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消化内镜消毒现状调查与监督管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1现状调查 1.1调查方法为了解长春市消化内镜清洗消毒工作质量,认真落实卫生部《内镜清洗消毒操作技术规范(2004年版)》(“规范”)有关规定,对全市开展消化内镜诊疗活动单位的内镜清洗消毒情况进行了全面的调查。共调查了消化内镜诊疗单位的消毒管理制度、医护人员的培训情况、内镜室设施(诊疗与清洗消毒是否分室、不分室是否能分时间进行、清洗消毒设施是否分开、)、内镜清洗与消毒(消毒设施是否符合要求、清洗消毒方法是否正确、消毒灭菌时间是否足够、贮存是否符合要求)、使用消毒剂器械、器械使用前消毒、诊疗后消毒、内镜消毒监测等方面情况。采用事先设计调查表,通过现场调查、询问、查验有关记录情况等,来判定各单位消化内镜清洗消毒情况。  相似文献   

目的了解苏州市二级及以上医疗机构内镜中心(室)消化内镜的清洗消毒管理现状,对存在的问题提出改进建议。方法 2015年7月对苏州市不同级别的28所医疗机构(三级医疗机构18所,二级医疗机构10所)消化内镜清洗消毒管理现状进行现场调查,并采用ATP生物荧光法对清洗消毒后的消化内镜进行抽样检测。结果被调查的28所医疗机构均设立了单独的内镜清洗消毒室,配置一体化内镜清洗工作站的占89.29%,配置内镜自动清洗消毒机的占17.86%;配备专用多酶洗液、选择正确消毒剂、每日监测消毒剂浓度、消毒时间达标的执行率均为100%。而多酶洗液做到一镜一换的仅占39.29%,清洗消毒人员正确佩戴个人防护用品的占78.57%。现场检测77条消化内镜,合格率为88.31%。结论苏州市二级及以上医疗机构消化内镜清洗消毒管理工作比较规范,但在操作环节上仍存在问题,需严格按国家相关规范执行,进一步提高消化内镜清洗消毒效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨消化内镜清洗消毒全程质量追溯管理的方法,确保消化内镜清洗消毒的质量和有效追溯。方法使用后的消化内镜按标准化流程进行回收、清洗、消毒、干燥、储存,对其全过程进行相关记录,实施全程质量追溯管理。结果 2006年1月-2010年1月共实施120 906例次消化内镜的清洗消毒,经医院感染管理与疾病控制科,每季度对消毒后消化内镜进行生物学监测的抽查,均消毒合格,记录具有可追溯性。结论对消化内镜清洗消毒全程进行质量追溯管理的方法,有效地确保了消化内镜清洗消毒的质量,并对于预防与控制医院感染具有举证的重要依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨迈尔集成内镜洗消中心清洗消毒消化内镜的效果.方法随机抽样迈尔集成内镜洗消中心清洗消毒后的消化内镜56件作为研究组,采用手工清洗消毒四槽法清洗消毒后的消化内镜50件作为对照组,分别进行生物学监测.结果研究组内壁消毒合格率为100%,对照组为92%,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组外壁消毒合格率均为100%.结论迈尔集成内镜洗消中心清洗消毒的应用,提高了消化内镜的清洗消毒质量.  相似文献   

消化内镜清洗消毒有效性研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
目的通过消化内镜有效的清洗消毒,防止因内镜检查引起的医院内交叉感染。方法采用四槽法清洗消毒,做好生物学监测。结果按卫生部标准监测,72件消化内镜外壁消毒合格率为100.0%,内腔消毒合格率为98.6%。结论采取有效防范措施,可以确保消毒效果。  相似文献   

贾琳  管癸芬  黄伊人 《现代养生》2023,(22):1751-1755
目的 分析内镜全程追溯系统在消化内镜清洗消毒质量管理中的应用效果。方法 医院内镜中心自2020年3月起实施内镜信息追溯系统及人员规范化管理,将2020年3-8月清洗消毒的消化内镜11783条次作为实验组,选取2019年9月-2020年2月清洗消毒的消化内镜10767条次作为对照组。比较两组消化内镜的生物监测合格率,内镜清洗消毒条次的记录完整率、错误事件发生率。结果 实施内镜信息追溯系统及人员规范化管理后的实验组消化内镜生物学监测合格率为97.91%,高于对照组的95.23%,但组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。实验组清洗消毒记录完整率高于对照组,错误事件发生率低于对照组,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 应用消毒追溯系统有利于内镜清洗消毒质量的持续改进,减少人工记录及流程错误,为责任追踪提供依据。  相似文献   

