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Cortico-basal ganglia circuits are key parts of the brain's habit system, but little is yet known about how these forebrain pathways function as ingrained habits are performed. We simultaneously recorded spike and local field potential (LFP) activity from regions of the frontal cortex and basal ganglia implicated in visuo-oculomotor control as highly trained macaque monkeys performed sequences of visually guided saccades. The tasks were repetitive, required no new learning, and could be performed nearly automatically. Our findings demonstrate striking differences between the relative timing of striatal and cortical activity during performance of the tasks. At the onset of the visual cues, LFPs in the prefrontal cortex and the oculomotor zone of the striatum showed near-synchronous activation. During the period of sequential-saccade performance, however, peak LFP activity occurred 100-300 msec later in the striatum than in the prefrontal cortex. Peak prefrontal activity tended to be peri-saccadic, whereas peak striatal activity tended to be post-saccadic. This temporal offset was also apparent in pairs of simultaneously recorded prefrontal and striatal neurons. In triple-site recordings, the LFP activity recorded in the supplementary eye field shared temporal characteristics of both the prefrontal and the striatal patterns. The near simultaneity of prefrontal and striatal peak responses at cue onsets, but temporal lag of striatal activity in the movement periods, suggests that the striatum may integrate corollary discharge or confirmatory response signals during sequential task performance. These timing relationships may be signatures of the normal functioning of striatal and frontal cortex during repetitive performance of learned behaviors.  相似文献   

Maternal separation (MS), which can lead to hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis dysfunction and behavioral abnormalities in rhesus monkeys, is frequently used to model early adversity. Whether this deleterious effect on monkeys is reversible by later experience is unknown. In this study, we assessed the basal hair cortisol in rhesus monkeys after 1.5 and 3 y of normal social life following an early separation. These results showed that peer-reared monkeys had significantly lower basal hair cortisol levels than the mother-reared monkeys at both years examined. The plasma cortisol was assessed in the monkeys after 1.5 y of normal social life, and the results indicated that the peak in the peer-reared cortisol response to acute stressors was substantially delayed. In addition, after 3 y of normal social life, abnormal behavioral patterns were identified in the peer-reared monkeys. They showed decreases in locomotion and initiated sitting together, as well as increases in stereotypical behaviors compared with the mother-reared monkeys. These results demonstrate that the deleterious effects of MS on rhesus monkeys cannot be compensated by a later normal social life, suggesting that the effects of MS are long-lasting and that the maternal-separated rhesus monkeys are a good animal model to study early adversity and to investigate the development of psychiatric disorders induced by exposure to early adversity.  相似文献   

Maturation of the cerebral cortex involves the spontaneous emergence of distinct patterns of neuronal synchronization, which regulate neuronal differentiation, synapse formation, and serve as a substrate for information processing. The intrinsic activity patterns that characterize the maturation of cortical layer 2/3 are poorly understood. By using microelectrode array recordings in vivo and in vitro, we show that this development is marked by the emergence of nested - and beta/gamma-oscillations that require NMDA- and GABA(A)-mediated synaptic transmission. The oscillations organized as neuronal avalanches, i.e., they were synchronized across cortical sites forming diverse and millisecond-precise spatiotemporal patterns that distributed in sizes according to a power law with a slope of -1.5. The correspondence between nested oscillations and neuronal avalanches required activation of the dopamine D(1) receptor. We suggest that the repetitive formation of neuronal avalanches provides an intrinsic template for the selective linking of external inputs to developing superficial layers.  相似文献   

Without joint benefits, joint actions could never have evolved. Cooperative animals need to monitor closely how large a share they receive relative to their investment toward collective goals. This work documents the sensitivity to reward division in brown, or tufted, capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). In addition to confirming previous results with a larger subject pool, this work rules out several alternative explanations and adds data on effort sensitivity. Thirteen adult monkeys exchanged tokens for rewards, showing negative reactions to receiving a less-favored reward than their partner. Because their negative reaction could not be attributed to the mere visibility of better rewards (greed hypothesis) nor to having received such rewards in the immediate past (frustration hypothesis), it must have been caused by seeing their partner obtain the better reward. Effort had a major effect in that by far the lowest level of performance in the entire study occurred in subjects required to expend a large effort while at the same time seeing their partner receive a better reward. It is unclear whether this effort-effect was based on comparisons with the partner, but it added significantly to the intensity of the inequity response. These effects are as expected if the inequity response evolved in the context of cooperative survival strategies.  相似文献   

