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晕机病的预测即指预测个体对晕机病的易感性。个体对于晕机病的易感性存在着差别,且与种族、性别、个体的机能状态和环境影响等因素有关。通过检查这种差异即可对个体的易感性做出预测。  相似文献   

阶梯式累加Coriolis加速度刺激法对晕机病易感性的预测   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
目的 探索新的晕机病易感性预测方法。 方法 采用诱发试验的方法对310名飞行学员进行了晕机病易感性的预测。刺激手段是阶梯式增加的Corolis加速度刺激,并采用Graybiel急性运动病症状分级标准作为反应高低的评定依据。预测结论共分A、B、C、D、E和F六级。然后在检验飞行中对234人的实际晕机反应情况进行了观察。将此观察结果同预测检查的结论进行了对比分析。结果 不同晕机病易感性预测等级的飞行学  相似文献   

笔者介绍了飞行中晕机病的发病率,美军针对晕机病的防治方法和预防晕机病的专项训练。军事飞行员发生晕机病的比例高达11%~39%,美军采用教育培训、药物治疗、生物反馈训练和晕机病习服训练等专项训练防治飞行学员晕机病,可有效降低晕机病的发生率。美军针对晕机病的防治方法和预防晕机病的专项训练,为我军飞行员晕机病防治提供了参考借鉴。  相似文献   

检验飞行中飞行学员晕机反应的动态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晕机病是飞行学员首位身体停飞原因。为探索晕机病发生规律,改进预测选拔方法和建立飞行前抗晕机病训练方法,我们对检验飞行中飞行学员发生的晕机反应状况做了动态观察。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象 初教-6飞行学员94名,男性,年龄19~21岁,各科体检飞行合格,1min30s  相似文献   

对眼震电图示前庭眼动反射正常的飞行人员和地勤人员各30例,进行冷热水试验、视动刺激和Coriolis加速度刺激时的胃电图记录,观察比较了其前庭植物神经反应。结果表明:冷热水试验时飞行人员和地勤人员的胃电频率和振幅无明显差异;机动刺激和Coriolis加速度刺激时飞行人员的胃电振幅明显低于地勤人员。研究结果提示,前庭植物神经反应的稳定性可以通过长期锻炼而获得;视动刺激和Coriolis加速度刺激时的胃电振幅的定量测定可作为飞行人员医学选拔、晕机病诊断及其矫治效果评定的客观依据之一。  相似文献   

我军用旋转双重试验法(简称OP法)选入航校的学员,晕机病反应率、停飞率较高,说明这种方法漏检率较高,需要研究新的预测晕机病的选飞方法。 本文系用Coriolis加速度耐力检查法(简称Coriolis氏法)预测晕机病所做的实际飞行观察结果。  相似文献   

在小隔栏内产犊能减少母牛分娩时和产后期并发症发生的数量,亦缩短不孕持续期(1977;1980;等,1988)。因此,能够准确的确定分娩开始时间,把母牛从产前单元转送到小隔栏是很重要的,否则有可能抑制或停止子宫颈开张过程(等,1986)。  相似文献   

前言 晕机病在飞行中经常发生,但是很少导致明显的内科合并症,飞行中发生的心节律障碍通常与G力作用有关。 病例报道 一名32岁的健康男性军官在驾驶TAV-8B飞机作低空飞行时,发生了一次伴发呕吐的晕机并感到在飞行中有心悸。1h后,他仍有心率加快和异常的心跳。心电图提示心房纤颤,并伴有多发的室性期前收缩和偶发二、三联律,经予吸氧、  相似文献   

盐酸苯环壬酯对空晕病易感飞行学员脱敏习服的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
目的 观察盐酸苯环壬酯(PCH)对空晕病易感习行学员脱敏习服的影响以及停药后有无反弹现象。经阶梯式累加科里奥加速度刺激评定为空晕病易感者的18名飞行学员为受试对象,以Graybiel急性运动病诊断标准MⅢ为终点的科里奥利加速度耐受值为评定指标。18名飞行学员随机分为两组,服用PCH组和服用安慰剂组。两组飞行学员都接受以科里奥利加速度为刺激源的脱敏习服训练。PCH(3mg)和安慰剂分别在训练前1h口服。观察两组脱敏训练过程的判别,并在PCH停药后连续3d测试有无反弹现象。结果 PCH可明显加速脱敏习服训练过程,停药后未见得里奥利加速度耐力下降和易感性反弹现象。结论 PCH具有加束脱敏习服训练过程的作用,而没有东莨菪碱停用后易感性反弹的类似效应出现。  相似文献   

