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美国于当地时间2010年3月21日通过了酝酿已久的医改法案,本法案的通过成为美国各界普遍关注的焦点,也引起了世界各国的关注。为了使人们能够从卫生政策角度了解这项法案,本文从社会效益和经济效益两方面对医改法案作了介绍,包括:保险支付、保险公司责任、药品补贴、人力资源配置、公共卫生、服务质量、税收、保险欺诈和成本控制。分析了美国医改对中国医改的借鉴意义,提出了适当加大政府对大病、慢病和弱势群体卫生投资的重要性。同时卫生服务系统的规划要考虑成本控制措施,如加强预防和疾病控制、减少浪费和诱导需求。在卫生改革过程中引入质量管理手段和医疗信息化管理是医疗卫生发展的趋势,也是中国卫生事业管理发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Concern over rising health care costs has prompted dramatic reform in the United States health care financing system. The United States is moving from a period where providers determined prices into a period where payors set prices; and in certain locations into a period where prices are set by providers, and consumers choose among providers based on price and other factors. Also presented is an analysis of the interrelated events that brought about the changes. Among the factors are the oversupply of physicians and other providers the improvement of case-mix measures and other measures of hospital output, and the political climate toward payment reform. The paper concludes with specific lessons for other countries.  相似文献   

From its earliest days, healthcare in the United States has been controlled by providers, that is, by physicians and by hospitals (which, in turn, were also usually controlled by physicians). But this situation is changing. In the 1920s and 1930s, providers created health insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield to help patients pay for healthcare--to pay, in other words, for those services offered by providers. After World War II, the Hill-Burton program covered the nation with new hospitals. In the 1960s, Medicare and Medicaid eased the healthcare burden of older Americans--and also recapitalized hospitals. Thus providers called the shots in the creation of both the delivery and the payment systems. But in the 1970s, payers began to become more powerful. Now, in the 1990s, they have joined employers in acting to contain rapidly escalating healthcare costs. But even those long disturbed by the arrogance of some healthcare providers are now asking themselves: Is this really what we wanted? Payers are governed by the market; they may well seek, not the best, but the cheapest healthcare available. This is not in the interest of either patients or physicians. A middle ground--a new power alignment--will have to be worked out by patients, physicians, payers, and government.  相似文献   

Weinstein C 《Public health》2010,124(11):626-628
Some facts about imprisonment in the USA are used to justify the comment that US is a country that loves prisons. The lack of provision of rehabilitative type services is stressed and the example of Valley Fever in one area of California demonstrates the public health disasters which can occur with the present arrangements. The organisations concerned with prisons seem to support the idea of prisons as a business. The article is a plea for a WHO health in prisons project as the way forward.  相似文献   

Thirty years after Alma-Ata, there has been an upsurge of interest in community health workers (CHWs) in low- and middle-income countries. This echoes several strategic policies recently endorsed by the World Health Organization and its global call to re-establish the primary healthcare (PHC) policy. However, we are witnessing a reframing of this approach rather than its renewal. In particular, the way CHWs are conceptualized has changed considerably. Far from serving as promoters of social change and community empowerment, today we expect them to act as front-line clinicians. This medicalization of CHWs results from a systemic erosion of health promotion’s influence over the last 20 years. Community case management of malaria perfectly illustrates this shift towards a pragmatic, medically centered, use of CHWs. Taking this example, we will discuss the pitfalls of this task-shifting strategy put forward by international health actors, and make suggestions to reattribute a mission of health promotion to CHWs, as intended by the Alma-Ata’s PHC policy.  相似文献   

Medicinal herbs in the United States: research needs.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Virtually all cultures have, throughout history, used a variety of plants or materials derived from plants for the prevention and treatment of disease. Evidence of the beneficial therapeutic effects of these medicinal herbs is seen in their continued use. Additionally, the development of modern chemistry permitted the isolation of chemicals from medicinal herbs that have served as drugs or starting materials for the synthesis of many important drugs used today. Many more modern drugs have been synthesized as a result of knowledge gained from studies of mechanisms of actions of chemicals first isolated from medicinal herbs. Thus, medicinal herbs have played a major role in the development of modern medicine and continue to be widely used in their original form. Whereas it is generally agreed that most medicinal herbs are safe under the conditions used, some are toxic and should be avoided even though they are readily available, and others have significant adverse side effects when misused. Also, little has been done to investigate potential adverse effects that may be associated with extended or high-dose use of medicinal herbs. Thus, concern has been expressed that the lack of quality control used in the preparation of medicinal herbs, plus their unregulated sale and uninformed use, pose potential adverse health effects for consumers. There is also concern regarding potential herb/herb or herb/drug interactions and possible untoward health effects of medicinal herbs in sensitive subpopulations such as the young and the elderly and certain genetically predisposed individuals. In this paper, we discuss these concerns at some length and make recommendations for additional research and education discussed in the recent International Workshop to Evaluate Research Needs on the Use and Safety of Medicinal Herbs.  相似文献   

