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The definition ‘iron loading anaemias’ encompasses a group of inherited and acquired anaemias characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, low hepcidin levels, excessive iron absorption and secondary iron overload. Non‐transfusion‐dependent β‐thalassaemia is the paradigmatic example of these conditions that include dyserythropoietic and sideroblastic anaemias and some forms of myelodysplasia. Interrupting the vicious cycle between ineffective erythropoiesis and iron overload may be of therapeutic benefit in all these diseases. Induction of iron restriction by means of transferrin infusions, minihepcidins or manipulation of the hepcidin pathway prevents iron overload, redistributes iron from parenchymal cells to macrophage stores and partially controls anaemia in β‐thalassaemic mice. Inhibition of ineffective erythropoiesis by activin ligand traps improves anaemia and iron overload in the same models. Targeting iron loading or ineffective erythropoiesis shows promise in preclinical studies; activin ligand traps are in clinical trials with promising results and may be useful in patients with ineffective erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Aboriginal children in tropical Australia have a high prevalence of both iron deficiency and acute infections, making it difficult to differentiate their relative contributions to anaemia. The aims of this study were to compare soluble transferrin receptor with ferritin in iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), and to examine how best to distinguish the effect of iron deficiency from infection on anaemia. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study of 228 admissions to Royal Darwin Hospital in children from 6 to 60 months of age. Transferrin receptor concentrations were measured by a particle-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay and ferritin by a microparticle enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS: On multiple regression, the best explanatory variables for haemoglobin differences (r2=33.7%, P<0.001) were mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red cell distribution width (RDW) and C-reactive protein (CRP); whereas transferrin receptor and ferritin were not significant (P>0.4). Using > or =2 abnormal indices (MCV, RDW, blood film)+haemoglobin <110 g/l as the reference standard for IDA, transferrin receptor produced a higher area under the curve on receiver operating characteristic curve analysis than ferritin (0.79 vs. 0.64, P<0.001) or the transferrin receptor-ferritin index (0.77). On logistic regression, the effect of acute infection (CRP) on haemoglobin was significant (P<0.001) at cut-offs of 105 and 110 g/l, but not at 100 g/l when only iron deficiency indicators (MCV, RDW, blood film) were significant. CONCLUSIONS: Transferrin receptor does not significantly improve the diagnosis of anaemia (iron deficiency vs. infection) over full blood count and CRP, but in settings with a high burden of infectious diseases and iron deficiency, it is a more reliable adjunctive measure of iron status than ferritin.  相似文献   

