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HIV/AIDS流行动力学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1981年全球首次报告了发生在西半球的人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immuno—deficiency virus,HIV)感染,迄今已有20多年。这期间,人们对HIV/AIDS有了更多的认识和了解,本文就HIV/AIDS的流行动力学自1990年至今的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

鉴于HIV/AIDS、丙型肝炎和其他血液传播疾病的蔓延与使用毒品,特别是注射吸毒之间有关,麻醉药品委员会(麻委会)在其第45/1号决议中鼓励各成员国加大努力,提高对吸毒与HIV/AIDS、丙型肝炎和其他血液传播疾病的蔓延之间联系的认识;并鼓励各成员国根据<减少毒品需求指导原则宣言>,加大减少非法药物需求的力度,确保对包括感染HIV/AIDS的人在内的所有使用和滥用非法药物的个人能实施预防、教育、治疗和康复的一系列综合措施;邀请各成员国在制定、实施和评价减少非法药物供需的政策和方案时考虑吸毒对HIV和其他血液传播疾病的潜在影响,并实施各种减少或消除对共用未消毒注射器设备需求的措施;鼓励联合国禁毒署与联合国其他实体一道,在提高全球各洲、国家和社区各级对HIV/AIDS的认识方面发挥作用;呼吁禁毒署继续与联合国其它实体合作,推行和加强解决HIV/AIDS问题的方案.  相似文献   

目的:进一步认识与研究静脉注射毒品与艾滋病迅速传播的关系,为政府有关部门采取干预措施提供科学的依据。方法:对我所1996年7月―2005年3月收戒的795例药物滥用者进行HIV血清抗体检测,并采用《药物滥用监测登记表》及自行设计的《艾滋病、性病知识调查表》进行问卷调查。结果:HIV血清学检测抗体阳性反应26例,全部为静脉注射毒品(IDU)滥用者,并有经常共用注射器具史,所有病例对引发艾滋病传播的途径缺乏认识。结论:IDU已成为我国吸毒人群中HIV传播的主要途径。各家戒毒机构在今后的戒毒工作中对在所吸毒人员开展降低危害教育已经刻不容缓,同时也需要加强对吸毒人员特别是IDU吸毒者的常规HIV抗体检测,以监控HIV流行趋势变化和发展。  相似文献   

美国国立过敏反应、感染症研究所(NIAID)的研究表明,HIV基因的复制数多的携带者,与复制数少的欧美等地理祖先相同的人的比较,HIV/AIDS发病危险率低,这次发现可说明为何部分人易罹患HIV/AIDS,这有助于对HIV/AIDS敏感性高和低的特定人群进行筛查,由此定出治疗计划,可能适用的疫苗  相似文献   

中学预防药物滥用及HIV/AIDS同伴教育项目评估报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨在中学开展预防药物滥用及HIV/AIDS同伴教育项目的可行性及有效性。方法··:以相关知识、技能教育为主 ,采取同伴教育的形式 ,由专业技术人员利用参与式教学法培训教师骨干、学生骨干128人次 ,然后 ,由他们去做同伴教育。同时 ,预防活动辅以由教师及专业人士负责的心理健康教育和心理咨询。活动持续2a。采用自制问卷调查及目标人群讨论评估。结果··:项目增加了预防对象的相关知识 ,并教授了一些个人技能和社会技能。结论··:以同伴教育方式在学校开展药物滥用和HIV/AIDS预防活动是可行和有效的 ,项目也起到向家庭、社会辐射的作用 ,并为其可持续性开展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

昆明市一所中学药物滥用及HIV/AIDS预防研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在昆明市一所中学开展药物滥用及HIV/AIDS预防活动。以该校初中部两个班(共87人)的学生为预防活动对象。预防活动以信息传播、抵制技能训练、情感教育及个人社会生活技能训练为主,每周活动1次,每次45min,共36次。持续3个学期。采用问卷调查评估。结果表明,预防活动能增加预防对象的相关知识和技能,并在一定程度上改变预防对象对药物滥用及HIV/AIDS的负性态度和行为。并对今后学校进行药物滥用的预防方式提出了建议。  相似文献   

AIDS可能会不可怕   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
艾滋病是在1982年正式定名,而后于1983年发现其病原体-人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的。  相似文献   

林国奎 《中国当代医药》2011,18(22):156-157
目的:寻找献血者中的HIV高危人群,控制AIDS的经输血途径传播与蔓延,保障临床输血安全。方法:对我站2009年1月~2010年12月收集的66506名无偿献血者的血液样本的HIV抗体进行血清学检测,并对不同人群的检测结果进行比较分析。结果:HIV抗体初检阳性46例,阳性率为0.06917%;HIV抗体复检确认30例,阳性率为0.04511%。HIV抗体男性阳性率为0.05155%;女性阳性率为0.03007%;均为首次献血者。首次与非首次献血者、不同性别的HIV阳性率比较差异均有统计学意义(P均〈0.01)。不同人群HIV阳性率的比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:应着重关注献血高危人群,并鼓励非首次献血人群献血,保障血站供血安全。  相似文献   

