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The efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) is mediated through a direct vascular effect. Interference with platelet function and resulting vascular stasis have been recently demonstrated utilizing the photosensitizer dihematoporphyrin ether (DHE). We examined the effect of aspirin, a known inhibitor of both cyclooxygenase and platelet activity, on PDT using chloroaluminum sulfonated phthalocyanine (CASP). Thirty-six rats implanted with a window chamber were given either 0.1 mg/kg (low dose) or 10 mg/kg (high dose) aspirin immediately before, immediately after, or 6 hours after the completion of CASP-PDT. Aspirin in either dosage did not appear to have any effect on the window vasculature when given immediately after light exposure. A moderate inhibition of vascular response was seen in animals treated with aspirin pre-PDT, whereas high-dose aspirin completely abrogated the CASP-PDT vascular response when given 6 hours post-PDT. These data indicate that aspirin can effect CASP-PDT in both time-dependent and dose-dependent fashions.  相似文献   

Background and Objective: To investigate Photofrin® (PII) and CASPc for photodynamic therapy (PDT) of the ciliary body in rabbits. Study Design/Materials and Methods: PII (10 mg/kg) or CASPc (1 mg/kg) was given by ear vein. Pharmacokinetics were studied in frozen sections by fluorescence microscopy (CCD camera based low light detection system with digital image processing) at 1 and 24 h (8 rabbits;16 eyes). Laser light was delivered (argon pumped dye laser;630 and 675 nm;8 rabbits;16 eyes) by contact fiberoptic. To compensate for iris attenuation, irradiance was 125 mW/cm2 (20, 40, 80, or 160 J/cm2). Controls (4 rabbits;8 eyes) received laser light without photochemicals (OD) and for comparison, continuous wave Nd:YAG laser by fiberoptic (0.8–1.2J;OS). Results: Localization studies showed intravascular distribution with some selective ciliary body distribution at 24 h (PII > CASPc). Rabbits treated with PII or CASPc exhibited variable amounts of gross ciliary body edema, infarction, and necrosis by 24–48 h. This response was not seen in PDT control tissues;damage was seen in the iris and ciliary body, with partial vacuolization of the pigment epithelium. Conclusion: PDT may offer a more selective approach to ciliary body destruction. A small but significant thermal effect was seen during PDT from melanin photon uptake with damage to iris and ciliary body. Thermal damage and potential interaction with ocular visual pigments may limit use of these photochemicals and wavelengths for PDT of the ciliary body © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chloroaluminum tetrasulfophthalocyanine (AlPCS) was used as a photosensitizer for the photodynamic treatment of transplantable N-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl] formamide (FANFT) induced urothelial tumors. Two groups of six rats each were injected with AlPCS (three micrograms./gm. body weight) and 24 hours after injection underwent photodynamic treatment with red light (greater than 590 nm., 360 joules/cm.2). Tumors examined four hours (Group I) and 24 hours (Group II) after the completion of phototreatment showed extensive hemorrhagic necrosis. Tumors treated with AlPCS alone showed no changes. In two other groups of six rats each, blood flow to tumors treated with AlPCS alone (Group III) and AlPCS plus light (Group IV) was measured using the radioactive microsphere technique. AlPCS plus light resulted in a significant decrease (p less than .05) in tumor blood flow within 10 minutes of completion of phototreatment while AlPCS alone had no effect on tumor blood flow. These findings are similar to those observed when higher doses (10 micrograms./gm. to 20 micrograms./gm. body weight) of hematophorphyrin derivative (HpD) and light were used for phototreatment of FANFT induced tumors. AlPCS is a stable sulfonated derivative of tetraazotetrabenzoporphyrin which absorbs maximally in the red portion of the visible spectrum, a region with good tissue penetration properties. These studies suggest the AlPCS may be a useful new agent for photodynamic therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy is an experimental method for treating malignant tumors. Injection of a tumor-localizing and photosensitizing agent and its subsequent activation by an appropriate wavelength of light can lead to tumor destruction, apparently through disruption of the vascular integrity of the neoplasm. The mechanism by which the blood vessels are destroyed appears to involve damage to the endothelium and release of vasoactive substances including thromboxane. The clinical utility has yet to be completely established, but the modality seems likely to play a role in the management of a variety of neoplasms. The diagnostic potential of this technology also appears to hold considerable promise. Advances in technological support for the clinical use of photodynamic therapy seem to hold the key to its wide clinical application.