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目的 了解孕妇对孕产期护理知识的需求情况,以便有针对性地进行健康指导,更好的开展孕期健康保健工作。 方法 对2009年11月-2010年9月来我院检查的171名孕妇进行孕产期知识需求和孕产期知识获得方式的调查。 结果 孕妇对母乳喂养知识、孕期各种检查知识、孕期营养、产褥期卫生、分娩过程、孕期日常保健和胎教、新生儿护理、孕期自我监测胎动方法等知识有迫切的需求;孕妇获得健康教育知识的需求形式多样化;孕妇的文化程度不同,对孕产期保健知识的需求亦有所不同。 结论 应不断完善孕期健康教育内容,开展多种形式的健康教育,并根据孕妇的知识水平不同选定不同的健康教育内容,提高孕妇围产期健康保健水平。  相似文献   

目的了解孕妇在孕期对孕期保健知识的需求,探讨孕期宣教在围产保健中的积极作用.方法采用问卷调查形式对孕妇做相关需求及孕期保健知识的掌握情况调查.结果孕妇对孕期保健知识普遍需求,但对孕期保健知识的内容需求有显著性差异,接受孕期宣教前后对孕期保健知识、孕期自我监护、分娩的保健及母乳喂养知识、新生儿护理等掌握、态度及孕期心理有明显变化.结论孕期宣教对围产期保健有积极的促进作用,护理人员应根据孕妇对保健知识的需求,改进和调整孕期宣教的结构,提高健康质量.  相似文献   

徐海龙 《护理学报》2014,(18):46-48
目的探讨"孕妈妈沙龙"服务模式对孕产妇健康行为和分娩结局的影响。方法比较94例实施"孕妈妈沙龙"服务模式的孕产妇和97例常规孕检的孕产妇孕期相关知识、分娩态度及产时应对行为情况以及分娩结局。结果实施"孕妈妈沙龙"服务模式的观察组孕妇孕期相关知识,分娩态度及产时应对行为得分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),自然分娩率明显高于对照组,尤其因社会因素、妊娠合并症及难产为剖宫产手术指征者,明显低于对照组,两组差异有统计学意义(P0.05),观察组第一、二产程时间和总产程时间与对照组比较明显缩短(P0.01)。结论实施"孕妈妈沙龙"服务模式可增强孕妇自然分娩的信心,降低剖宫产率,缩短产程,值得临床应用和推广。  相似文献   

孕妇对孕期保健知识需求调查及施教效果分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 了解孕妇在孕期对孕期保健知识的需求,探讨孕期宣教在围产保健中的积极作用。方法 采用问卷调查形式对孕妇做相关需求及孕期保健知识的掌握情况调查。结果 孕妇对孕期保健知识普遍需求,但对孕期保健知识的内容需求有显著性差异,接受孕期宣教前后对孕期保健知识、孕期自我监护、分娩的保健及母乳喂养知识、新生儿护理等掌握、态度及孕期心理有明显变化。结论 孕期宣教对围产期保健有积极的促进作用,护理人员应根据孕妇对保健知识的需求,改进和调整孕期宣教的结构,提高健康质量。  相似文献   

[目的]了解北京市东城区孕产妇对健康信息的需求现状,为健康管理部门及信息服务部门制定相关的政策提供依据。[方法]方便抽取2016年11月—2017年3月在北京市东城区4家社区卫生服务中心进行产前检查和产后复查的孕产妇,采用自行设计的问卷进行调查。[结果]孕产妇对孕期营养(61.07%)、孕期常见身体不适的缓解(54.51%)、产前检查(54.41%)信息的需求较多;孕产妇获取孕产期心理保健信息(32.27%)、孕期常见身体不适的缓解(31.45%)、分娩镇痛(24.90%)等方面的信息较困难;孕产妇偏好从专业机构/专业人员途径获取的健康信息主要有新生儿保健(46.72%)、分娩常识(37.09%)、产前检查(35.96%);孕产妇偏好与有经验者交流获取的健康信息主要为母乳喂养(41.80%)、孕期营养(39.65%)、孕期常见身体不适的缓解(39.34%);孕产妇偏好从大众媒体途径获取的健康信息为孕期营养(54.30%)、新生儿保健(36.68%)、孕产期运动(36.17%)。[结论]北京东城区孕产妇健康信息需求多样化,全面自我保健趋势明显,心理保健信息获取相对困难,应根据孕产妇母婴保健信息需求特点为孕产妇提供精准的健康服务。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,孕产妇对保健需求日益增加,孕妇学校的作用越来越被重视,孕期教育已成为围生保健工作十分重要的环节.为此我们于2006年8月起开办孕妇学校,由临床经验丰富的医护人员免费为孕妇及其家属提供所需的各种知识和应对策略,使孕妇的妊娠和分娩过程更加安全、舒适,提高产科质量,确保母婴平安,现报道如下.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,孕产妇对保健需求日益增加,孕妇学校的作用越来越被重视,孕期教育已成为围生保健工作十分重要的环节.为此我们于2006年8月起开办孕妇学校,由临床经验丰富的医护人员免费为孕妇及其家属提供所需的各种知识和应对策略,使孕妇的妊娠和分娩过程更加安全、舒适,提高产科质量,确保母婴平安,现报道如下.  相似文献   