The improvement of motor behavior, based on experience, is a form of learning that is critically dependent on the cerebellum. A well studied example of cerebellar motor learning is short-term saccadic adaptation (STSA). In STSA, information on saccadic errors is used to improve future saccades. The information optimizing saccade metrics is conveyed by Purkinje cells simple spikes (PC-SS) because they are the critical input to the premotor circuits for saccades. We recorded PC-SS of monkeys undergoing STSA to reveal the code used for improving behavior. We found that the discharge of individual PC-SS was unable to account for the behavioral changes. The PC-SS population burst (PB), however, exhibited changes that closely paralleled the qualitatively different changes of saccade kinematics associated with gain-increase and gain-decrease STSA, respectively. Gain-increase STSA, characterized by an increase in saccade duration, replicates the relationship between saccade duration and the end of the PB valid for unadapted saccades. In contrast, gain-decrease STSA, which sports normal saccade duration but reduced saccadic velocity, is characterized by a PB that ends well before the adapted saccade. This suggests that the duration of normal as well as gain-increased saccades is determined by appropriately setting the end of PB end. However, the duration of gain-decreased saccades is apparently not modified by the cerebellum because the PB signals ends too early to determine saccade end. In summary, STSA, and most probably cerebellar-dependent learning in general, is based on optimizing the shape of a PC-SS population response.  相似文献   

The frontal eye field (FEF) is involved in the transformation of visual signals into saccadic eye movements. Although it is often considered an oculomotor structure, several lines of evidence suggest that the FEF also contributes to visual perception and attention. To better understand the range of behaviors to which the FEF can contribute, we tested whether monkeys could detect activation of their FEF by electrical microstimulation with currents below those that cause eye movements. We found that stimulation of FEF neurons could almost always be detected at levels below those needed to generate saccades and that the electrical current needed for detection was highly correlated with that needed to generate a saccade. This relationship between detection and saccade thresholds can be explained if FEF neurons represent preparation to make particular saccades and subjects can be aware of such preparations without acting on them when the representation is not strong.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated two amnestic behavior changes (repetitive questioning and repetitive actions) to determine their utility in screening for early dementia. DESIGN: Patient data were collected through a retrospective chart review. Comparison data from nondemented older people were collected prospectively from acquaintances of clinic patients. SETTING: The setting was a hospital-based outpatient memory disorder clinic. PARTICIPANTS: Participants were older individuals with no cognitive impairment (n = 25), undetermined dementia (n = 50), and definite dementia (n = 25). The undetermined cases were followed for at least 1 year to assess for conversion to dementia. MEASUREMENTS: Amnestic behaviors were assessed using informant-report for all participants. The behaviors were examined for their ability to distinguish between definite dementia cases and noncases. They were further evaluated for the ability to differentiate undetermined cases that eventually converted to definite dementia from cases that did not convert. RESULTS: Results indicated that repetitive behaviors were common in early and more-severe dementia cases. Repetitive behaviors were relatively uncommon in cognitively intact older participants. In analyses of the full study sample, engagement in repetitive behaviors had high sensitivity (0.97) in identifying dementia cases. CONCLUSIONS: Assessing repetitive behaviors in patients may be a useful means for family members and primary care physicians to screen for early cognitive impairment. The assessment can help to identify individuals that should be evaluated further for dementia.  相似文献   