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The preliminary data suggest that red-light whole-bladder photodynamic therapy is safe and effective in the treatment of Tis and may be useful in the prophylactic management of superficial bladder cancer. Theoretically, whole-bladder photodynamic therapy has the advantage of higher efficacy after a single treatment than most conventional modalities for superficial bladder cancer. In patients with Tis, the complete response rate is 88%, and 25% have recurrences during a mean follow-up of 20 months (range 12-60). In patients undergoing prophylaxis, the recurrence rate is 31% and the median time to recurrence is 18 months. Importantly, none of the high-risk patients treated with whole-bladder photodynamic therapy has developed disease progression in stage or grade at the time of recurrences. Whole-bladder therapy also has the potential advantage of repeat treatment without increased tumor resistance or increased morbidity. Data from the present phase II-III clinical trials involving a large number of patients will define the role of photodynamic therapy in the management of superficial bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy is an experimental treatment of superficial bladder tumors. Photofrin, a mixture of porphyrins, is the only photosensitizer in clinical use in the U.S.A. and its major side effect is prolonged cutaneous phototoxicity. In order to circumvent this problem of phototoxicity, new photosensitizers are being examined. Cutaneous phototoxicity may also be minimized by local administration of photosensitizer. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the photosensitizer chloro-aluminum sulfonated phthalocyanine (CASPc) in vivo in a rat bladder carcinoma model, and compared two different routes of CASPc administration. AY-27 rat bladder carcinoma cells were transplanted into rat bladders. Eight days after tumor transplantation the biodistribution of CASPc in bladder, skin, muscle and bladder tumor was determined by fluorescence measurements after dye extraction. Photosensitizer administered by intravenous injection and intravesical instillation, were compared. The concentration of CASPc in bladder and bladder tumor after intravenous injection and intravesical instillation was similar. The ratio of dye uptake between tumor and normal bladder after either administration was approximately two. Although no systemic absorption of the photosensitizer was observed after intravesical instillation, there was no reduction in tumor uptake or in the ratio between tumor to normal surrounding tissue. Therefore, no systemic side effects of skin phototoxicity are expected upon intravesical instillation. The microscopic biodistribution of CASPc after intravenous injection and intravesical instillation was also compared. After intravenous injection, the photosensitizer was distributed within the whole tumor with increased fluorescence around the microvasculature. In the normal bladder wall, weak fluorescence was seen in the area of the vasculature in the submucosa and the muscularis. After intravesical instillation, strong fluorescence was detected only at the tumor surface and in normal urothelium; no fluorescence was found in other areas of the tumor or in submucosa or muscularis. A comparison of the photodynamic treatment of model bladder tumors showed that tumor destruction after either method was similar but that there were less side effects to normal bladder wall after intravesical instillation of the CASPc. Intravesical administration of photosensitizers may, therefore, be a viable alternative to intravenous injection with potential for reduced systemic and normal tissue toxicity.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy in gastrointestinal cancer.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Six patients with an early stage of gastrointestinal (GI) cancer (T1N0M0, stage I) were successfully treated by photodynamic therapy (PDT) as follows: esophagus-1, stomach-2, rectum-3. The patients were photosensitized 72 hrs prior to treatment with pure hematoporphyrin at a dose of 5.10(-6) kg/kg b.w. in a slow intravenous infusion. Argon-pumped dye laser light at 0.630 microns wavelength was used in single and multiple treatment sessions with the power density ranging from 0.015 to 0.192 W.m-2 and a dose varying from 0.320 to 1.600 kJ.m-2. Tumor eradication (complete response) was obtained in each of the patients. No early or late treatment related complications were recorded. The patients were followed-up in the course of 7-16 months after treatment and no local recurrence or general development of disease (metastases) were reported. PDT in the early stage of GI carcinoma was recognized as a radical therapeutic method in clinical oncology.  相似文献   

