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今年可以说是医药流通领域的“联盟年”。继五大商业巨头结盟,华北制药和太极集团的工商结盟后,最近,中小型连锁药店采购联盟PTO(PharmacyTradeOrganization)又异军突起,释放着自己的影响力。最近,PTO组织的“全国连锁药店成功经验交流会”在苏州召开。这个去年一度搅热业界的“药品贸易联盟”(PTO)召集“人马”进行了首次赢利模式成功经验交流。  相似文献   

预防伤害保护生产力保障人民健康   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
跨入21世纪,我国社会和经济继续稳步、快速地发展.为了满足新形势下广大人民群众不断增长的卫生需求,卫生体制改革正在全面、深入地推进,并取得了良好的成效.在疾病预防和控制方面,我们一方面毫不松懈地抓好对鼠疫、霍乱、性病、艾滋病、病毒性肝炎、腹泻病和结核病等急慢性传染病的预防,密切监视和严防新发现传染病传入我国;另一方面广泛开展对高血压、心脏病、脑卒中、糖尿病和慢性阻塞肺部疾患等慢性非传染病的控制.与此同时,伤害的预防也正逐步纳入疾病预防控制工作中.自从1999年12月<第一届全国伤害预防与控制学术会议>至今不到两年的时间,我国伤害的研究和预防工作进展迅速,鼓舞人心,我们要认清形势,采取有效措施,推动这项工作不断向纵深发展.  相似文献   

In the last 25 years, the production sector in Spain has undergone important changes. Among these changes, the important growth of the services sector at the expense of the primary sector, the increasing flexibility of the labour market, and the rise in the female workforce could be considered as the most relevant ones. Spanish women have higher rates of unemployment, temporary jobs and part time contracts than Spanish men. Moreover, job access and work conditions are highly related to gender and social class. Because women are forced to compensate for the scarcity of social services for caring for young children and for dependent elderly, they become informal and socially unrecognised caregivers, preventing them from getting or holding a job, and significantly limiting their opportunities for professional development. These social conditions are closely related with the fact that work conditions for women involve higher temporality rates and shorter contracts than those of men, given the sectors and jobs in which they tend to work (due to segregation). Similarly, workers of the less privileged social classes have poorer work conditions. Thus, women of the lower income class are mainly suffering the worst job contracts and the poorest work conditions. More social services are needed to make it possible to attend to family needs and still be able to access and maintain a job contract. Policies tending to conciliate labour and family life are indispensable and should incorporate measures to equally distribute the house keeping activities between women and men.  相似文献   



To assess the impact of diabetes and diabetes-related complications on two measures of productivity for people in the labour force and out of it, namely “being afraid health limits ability to work before retirement” and “volunteering”.

Methods and data

Logistic regressions were run to test the impact of diabetes and its complications on the probability of being afraid health limits work and being a formal volunteer. The longitudinal sample for the former outcome includes 53,631 observations, clustered in 34,393 individuals, aged 50–65 years old whereas the latter consists of 45,384 observations, grouped in 29,104 individuals aged 65 and above across twelve European countries taken from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, from 2006 to 2013.


Diabetes increased the probability of being afraid health limited work by nearly 11% points, adjusted by clinical complications, and reduced the likelihood of being a formal volunteer by 2.7% points, additionally adjusted by mobility problems. We also found that both the probability of being afraid health limits work and the probability of being a formal volunteer increased during and after the crisis. Moreover, having diabetes had a larger effect on being afraid health limits work during the year 2010, possibly related to the financial crisis.


Our findings show that diabetes significantly affects the perception of people regarding the effects of their condition on work, increasing the fear that health limits their ability to work, especially during the crisis year 2010, as well as the participation in volunteering work among retired people.

目的 分析黔南州育龄人群地中海贫血(简称地贫)基因携带状况,以便为地贫筛查规划提供参考依据。 方法 对2015-2019年黔南州23 987名育龄人群采用红细胞指标检测(MCV和MCH)和血红蛋白电泳(HbA2) 分析进行地贫筛查,初筛阳性者行基因检测确诊,运用统计学方法分析育龄人群基因检出情况。 结果 23 987名育龄人群中,地贫基因阳性1 037例,检出率4.32%(1 037/23 987)。其中男性地贫基因检出率3.80%(376/9 893),女性为4.69%(661/14 094)。女性检出率高于男性(x2=11.114, P =0.015);汉族、布依族、苗族、水族、壮族、侗族、毛南族、土家族、瑶族、仡佬族、彝族、回族、其他民族地贫基因检出率分别为1.66%、5.95%、5.18%、7.24%、5.12%、2.95%、6.88%、2.43%、5.14%、1.34%、1.89%、2.81%、2.56%;黔南州地贫基因检出率排前三位分别是长顺县(4.69%)、惠水县(4.61%)和三都县(4.51%),基因型主要以--SEA/αα、βCD41-42/βN、βCD17/βN为主,占60.95%。 结论 黔南州育龄人群地中海贫血基因携带率较高,具有性别、民族和县份分布特点。  相似文献   

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