This study compares changes in the pro-oxidant production and buffering capacity in young and aged skeletal muscle after exposure to chronic repetitive loading (RL). The dorsiflexors from one limb of young and aged rats were loaded 3 times/week for 4.5 weeks using 80 maximal stretch-shortening contractions per session. RL increased H2O2 in tibialis anterior muscles of young and aged rats and decreased the ratio of reduced/oxidized glutathione and lipid peroxidation in aged but not young adult animals. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity decreased whereas catalase activity increased with RL in muscles from young and aged rats. RL increased CuZn superoxide disumutase (SOD) and Mn SOD protein concentration and CuZn SOD activity in muscles from young but not aged animals. There were no changes in protein content for GPx-1 and catalase or messenger RNA for any of the enzymes studied. These data show that aging reduces the adaptive capacity of muscles to buffer increased pro-oxidants imposed by chronic RL.  相似文献   

Intracellular function in rehydrated lyophilized platelets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of cross-linking and lyophilization on intracellular signalling processes in rehydrated, lyophilized (RL) platelets, which are under development as a platelet substitute for transfusion. Exposure of RL platelets to thrombin resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of several proteins, including 18 kDa and 42 kDa kinase substrates that were shown to be the substrates of myosin light chain and protein kinase C respectively. Cross-linking and lyophilization depleted the platelets of free cytoplasmic ADP and ATP, but had less effect on protein-bound nucleotides. The surface membrane of RL platelets was found to be permeable to poly dT probes less than approximately 3 kDa in size; larger nucleotide probes and proteins did not penetrate the surface membrane. Taken together, our results indicate that RL platelets retain some of the haemostatic stimulus-response functions of fresh platelets and are capable of feedback amplification in coagulation.  相似文献   

AIMS: Addiction has been conceptualized as a shift from controlled experimentation to uncontrolled, compulsive patterns of use. Current neurobiological models of addiction emphasize changes within the brain's reward system, such that drugs of abuse 'hijack' this system and bias behaviour towards further drug use. While this model explains the involuntary nature of craving and the motivational drive to continue drug use, it does not explain fully why some addicted individuals are unable to control their drug use when faced with potentially disastrous consequences. In this review, we argue that such maladaptive and uncontrolled behaviour is underpinned by a failure of the brain's inhibitory control mechanisms. DESIGN: Relevant neuroimaging, neuropsychological and clinical studies are reviewed, along with data from our own research. FINDINGS: The current literature suggests that in addition to the brain's reward system, two frontal cortical regions (anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortices), critical in inhibitory control over reward-related behaviour, are dysfunctional in addicted individuals. These same regions have been implicated in other compulsive conditions characterized by deficits in inhibitory control over maladaptive behaviours, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that in chronically addicted individuals, maladaptive behaviours and high relapse rates may be better conceptualized as being 'compulsive' in nature as a result of dysfunction within inhibitory brain circuitry, particularly during symptomatic states. This model may help to explain why some addicts lose control over their drug use, and engage in repetitive self-destructive patterns of drug-seeking and drug-taking that takes place at the expense of other important activities. This model may also have clinical utility, as it allows for the adoption of treatments effective in other disorders of inhibitory dysregulation.  相似文献   

The ability to learn new tasks requires that new information is integrated into neural systems that already support other behaviors. To study how new information is incorporated into neural representations, we analyzed single-unit recordings from the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain region important for task acquisition and working memory, before and after monkeys learned to perform two behavioral tasks. A population-decoding analysis revealed a large increase in task-relevant information, and smaller changes in stimulus-related information, after training. This new information was contained in dynamic patterns of neural activity, with many individual neurons containing the new task-relevant information for only relatively short periods of time in the midst of other large firing rate modulations. Additionally, we found that stimulus information could be decoded with high accuracy only from dorsal PFC, whereas task-relevant information was distributed throughout both dorsal and ventral PFC. These findings help resolve a controversy about whether PFC is innately specialized to process particular types of information or whether its responses are completely determined by task demands by showing there is both regional specialization within PFC that was present before training, as well as more widespread task-relevant information that is a direct result of learning. The results also show that information is incorporated into PFC through the emergence of a small population of highly selective neurons that overlay new signals on top of patterns of activity that contain information about previously encoded variables, which gives insight into how information is coded in neural activity.  相似文献   

