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1.病例简介:患者男,36岁.因"右面部皮肤红疹1个月"于2007年4月来我院就诊.体检:右面部皮肤红疹1.5 cm×1.5cm×1.0 cm,突出皮肤,结节状,色暗红.未发现其余部位皮肤病变和淋巴结肿大.遂行面部结节切除.  相似文献   

1.病例简介:患者男,36岁.因"右面部皮肤红疹1个月"于2007年4月来我院就诊.体检:右面部皮肤红疹1.5 cm×1.5cm×1.0 cm,突出皮肤,结节状,色暗红.未发现其余部位皮肤病变和淋巴结肿大.遂行面部结节切除.  相似文献   

现代医学的不断发展,给人们提供有利的美容条件。而面部皮肤提紧术是改善面部老化的最有效的面部美容手术之一。我院整形科从1988年以来,已施行面部皮肤提紧术27例,术后病人反应良好,现将有关手术配合体会介绍如下。 一、术前准备 1.心理护理:术前患者的心理变化极为复杂,对手术美容存有恐惧、顾虑的心理,担心手术过程中出现  相似文献   

目的探讨面部皮肤缺损手术修补皮瓣选择的方法及注意事项。方法选择2011年2月至2015年2月我院行面部皮肤缺损修补术的40例患者,根据面部组织缺损面积的不同,选择不同的治疗方法。缺损面积较小的病例,采用直接缝合的方法;中等大小面积组织缺损采用局部皮瓣转移或者岛状皮瓣;大面积组织缺损采用扩张皮瓣转移。结果所有患者随访1~2年,转移的皮瓣成活率为100%,转移的皮瓣皮肤颜色和组织类型与缺损区组织搭配较理想,瘢痕较为隐蔽,面部供瓣区未见明显畸形,面部形态满意,术区平整,功能良好。结论根据面部缺损面积选择合适的皮瓣,皮瓣血供可靠,切口瘢痕不明显,效果良好,患者满意度高。  相似文献   

蔡薇  聂兰军  宋辉  李磊  谢爱国 《解剖与临床》2009,14(5):384-384,F0003
我科自2004年8月~2008年8月收治47例老年面部皮肤肿瘤患者,根据老年人的生理、病理特点及面部的解剖特点,对其采用外科切除及整形修复方法,现报道如下。  相似文献   

面部皮肤温度与面部血流关系的对照观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用红外热像方法和超声多普勒技术,对30例周围性面神经麻痹患者面部表浅的颞浅动脉和面动脉的血流量与其分布区的皮肤温度进行了对照观察。  相似文献   

面部皮肤温度与面部血流量关系的对照观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
使用红外热像方法和超声多普勒技术,对30 例周围性面神经麻痹患者面部表浅的颞浅动脉和面动脉的血流量与其分布区的皮肤温度进行了对照观察。结果显示:(1)面部动脉血流量较大者,其分布区的皮肤温度也较高,反之则较低;(2)在面部的穴位针刺治疗后,面部血流量增加,皮肤温度随之上升;(3)在面部所分析的四个区域之间和针刺的前后,温度与血流的对应关系趋向基本一致,两者比值相差的范围较小,在09538~12835∶1 之间。说明面部动脉与相应供血区的皮肤温度有一定的定量关系。  相似文献   

本期"高摄取许莫氏结节和椎体转移瘤的18F-FDG PET/CT鉴别诊断"参考文献[1]:通过对美国国立医学图书馆和美国国立卫生研究院数据库内的相关文章进行分析,结果显示:关于许莫氏结节的形成机理有很多假说,其中轴向负荷模型的支持证据最多。许莫氏结节的临床症状是由椎间盘的髓核组织疝入到血供  相似文献   