In the management of patients requiring chronic transfusion, various parameters may be used to evaluate the degree of erythroid marrow suppression. The aim of our study was to assess which of these parameters provide the most useful assessment of erythropoiesis. We studied 27 chronically transfused patients, 19 with sickle cell disease (SS patients) and 8 with thalassemia. Thirty-one nonchronically transfused SS patients and 74 healthy children served as controls. We measured serum transferrin receptor levels, reticulocyte counts, hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations and erythropoietin levels. The serum transferrin receptor levels were very elevated in control SS patients and remained significantly elevated in those on transfusion therapy, but were normal in thalassemia patients, indicating a more complete suppression of erythropoiesis. The reticulocyte counts were elevated in all SS patients, even when on chronic transfusion, but were in the normal range in patients with thalassemia. Erythropoietin levels were elevated in patients with thalassemia and in all the SS patients. Hb levels negatively correlated with serum transferrin receptor and erythropoietin in all SS patients. In the transfused SS patients, a higher HbS level correlated with higher reticulocyte counts, transferrin receptor, and erythropoietin levels. In thalassemia patients, erythropoiesis was more completely suppressed, as reflected both by normal reticulocyte counts and near-normal transferrin receptor levels. Though the reticulocyte counts were not significantly different in the transfused SS patients, the serum transferrin receptor levels were less elevated than in SS patients not on transfusion. The serum transferrin receptor level appears to be the most useful marker of marrow erythropoietic activity in chronically transfused SS patients. We recommend that reticulocyte counts be integrated with periodic measurements of serum transferrin receptor levels. Am. J. Hematol. 60:121–125, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effective erythropoiesis requires an appropriate supply of iron and mechanisms regulating iron homeostasis and erythropoiesis are intrinsically linked. Iron dysregulation, typified by iron‐deficiency anaemia and iron overload, is common in many clinical conditions and impacts the health of up to 30% of the world's population. The proteins transmembrane protease, serine 6 (TMPRSS6; also termed matriptase‐2), HFE and transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2) play important and opposing roles in systemic iron homeostasis, by regulating expression of the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin. We have performed a systematic analysis of mice deficient in these three proteins and show that TMPRSS6 predominates over HFE and TFR2 in hepcidin regulation. The phenotype of mice lacking TMPRSS6 and TFR2 is characterized by severe anaemia and extramedullary haematopoiesis in the spleen. Stress erythropoiesis in these mice results in increased expression of the newly identified erythroid iron regulator erythroferrone, which does not appear to overcome the hepcidin overproduction mediated by loss of TMPRSS6. Extended analysis reveals that TFR2 plays an important role in erythroid cells, where it is involved in terminal erythroblast differentiation and the regulation of erythropoietin. In conclusion, we have identified an essential role for TFR2 in erythropoiesis that may provide new targets for the treatment of anaemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In individuals without iron deficiency, the soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) directly reflects the erythropoietic activity. This study investigated sTfR concentrations in ineffective, dysplastic erythropoiesis in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). METHODS: To exclude influences of other myeloid cells on sTfR, only patients with refractory anemia (RA), refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS) and 5q(-) syndrome were included. sTfR was measured nephelometrically (normal range 0.81-1.75 mg/L). RESULTS: Thirty-four untreated MDS patients (RA = 14, RARS = 10, 5q(-) syndrome = 10) were enrolled and analysed. The mean sTfR value of all MDS patients (1.30 +/- 0.8 mg/L, range 0.2-3.8) did not differ from our control group. In 5q(-) syndrome, the mean sTfR concentration (0.80 +/- 0.5 mg/L) was significantly lower than in RA (1.32 +/- 0.4 mg/L, P = 0.02) and RARS (1.75 +/- 1.1 mg/L, P = 0.03). Subdividing MDS according to their amount of erythroid mass in bone marrow a significant difference of sTfR between patients with decreased (0.70 +/- 0.4 mg/L), normal (1.32 +/- 0.4 mg/L) and increased (2.06 +/- 0.9 mg/L) erythropoiesis was observed. MDS patients with sTfR values below the reference range of 0.81 mg/L required transfusions in 90% of cases and showed higher erythropoietin levels compared to MDS patients with sTfR levels > or =0.81 mg/L (P = 0.01). There was a good agreement between sTfR and the amount of polychromatic erythroblasts observed (r = 0.68, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the serum concentration of sTfR reflects erythropoietic activity in MDS, but it is in particular determined by the degree of erythroid maturation and the severity of ineffective erythropoiesis. Low sTfR values in MDS are associated with a reduced, poorly differentiated erythropoiesis and requirement of blood transfusions.  相似文献   

Many studies have been done in order to elucidate the pathogenesis of the anaemia of chronic disorders accompanying cancer, with conflicting results. This is probably due to the heterogeneity of the patient population selected for these studies (many patients treated by chemotherapy). To avoid this pitfall, in this study a very homogenous group of chemotherapy and radiotherapy-naive patients with lung cancer were selected. Serum erythropoietin and soluble transferrin receptor measurements suggested that the anaemia of non-treated lung cancer is mainly due to an impaired erythroid marrow response to erythropoietin stimulation. However, a relative inadequacy of erythropoietin production may also contribute.  相似文献   

Involvement of the transferrin receptor cycle was noted in erythroblasts from a patient with erythroleukemia (FAB classification M6). The kinetics of transferrin receptor cycle in bone marrow erythroblasts was obtained by pulse-chase experiments before the initiation of therapy. Internalization of transferrin was impaired and resulted in a delayed peak of internalized transferrin, as compared with the kinetics pattern seen in healthy subjects. The subsequent exocytosis of the internalized ligand was also delayed. Thus, transferrin receptor cycle seems to be influenced all along the transferrin pathway, hence transferrin travels more slowly in erythroblasts in erythroleukemia. The altered transferrin receptor cycle led to a diminished iron uptake per surface transferrin receptor (approximately 30% of that in healthy subjects), and the incorporation of iron into heme was greatly reduced. Our observations suggest a possible role for the altered transferrin receptor cycle in the pathogenesis of defective heme synthesis and ineffective erythropoiesis in erythroleukemia.  相似文献   