翟巾帼  王文娟  李静 《护理研究》2022,(13):2310-2314
目的:探讨全球群组化母婴保健(GCG)模式在国内首次引进及应用过程中孕产妇对此服务相关内容的需求、服务评价及效果分析,为该模式的国内本土化推广提供理论依据。方法:引进及应用全球群组化母婴保健模式,采用便利抽样法选取在某大学附属医院建档立册的698例参与该模式的孕妇作为研究对象,设计调查问卷对孕期保健知识自我评价、服务环节和服务内容评价、生活质量改善度评价、服务满意度评价4项内容进行调查。结果:孕妇对孕期知识掌握度和期望知识获取程度存在显著差异,知识获取的需求普遍较高;在对服务环节重要性评价中,排名前3位的依次为促导者的资质、活动主题的设计和活动组织与管理形式。在对服务内容重要性评价中,排名前3位的依次为如何照顾新生儿、分娩体位指导和盆底肌肉功能锻炼方法。在该模式下,孕妇、配偶、整体家庭的生活质量均得到中等偏上的改善。86.68%的孕妇对该服务模式非常满意。结论:全球群组化母婴保健服务的实施,有助于满足孕妇多样化、个性化的需求,解决保健服务的供需矛盾,亟须进一步的推广和应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨孕妇对助产士门诊服务的认知及需求情况。方法 选取2021年01月至2021年03月期间在我院产科门诊接受产前检查并计划分娩的孕妇作为研究对象,通过发放调查问卷的形式获得孕产妇的基本信息、对助产士门诊服务的认知情况及需求意愿等内容。结果 调查结果表明,对于不同年龄、文化程度以及分娩史的孕妇来说,大部分孕妇对助产士门诊都有需求的意愿。表明助产士门诊咨询服务已经被越来越多的女性所接受。结论 孕产妇对开展助产士门诊咨询服务的意愿较高,应大力推进助产士门诊的开设工作。  相似文献   

临产前后的护理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1 门诊宣教2 0 0 0年 11月起我院产科在每周四上午的健康宣教时间里 ,除组织孕妇及其家属看分娩知识录像、幻灯、听录音外 ,还开展了“医患聊天”这项内容 ,把孕产妇最想知道的有关妊娠期、分娩期保健的内容和方法以及在此期间能够提供给的服务告知她们 ,回答她们提出的疑问 ,来院就诊的多数孕妇接受了这一教育模式 ,较充分的掌握了妊娠和分娩的知识 ,提高了孕期保健重要性的认识及围产期保健的重视 ,使她们对选择分娩的方式有了知情权和选择能力 ,大部分参与“医患聊天”的孕妇及亲属都有了自然分娩的信心 ,同时加强了医患沟通 ,缩短了医…  相似文献   