We have studied photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the rat bladder with a new photosensitizer, aluminium sulfonated phthalocyanine (AlSPc) given intravenously and intravesically. The microscopic distribution of photosensitizer fluorescence in the bladder wall was studied by laser fluorescence microscopy. Prior to PDT the bladder capacity and compliance were assessed by filling cystometry. Intravesical red light (675 nm.) from a copper vapour pumped dye laser was used to activate the photosensitizer using light doses of 20 to 200 J/cm2. Urodynamic and histologic changes were studied at intervals for up to three months. The fluorescence studies showed that AlSPc was eliminated from the deeper muscle layers more quickly than from the superficial layers of the bladder wall so that by 24 hours there was four times as much fluorescence from the mucosa and lamina propria compared to the deeper muscle. Control bladders illuminated with laser light alone showed no effects at these light doses. Animals treated 24 hours after sensitization showed a reduction in bladder capacity of up to 78% (20 J/cm2. light and 1.5 mg./kg.AlSPc). An initial reduction in compliance recovered in two weeks after low doses (0.5 mg./kg.) of AlSPc but was still abnormal at three months after higher doses (1.5 mg./kg.); though there was no long term histologic abnormality seen. Aluminium sulfonated phthalocyanine is a promising photosensitizer for bladder photodynamic therapy and using low doses of the drug it is possible to produce a superficial necrosis without muscle damage across a range of light doses. This heals by epithelial regeneration with no long term functional impairment. Direct absorption of this photosensitizer following intravesical administration seems unreliable.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy with dihematoporphyrin ether sensitizes malignant cells to damage by 630 nm light. The in vitro, in vivo photodynamic therapy sensitivity of a cell line transformed by the Kirsten ras oncogene (45342) was studied to establish a new photodynamic therapy model. With the colony formation assay, neither light alone nor dihematoporphyrin ether alone affected 45342 survival. Energy-dependent photodynamic therapy effects were seen in vitro in dihematoporphyrin ether-incubated and light-exposed cells (90% cytotoxicity = 950 joules/m2; 99% cytotoxicity = 1575 joules/m2; p2 less than 0.05). Subcutaneous allografts of 45342 were established in nu/nu mice, and ideal route (intravenous or intraperitoneal) of dihematoporphyrin ether delivery, dihematoporphyrin ether tissue kinetics, and in vivo photodynamic therapy effects were examined. Intravenous administration not only gave higher levels of the sensitizer in various tissues, but also was associated with less variation than the intraperitoneal route. Selective dihematoporphyrin ether retention was documented in the tumors at 24 hours after injection compared with other tissues, and photodynamic therapy with 0.3 W/cm2 to a total dose of 150 joules/cm2 led to progressive coagulative tumor necrosis and tumor regression. These studies confirm that transformed, malignant cells are sensitive to photodynamic therapy, and this model may prove in future studies to increase efficacy to photodynamic therapy (i.e., with dihematoporphyrin ether delivery by monoclonal antibodies).  相似文献   

The feasibility and efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of vertebral metastases using a minimally invasive surgical technique adapted from vertebroplasty was evaluated in a rodent model. Initial validation included photosensitizer (benzoporphyrin-derivative monoacid-ring A) drug uptake studies and in vitro confirmation of PDT efficacy. Intracardiac injection of human MT-1 breast cancer cells was performed in athymic rats. In 63 rats that developed vertebral metastases 21 days post-inoculation, single treatment of PDT was performed using a parapedicular approach placing an optical fiber adjacent to targeted vertebrae. Two milligrams per kilogram of photosensitizer drug was administered intravenously followed by 150 mW of 690 nm light illumination at varying drug-light intervals and light energies. Histologic and immunohistochemical analysis was performed assessing treatment effect. Local tumor viability and growth was quantified by bioluminescence imaging pre and 48 h post-treatment. PDT demonstrated an ablative effect on vertebral metastases (light energies 25-150 J). The effect varied in proportion to light energy with the greatest anti-tumor effect observed at 150 J using a 3 h drug-light interval. 9/22 rodents in the 3 h drug-light interval developed hindlimb paralysis following treatment, consistent with drug uptake studies demonstrating an increase in spinal cord uptake 3h following drug administration. The observations of paralysis following treatment highlight the importance of closely defining the therapeutic window of treatment in safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