There is wide variation in the quality and nature of community sexual health service delivery in the UK, which has led to a number of professional and Government-led directives to improve service provision. One key target is the provision of appropriate training and updating of staff in order to maintain an appropriate skill level. To identify the educational development needs of community sexual health nursing and medical staff, preparatory to commissioning appropriate educational provision, a training needs analysis survey was conducted. This involved using a customised psychometrically valid and reliable instrument, which was administered to all relevant staff for self-completion. Fifty-four (67.5%) of all doctors and nurses working in a community sexual health directorate responded. For the whole sample, the following categories of development need were identified: professional development; research; legal issues; clinical practice; and communication/interpersonal skills. When the nursing and medical subsamples were analysed separately, the same generic training needs emerged, although the nurses and doctors identified 22 and 25 significant training needs, respectively. The reported skills deficits cluster into super-ordinate groups which resonate with other available literature. This suggests that each category could be reliably used to inform a short course or series of modules, either for the whole sample or for each professional group. The results also suggest that the instrument is viable for use with healthcare professionals working in this specialty. Consequently, if this approach to identifying skill deficits was adopted, limited educational budgets could be used to provide courses which would meet the real training needs of staff, and if offered as a shared learning opportunity, could promote multidisciplinary team-working. In this way, improved local healthcare provision could be readily realised, with the potential for reducing current variations in the quality of community sexual health provision.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to estimate influenza vaccination coverage among healthcare workers (HCWs) in the United States during 1989-2002 and to identify factors associated with vaccination in this group. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends annual influenza vaccination for HCWs to reduce transmission of influenza to patients at high risk for serious complications of influenza. DESIGN: Analysis of cross-sectional data from 1989-2002 surveys conducted by the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The outcome measure was self-reported influenza vaccination in the past 12 months. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of 2002 NHIS data. SETTING: Household interviews conducted during 1989-2002, weighted to reflect the noninstitutionalized, civilian US population. PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged 18 years or older participated in the study. A total of 2,089 were employed in healthcare occupations or settings in 2002, and 17,160 were employed in nonhealthcare occupations or settings. RESULTS: The influenza vaccination rate among US HCWs increased from 10.0% in 1989 to 38.4% in 2002, with no significant change since 1997. In a multivariate model that included data from the 2002 NHIS, factors associated with a higher rate of influenza vaccination among HCWs aged 18-64 years included age of 50 years or older (odds ratio [OR], 1.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-2.1), hospital employee status (OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.2-1.9), 1 or more visits to the office of a healthcare professional in the past 12 months (OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1-2.2), receipt of employer-provided health insurance (OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1-2.1), a history of pneumococcal vaccination (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 2.5-6.1), and history of hepatitis B vaccination (OR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.4-2.4). Non-Hispanic black persons were less likely to be vaccinated (OR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.5-0.9) than non-Hispanic white persons. There were no significant differences in vaccination levels according to HCW occupation category. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza immunization among HCWs reached a plateau during 1997-2002. New strategies are needed to encourage US HCWs to receive influenza vaccination to prevent influenza illness in themselves and transmission of influenza to vulnerable patients.  相似文献   

Healthcare workers accounted for a large proportion of persons with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) during the worldwide epidemic of early 2003. We conducted an investigation of healthcare workers exposed to laboratory-confirmed SARS patients in the United States to evaluate infection-control practices and possible SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) transmission. We identified 110 healthcare workers with exposure within droplet range (i.e., 3 feet) to six SARS-CoV-positive patients. Forty-five healthcare workers had exposure without any mask use, 72 had exposure without eye protection, and 40 reported direct skin-to-skin contact. Potential droplet- and aerosol-generating procedures were infrequent: 5% of healthcare workers manipulated a patient's airway, and 4% administered aerosolized medication. Despite numerous unprotected exposures, there was no serologic evidence of healthcare-related SARS-CoV transmission. Lack of transmission in the United States may be related to the relative absence of high-risk procedures or patients, factors that may place healthcare workers at higher risk for infection.  相似文献   

