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One way of evaluating health is in terms of its impact on well-being. It has been shown, however, that evaluating health this way runs into difficulties, since health and other aspects of well-being are not separable. At the same time, the practical implications of the inseparability problem remain unclear. This paper assesses these implications by considering the relations between theories, components, and indicators of well-being.
Greg BognarEmail:


Guided by the three-stage model and the integration of key constructs from the Health Belief Model, this study proposed a conceptual model to delve into the underlying mechanism linking health information seeking to psychological well-being. A nationwide online survey was administered, involving 522 WeChat users in China. The results of structural equation modeling analysis showed that health consciousness and WeChat health information reliability are significant antecedents predicting users’ health information-seeking actions on WeChat, while perceived susceptibility, severity, and self-efficacy did not have significant relationships with such behavior. As predicted, the positive relationship between WeChat health information seeking and psychological well-being is mediated by perceived social support. The findings of this study provide both theoretical and practical implications to guide the use of mobile social media as a milieu for health improvement.  相似文献   

宁德师专毕业班学生心理健康状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈济川 《中国健康教育》2004,20(11):1043-1044
为了进一步掌握宁德师专毕业班学生的心理健康状况 ,为学校教育和科学管理提供依据 ,宁德师范高等专科学校学生心理咨询中心于 2 0 0 3年在本校 2 0 0 0级的学生中采用症状自评量表SCL -90进行调查测试 ,结果报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 以在宁德师专 2 0 0 0级中文、政教、英语、数学、物理、化学、生物、体育、计算机科学、法律和基础教育等 1 1个系中随机抽取的345名学生为研究对象。其中男生 2 0 2人 ,女生1 43人 ,年龄 2 0~ 2 3岁 ,平均年龄 2 1 45岁。2 方法 采用测试、文献综述和访谈等方法进行研究。测量采用国内正常成人常…  相似文献   

武汉地区中专学生心理健康状况调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:了解中专学生心理卫生状况。方法:应用心理卫生症状自评量表SCL-90,对武汉地区3所不同类型中等专业学校的1467名学生进行调查。结果:武汉中专学生中SCL-90各因子均值明显高于全国成人常模。出现各类心理问题的比例为20.44% ̄40.62%。具有一项因子≥3分的学生人数214人,发生充是14.59%,主要心理问题是强迫、偏执、人际关系。结论:中等专业学校应积极开展心理卫生教育。  相似文献   

目的了解卫校学生心理健康状况及伤害的发生情况,探讨2者之间的关系.方法使用SCL-90和伤害调查表对安徽省3所卫生学校学生2 371名进行问卷调查.结果 SCL-90呈阳性结果(总分≥160)的检出率为34.75%;伤害发生率为61.20%;心理测查阳性者有7种伤害的发生率显著高于心理测查阴性者;伤害发生次数越多,心理测查各因子得分就越高.结论学生心理健康状况与伤害发生之间存在统计学关联.  相似文献   

623名医学中专生心理健康水平的调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
葛玲 《中国健康教育》2002,18(4):238-239
目的 探索医学中专生心理健康状况。方法 采用SCL-90量表,对山西省中医学校,太原市鸿昌护校623名学生进行评定。结果 医学中专生SCL-90各因子得分除躯体化外均显高于全国青年组。不同年级学生之间SCL-90各因子得分存在显差异。不同生源,性别,专业SCL-90大部分因子得分存在显差异。结论 医学中专生心理问题较为突出,这可能与医学中专生群体的独特性及年级,性别,专业,生源的差异有关。  相似文献   

大连市464名卫校学生心理健康调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解大连医科大学附属卫校学生的心理发展特点,为完善和探索科学的教育模式提供依据.方法 对大连医科大学附属卫生学校的3个年级9个班级护理专业的女学生采用问卷式调查,有效问卷464份.结果 学生中家庭的低收入、父母离异、感觉同学关系难处、集体住宿生活不适应、交友和恋爱的迷茫等问题都比较突出,这些因素对学生个性的培养及...  相似文献   

534名中学生心理健康状况和相关风险行为调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜艳芝 《中国健康教育》2002,18(11):727-728
关于中学生心理健康的研究屡见报道 ,但结果不尽相同[1-3 ] 。鉴于目前齐齐哈尔地区青少年精神疾患增多 ,素质教育相对滞后的实际情况 ,齐齐哈尔铁路中心卫生防疫站于2 0 0 1年 6月 ,对齐铁地区中学生心理健康状况与危险行为 ,做了抽样调查 ,现将结果报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 选择齐齐哈尔铁路第六中学 1~3年级初中学生。2 方法 以分层整群抽样的方法 ,确定调查样本。采用自拟问卷 ,由校医利用生理卫生课的时间 ,讲清调查的目的、意义和答卷方法 ,然后逐一发下 30分钟后全部收回。共收回有效问卷 5 34张 ,不合格问卷 7张 ,占1 30 %。…  相似文献   