Habits tend to form slowly but, once formed, can have great stability. We probed these temporal characteristics of habitual behaviors by intervening optogenetically in forebrain habit circuits as rats performed well-ingrained habitual runs in a T-maze. We trained rats to perform a maze habit, confirmed the habitual behavior by devaluation tests, and then, during the maze runs (ca. 3 s), we disrupted population activity in a small region in the medial prefrontal cortex, the infralimbic cortex. In accordance with evidence that this region is necessary for the expression of habits, we found that this cortical disruption blocked habitual behavior. Notably, however, this blockade of habitual performance occurred on line, within an average of three trials (ca. 9 s of inhibition), and as soon as during the first trial (<3 s). During subsequent weeks of training, the rats acquired a new behavioral pattern. When we again imposed the same cortical perturbation, the rats regained the suppressed maze-running that typified the original habit, and, simultaneously, the more recently acquired habit was blocked. These online changes occurred within an average of two trials (ca. 6 s of infralimbic inhibition). Measured changes in generalized performance ability and motivation to consume reward were unaffected. This immediate toggling between breaking old habits and returning to them demonstrates that even semiautomatic behaviors are under cortical control and that this control occurs online, second by second. These temporal characteristics define a framework for uncovering cellular transitions between fixed and flexible behaviors, and corresponding disturbances in pathologies.  相似文献   

People attend not only to their own experiences, but also to the experiences of those around them. Such social awareness profoundly influences human behavior by enabling observational learning, as well as by motivating cooperation, charity, empathy, and spite. Oxytocin (OT), a neurosecretory hormone synthesized by hypothalamic neurons in the mammalian brain, can enhance affiliation or boost exclusion in different species in distinct contexts, belying any simple mechanistic neural model. Here we show that inhaled OT penetrates the CNS and subsequently enhances the sensitivity of rhesus macaques to rewards occurring to others as well as themselves. Roughly 2 h after inhaling OT, monkeys increased the frequency of prosocial choices associated with reward to another monkey when the alternative was to reward no one. OT also increased attention to the recipient monkey as well as the time it took to render such a decision. In contrast, within the first 2 h following inhalation, OT increased selfish choices associated with delivery of reward to self over a reward to the other monkey, without affecting attention or decision latency. Despite the differences in species typical social behavior, exogenous, inhaled OT causally promotes social donation behavior in rhesus monkeys, as it does in more egalitarian and monogamous ones, like prairie voles and humans, when there is no perceived cost to self. These findings potentially implicate shared neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

Dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is an important neurotransmitter for reward-seeking behaviors such as intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS), although its precise role remains unclear. Here, dynamic fluctuations in extracellular dopamine were measured during ICSS in the rat NAc shell with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry at carbon-fiber microelectrodes. Rats were trained to press a lever to deliver electrical stimulation to the substantia nigra (SNc)/ventral tegmental area (VTA) after the random onset of a cue that predicted reward availability. Latency to respond after cue onset significantly declined across trials, indicative of learning. Dopamine release was evoked by the stimulation but also developed across trials in a time-locked fashion to the cue. Once established, the cue-evoked dopamine transients continued to grow in amplitude, although they were variable from trial to trial. The emergence of cue-evoked dopamine correlated with a decline in electrically evoked dopamine release. Extinction of ICSS resulted in a significant decline in goal-directed behavior coupled to a significant decrease in cue-evoked phasic dopamine across trials. Subsequent reinstatement of ICSS was correlated with a return to preextinction transient amplitudes in response to the cue and reestablishment of ICSS behavior. The results show the dynamic nature of chemical signaling in the NAc during ICSS and provide new insight into the role of NAc dopamine in reward-related behaviors.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, lateral root primordia (LRPs) originate from pericycle cells located deep within the parental root and have to emerge through endodermal, cortical, and epidermal tissues. These overlaying tissues place biomechanical constraints on the LRPs that are likely to impact their morphogenesis. This study probes the interplay between the patterns of cell division, organ shape, and overlaying tissues on LRP morphogenesis by exploiting recent advances in live plant cell imaging and image analysis. Our 3D/4D image analysis revealed that early stage LRPs exhibit tangential divisions that create a ring of cells corralling a population of rapidly dividing cells at its center. The patterns of division in the latter population of cells during LRP morphogenesis are not stereotypical. In contrast, statistical analysis demonstrated that the shape of new LRPs is highly conserved. We tested the relative importance of cell division pattern versus overlaying tissues on LRP morphogenesis using mutant and transgenic approaches. The double mutant aurora1 (aur1) aur2 disrupts the pattern of LRP cell divisions and impacts its growth dynamics, yet the new organ’s dome shape remains normal. In contrast, manipulating the properties of overlaying tissues disrupted LRP morphogenesis. We conclude that the interaction with overlaying tissues, rather than the precise pattern of divisions, is most important for LRP morphogenesis and optimizes the process of lateral root emergence.  相似文献   

