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世界卫生组织明确公告:“健康长寿遗传占15%,社会因素占10%,医疗条件占8%,气候条件占7%,而60%的成份取决于自己。”也就是说,每个人的生命掌握在自己的手中。 相似文献
出席国际人口与发展论坛的各国专家认为,有史以来最多的青少年进入了生育期,他们的性与生殖健康问题应得到更多的关注。 相似文献
喧嚣纷扰的工作和生活,使现代都市人面临更大的压力,最先感知的身体部位就是头部,最先表现出来的不适就是头皮问题。区别于常见的皮肤问题,头皮问题并不那么显而易见,很多人即使已出现头皮方面的疾病,却因没有明显症状而不自知。当头皮出现头屑、头痒、干燥、出油等问题,这些都是头皮不适的集中表现。 相似文献
世界卫生组织于2002年分别将“青春期”和“青少年”两个名称规定为10~19岁和10-24岁年龄组人群。世界卫生组织公布的数字显示,2002年世界上约有17亿青少年,其中的12亿的青少年处于青春期。在中国,1997年的统计数据显示,15-24岁的人口数占总人口数的16%,约有2亿人。青春期是一个成长的阶段,也是不断学习、面临着各种危险和诱惑的时期,在探索新的选择和思想的时候容易受到各种伤害。 相似文献
眼下已到了初秋时节,在这个季节里,不仅草木萧条,人的皮肤也开始呈现"紧张状态"。尤其是中老年人,可能会发现自己的皮肤变得紧绷绷的,异常干燥,甚至出现脱皮、瘙痒、刺痛等症状。入秋后除皮肤瘙痒外,手足皲裂、带状疱疹等都是秋季的高发病,真可谓是"多事之秋"。那么,我们应该如何防治这些疾病?怎样才能更好地护理皮肤呢?带着这些问题我们近日专访了北京医院皮肤科主任葛蒙梁主任医师,请他来给广大读者支支招。 相似文献
一.在健康问题上,自己比老天爷管用世界卫生组织规定,每个人的健康和寿命15%决定于遗传,10%决定于社会因素,8%决定于医疗条件,7%决定于气候影响,60%决定于自己。在这个问题上,自己比老天爷管用。 相似文献
2007年《药物与人》专家座谈会的主题是:关注“322人群”,关注中国慢病人群的健康教育、健康促进和健康管理。与会的专家都是为《药物与人》杂志长期撰稿的健康教育专家。大家畅所欲言.对共同关注的医患关系、药价过高、社区健康教育、过度治疗、三级预防等话题展开了深入的探讨。 相似文献
早在21年,世界卫生组织就提出了“8020计划”,也就是80岁的老人至少应有20颗功能牙,目的就是希望通过延长牙齿的寿命来保证健康和提高生命质量。但在日常生活中,由于年龄的增长,绝大多数的老人存在着牙齿老化、牙周疾病、缺牙等各种口腔问题。那么,出现口腔问题对全身健康有哪些危害?老年人该如何护卫自己的口腔健康呢? 相似文献
周晓波 《中国计划生育学杂志》2007,15(9):526-526
为了解当代上海市大学生生殖健康认知态度、行为习惯,探索大学生生殖健康教育有效途径,上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院陈斌副教授等于2004年7月~2007年1月选取上海市14所全日制高校,对5243名不同专业的在校大学生进行问卷调查。调查问卷涵盖生殖健康知识需求、性行为及性态度、色情读物及影像接触和性卫生及性传播疾病知识。 相似文献
The use of human scalp hair as a bioindicator of occupational or environmental exposure has been the subject of some debate over the years. One problem is how to distinguish internal contamination from external contamination. In this study, possibility that elevated levels of natural uranium in human hair are partly due to the exogenously bound uranium from uranium-rich household water was tested. Hair samples from six adult volunteers were cut and then exposed externally to uranium by using washing water with highly elevated levels of natural uranium. After that, and before making the analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), the samples were washed using two commonly used washing procedures in order to remove external contamination. No quantitative information was gained in the tests, but it was shown that the use of uranium-rich water when washing hair affects the uranium concentration in hair. Although the samples were cleaned according to widely used washing procedures before the analysis, the uranium concentrations in hair were about three orders of magnitude higher after the tests. The possibility of external contamination should be kept in mind, especially when considering hair as an excretion pathway for estimating internal dose. 相似文献
S Yamaguchi H Matsumoto S Kaku M Tateishi M Shiramizu 《American journal of public health》1975,65(5):484-488
McKenzie CA Wakamatsu K Hanchard NA Forrester T Ito S 《The British journal of nutrition》2007,98(1):159-164