Community water fluoridation has served the American public extremely well as the cornerstone of dental caries prevention activities for 45 years. The dental and general health benefits associated with the ingestion of water-borne fluorides have been well known by researchers for an even longer period. Continued research has repeatedly confirmed the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of community water fluoridation in preventing dental caries for Americans regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, educational status, or socioeconomic level. Despite the obvious benefits associated with this proven public health measure, slow progress has been made toward achieving the 1990 national fluoridation objectives as listed in "Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation." This paper documents the lagging pace of community fluoridation by reviewing and analyzing data reported in "Fluoridation Census, 1985," a document published in late 1988 by the Public Health Service's Centers for Disease Control. Failure to attain the 1990 objectives is attributable to a combination of circumstances, including their low priority within many local, State, and Federal health agencies, inadequate funding at all levels of government, lack of a coordinated and focused national fluoridation effort, failure of most States to require fluoridation, lack of Federal legislation mandating fluoridation, general apathy of most health professional organizations toward fluoridation, misconceptions by the public about effectiveness and safety and, finally, unrelenting opposition by a highly vocal minority of the lay public.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Canadians have been impressive in delivering universal healthcare access and high-quality care. Operating under global budgets set by provincial governments, Canadian hospitals have prudently managed available resources to meet community needs. A weakness of this single-payer system, however, is its inability to effectively coordinate and integrate services delivered by hospitals, physicians, and other providers. As the U.S. health system faces stringent cost containment with President Bill Clinton's proposal, significant savings are expected of U.S. hospitals. New alliances constrained by global budgets might require healthcare services managers to operate under a disparate set of assumptions and incentives. Before making such a transition, we can learn from the experiences of our Canadian colleagues. The challenges for both nations in the remaining years of this century will be drawn primarily from the effective macromanagement controls of the Canadian system and the lessons being learned from the U.S. managed care networks. This will occur as each nation strives to provide a more effective, less costly, integrated delivery of healthcare services.  相似文献   

Social regulation is ubiquitous in the US healthcare system, and American healthcare organizations claim to be among the most regulated institutions in the world. Yet relatively little is known about the impact of social regulation on these organizations' performance, or about the characteristics or determinants of effective regulatory strategies and approaches. This paper explores the use of social regulation in US healthcare, drawing on the wider literature on regulation in other countries and settings and on the growing body of general regulatory theory. It offers a framework for analysing and comparing regulatory arrangements, presents the findings from an exploratory qualitative study of regulators and regulated organizations, and concludes by developing a framework of the emergent characteristics of effective regulation which might be used in future evaluations of healthcare regulation.  相似文献   

英国是当前福利国家中社区照顾历史最悠久的国家,迄今已逾六十年。英国社区照顾服务供给模式的建构深受新自由主义和新管理主义影响,这些意识形态主导了英国历届政府关于购买社区照顾服务的改革与完善。当前,我国正积极推进医养结合、长期照护政策,并确定社区为主的发展模式。本文在借鉴英国购买式社区照顾服务经验并结合中国国情的基础上,提出政府角色重新定位、积极扶持民间服务组织发展及完善购买式照顾服务法律体系等建议,以期减轻政府负担、增强照顾服务效率和提高照顾服务质量。  相似文献   

The U.S. health care system is deteriorating in terms of decreasing access, increased costs, unacceptable quality, and poor system performance compared with health care systems in many other industrialized Western countries. Reform efforts to establish universal insurance coverage have been defeated on five occasions over the last century, largely through successful opposition by pro-market stakeholders in the status quo. Reform attempts have repeatedly been thwarted by myths perpetuated by stakeholders without regard for the public interest. Six myths are identified here and defused by evidence: (1) "Everyone gets care anyhow;" (2) "We don't ration care in the United States"; (3) "The free market can resolve our problems in health care"; (4) "The U.S. health care system is basically healthy, so incremental change will address its problems;" (5) "The United States has the best health care system in the world"; and (6) "National health insurance is so unfeasible for political reasons that it should not be given serious consideration as a policy alternative." Incremental changes of the existing health care system have failed to resolve its underlying problems. Pressure is building again for system reform, which may become more feasible if a national debate can be focused on the public interest without distortion by myths and disinformation fueled by defending stakeholders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although new HIV infection cases have dropped from over 160,000 per year in the mid-1980s to 40,000 per year in the 1990s, HIV incidence has been relatively unchanged for a decade. This number of annual incident infections suggests that substantial, unmet HIV-prevention needs continue to fuel the HIV epidemic in the United States. OBJECTIVES: This study estimates the cost of addressing the unmet HIV-prevention needs in the United States and establishes a performance standard by estimating the number of HIV infections that would have to be prevented in order for these programs to be considered cost saving to society. METHODS: Standard methods of cost and threshold analysis were employed in this study. Interventions needed to address unmet behavioral risks include services to reduce sexual risk of HIV infection, services to provide access to sterile syringes for people who cannot stop injecting drugs, HIV counseling and testing, and intensive preventive services to help HIV-seropositive people avoid transmitting the virus to others. RESULTS: If brief interventions are utilized to address sexual behavior risk, the total program cost (over and above current resource levels) is just over $817 million; and if more expensive multisession, small-group interventions are used, the costs increase to over $1.85 billion. However, even the higher-cost program has a threshold of only 12,000 infections that must be prevented in order for the program to be considered a cost saving to society. CONCLUSIONS: Addressing the remaining unmet HIV-preventive needs in the United States will require a substantial commitment of resources. However, even a greatly expanded HIV-preventive program in the United States could pay for itself through savings in averted medical care costs.  相似文献   

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