The thalassemia syndromes (α‐ and β‐thalassemia) are the most common and frequent disorders associated with ineffective erythropoiesis. Imbalance of α‐ or β‐globin chain production results in impaired red blood cell synthesis, anemia, and more erythroid progenitors in the blood stream. While patients affected by these disorders show definitive altered parameters related to erythropoiesis, the relationship between the degree of anemia, altered erythropoiesis, and dysfunctional iron metabolism has not been investigated in both α‐thalassemia carriers (ATC) and β‐thalassemia carriers (BTC). Here, we demonstrate that ATC have a significantly reduced hepcidin and increased soluble transferrin receptor levels but relatively normal hematological findings. In contrast, BTC have several hematological parameters significantly different from controls, including increased soluble transferrin receptor and erythropoietin levels. These changes in both groups suggest an altered balance between erythropoiesis and iron metabolism. The index sTfR/log ferritin and (hepcidin/ferritin)/sTfR are, respectively, increased and reduced relative to controls, proportional to the severity of each thalassemia group. In conclusion, we showed in this study, for the first time in the literature, that thalassemia carriers have altered iron metabolism and erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

In the management of β-thalassaemia major, different transfusion schemes are employed with baseline haemoglobin levels ranging from 8 to over 12 g/dl. We studied the relationship between transfusion regimen and suppression of erythropoiesis in 52 patients with β-thalassaemia major whose mean pretransfusion haemoglobin levels ranged from 8.6 to 10.9 g/dl. Multiple, regression analysis showed that serum transferrin receptor was the parameter more closely related to mean pretransfusion haemoglobin (r = -0.77, P < 0.001). As measured through serum transferrin receptor, erythroid activity was 1-2 times normal for pretransfusion haemoglobin levels between 10 and 11 g/dl, 1-4 times normal for levels from 9 to 10 g/dl, and 2-6 times normal for levels from 8.6 to 9 g/dl. Mean pretransfusion haemoglobin was also inversely related to serum erythropoietin (r = -0.72, P < 0.001), whereas it showed no or a weak relationship with Hb F, reticulocyte count, or circulating nucleated red cell count. This study suggests that serum transferrin receptor is a reliable indicator of suppression of erythropoiesis in β-thalassaemia major. On the basis of our findings, pretransfusion haemoglobin values of ≦ 9 g/dl should be adopted with caution, because these levels can be associated with an insufficient inhibition of erythroid marrow expansion. However, a transfusion programme, with a baseline haemoglobin of 9-10 g/dl, may provide enough suppression of erythropoiesis and allow a reduction in blood consumption as compared with the classic hyper- or supertransfusion schemes. Since fixed haemoglobin levels may not be the best target for transfusion treatment in all thalassaemic patients, assay of serum transferrin receptor may be helpful for individualizing the transfusion regimens.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate fetal erythropoiesis we measured red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum transferrin receptor (sTfR), and iron status parameters in fetuses undergoing percutaneous umbilical blood sampling, and in normal newborns at term. We found high levels of sTfR in fetuses and newborns as compared with normal adults (3,149 ± 181 vs. 1,881 ± 137 ng/ml, P < 0.00001). Concentrations of sTfR correlate with gestational age and red blood cell numbers (r = 0.441, P < 0.001; r = 0.366, P = 0.06). sTfR concentrations do not show correlation with iron status parameters. The increased sTfR concentration is consistent with the fact that fetal life is characterized by cell proliferation and tissue growth. sTfR concentration correlates with gestational age and numbers of red blood cells, and can therefore be considered a good indicator of fetal erythropoiesis. It is conceivable that, during intrauterine life, sTfR expression is independent from iron status. sTfR determination will help in reaching a better understanding of some aspects of fetal physiology, and will help elucidate the physiopathology of fetal hematological diseases. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary. Serum erythropoietin (EPO) and soluble transferrin receptor levels were serially measured in 74 patients with aplastic anaemia (AA). As control groups we investigated healthy controls (n = 24) and patients with iron-deficiency (n = 23) or haemolytic anaemia (n = 16). There was a significant negative correlation of log EPO on haematocrit both in AA patients and in the anaemic control group. However, for the same degree of anaemia, log EPO levels in AA were significantly higher than in iron-deficiency or haemolytic anaemia. EPO levels at diagnosis did not correlate with severity of aplastic anaemia, nor did they predict outcome after immunosuppression. During immunosuppressive treatment of AA with anti-thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine A, EPO levels were significantly lower compared with pre-treatment values without a corresponding change in haematocrit. This impaired EPO response to anaemia during immunosuppression might affect recovery of erythropoiesis. In AA patients, EPO levels declined with haemopoietic recovery. However, compared with normal controls, EPO levels in remission patients were still higher with respect to their haematocrit.
Results of this study argue against the model of a simple feedback regulation of EPO via hypoxic anaemia. Our data support the hypothesis that cytokines and the erythropoietic progenitor pool are involved in the regulation of EPO production. The results illustrate that serial measurements of EPO along with therapeutic interventions are necessary to identify patients who might benefit from treatment with exogenous recombmant human EPO.  相似文献   