The changes in regional facial skin blood flow and vascular conductance have been assessed for the first time with noninvasive two-dimensional laser speckle flowmetry during audiovisually elicited emotional challenges for 2 min (comedy, landscape, and horror movie) in 12 subjects. Limb skin blood flow and vascular conductance and systemic cardiovascular variables were simultaneously measured. The extents of pleasantness and consciousness for each emotional stimulus were estimated by the subjective rating from ?5 (the most unpleasant; the most unconscious) to +5 (the most pleasant; the most conscious). Facial skin blood flow and vascular conductance, especially in the lips, decreased during viewing of comedy and horror movies, whereas they did not change during viewing of a landscape movie. The decreases in facial skin blood flow and vascular conductance were the greatest with the comedy movie. The changes in lip, cheek, and chin skin blood flow negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with the subjective ratings of pleasantness and consciousness. The changes in lip skin vascular conductance negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with the subjective rating of pleasantness, while the changes in infraorbital, subnasal, and chin skin vascular conductance negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with the subjective rating of consciousness. However, none of the changes in limb skin blood flow and vascular conductance and systemic hemodynamics correlated with the subjective ratings. The mental arithmetic task did not alter facial and limb skin blood flows, although the task influenced systemic cardiovascular variables. These findings suggest that the more emotional status becomes pleasant or conscious, the more neurally mediated vasoconstriction may occur in facial skin blood vessels.  相似文献   

One purpose of this study was to characterize the facial skin temperature and cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD) response of 12 subjects (six males and six females) during exposure to cold wind (i.e., −10 to 10°C; 2, 5, and 8 m/s wind speed). This study found that at each wind speed, facial skin temperature decreased as ambient temperature decreased. The percentage of subjects showing facial CIVD decreased significantly at an ambient temperature above −10°C. A similar CIVD percentage was observed between 0°C dry and 10°C wet (face sprayed with fine water mist) at each wind speed. No CIVDs were observed during the 10°C dry condition at any wind speed. The incidence of CIVD response was more uniform across facial sites when there was a greater cold stress (i.e., −10°C and 8 m/s wind). Another objective of the study was to examine the effect of the thermal state of the body (as reflected by core temperature) on the facial skin temperature response during rest and exercise. This study found that nose skin temperature was significantly higher in exercising subjects with an elevated core temperature even though there was no significant difference in face skin temperature between the two conditions. Therefore, this finding suggests that acral regions of the face, such as the nose, are more sensitive to changes in the thermal state of the body, and hence will stay warmer relative to other parts of the face during exercise in the cold.  相似文献   

Facial Reactions to Facial Expressions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Ulf  Dimberg 《Psychophysiology》1982,19(6):643-647
Previous research has demonstrated that different patterns of facial muscle activity are correlated with different emotional states. In the present study subjects were exposed to pictures of happy and angry facial expressions, in response to which their facial electromyographic (EMG) activities, heart rate (HR), and palmar skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded. It was found that happy and angry faces evoked different facial EMG response patterns, with increased zygomatic region activity to happy stimuli and increased corrugator region activity to angry stimuli. Furthermore, both happy and angry faces evoked HR decelerations and similar SCR magnitudes. The results are interpreted as suggesting that facial EMG recordings provide a method for distinguishing between response patterns to “positive” and “negative” emotional visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis is usually an opportunistic fungal infection in patients with defective cell mediated immunity, and has been considered as one of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) defining illness. However, cutaneous involvement in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients is less common, and very rarely can be the initial presenting symptom for the diagnosis of AIDS. We present here an unusual case of multiple diffuse cutaneous nodular lesions predominantly in face, trunk, and upper extremities diagnosed initially on aspiration cytology as histoplasmosis. Subsequent serological test revealed positivity for HIV 1 and 2, along with a low CD4 count and low CD4:CD3 ratio. The cytomorphological features were further corroborated by histology and histochemical stains. Hence, cutaneous histoplasmosis can cause multiple wide spread nodular or umbilicated lesions in AIDS patients as the initial presentation. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a rapid, cost effective tool for diagnosis of the fungi from such lesions and initiating work up for immunocompromised states including AIDS. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A 22-year-old male presented to the Dermatology Department with bilateral plaque lesions distributed symmetrically over malar area, bridge of nose and upper eyelids progressing over 1 year 3 months. Lesion remained unhealed after antibiotic treatment. Microscopy and culture for fungal and mycobacterial infections were negative. The Mantoux test showed an exaggerated response and PCR was positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Patient was treated successfully with anti-tubercular therapy.  相似文献   

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