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鄞县居民潜在生命损失分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着社会经济、文化、卫生服务等方面的发展 ,威胁居民健康状况的疾病谱发生了变化 ,为评价鄞县居民健康状况和各种疾病的危害性 ,本文把鄞县 1992~ 2 0 0 0年死亡监测资料应用潜在生命损失 (YPLL)等指标进行了分析。1 材料与方法1.1 资料来源人口资料来自县统计局 ,死亡资料由全县 6个疾病监测点上报 ,有专人登记 ,每月核实 ,按《疾病分类ICD——— 9》归纳整理 ,年终进行漏报调查补充。标准人口使用 1990年全国人口普查资料。1.2 主要评价指标标化死亡率、潜在生命损失年数 (YPLL )、标化YPLL、YPLL标化率等。2 … 相似文献
我是一个年近古稀的老人,也是一个从医数十年的老大夫,在一次常规查体中忽然发现我体内长了一个肿块,必须尽快手术治疗。这则消息是个不祥之兆.俨然让我感到头脑昏昏沉沉.不知如何是好。但表面还得佯装无事,强作镇静。 相似文献
采血针头刺伤的潜在危害及预防 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采血针头刺伤在血站采血工作中经常发生,危害极大,后果严重.被血液污染的针头刺伤及其锐器伤是导致血站采血人员发生经血液传播性疾病最主要的职业因素.我国是肝炎高发区,近年来,艾滋病有成倍增长的趋势,采血针头刺伤的危害愈来愈被采供血机构所重视.为加强血站采血人员对采血针头刺伤的防护,现对采血针头刺伤的潜在危害因素作如下分析. 相似文献
为评价广州市区居民的健康状况和各类疾病的危害性,对广州市区1983~1994年死亡监测资料应用YPLL、WYPLL和VYPLL等新的指标进行了分析。结果:CSMR、YPLL标化率分别从1983年的448.2/10万和53.16‰降至1994年的398.6/10万和42.29‰,表明居民的健康状况不断改善;肿瘤、损伤中毒和心血管系病居YPLL标化率的前三位,是危害居民长寿水平的主要疾病;损伤中毒、精神病和传染病均居WYPLL标化率和VYPLL标化率前三位,是危害社会劳动力和经济发展的重要因素;性别比较:CSMR男性高于女性(u=14.79,P<0.01),YPLL标化率男性高于女性(u=27.05,P<0.01),WYPLL标化率和VYPLL标化率男女均为负值,但男性仍高于女性;0岁组的YPLL标化率、WYPLL标化率和VYPLL标化率均远高于其他年龄组。 相似文献
目的 了解杭州市人群寿命损失状况以及各种病因对寿命、劳动力和社会价值的损失程度。方法 应用YPLL、WYPLL和VYPLL率反映整个人群的损失状况及1995-2000年YPLL率的变化趋势。结果 1995-2000年杭州市城市人群YPLL率在4.66‰-5.66‰,农村在6.57‰-7.14‰之间,6年间城乡YPLL率均呈逐年下降趋势。YPLL率损失最大的年龄组城市为55a组(59.55‰),农村是50a组(97.47‰),WYPLL率和VYPLL率损失最大的年龄组城乡均为45a组和30a组。结论 城乡居民“早死”状况逐年有所改善,居民健康水平有所提高。 相似文献
福建省人群潜在生命、工作和价值年数损失分析 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4
本文用生命损失年数(YPLL)、潜在工作损失年数(WYPLL)、潜在价值损失年数(VYPLL)等指标分析福建省1~70岁居民的健康状况和疾病危害情况,现将结果报告如下。资料与方法一、资料来源 死因资料来源于福建省卫生防疫站每年的15%人口的死因抽样调查。疾病分类依据ICD9标准,标化人口资料采用1990年全国普查人口的年龄构成资料,早死年龄域定为1~70岁。二、主要评价指标〔1〕1潜在生命损失年数(YPLL)YPLL=∑YPLLi=∑〔(L-Xi)×Di〕式中L为目标生存年龄(可根据不同地区寿命而定,我省规定为70岁),Xi是死亡年… 相似文献
环境雌激素对人类健康的潜在影响 总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30
环境雌激素(Environmental estrogens)对人类、家畜、野生动物的健康和繁衍的不良影响愈来愈受到重视。已知机体的发育和正常功能的维持是受神经内分泌系统调控的。 相似文献
目的 了解云南不明原因猝死病区人群生命质量状况,探讨其主要影响因素.方法 采用整群抽样方法获取调查对象,应用《居民家庭生活状况调查表》、《居民个人情况调查表》和《世界卫生组织生命质量评定简表》进行生命质量及影响因素的现况调查.结果 生命质量的多重线性回归分析中,与对照组相比,云南不明原因猝死病区人群生命质量的生理、心理、社会关系、环境等领域得分均较低,回归系数β分别为-0.233、-0.672、-0.334、-2.192,差异有统计学意义(均有Jp<0.05).居民中较低文化、患有慢性病、过去1年有过住院、人均总收入较低人群的生命质量各个领域得分均较低(均有P<0.05).结论 云南不明原因猝死病病区人群生命质量状况与该病相关.此外,较低的文化程度、患有慢性病和过去1年有过住院及较差家庭经济条件等因素是影响病区人群生命质量的主要影响因素. 相似文献
《AIDS policy & law》1995,10(11):1, 11
Senator Jesse Helms, R-N.C., reportedly is blocking the reauthorization of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act because he contends too much money is being spent on AIDS relative to more common illnesses. Lawmakers have until September 30, 1995 to reauthorize the bill, however, if the delay continues into the legislation's fiscal 1996 budgetary process, the resulting funding and policy issues created by the delay could cause further delays. At press time, 57 senators had signed