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106例伴有慢性肾功能不全的IgA肾病患者肾活检的临床价值   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的了解IgA肾病患者出现慢性肾功能不全时的肾脏病理学特征及其与临床的关系.方法分析106例伴有慢性肾功能不全的IgA肾病患者的临床和病理资料,根据患者血肌酐水平分为3组,分别按Lee分级标准和Hass分型标准将肾脏的病理改变分级,Katafuchi半定量积分法判断肾小球、肾小管间质及血管的病变程度.研究血肌酐水平(Scr)、内生肌酐清除率(CCr)和临床其它指标以及肾脏病理各项指标的相关性,多元回归分析影响血肌酐水平的因素.结果106例患者全部为LeeⅣ~Ⅴ级或HassⅣ~Ⅴ型.Scr>266 μmol/L的患者Lee Ⅴ级/Hass Ⅴ型的患者数量明显高于另外两组(P<0.05),肾脏病理总积分和间质积分均与其它两组患者差异有显著性意义(P<0.05).尿蛋白定量、肾小球全球硬化程度、间质积分均与Scr、Ccr有显著相关性(P<0.05),肾小管萎缩、间质纤维化与Scr、Ccr均显著相关(P<0.01).肾小管萎缩是预测肾功能的独立因素(P<0.01).结论IgA肾病患者出现肾功能不全时,肾脏病理学主要特征为全球硬化比例高,肾小管间质损害突出.尿蛋白量以及间质病变与肾功能损害程度显著相关,肾小管萎缩程度是预后不良的重要因素.因此,对于伴有慢性肾功能不全的IgA肾病患者,当间质有大量炎细胞浸润时应给予相应治疗,同时要积极控制蛋白尿和高血压,这样可以延缓其进展至尿毒症的时间.  相似文献   

肾脏疾病是我国的常见病、多发病,目前慢性肾脏病的患病率为10.8%[1]。每年都有相当部分患者进展至终末期肾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)而危及生命,成为接受透析或肾移植的最直接原因。因此,尽早明确诊断肾脏疾病并采取有效  相似文献   

自Iversen和Surn(1951年)首次应用经皮肾穿刺活体组织检查的方法以来,随着医学的进步 ,穿刺针的改进及影像定位的日益精确,肾穿刺活检技术已普及到基层医院.本文拟就本院113例肾活检病例做临床与病理的探讨.  相似文献   

54例急性肾功能衰竭患者经皮肾活检的体会   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

有关慢性肾功能不全(CRI)植物神经损害的神经电生理的研究报道较少。我们对52例CRI患者进行交感神经皮肤反应(SSR)的研究,现报告如下:  相似文献   

目的 随访观察慢性肾功能不全患者行微创经皮肾镜取石术后的肾功能情况,探讨预测术后肾功能恶化的指标.方法 选取2009年1月至2011年12月因肾结石或输尿管上段结石行微创经皮肾镜取石术患者78例,术前预计肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtration rate,eGFR)为(38.4±12.8)ml/(min·1.73m2).术后随访1年,将患者分为肾功能好转或维持不变组(第1组)和肾功能恶化组(第2组).第1组:男41例,女25例,年龄(42.8±16.3)岁;第2组:男7例,女5例,年龄(45.3±14.2)岁.第1组体质指数(BMI) (24.3±4.1)kg/m2、第2组(25.4±5.2) kg/m2.高血压病患者第1组35例,2组10例;糖尿病患者第1组15例,第2组7例;开放手术史第1组19例,第2组4例;ESWL史第1组19例,第2组4例.轻度肾积水第1组22例,第2组4例;中度或重度肾积水第1组44例,第2组8例.鹿角形结石第1组22例,第2组7例.第1组术中单通道53例,多通道13例;第2组术中单通道10例,多通道2例.第1组手术时间为(78.2±30.4)min,第2组为(80.3±32.3) min.结果 本组78例术后1个月复查CT平扫发现结石完全清除67例,其中第1组56例,第2组11例,清除率为85%.术后1年eGFR平均为(45.1±15.8)ml/(min·1.73m2),与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).肾功能好转24例(31%),维持不变42例(54%),下降12例(15%).通过多因素回归分析发现,糖尿病是预测微创经皮肾镜取石术后肾功能恶化的重要因素(OR=3.85,P<0.05).结论 肾功能不全患者微创经皮肾镜取石术后,85%的患者在1年随访期间内肾功能好转或者维持不变.微创经皮肾镜取石术对于肾功能不全的结石患者是一种安全有效的治疗手段.研究结果显示糖尿病是预测术后肾功能恶化的指标,对于合并糖尿病的结石患者行微创经皮肾镜取石术后需要积极的血糖监测和治疗.  相似文献   