Neurons in the lateral intraparietal area, frontal eye field, and superior colliculus exhibit a pattern of activity known as remapping. When a salient visual stimulus is presented shortly before a saccade, the representation of that stimulus is updated, or remapped, at the time of the eye movement. This updating is presumably based on a corollary discharge of the eye movement command. To investigate whether visual areas also exhibit remapping, we recorded from single neurons in extrastriate and striate cortex while monkeys performed a saccade task. Around the time of the saccade, a visual stimulus was flashed either at the location occupied by the neuron's receptive field (RF) before the saccade (old RF) or at the location occupied by it after the saccade (new RF). More than half (52%) of V3A neurons responded to a stimulus flashed in the new RF even though the stimulus had already disappeared before the saccade. These neurons responded to a trace of the flashed stimulus brought into the RF by the saccade. In 16% of V3A neurons, remapped activity began even before saccade onset. Remapping also was observed at earlier stages of the visual hierarchy, including in areas V3 and V2. At these earlier stages, the proportion of neurons that exhibited remapping decreased, and the latency of remapped activity increased relative to saccade onset. Remapping was very rare in striate cortex. These results indicate that extrastriate visual areas are involved in the process of remapping.  相似文献   

Both caloric restriction and overeating have been shown to affect neural processes associated with reinforcement. Both preclinical and some clinical studies have provided evidence that food restriction may increase reward sensitivity, and while there are mixed findings regarding the effects of overeating on reward sensitivity, there is strong evidence linking this behavior with changes in reward-related brain regions. Evidence of these changes comes in part from findings that show that such eating patterns are associated with increased drug use. The data discussed here regarding the differential effects of various eating patterns on reward systems may be particularly relevant to the aging population, as this population has been shown to exhibit altered reward sensitivity and decreased caloric consumption. Moreover, members of this population appear to be increasingly affected by the current obesity epidemic. Food, like alcohol or drugs, can stimulate its own consumption and produce similar neurochemical changes in the brain. Age-related loss of appetite, decreased eating, and caloric restriction are hypothesized to be associated with changes in the prevalence of substance misuse, abuse, and dependence seen in this cohort.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax causes the most geographically widespread human malaria, accounting annually for 70-80 million clinical cases throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world's continents. We have analyzed the DNA sequences of the Csp (circumsporozoite protein) gene in 24 geographically representative strains of P. vivax and 2 of P. simium, which parasitizes several species of New World monkeys. The Csp sequences are of two types, VK210 and VK247, which differ by three diagnostic amino acid replacements, one in each of the 5' and 3' terminal regions [5' nonrepeat (NR) and 3' NR] of the gene and in an insertion sequence that precedes the 3' NR region. The central region of the gene consists of approximately 38 repetitive "motifs," which are alternatively four and five amino acids long, which also are diagnostically different between the VK210 and VK247 types. There are very few synonymous substitutions within and between the two types of strains, which we hypothesize reflects that the worldwide spread of P. vivax is very recent. The two P. simium Csp sequences belong one to each of the two VK types and are genetically indistinguishable from the corresponding P. vivax strains, suggesting that at least two host transfers have occurred between humans and New World monkeys. We exclude as unlikely the possibility that the two types of sequences could have independently arisen in humans and platyrrhines by natural selection. There are reasons favoring each of the two possible directions of host transfer between humans and monkeys.  相似文献   

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