1994年3月 -1996年1月 ,联合国亚太经社会与中国国家禁毒委员会合作 ,在云南省瑞丽市开展中缅边境地区减少毒品需求和HIV/AIDS预防项目。项目选择四个村寨进行试点工作。两年的预防活动结束后 ,评估研究显示 :项目村寨药物滥用的发病率减少 ,HIV感染者发病率降低。提高了靶对象对药物滥用和HIV/AIDS的预防知识的认识 ,转变了靶对象对药物滥用者和HIV感染者的不正确认识 ,促进了靶对象的健康生活模式。  相似文献   

覃玲 《中国实用医药》2010,5(1):203-204
艾滋病(AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的一种严重传染病。HIV主要侵犯和破坏部分人体T淋巴细胞,导致机体细胞免疫明显受损,最终并发严重感染或肿瘤而死亡。从1985年我国发现首例艾滋病患者,到2004年底,已累计报告HIV感染者68546例,AIDS患者4975,死亡2159例。专家估计,至2004年,我国实际HIV感染者已超过120万。艾滋病流行在我国已进入高速增长期,可以预见我国将出现大量HIV感染者和AIDS患者。  相似文献   

This article will examine HIV/AIDS and substance abuse prevention for urban Native youth in Oakland, California. It will highlight the Native American Health Center's Youth Services programs. These programs incorporate solutions based on a traditional value system rooted in Native culture and consisting of youth empowerment, leadership training, prevention activities, traditional cultural activities and wellness and life skills education. They aim to reduce HIV/AIDS and substance abuse risk for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth through structured, community-based interventions. The Youth Services Program's events, such as the Seventh Native American Generation and the Gathering of Native Americans, offer effective and culturally relevant ways of teaching youth about American Indian/Alaska Native history, intergenerational trauma, and traditional Native culture. Satisfaction surveys gathered from these youth provide invaluable data on the positive effects of these prevention efforts. The need for culturally relevant and culturally appropriate HIV/AIDS and substance abuse prevention programs for urban AI/AN youth is apparent. These prevention efforts must be creatively integrated into the multidimensional and complex social structures of Native American youth.  相似文献   

近年来女性吸毒与感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)的人数不断地增加,影响和危害日益严重.据世界卫生组织的统计,截止2002年底,全世界已有4200万人感染HIV或罹患艾滋病,其中43%为妇女,在世界许多地区,艾滋病已成为年轻妇女和儿童的主要死亡原因之一.我国艾滋病发病率呈几何级数急剧上升,到2003年HIV感染者达到84万人[1],注射吸毒感染是主要的传播途径,约占63%左右[2],经采血途径和性传播途径次之.在吸毒者中女性所占的比例约为20%左右,比十年前增长了近一倍[3].女性吸毒者比例的增高预示着毒品蔓延速度的加快,这是一个值得警惕的信号.女性吸毒还引起了许多社会及公共卫生问题,尤其以卖淫、传播性病及艾滋病等问题最为严重[4].  相似文献   

A large body of research examines the relationship between HIV and drug dependence, but considerably less information is available on viral hepatitis and drug dependence. This article summarizes research indicating what drug abuse treatment programs can do to prevent their patients from acquiring HIV or hepatitis infection and to limit the consequences for patients who are already infected. Drug treatment programs can play a pivotal role in preventing, detecting, and treating HIV and hepatitis. Some activities can be accomplished by providers simply becoming aware of the issues; others will require significant infusion of leadership, education, and fiscal support.  相似文献   

Since 1985, many drug abuse treatment centers and health care providers have implemented special education programs for individuals who inject drugs. They focus primarily on increasing awareness of the threat of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) being spread through drug injection equipment and by sexual activities. As part of the Drug Abuse Treatment for AIDS- Risk Reduction (DATAR) project, the AIDS/HIV Risk Reduction Module was designed to meet these special intervention needs. This study examined program impact on 110 methadone treatment clients. Results indicated that for those in treatment less than 4 months, the AIDS intervention program enhanced specialized knowledge about AIDS, aided in the reduction of AIDS-risky behaviors, and enhanced attitudes toward achieving and maintaining abstinence from drug use. Thus, AIDS education and intervention programs appear to be effective and should be emphasized in the early phase of drug abuse treatment.  相似文献   

HIV and AIDS as a community(1) issue have not been dealt with extensively in the literature. One model that offers promise for development of effective prevention and intervention efforts is the Community Readiness Model, a nine-stage model that assesses the level of readiness of a community to develop and implement prevention programming. Data are presented from a Community Readiness assessment of 30 rural U.S. communities: 10 African American, 10 Mexican American, and 10 White non-Mexican American. Four to five key respondent interviews were conducted via telephone in each community using the Community Readiness Assessment protocol during 1999-2000. Limitations of the study and implications for prevention are discussed. This study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  相似文献   

This exploratory study utilized a focus group methodology to explore tensions and barriers in HIV/AIDS prevention among African-American injection drug users. Participants discussed HIV infection risks, national/community HIV prevention effectiveness, prevention barriers, ideas on barrier removal, and the tensions which exist between users and the larger African-American community. Recognizing the inevitability of continued drug use for many injectors, participants requested basic harm-reduction supplies including condoms, needle exchange programs, additional drug user treatment services, and the use of culturally- and gender-matched peer-led prevention and treatment outreach. Preliminary recommendations are made for consideration in HIV/AIDS prevention among African-American IDUs.  相似文献   

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