内皮素与慢性肾功能不全   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内皮素 (ET是一种具有强烈缩血管作用的小分子生物活性肽 ,近年来大量资料表明ET参与了多种肾脏疾病及心肌缺血、高血压、脑卒中等疾病的发展过程。本文拟就ET对肾脏的病理生理作用、与慢性肾功能不全 (CRF)的肾功能、高血压、透析、抗贫血治疗、肾移植的关系及抗ET治疗方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

34例肾活检临床与病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者自2003年9月至2005年8月行。肾穿刺活检34例,现将其临床与病理资料进行总结。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮肾穿刺造瘘(PCN)在梗阻性肾功能不全诊治中的临床价值。方法:对49例梗阻性肾功能不全患者在B超引导下行PCN引流肾积水(脓),经造瘘管造影了解梗阻原因及部位,病情好转稳定后手术解除梗阻。结果145例患者经引流后BUN、Cr均有下降,手术解除梗阻后恢复好。4例患者经引流后BuN、Cr无明显下降,继续行血透治疗。无死亡病例。结论:在梗阻性肾功能不全的诊治中,PCN能尽快引流肾积水(脓),改善肾功能,避免血液透析或减少血透次数,减轻患者经济负担;可动态监测肾功能变化,避免治疗上的盲目性;建立的通道为二期手术打开方便之门,尤其是结石梗阻性肾功能木全诊治具有重要的应用价值;使急症手术变为择期手术,降低了手术死亡率及术后并发症发生率;同时经肾造瘘管造影可提高诊断符合率。这种方法微创安全,简单有效,经济实惠,值得推广。  相似文献   

活性氧簇与慢性肾功能不全   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对慢性肾功能不全(CRF)时活性氧簇(ROS)的产生,在进行性CRF中的作用及CRF治疗中涉及ROS的有关因素作一综述,同时为日后如何筛选抗氧化剂延缓CRF的发展进行探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨标准通道经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)在慢性肾功能不全患者中应用的安全性及有效性。方法:回顾性分析2005年12月~2010年11月行PCNL手术治疗的慢性肾功能不全病例,共92例患者,146次手术,统计手术效果并比较围手术期血肌酐水平、血色素、红细胞压积的变化。结果:一期手术清石率46.7%,总清石率64.1%,出血、术后发热、结石残留是主要并发症;术后与术前比较,血红蛋白、红细胞压积明显降低,具有统计学意义;血肌酐水平无显著性变化。结论:对于慢性肾功能不全患者,标准通道PCNL是安全有效的,手术对肾功能的近期影响不明显。  相似文献   

Risk factors for bleeding complications in percutaneous renal biopsy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Background Among the complications in percutaneous renal biopsy, bleeding is the most frequent and sometimes becomes fatal.Methods We prospectively studied 394 consecutive percutaneous renal biopsies in 359 patients (male/female = 188/171). The mean age of the patients was 44.0 ± 17.2 years. Percutaneous renal biopsies were performed on native kidneys under direct visualization by ultrasound, using an automated spring-loaded biopsy device and a 16-cm 18G needle.Results The most common complication was hematoma (n = 149, 37.8%). De novo macrohematuria was observed in 29 patients (7.4%). Other complications included pain (n = 27, 6.9%), loss of blood (n = 17, 4.3%), and renal dysfunction (increase of serum creatinine more than 0.2mg/dl, n = 9, 2.2%). Although there were no severe complications such as loss of blood requiring a blood transfusion, loss of kidney function, or death, 10 patients had an extended rest period in bed because of moderate complications. Hypertension and amyloidosis had significant influence on the complications.Conclusions For those who are clinically suspected of having amyloidosis or hypertension, more careful biopsy procedures and observations are necessary.  相似文献   

Bile composition in patients with chronic renal insufficiency   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Very little is known about bile composition in the end stage of chronic renal sufficiency. Patients with this condition are either assigned to a dialysis-transplantation programme, or are treated temporarily with a low-protein diet. Our study was designed to determine bile composition both in a group of ten patients treated with a low-protein diet over a long period of time, and in 11 patients on regular haemodialysis. The patients on haemodialysis were found to have increased bile cholesterol and an increased saturation index in the bile, i.e. changes implying increased risk of cholecystolithiasis. These changes were further enhanced by the effect of a low-protein diet with subsequent increases in cholesterol values and the bile saturation index, as well as a decrease in primary and an increase in secondary bile acids in the bile, i.e. a change in the spectrum of bile acid characteristic for cholecystolithiasis.  相似文献   