Serum erythropoietin (Epo) and soluble transferrin receptor (sTR) were measured in a locally defined reference population (n=100): healthy volunteers (n=50); iron‐ deficiency anaemia (n=41) and haemolytic anaemia (n=9) (β‐thalassaemia, n= 4; autoimmune, n=5). Our data demonstrated an inverse relationship between erythroid activity and Epo levels. The regression line between Ln Epo and haemoglobin (Hb) was highly significant: P < 0.0001, r2=0.8275, Ln Epo=8.5346–0.04275 Hb, confidence limit 95%. The mean observed/predicted (O/P) ratio of Ln (Epo) was 1.01 ± 0.11. We demonstrated that the serum Epo concentration in this particular population correlated consistently with clinical measures of erythropoietic activity. sTR, a new index of erythropoiesis, varied from 16.1 to 148 nmol/l, mean 62.0 nmol/l in the anaemic patients’ group. The relationship between Ln Epo and Ln sTR was highly significant: P < 0.0001. We conclude that locally defined regression analyses are crucial for correct data interpretation and can indicate whether or not Epo production is appropiate or inappropiate. Serial determinations of sTR could help in the assessment of response to therapeutic doses of Epo.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ten patients, who received cadaveric kidneys, were followed for 24 wk with serial measurements of serum erythropoietin (S-Epo), transferrin receptor (S-TfR) and iron variables. The mean pretransplant creatinine clearance was 8.2 (range 0–22) ml/min and the mean haemoglobin (Hb) level was 99±18.6 (range 66–124) g/l. Nine patients demonstrated a gradual increase in S-Epo levels, which reached a peak, and was accompanied by a parallel increase in S-TfR levels with a median lag period of 3 wk between both peaks. Hb correction followed the S-TfR peak after a second lag period (median 7 wk). Elevated S-Epo and S-TfR did not result in correction of anaemia in 1 patient due to impaired graft function. Within 4 months, S-Epo levels reached the normal range while TfR levels were higher than normal. Follow-up of iron status demonstrated the development of iron deficiency in 5 patients, which was corrected spontaneously. Improvement in erythropoiesis after renal transplantation seems to occur by means of expansion of the erythroid marrow, as detected by increasing S-TfR levels, subsequent to a S-Epo peak. This expansion precedes Hb normalization. A nonuraemic environment is probably a prerequisite for the correction of anaemia but not for the increase in S-Epo or S-TfR levels. Iron deficiency may occur after transplantation due to an increase in iron utilization.  相似文献   