Childhood malnutrition is known to be associated with visible lightening of hair colour (hypochromotrichia). Nevertheless, no systematic investigations have been carried out to determine the biochemical basis of this change. We used an HPLC method to measure melanins in the scalp hair of thirteen Jamaican children, diagnosed as having primary malnutrition, during various stages of their treatment and after recovery. During treatment for malnutrition, a progressive decrease in total melanin content along the hair shaft from tip to root (root:tip ratio: 0.62 (sd 0.31)) was observed. This ratio was significantly different (P = 0.003) from the ratio observed among children sampled several months after discharge from hospital (0.93 (sd 0.23)) and among normal control children (0.97 (sd 0.12)). Thus, it appears that a decrease in melanin content is associated with periods of malnutrition. The low root:tip ratio during malnutrition presumably arises because the tips reflect prior hair growth during 'normal' nutrition and the roots reflect hair growth during malnutrition; a return of the root:tip ratio to that seen among controls reflects 'recovery' from malnutrition. It is possible that reduced intake or availability of tyrosine, a key substrate in melanin synthesis, may play a role in the reduction of hair melanin content during periods of malnutrition. The precise mechanisms by which melanin content is reduced, and the role of aromatic amino acid availability in hair colour change and other features of childhood malnutrition remain to be explored. 相似文献
Pesch A Wilhelm M Rostek U Schmitz N Weishoff-Houben M Ranft U Idel H 《Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology》2002,12(4):252-258
Mercury levels measured in urine, hair, and saliva of 245 German children (8-10 years old) are reported. Mercury concentrations in urine ranged between <0.1 and 5.3 microg/l [geometric mean (GM) 0.26 microg/l or 0.25 microg/g creatinine; median for both, 0.22 in microg/l and microg/g, respectively]. Using multiple linear regression analysis, two predictors have been found accounting for 25.3% of the variance of mercury levels in urine: the number of teeth with amalgam fillings (23.2%) and the number of defective amalgam fillings (2.1%). The mercury content in hair ranged from <0.06 to 1.7 microg/g (GM 0.18 microg/g; median 0.18 microg/g). The frequency of fish consumption, the smoking habits of the parents, and the age of the children accounted for 20.4% of the variance of mercury levels in hair. The correlation between the hair mercury content and urine mercury concentration was low (r=0.297). Mercury levels in saliva ranged between <0.32 and 4.5 microg/l (median 0.16 microg/l). The mercury concentration in saliva was below the limit of quantification of 0.32 microg/l in more than 70% of the samples. Mercury analysis in urine is suitable to estimate mercury exposure due to amalgam fillings, whereas hair mercury better reflects mercury intake by fish consumption. Up to now, saliva does not seem to be a suitable tool to monitor the mercury burden, at least not at low exposure levels. 相似文献
香港职业司机与大学教师头发中微量元素含量对比 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
采集了香港男性职业司机头发23份,男性大学教师头发20份,年龄在35~45岁之间,测量了发样中的Al、Sb、As、Ca、Cu、Fe、Pb、Mg、Mn、Hg、K、Sr、S、V和Zn的含量,对这组数据做t检验和威尔科克森等级和检验(W检验)。在司机组中Al、Sb、Pb、Mg、Mn、K的含量明显高于教师组,As、Hg含量低于教师组,并从环境与代谢的角度对此作了初步解释。 相似文献