目的调查医疗机构消化内镜清洗消毒现状,以了解及分析消化内镜清洗消毒存在的问题。方法以问卷形式调查82所医疗机构,调查范围覆盖全国21个省级行政区,并对所调查医疗机构的消化内镜清洗消毒现状进行分析。结果在受调查的82所医疗机构中设有单独内镜清洗消毒间的占79.3%;使用多酶洗液清洗内镜的占97.6%;上消化道与下消化道手工清洗消毒设备分开使用占68.3%;使用2%戊二醛对需灭菌的内镜附件浸泡时间达10 h的占52.4%;对消毒后的内镜每季度进行生物学监测的占81.7%;每日诊疗工作开始前,对当日拟使用的内镜进行再次消毒的占31.7%;拥有专用内镜储存环境的占95.1%。结论国内消化内镜清洗消毒现状形势严峻,严格执行国家现有规范是进一步提高消化内镜清洗消毒效果的重要保障。  相似文献   

目的加强内镜室的规范化管理,防止因內镜清洗消毒不当引起医源性感染,提高内镜室护理人员对医院感染控制工作的自律性,使患者有一个安全的就医环境。方法对2008年7月-2009年7月消毒后内镜167份样品进行检测,同时对内镜室护理人员的操作、消毒隔离及内镜的清洗、消毒、灭菌工作进行质量监控。结果按卫生部标准监测,57件肠镜使用四槽清洗消毒,合格率为100.00%;110件胃镜完成手工清洗后使用全自动内镜清洗消毒机,合格率为99.09%。结论通过加强医务人员的素质教育,完善薄弱环节,规范清洗消毒流程,形成科学化的监测模式,使內镜消毒效果均符合卫生部标准,杜绝了医源性感染,保证了医疗安全。  相似文献   

消化内镜技术的普及,对消化道疾病诊治有极其重要的价值.然而在内镜的检查治疗中如取活检造成的黏膜损伤,是造成医源性感染的危险因素,尤其是HBV、HCV、TB、沙门菌属及Hp的交叉感染引起人们的高度重视.通过分析内镜清洗消毒工作中的危险因素,采取有效措施,保证了清洗消毒质量.  相似文献   

目的通过对消化内镜清洗消毒的质量控制和规范管理,有效预防和控制由消化内镜诊疗所造成的医源性感染,确保医疗安全。方法参照《内镜清洗消毒技术操作规范》,完善各种规章制度,引进现代化清洗消毒设施,加强内镜检查质量控制,规范内镜清洗消毒流程,强化医务人员消毒灭菌观念。结果本院消化内镜中心自成立以来,内镜的清洗消毒合格率均达到100%。结论认真从各个环节把关好内镜清洗消毒的质量,使内镜的清洗消毒工作制度化、规范化、科学化、信息化,是预防现代消化内镜中心感染的根本手段。  相似文献   