Ferritin concentration, as a parameter of iron status that is commonly used in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), often has limited values if the iron deficiency is accompanied by inflammatory disease. This study evaluated the value of reticulocyte haemoglobin content (CHr) and soluble transferrin receptor-ferritin index (sTfR/F) in the diagnosis of IDA and differential diagnosis of IDA and anaemia of chronic disease. The study included 66 nonanaemic individuals as controls, 86 patients with IDA divided into noninflammatory and inflammatory subgroups, and 32 patients with anaemia of chronic disease. Blood count, iron, transferrin saturation, total iron binding capacity, ferritin, C-reactive protein, sTfR and CHr were determined. Receiver operator characteristic curve analysis showed very high discriminating power for CHr, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) and sTfR/F in the diagnosis of IDA. In patients with anaemia of chronic disease these parameters showed no significant difference from the control. CHr and sTfR enabled recognition of iron deficiency and were not affected by acute phase reaction. They are sensitive markers of body iron status with additional value to conventional tests for the detection of iron deficiency.  相似文献   

Introduction: The aim of our study was to evaluate derived red blood cell parameters in determining the presence of iron depletion and iron‐deficient erythropoiesis, as states that precede iron deficiency anemia, in adults with congenital heart disease. Methods: Eighty‐eight adults who were diagnosed with congenital heart disease were divided into two groups (cyanotic and acyanotic). In both groups, congenital heart disease patients were then divided into three subgroups: with iron depletion, with iron‐deficient erythropoiesis, and a control group. The following parameters were measured: complete blood count, reticulocytes, ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, haptoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase, and calculated parameters: low hemoglobin density (LHD), red cell size factor (RSF), and microcytic anemia factor (MAF). Results: Discriminant analysis indicated statistically significant differences in the first discriminant function: Function 1 – body iron, LHD, MAF, sTfR, and RSF (P < 0.001) in patients with acyanotic congenital heart disease and significant differences in both discriminant functions in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease: Function 1 – body iron, soluble transferrin receptor, LHD, RSF, MAF, lactate dehydrogenase, and haptoglobin (P = 0.008) and Function 2 – reticulocytes (#), immature reticulocyte fraction and reticulocytes (%) (P = 0.049). Conclusions: Beside parameters that describe iron metabolism dynamics (body iron and soluble transferrin receptor), LHD, indicator of hypochromia, have the highest potential to differentiate and classify iron deficiency in patients with congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed impressive advances in our understanding of iron metabolism. A number of studies of iron disorders and of their animal models have provided landmark insights into the mechanisms of iron trafficking, distribution and homeostatic regulation, the latter essential to prevent both iron deficiency and iron excess. Our perception of iron metabolism has been completely changed by an improved definition of cellular and systemic iron homeostasis, of the molecular pathogenesis of iron disorders, the fine tuning of the iron hormone hepcidin by activators and inhibitors and the dissection of the components of the hepcidin regulatory pathway. Important for haematology, the crosstalk of erythropoiesis, the most important iron consumer, and the hepcidin pathway has been at least partially clarified. Novel potential biomarkers are available and novel therapeutic targets for iron‐related disorders have been tested in murine models. These preclinical studies provided proofs of principle and are laying the ground for clinical trials. Understanding iron control in tissues other than erythropoiesis remains a challenge for the future.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of iron status lack specificity in defining iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) and anaemia of inflammation (AI). The serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) may provide more information in this regard. The iron status of 561 pre-school children was determined and classified using the conventional measurements. The value of the concentration of sTfR, the ratio of sTfR (microg/ml) to LogSF (microg/l) (TfR-Index), and the Log of the ratio of sTfR (microg/l) to SF (microg/l)--(LogTfR:Fer ratio), in the classification of the iron status were determined by comparing their distributions across the classification of iron status. Although there were significant differences in sTfR and TfR-Index across the categories of iron status, there was considerable overlap. All subjects with iron deficiency had LogTfR:Fer ratio > 2.55, whereas in all subjects classified as AI it was < 2.55, thus clearly separating the two. The LogTfR:Fer ratio was not able to exclude IDA in the presence of inflammation. However, in cases of combined IDA and AI the LogTfR:Fer ratio was < 2.55 but increased to > 2.55 after resolution of the inflammation. This novel method of calculating the LogTfR:Fer ratio may provide a more precise classification of the iron status of children.  相似文献   

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