Barriers to Utilization of Prenatal Care Services in Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的:了解温州农村孕妇配偶参与产前教育的现状及需求,为开展孕妇配偶产前教育提供依据。方法便利抽取温州农村94名孕妇配偶,采用自制调查问卷了解孕妇配偶的围生期保健知识和需求。结果94名孕妇配偶中,在孕妇孕期参加过产前教育26名占27.66%,未参加产前教育59名占62.77%;未接受过和接受过产前教育的孕妇配偶在孕产期保健、妇女孕产期生理变化、新生儿护理方面的得分比较差异均有统计学意义( P<0.05);26名孕妇配偶接受过产前教育的情况中产前教育内容以孕产期保健为主,占73.08%,授课方式以讲解为主,且一半以上为免费听课;88.29%(83/94)的人认为有必要参加产前教育;孕妇配偶最愿意通过正规医疗机构获得产前教育,最希望学习的内容是孕产期保健知识。结论孕妇配偶对于围生期保健知识的知晓程度较低,应加强对农村地区孕妇配偶的产前教育,减免费用并创新教育方法以吸引更多的配偶来参加。  相似文献   

BackgroundOral health care during pregnancy is important for the health of the mother and child. However, pregnant women have limited knowledge about maternal oral health and seldom seek dental care. Further, due to limited training antenatal care providers like midwives rarely discuss oral health with pregnant women. The Midwifery-Initiated Oral Health Dental Service program was developed to address current gaps in oral promotional interventions during pregnancy.ObjectivesTo assess the effectiveness of a Midwifery-Initiated Oral Health Dental Service program in improving uptake of dental services, oral health knowledge, quality of oral health, oral health status and birth outcomes of pregnant women.DesignMulti-centre randomised controlled trial.SettingThree large metropolitan public hospitals in Sydney, Australia.ParticipantsPregnant women attending their first antenatal appointment who were at least 18 years old and had a single low risk pregnancy between 12 and 20 weeks gestation.Methods638 pregnant women were allocated to three groups using block randomisation (n = 211) control group, intervention group 1 (n = 215), intervention group 2 (n = 212) and followed up till birth. Study investigators and data collectors were blinded to group allocation. Intervention group 1 received a midwifery intervention from trained midwives involving oral health education, screening and referrals to existing dental pathways. Intervention group 2 received the midwifery intervention and a dental intervention involving assessment/treatment from cost free local dental services. The control group received oral health information at recruitment. Primary outcome was uptake of dental services. Secondary outcomes included oral health knowledge, quality of oral health, oral health status and birth outcomes.ResultsSubstantial improvements in the use of dental services (20.2% Control Group; 28.3% Intervention group 1; 87.2% Intervention group 2; Odds Ratio Intervention group 2 vs Control Group = 29.72, 95% CI 15.02–58.53, p < 0.001), women’s oral health knowledge (p = 0.03); quality of oral health (p < 0.001) and oral health outcomes (sulcus bleeding, dental plaque, clinical attachment loss, decayed/filled teeth- p < 0.001) were found in Intervention group 2. No difference in the rate of preterm or low-birth weight was found.ConclusionsThe Midwifery-Initiated Oral Health Dental Service program (Intervention group 2) improved the uptake of dental services and oral health of pregnant women and is recommended during antenatal care. A cause and effect relationship between this intervention and improved birth outcomes was not supported.  相似文献   

Oral health during pregnancy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this article is to explore how poor oral health affects pregnancy and to review current recommendations for dental care during pregnancy. While nurses are concerned with numerous aspects of the health of pregnant women, the health of maternal and fetal dentition may be overlooked. However, due to recent findings that periodontal disease may be a risk factor for preterm low birthweight, nurses and other maternal healthcare providers are becoming more aware of oral health during pregnancy. It is important to understand that establishing a healthy oral environment is the most important objective in planning the dental care for the pregnant patient. This objective is achieved by adequate plaque control (brushing and flossing) and professional prophylaxis including coronal scaling, root planing, and polishing. Nurses, nurse practitioners, and nurse-midwives should include assessment of maternal dentition and referral for dental problems as part of their prenatal practice. Patients should be encouraged to schedule elective dental treatment during the second trimester but seek prompt care for acute dental problems. Teaching related to oral health during pregnancy should include the importance of proper nutrition to ensure maternal and fetal oral health, including taking prenatal vitamins and eating foods high in protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, C, and D. Potential teratogens that may be encountered during dental care should also be discussed. Nurses can be vital in improving perinatal outcomes and maternal/fetal dental health through screening, referral, and education of their pregnant clients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare pregnant Southeast Asian immigrant and Taiwanese women in terms of their respective pregnancy knowledge, attitudes toward pregnancy, medical service experiences and prenatal care behaviors. Findings should provide a reference for the formulation of healthcare policies. This study used a cross-sectional design. Subjects were recruited from township/ village communities or the outpatient services of local health centers in Kaohsiung County, southern Taiwan. Women between the 28th week of gestation and one year post-delivery were recruited. A total of 132 Southeast Asian immigrants and 127 Taiwanese women were included in this study. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Research instruments included the Demographic Inventory Scale, Knowledge of Pregnancy Scale, Attitude toward Pregnancy Scale, Experience of Medical Services Scale, and Prenatal Care Behavior Scale. Results showed scores of Southeast Asian immigrant women to be lower than those of Taiwanese women in terms pregnancy knowledge, attitude toward pregnancy, and medical service experiences. In terms of prenatal care behaviors, 26 Southeast Asian immigrant women (19.7%) did not receive prenatal care during the first three months, while 54 (40.9%) did not receive periodic prenatal care. These two prenatal care behavior scores for Southeast Asian immigrant women were significantly lower than those for Taiwanese women. Healthcare professionals should provide healthcare education to Southeast Asian immigrant women, assist their families to adopt family planning, and provide appropriate information on prenatal care and local medical services as well as consultation channels so that they can obtain accurate knowledge on the healthcare system and appreciate the purpose and importance of prenatal care.  相似文献   