Bacterial contaimination of endoscopes can be clinically significant. While current data suggest that flexible sigmoidoscopy may entail fewer risks than upper endoscopy, these data are too incomplete to draw this conclusion. Careful cleaning and disinfection after each procedure are recommended. Gas sterilization of the endoscope and gas or heat sterilization of accessory equipment may be necessary in certain clinical situations. It must be remembered that hundreds of thousands of endoscopic procedures were performed in the 1970s using cleaning only without substantial health risk. The processes do not have to be complicated or difficult. Staff must be well trained and must understand the potential risks of working with disinfecting agents such as alkaline glutaraldehyde. It is recommended that the clinician fully understand the cleaning and disinfection steps and be able to perform them. It is important that office procedures be based on efficacy, not convenience. The procedures developed to date are not ideal and the ideal disinfectant has yet to be found. Cleaning and disinfecting machines have been developed, but they are expensive and their efficacy and safety are no better than hand-performed methods. An alternative approach to reducing transmission of infections by endoscopes may be to seek less adherent plastic substances for the endoscope sheath. The introduction of immersible endoscopes has helped with cleaning, but their use may also give rise to a false sense of security. Diligent attention to cleaning and disinfection is still necessary.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate an unusual number of rapidly growing acid-fast bacilli, later identified as Mycobacterium chelonae, and pink bacteria, later identified as Methylobacterium mesophilicum, from fungal cultures obtained by bronchoscopy. DESIGN: Outbreak investigation. SETTING: An academic medical center performing approximately 500 bronchoscopies and 4,000 gastrointestinal endoscopies in 1998. PATIENTS: Patients undergoing bronchoscopy July 21 to October 2, 1998. METHODS: The infection control department reviewed patient charts and bronchoscopy logs; obtained cultures of source water, faucets, washers, unopened glutaraldehyde, glutaraldehyde from the washers, and endoscopes; observed endoscope and bronchoscope cleaning and disinfecting procedures; reviewed glutaraldehyde monitoring records; and sent M. chelonae isolates for DNA fingerprinting. RESULTS: M. chelonae, M. mesophilicum, gram-negative bacteria, and various molds grew from endoscopes, automated washers, and glutaraldehyde from the washers but not from unopened glutaraldehyde. The endoscopy unit regularly monitored the pH of glutaraldehyde, and the logs contained no deficiencies. The above sources remained positive for the same organisms after a glutaraldehyde cleaning cycle of the automated washers. DNA finger-printing of the M. chelonae revealed that they were clonally related. CONCLUSIONS: The automated washers were contaminated with a biofilm that rendered them resistant to decontamination. The washers then contaminated the endoscopes and bronchoscopes they were used to disinfect. Our institution purchased new endoscopes and a new paracetic acid sterilization system.  相似文献   

目的 了解大连市医院胃肠镜清洗消毒状况,以便改进其消毒质量.方法 采用现场采样检测方法,对大连市23所医院的胃肠镜及相关用品进行消毒效果检测.结果 2007-2011年合计检测胃肠镜及相关用品334份,合格率为72.46%,其中胃肠镜内腔156份,合格率为73.08%,胃肠镜活检口70份,合格率为81.43%,并检出3株铜绿假单胞菌和8株大肠埃希氏菌;检测使用中的内镜消毒液戊二醛54份,有效含量合格率为85.19%,消毒剂染菌量检测全部达到标;注水瓶水54份,合格率为46.30%.结论 大连市医院胃肠镜消毒合格率偏低,存在内镜引起交叉感染的潜在危险因素.  相似文献   

A method for disinfecting fibreoptic endoscopes with povidone-iodine and a simple cleaning device, consisting of a curved glass pipe and a peristaltic pump is described. If properly employed the system produces satisfactory results.  相似文献   

目的 研究分析医院消化内镜清洗消毒过程中存在的问题,提出相应的解决策略,以提高消化内镜的清洗消毒合格率,同时保证患者的安全.方法 依据卫生部制定颁发的《内镜清洗消毒技术操作规范》(2004年版)的要求,对山东省52所医院的内镜清洗消毒过程进行了问卷调查与现场勘查,对消化内镜清洗过程中存在的问题进行总结和分析,并提出相应的对策.结果 内镜消毒过程中存在的问题以清洗消毒设施不完全、缺乏岗位培训及对工作人员的防护,分别占34.6%、42.3%、38.5%,其次为清洗流程以及消毒方法不规范,占19.2%;针对这一情况,需要建立完善消毒管理体制、增加操作人员的技术培训,并加大基础设施投入等,以达到基本的清洗消毒要求.结论 重视与解决消化内镜清洗消毒过程中存在的问题,对于患者的健康及预防医院感染,具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