Background: We tested the hypothesis that patterns of serum creatinine concentrations (S‐cr) prior to percutaneous renal biopsy (PRB) predict the utility of PRB in safely making renal diagnoses, revealing treatable disease, and altering therapy in chronic kidney disease patients. Methods: PRB specimens (170 patients) were assigned to 1 of 5 groups: S‐cr never greater than 0.11 mM for at least 6 months prior to PRB (Group 1); S‐cr greater than 0.11 mM but less than 0.18 mM during the 6 months prior to PRB (Groups 2); S‐cr less than 0.18 mM during the 6 months prior to PRB but greater than 0.18 mM prior to these 6 months (Group 3); S‐cr greater than 0.18 mM for less than 6 months prior to PRB (Group 4); S‐cr greater than 0.18 mM for more than 6 months prior to PRB (Group 5). Results: Histopathology chronicity score (0–9) increased with increasing group number: 2.1 (Group 1); 4.4 (Group 2); 4.5 (Group 3); 5.4 (Group 4); 7.0 (Group 5). Post‐PRB bleeding was more common with increasing group number. New therapy was instituted after PRB most frequently in Group 4 (62%) and least frequently in Group 5 (24%). Conclusion: After more prolonged elevations of S‐cr, PRB may be less safe and less likely to reveal treatable disease and opportunities for therapy.  相似文献   

Sixty-four percutaneous renal biopsies under ultrasound guidance done in 60 patients with renal impairment are compared with 33 open, operative biopsies. In 62 percutaneous biopsies (96.8%), more than 3 glomeruli could be obtained. Eight biopsies (12.5%) presented with minor complications afterwards. All of them were spontaneously reversible. In the operative biopsy group, there were complications in 6 patients (18.2%). In 2 cases, operative revision was necessary. In conclusion, percutaneous ultrasound guided biopsy in experienced hands offers several advantages in patients with renal impairment. It must be kept in mind that from a minority of patients only an operative biopsy can be taken due to certain risks.  相似文献   

B超引导下移植肾穿刺活检的临床应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨B超引导下移植肾穿刺活检的安全性及在移植肾功能损害病因诊断中的价值.方法 2003-2006年经皮移植肾穿刺活检52例.男37例,女15例.平均年龄35岁.术前均行彩超检查,超声定位下用Magnum保险式自动活检穿刺枪穿刺.活检组织行苏木素-伊红染色、PAS染色、Masson染色、六胺银染色,免疫荧光检查4μm冰冻切片,直接法行IgA、lgG、IgM和补体染色.依据Banff 97标准诊断.结果 病理检查结果为慢性/硬化性移植肾肾病(CAN)20例、急性/活动性排斥反应(AR)15例、急性肾小管坏死(ATN)4例、环孢素(CsA)肾毒性反应(CsA-NT)8例、移植肾肾炎(TGN)4例、高血压肾病(HN)1例.AR、ATN、CsA-NT和高血压肾病共28例,其中15例AR患者均予甲泼尼龙冲击3 d,10例将CsA或吗替麦考酚酯加量,5例将CsA转换为他克莫司,1例因放弃治疗而失肾,余14例获逆转.4例ATN经血液透析治疗1~4周后移植肾功恢复正常.5例急性CsA-NT者CsA减量后肾功能恢复,3例慢性CsA-NT者CsA更换为小剂量他克莫司后血肌酐稳定.经针对性治疗后,移植肾功能逆转23例(82%)、稳定4例(14%)、恶化1例(4%).1例高血压肾病者经降压护肾治疗,移植肾功能稳定.CAN、TGN 24例,经反复调整治疗方案后移植肾功能逆转13例(54%)、稳定5例(21%)、恶化6例(25%).结论 超声定位下Magnum自动活检枪行移植肾穿刺安全可靠,活组织病理检查对于肾移植术后肾损害的病因诊断、指导抗排斥反应治疗具有重要价值.  相似文献   

A new automated biopsy technique is described for performing percutaneous renal biopsies in pediatric patients. The biopsy device (Bard Biopty Instrument) employs a relatively small needle (18 gauge). We believe this procedure offers a safer and more effective means of obtaining adequate renal tissue for pathological assessment in pediatric patients.  相似文献   

Of 403 patients with renal and ureteric calculi treated during the last 4 years, 64 presented with features of chronic renal insufficiency: 59 of these underwent surgery. Good pre-operative preparation and conservative renal surgery restored normal renal function in 14 patients and 27 improved significantly. The remainder either did not improve or continued to have progressive renal failure. It is emphasised that these patients are considerably worse off compared with their counterparts with normal renal function. The overall mortality rate was 17%. Patients whose post-operative serum creatinine levels did not stabilise to less than 884 mumol/l seemed to make poor progress in the follow-up period.  相似文献   

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