on as co-sponsors to the reauthorization, including Majority Leader Robert Dole. Dole can force the bill to the floor for a vote, but instead has put the bill on hold. In other action, the House and Senate have yet to send President Clinton their bill to rescind $16.4 billion in Federal spending for fiscal 1995, including $30 million from the $186 million Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) program. Clinton has vowed to veto the bill. Finally, a conference committee has begun ironing out differences in House and Senate plans to reduce the Federal budget deficit to zero by the year 2002 by cutting discretionary domestic spending, including cutting Medicaid by more than fifteen percent. About forty percent of people with AIDS depend on Medicaid for their health care. 相似文献
Evelyn Roberts Goslin M.A. 《Journal of community health》1978,3(4):321-346
Review of the literature on the psychological effects of hospitalization on children reveals that it has not increased substantially in quality or quantity since Vernon and his associates published their extensive review a decade ago. More recent research supports the earlier contentions that children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years are especially vulnerable to upset but are also more amenable to change and growth than other age groups. Maternal separation appears to be the primary stressor, but the presence of emotional disturbance prior to hospitalization and the child's level of cognitive development at the time may also be significant factors. Attempts to prepare children for hospitalization and surgery have met with some success, but not for preschool children.The need for some comprehensive theoretical perspective on which to base research is evident. Studies to date appear to have been based either on the concept of anticipatory worry or on some form of modeling theory. The author suggests that hospitalization can be considered as a life crisis for a child, a crisis that may result in blocks or distortions in his development if not mastered properly. Crisis theory provides a meaningful and useful model for understanding the experience of hospitalization for young children and for providing a basis for intervention.The psychopathology present in some children and their families is made apparent during such a crisis as hospitalization; this may present the only time when they are accessible to mental health professionals.Ms. Goslin is a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Florida State University, currently interning as a clinical fellow in psychology at Harvard Medical School (Children's Hospital) in Boston, Mass. This review was completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree, under the guidance and supervision of Lee B. Sechrest, Ph.D., and other members of her doctoral committee. 相似文献