This study describes the incidence of airsickness among military parachutists and analyzes the factors involved in its occurrence. Each of 45 healthy male subjects (28 students and 17 advanced parachutists) was studied. Each student participated in five parachute-jump exercises (one daily) and each advanced parachutist participated in one exercise only (proficiency). A questionnaire used for the diagnostic evaluation of motion sickness symptoms was completed by the subjects after each training exercise. A positive diagnosis of airsickness was established for 64% of the students on their first jump and for 35% of the advanced paratroopers on their proficiency jump. By the fifth jump, only 25% of the students experienced airsickness. This suggests that some students developed tolerance to airsickness after five consecutive exposures to inflight vestibular stimulation. Airsickness among student and advanced paratroopers occurred during the transport flight. This can be attributed to vestibular stimulation resulting from the aircraft maneuvers and inflight air turbulence.  相似文献   

A total of 57 randomly selected male and female student pilots from an Introduction to Aviation private pilot course in a large aviation program of a midwestern university completed this study. These pilots were assessed for health status and surveyed for airsickness and associated symptoms by use of an Airsickness Inventory Questionnaire developed by the authors and a modified Self-Rating Anxiety Status Inventory Scale tool developed by W. K. Zung. Correlational analyses of scores from self-report inventories were used to evaluate strength of relationships between airsickness and anxiety. Multiple linear stepwise regressions were computed on variables of correlated symptoms for predictiveness of airsickness. Results of the study indicated 28.1% of pilots exhibited symptoms of airsickness. Significant correlations indicated moderate relationships between airsickness and the following preflight indicators: nausea and vomiting, tremors, face flushing, nightmares, urinary frequency, excessive nervousness, and anxiety index.  相似文献   

Objective To summarize the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment methods,prevention and control measures,and medical evaluation principles for airsickness in flying personnel. Methods Forty-nine cases of flying personnel with airsickness,who were hospitalized from September of 1976 to July of 2009,were retrospectively analyzed in respect of disease course,etiology or incentive,clinical diagnosis and medical evaluation of airsickness.The relationship between vestibular function status and medical evaluation was also statistically analyzed. Results ① Three of 49 picked cases were diagnosed as primary airsickness while the rest 46 were the secondary that were induced by different causes or incentives.Etiological treatment and vestibular habituation were the primarily treatments for such airsickness.② Among these cases,22 were normal in vestibular nystagmus electroretinogram (VNG) comparing to 27 abnormal cases.③ Sixteen and 33 cases were evaluated as normal and deficient Coriolis acceleration tolerance respectively.④ Eleven flying personnel Were finally qualified while 10 and 28 were temporarily and permanently grounded respectively.Flying personnel with abnormal VNG or with deficient Coriolis acceleration tolerance showed higher grounding rate than those with the normal (χ2=5.584,16.722,P<0.05). Conclusions Airsickness in active service flying personnel is mostly the secondary affection,which is caused by various primary disease or incentives.Such prevention and control measures as treating primary disease.eliminating incentives and implementing vestibular habituation are suggested.The effect of airsickness treatment and vestibular function should be emphasized in making medical evaluation.  相似文献   

目的 评估脾脏硬度对肝硬化患者食管静脉曲张(EV)的预测价值.资料与方法 回顾性分析80例慢性乙肝肝硬化患者的胃镜检查、Fibro Touch检查与血清学检查资料.以胃镜检查结果为"金标准",将患者分为EV组和非EV组,比较两组患者肝脏硬度值(LSM)和脾脏硬度值(SSM);计算纤维化4项指标(FIB-4)、天冬氨酸氨...  相似文献   