Both a same-sex sexual orientation and gender nonconformity have been linked with poorer well-being; however, sexual orientation and gender nonconformity are also correlated. It is, therefore, critical to investigate their independent contributions to well-being. Based on survey responses of 230 female and 245 male high school seniors, the present study is one of the first to provide empirical data on this topic. Both childhood and adolescent gender nonconformity were negatively related to well-being. In the same analyses, neither sexual orientation nor biological sex was a significant predictor of well-being. These results suggest that gender-atypical traits may be more relevant for psychological health than a same-sex sexual orientation. Both environmental and biological influences may account for these findings.  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2019,29(5):424-431
ObjectivesThis study aimed to identify specific health and well-being issues that women firefighters may experience as part of their daily working practices. Issues identified from this under-represented population can drive future research, education, and strategy to guide safety and health practices.MethodsA total of 840 women firefighters from 14 separate countries (255 United Kingdom and Ireland, 320 North America, 177 Australasia, and 88 mainland Europe) completed the survey over a 4-month period. Questions related to general health and well-being and role-specific health concerns, gender-related issues, and available exercise facilities.ResultsWomen firefighters in North America reported a higher prevalence of lower back (49%) and lower limb (51%) injuries than all other groups. North American respondents reported more heat illnesses (45%) than respondents from other places (36%). Although many participants did not respond, of those who did, 39% thought the menstrual cycle (199/512) or menopause (55/151) affected their work, and 36% were concerned for their ability to meet future job demands. Sixteen percent felt confident they could complete the role after 60 years of age. Women firefighters identified a lack of strength and conditioning support (50%) or lack of gym access (21%). There appears to be poor availability of female-specific personal protective equipment, with availability greatest in the United Kingdom (66%) compared with the sample as a whole (42%).ConclusionsThere is a need for female-specific strength and conditioning support and facilities to decrease injury and illness risk and improve longevity. Research and education into gynecological issues, heat exposure, and their effects on women firefighters’ fertility and cancer risk is required.  相似文献   

This article describes the present status of health instruction--one of the original three components of the school health program--and suggests ways to improve its effectiveness as one of the eight components of a comprehensive school health promotion program. The article also demonstrates the complexity of the theory base, content, methodology, and outcome expectations of health instruction; a complexity that demands the subject be taught by teachers who are thoroughly prepared and committed to teaching health.  相似文献   

目的 :了解马鞍山市中学生心理状况 ,为学校健康教育和心理咨询提出合理建议。方法 :采用SCL- 90表中 9个项目的 6 6个问题 ,对马鞍山市 70 1名学生进行调查 ,并分别与全国常模组和安徽省组进行比较。结果 :(1)调查组 9个项目的均分在 1.41~ 1.84之间 ,有轻度及轻度以上心理问题者达 6 .85~ 2 6 .5 3 % ,有中度及中度以上心理问题者达 0 .86~ 3.0 0 % ;(2 ) 9个项目均高于全国常模 (中国正常人生活事件评定常模 ) ,有统计学差异 ;(3) 9个项目除抑郁外均低于安徽省调查结果 ,有统计学差异。结论 :马鞍山市中学生心理状况好于安徽省调查结果 ,但高于全国常模 ,提示应对马鞍山市中学生加强心理健康教育。  相似文献   

夏丹波 《职业与健康》2008,24(8):774-775
医学模式的转变,“健康”含义也发生了极大的改变,由单纯的生物学因素为生物、社会、心理医学模式所替代,由此折射出心理素质在健康方面的重要性,标志着心理健康状况已成为评价身体健康的重要指标。作为童年期的小学生是人生心理发育的重要时期,为了解小学生的心理健康状况及存在的主要问题,为小学生心理健康教育及有针对性地开展干预措施提供依据,  相似文献   

高中复读生的队伍日益庞大,他们较普通应届高中生面临更大压力,更易产生心理问题,但是这一现象并未得到各方的重视.本文对目前高中复读生心理健康现状、影响因素、心理问题产生的内部及外部原因等研究文献进行综述.分析了复读生面对高考失利自身所承受的学习压力、人际关系、社会支持和健康适应是影响心理健康的主要因素,外部原因主要来自于落榜后面对的社会舆论、老师和家长沟通方式问题,以及多数高中缺乏系统的心理健康教育.复读高中生的心理状态随着复习阶段的进行而不断变化,每个阶段都有其独特的原因.针对复读生相关心理问题提出应对策略,即学校、家长、教师和学生应该相互配合,重视这一问题,并且有针对性的进行心理健康教育,使高中复读生以健康、良好的心理状态面对复习和高考.  相似文献   

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