual' and perceived 'optimal' operative vaginal delivery rate. The 'actual' operative vaginal delivery rate was 10.5% and the perceived 'optimal' was 8.7%. Given that there are approximately 600 000 births per annum in the UK, if the optimal delivery rate was achieved over 10 000 operative vaginal deliveries could be avoided, with significant reductions in maternal morbidity. Reductions could be achieved by examining practice at a number of points in the care pathway. Individual units should examine their practice to establish whether their guidelines and continuing education programmes reflect current knowledge of best practice.  相似文献   

Forceps delivery     
This chapter reviews the role for instrumental delivery in current practice and gives a critical account of current techniques of operative vaginal delivery by forceps. Important issues, including case choice, documentation, forceps application, avoidance of complications, and training and education are included.  相似文献   



To evaluate the incidence of, indications for, and outcome of operative vaginal deliveries compared with spontaneous vaginal deliveries in southeast Nigeria.


A retrospective cohort study was conducted involving cases of operative vaginal delivery performed at Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital over a 10-year period. Data on the procedures were abstracted from the operation notes of the medical records of parturients.


An incidence of 4.7% (n = 461) was recorded. The most common indications for vacuum and forceps delivery were prolonged second stage of labor (44.9%) and poor maternal effort (27.8%). The only indication for destructive operation was intrauterine fetal death (3.7%). The risk ratio (RR) for hemorrhage/vulvar hematoma was 1.14 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53–2.48) for vacuum-assisted delivery and 5.49 (95% CI, 0.82–36.64) for forceps delivery. The RR for genital laceration was 1.21 (95% CI, 0.44–3.30) for vacuum-assisted delivery and 9.41 (95% CI, 1.33–66.65) for forceps delivery. The risk of fetal scalp bruises and caput succedaneum was higher for operative vaginal delivery than for spontaneous vaginal delivery, with no significant difference in maternal morbidity. The perinatal mortality rate was 0.9 per 1000 live births.


Operative vaginal delivery by experienced healthcare providers is associated with good obstetric outcomes with minimal risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of forceps and vacuum application and the incidence of its related neonatal complications. This study was performed in a network of 37 maternity hospitals. PATIENTS AND METHOD: A postal questionnaire was sent to 156 obstetricians between February and March 2003. RESULTS: Response rate was 78%. In 2002 the operative vaginal delivery rate was 11.2% of all live births. Forceps are the primary instruments (6.3%) whereas vacuum delivery rate was 4.9%. One obstetrician never uses forceps while 38 (31%) never use vacuum. Only 29 (24%) report using both instruments frequently. During 2002 no neonatal death related to an operative vaginal delivery was reported while 145 neonatal complications were (3.2%). Major complications were one depressed skull fracture (1/4589) and 14 extensive caput succedaneum (14/4589). Minor complications were cutaneous lesions (124/4589) and facial palsy (6/4589). Vacuum delivery was associated with a significantly higher extensive caput succedaneum rate (P = 0.018) while the only depressed skull fracture observed was related to forceps use. Forceps delivery was associated with a significantly higher cutaneous lesions rate (P < 0.001). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that, in 2002, operative vaginal deliveries still represent a significant amount of vaginal deliveries, a majority of obstetricians do not use both instrument and neonatal associated complications are frequent (3.2%) but rarely severe. Therefore, we believe that every method that allows a safe teaching of operative delivery should be promoted.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to describe associations between episiotomy at the time of forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery and obstetrical anal sphincter injuries (OASIS).MethodsThis population-based retrospective cohort study used delivery information from a provincial perinatal clinical database. Full-term, singleton, in-hospital, operative vaginal deliveries of vertex-presenting infants from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2016 were identified. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations between episiotomy and third- or fourth-degree lacerations were calculated in multiple logistic regression models (Canadian Task Force Classification II-2).ResultsEpisiotomy was performed in 34% of 52 241 operative vaginal deliveries. OASIS occurred in 21% of forceps deliveries and 7.6% of vacuum deliveries. Episiotomy was associated with increased odds of severe perineal lacerations for vacuum deliveries among women with (OR 2.48; 95% CI 1.96–3.13) and without (OR 1.12; 95% CI 1.02–1.22) a prior vaginal delivery. Among forceps deliveries, episiotomy was associated with increased odds of OASIS for those with a previous vaginal delivery (OR 1.52; 95% CI 1.12–2.06), but it was protective for women with no previous vaginal delivery (OR 0.73; 95% CI 0.67–0.79). Midline compared with mediolateral episiotomy increased the odds of OASIS in forceps deliveries (OR 2.73; 95% CI 2.37–3.13) and vacuum deliveries (OR 1.94; 95% CI 1.65–2.28).ConclusionIn conclusion, results suggest that episiotomy should be used with caution, particularly among women with a previous vaginal delivery and in the setting of vacuum-assisted delivery. Episiotomy may protect against OASIS in forceps-assisted deliveries for women without a prior vaginal delivery.  相似文献   

This paper aims to highlight the benefits of simulator training in obstetric manipulations such as forceps blade placement. The BirthSIM simulator is used to mimic operative vaginal deliveries. To characterise forceps blade placement, we studied the curvature of forceps path. The orientation of the forceps blades are studied in the quaternion unit space to ensure time-independent analysis. The results showed progress for all novices in forceps blade placement. Simulator training helps them to develop their self-confidence and acquire experience before working in the delivery room.  相似文献   

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