目的:了解妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)孕妇产后2年转归情况、保健现状和产后保健需求,为完善GDM孕妇产后保健、减少不良转归提供参考。方法:通过便利抽样对2年内在天津市某三级甲等医院产科分娩的妊娠期糖尿病孕妇产后转归现状及保健需求进行问卷调查。结果:13.6%GDM孕妇出现产后体质量滞留;56.5%GDM孕妇产后从未监测过血糖,4.2%GDM孕妇在产后不同时间出现了糖耐量受损,1例GDM孕妇产后2年内已确诊2型糖尿病;59.7%GDM孕妇在产后42天内进行了产后保健,34.6%GDM孕妇从未进行过产后保健,36.1%GDM孕妇没有得到任何相关专业人士的指导;GDM孕妇更希望由妇产科医生、助产士、社区保健医生通过孕妇学校课程、宣传手册、微信公众号等线上形式提供新生儿保健指导、膳食指导、运动指导、主要照护者健康教育等保健内容。结论:目前GDM孕妇对血糖变化重视程度较低,自我监测意识较差;产后保健不够系统、规范,未来应进一步加强筛查与管理,以减少GDM产后不良转归的发生。  相似文献   

荣昌县农村妇女孕产期保健服务利用现状及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解荣吕县农村妇女孕产期保健服务利用现状,分析其影响因素,探讨进一步改善孕产期保健服务利用的措施。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取700名2008年4~12月分娩的农村妇女,运用SAS8.2对资料进行统计分析。结果产前检查覆盖率为95.0%,孕早期检查率为75.4%,5次及以上产检率为69.3%,住院分娩率为98.3%,3次及以上产后访视率为26.3%,孕产妇系统管理率为16.7%。影响孕产妇系统管理率的因素主要是怀孕前一年家庭收入、是否参加新型农村合作医疗和母亲怀孕次数。结论该县孕产妇系统管理率尚待提高,必须加强宣教,改善产前检查和产后访视状况,引导更多妇女参加新型农村合作医疗。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify common treatments used for low-back pain (LBP) during pregnancy. DESIGN: A two-part anonymous survey. SETTING/LOCATION: New Haven, Connecticut. SUBJECTS: Pregnant women and providers of prenatal health care (nurse educators, nurse midwives, and obstetricians). RESULTS: We found that the majority of pregnant women who participated in our survey (61.7%) reported that they would accept complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy as treatment for LBP during pregnancy. Similarly, 61% of providers of prenatal health care in our sample reported that they would consider using CAM as treatment for LBP during pregnancy. Massage (61.4%), acupuncture (44.6%), relaxation (42.6%), yoga (40.6%), and chiropractic (36.6%) were the most common CAM therapies recommended for LBP in pregnancy by the providers of prenatal health care in our sample. CONCLUSIONS: This two-part survey study found that both providers of prenatal health care and pregnant women in New Haven county are likely to use CAM treatments for pregnancy-induced LBP. Further investigation should focus on whether it is a nationwide phenomenon, as well as if various CAM therapies are an efficacious treatment for LBP during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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