飞行人员空晕病的诊治和医学鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 总结飞行人员空晕病的临床特征、诊治方法、防治措施及医学鉴定原则. 方法 回顾性分析1976年9月-2009年7月间住我院的49例飞行人员空晕病患者的病历资料,包括患者病史、病因与诱因、诊断分类、检查及医学鉴定结论 .对前庭功能检查结果与医学鉴定结论之间的关系进行统计学分析. 结果 ①本组病例原发性空晕病3例,继发性空晕病46例;继发性空晕病有其原发病因或诱因,其治疗主要为病因治疗和前庭功能脱敏习服训练;②前庭眼震电图检查正常者22例,异常者27例;③科里奥利加速度耐力正常者16例,不良者33例;④飞行合格11例,暂时飞行不合格10例,飞行不合格28例.前庭眼震电图异常者和科里奥利加速度耐力不良者飞行不合格率分别高于前庭眼震电图正常者和科里奥利加速度耐力正常者(χ2=5.584、16.722,P<0.05).结论 现役飞行人员空晕病多为继发性,防治措施包括治疗原发病因、消除诱因和加强前庭功能脱敏习服训练.其医学鉴定要兼顾原发病治疗效果、前庭功能状况及飞行机种情况. Abstract: Objective To summarize the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment methods,prevention and control measures,and medical evaluation principles for airsickness in flying personnel. Methods Forty-nine cases of flying personnel with airsickness,who were hospitalized from September of 1976 to July of 2009,were retrospectively analyzed in respect of disease course,etiology or incentive,clinical diagnosis and medical evaluation of airsickness.The relationship between vestibular function status and medical evaluation was also statistically analyzed. Results ① Three of 49 picked cases were diagnosed as primary airsickness while the rest 46 were the secondary that were induced by different causes or incentives.Etiological treatment and vestibular habituation were the primarily treatments for such airsickness.② Among these cases,22 were normal in vestibular nystagmus electroretinogram (VNG) comparing to 27 abnormal cases.③ Sixteen and 33 cases were evaluated as normal and deficient Coriolis acceleration tolerance respectively.④ Eleven flying personnel Were finally qualified while 10 and 28 were temporarily and permanently grounded respectively.Flying personnel with abnormal VNG or with deficient Coriolis acceleration tolerance showed higher grounding rate than those with the normal (χ2=5.584,16.722,P<0.05). Conclusions Airsickness in active service flying personnel is mostly the secondary affection,which is caused by various primary disease or incentives.Such prevention and control measures as treating primary disease.eliminating incentives and implementing vestibular habituation are suggested.The effect of airsickness treatment and vestibular function should be emphasized in making medical evaluation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨利用体表指数(BMI)对于急性高山病(AMS)的预测作用,寻找可以预测AMS反应的指标和办法。方法:26名志愿者,测量体表指数并计算相关幽会,按照高原评分标准划分为重度高原反应组和轻度无反应组,对两组人群之间的体表指数指标进行统计分析。结果:胸廓的呼吸体积差值和体表面积与胸廓呼吸体积差比值可用于预测高原反应易感者。胸廓呼吸体积差小于2139和体表面积与胸廓呼吸体积差比值大于9.22时,急性高原反应评分高于普通人群。结论:体表指数可以用于预测急性高山病反应程度。  相似文献   

目的探讨磁敏感加权成像(susceptibility weighted imaging sequence,SWI)检测脑微出血(cerebral microb-leeds,CMBs)的优势,并分析CMBs的相关临床危险因素及其临床意义。资料与方法经磁共振常规序列及SWI序列检测CMBs,搜集189例患者,其中CMBs阳性者79例,且经蒙特利尔认知评估(MoCA)量表及简易智能状态检查量表(MMSE)评价CMBs阳性患者的认知功能情况。结果 SWI对CMBs的病灶检出数较常规序列明显增多;CMBs主要分布在颞叶及基底节区,高血压、糖尿病、白质严重程度、急性梗死及腔隙性梗死与CMBs的存在与否有显著性差异(P<0.01),且CMBs阳性患者的MoCA量表总分(r=-0.86,P<0.00)及MMSE总分(r=-0.79,P<0.00)与CMBs总数呈明显负相关。结论 SWI较常规序列能更好地显示CMBs,具有重要的临床价值;高血压、糖尿病、白质改变、急性梗死及腔隙性梗死与CMBs的存在有密切相关性,大量CMBs与患者认知功能受损密切相关。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Airsickness (AS) often affects aircrew members, especially at the beginning of their flight careers. In this study the AS incidence in 376 Italian Air Force student pilots (336 men and 40 women) was investigated during their initial flight activity. METHODS: The study was separated into two parts. In part 1, the AS incidence was analyzed in the whole sample to determine the overall characteristics of AS and the hypothetical differences between men and women during the first flight certification (Basic). Part 2 analyzed a subpopulation of 102 individuals (86 men, 16 women) over 4 subsequent years throughout the first 4 flight certifications (for a total of about 60 flight hours). In all cases, AS was evaluated according to the number of flight missions affected by vomiting episodes. RESULTS: The overall AS incidence during Basic was 34.8%, without significant gender differences. However, within AS individuals, a significantly higher percentage of women were slow adaptors (12.5% of the whole female sample vs. 3.3% in men). AS overall affected the likelihood of reaching Basic certification, but this was not significantly related to the number of AS episodes. The 1-yr interval between two subsequent flight certifications caused a loss of adaptation to the flight environment in most cases. DISCUSSION: The absolute incidence of AS in our study resulted within the expected range, without significant differences between men and women. In a minor number of individuals (11 out of 336 men and 5 out of 40 women) a slow capability of adaptation to AS was observed. Such a finding was statistically more prevalent in women. In contrast to previous literature data, when prolonged interruptions from flight activity are planned, the retention of adaptation in our study did not play a significant role in avoiding future episodes of AS.  相似文献   

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