目的初步探讨四川荣县消化道恶性肿瘤发病的危险因素。方法选取2008年1月-2012年12月经胃肠镜及病理学检查,确诊的130例消化道恶性肿瘤患者作为研究对象,其中食管癌45例,胃癌60例,肠癌25例。采用1:3配对选取对照人群400人,通过条件Logistic回归单因素和多因素分析筛选主要危险因素,估计各因素的OR值及95%CI值。结果消化道恶性肿瘤的危险因素有食用腌制食品、饮酒、家族肿瘤史、平时常忧虑和饮食不规律,其中食用腌制食品是最主要的危险因素(OR=1.785,95%CI:1.287~2.576)。结论不良的饮食和生活习惯是消化道恶性肿瘤的危险致病因素,应针对上述危险因素,加强健康教育,积极采取预防措施。  相似文献   

《Health devices》1994,23(6):214-239
In this issue, we evaluate three liquid disinfecting flexible endoscope reprocessors that can be used with a user-supplied liquid chemical germicide (LCG), primarily for high-level disinfection (HLD). Applying most of the same criteria and test methods, we also evaluated a fourth unit, presented separately, that is marketed as a liquid sterilizing reprocessor and must be used with manufacturer-supplied, single-use containers of LCG. Although the sterilizing unit can be used for rigid endoscopes, surgical instruments, and endoscopic accessories, we evaluated its application to the reprocessing of only flexible endoscopes. Our ratings are based on the following: (1) basic performance, such as compatibility with several different types of endoscopes and LCGs, inclusion of all essential reprocessing phases, and exposure of all endoscope surfaces to the LCG and rinse water; (2) safety, such as ensuring that essential reprocessing phases cannot be skipped or omitted, that personnel exposure to LCG vapors is minimized, and that the reprocessor is unlikely to contaminate the endoscope during reprocessing; and (3) human factors design, such as ease of use and installation. We did not perform microbiological testing to confirm HLD or sterilization by any of the evaluated reprocessors because, with a suitably clean endoscope that is in good condition, no evidence indicates that the LCGs used would not be effective on the surfaces that they contact; also, the results would be unique to the two flexible endoscopes that we used for our testing. We rated all four reprocessors Conditionally Acceptable. The units are Acceptable on the condition that users understand that they cannot be used to process the elevator cable channel of side-viewing duodenoscopes; additional conditions apply only to the liquid disinfecting units. However, if the conditions are met, all four units reduce the likelihood of using a contaminated endoscope on a patient and reduce personnel exposure to the LCG. Selection of a unit will be based on the needs and preferences of the individual healthcare facility. Our ratings also assume that these units will be used according to the manufacturers' instructions and the endoscope's operator's manual. Note that, although the evaluated liquid disinfecting units provide detergent-flushing, post-detergent water-rinse, and post-detergent water-rinse-removal phases, manual cleaning of endoscopes before automatic reprocessing is essential, regardless of which reprocessor is used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We measured the environmental glutaraldehyde (GA) levels during the disinfection of endoscopes and also investigated the subjective symptoms of the workers engaged in that work. At 6 hospitals in the Tokyo and Kanagawa area, 8 rooms for endoscope washing and disinfecting the endoscopy equipment were surveyed. The geometric mean environmental GA levels in the 8 rooms were 1.3 to 19.6 ppb. The personal exposure levels at the time of replacing the antiseptic solution containing GA in two of the disinfecting rooms were 94.2 and 84.9 ppb. Subjective symptoms such as ophthalmic, nasal, respiratory, pharyngeal symptoms and nausea were more prevalent among workers than controls as evidenced from the questionnaire survey.  相似文献   

The significance of bacterial contamination of fibreoptic endoscopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Published surveys suggest that the risk of infection following fibreoptic endoscopy is minimal. However, we report three patients who became infected and one patient who was colonized following emergency endoscopy for gastro-intestinal bleeding with a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, found to be resident in our upper gastrointestinal endoscopes. Bacteriological investigation showed that the cleaning procedure used failed to remove the organism from endoscopes. Thorough irrigation of instruments and accessories with 2% buffered glutaraldehyde before each session and simple cleaning with this agent during and after use, together with appropriate conditions for storage, reduced bacterial contamination of the instruments and eliminated oral colonisation of patients undergoing endoscopy. We conclude that bacterial contamination of upper gastro-intestinal endoscopes can be of clinical significance and meticulous attention to disinfection is essential for safe endoscopic practice.  相似文献   

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