High concentrations of cellular glutathione (GSH) within tumour cells may reduce the ability of photodynamic therapy (PDT) to selectively destroy tumour, consequently, a means of improving the therapeutic ratio of PDT in brain tumour is necessary. Therefore, we hypothesize that PDT in combination with Buthionine Sulfoximine (BSO), an agent which lowers cellular glutathione, can significantly enhance destruction of U87 and U251n tumour cells. PDT was performed using Photofrin as a photosensitiser in combination with BSO administration on male Fisher rats with intracerebral U87 and on non-tumour rats (administered at different optical doses in combination with Photofrin). In vitro experimentation utilising colony forming, cell cytotoxicity, and matrigel artificial basement membrane invasion assays showed significant enhancement of tumour kill and significant reduction of migration in tumour cells treated with BSO in combination with Photofrin PDT in comparison with individual therapies for both U87 and U251n cell lines. In vivo combination PDT-BSO treatment of U87 tumour rats exhibited significantly more tumour necrosis than individual treatments. In conclusion, our data suggests BSO enhances Photofrin PDT treatment of human glioma.  相似文献   

Although clinical studies with photodynamic therapy have been conducted for over 25 years, only recently has this technique become widely available for the treatment of esophageal cancer. Studies have demonstrated that it is as effective as Nd:YAG therapy for advanced esophageal malignancies while technically being somewhat easier to perform. Preliminary studies in early esophageal cancer also show effectiveness. In many ways, PDT is still in its infancy, and its exact role compared to other endoscopic treatments of esophageal cancer remains to be defined. It is expected that the development of new photosensitizers and light delivery systems will further expand the role of PDT in the diagnosis and management of esophageal neoplasms.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is often thought to be able to effect selective tumour necrosis. This therapeutic selectivity, based on transient differences in tumour: normal tissue photosensitizer concentration ratios, is rarely useful clinically in extracranial tumours, although PDT itself may be of value by virtue of the nature of the damage produced and healing of normal tissue by regeneration. This report describes the effects of PDT on normal pancreas and chemically induced pancreatic cancers in the hamster, where a different mechanism of selective necrosis may be seen. Photosensitizer distribution in normal and neoplastic pancreas was studied by chemical extraction and fluorescence microscopy. Correlation of distribution studies with necrosis produced by PDT shows that the photodynamic dose (product of tissue concentration of sensitizer and light dose) threshold for damage is seven times as high for normal pancreas as for pancreatic cancer. Tumour necrosis extended to the point where tumour was invading normal areas without damaging the normal tissue. In rat colonic cancer, photodynamic dose thresholds in tumour and normal tissue are similar and so such marked selectivity of necrosis is not possible. The reason for this selectivity in the pancreas is not clear, but recent evidence has suggested a difference in response to PDT between normal and neoplastic pancreatic cell lines and the presence of a singlet oxygen scavenger in normal pancreas is postulated. Furthermore, the present fluorescence microscopy studies suggest that tumour stroma contains the highest level of photosensitizer and thus receives the highest photodynamic dose during PDT. These results suggest a possible role for PDT in treating small pancreatic tumours or as an adjuvant to other techniques, such as surgery, that reduce the main bulk of tumours localized to the pancreas.  相似文献   

The photosensitizing effects of di-sulphonated aluminium phthalocyanine (AlS2Pc) on proliferation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes of the established line UP were studied in cultures in 96-well microtitre plates using the MTT-microculture tetrazolium assay as a method of assessing viable cell number. It was found that the cytotoxic effects of AlS2Pc were dose-dependent. A cooled slow-scan CCD (charge-coupled device) imaging system with computerized image processing was used for fluorescence measurements in cell cultures after administration of 25 μg ml−1 AlS2Pc. Fluorescence was at a peak at 24 h and this time was therefore considered to be the most appropriate for light sensitization. Treatment with 25 μg ml−1 AlS2Pc for 24 h followed by exposure to total red light (660–700 nm) energy dose of 0.6 J cm−2 reduced cell survival by 100%. It seems that the photokilling capacity of AlS2Pc on keratinocytes is very effective and this may make it particularly suitable for the treatment of surface epithelial tumours.  相似文献   

Tumour recurrences in the gynaecological field after conventional therapy are a big problem because there is little choice for other therapies without inflicting further damage. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is indicated because it is selective and without side-effects in flat or small recurrences.We treated 15 patients with vaginal and vault recurrences of cervix carcinoma, adenocarcinoma in the corpus uteri and rectum. The PDT was performed after 24–48 h with Hp, 5 mg/kg body weight, injection, and an argon-dye laser for 13 cases, tungsten and xenon lamps in 2 cases. All patients were previously treated with conventional therapy (i.e. surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy). Doses ranged from 60 to 500 J cm–2. The results were: 8 complete local responses, 6 partial responses, 1 no change. Four patients died because of distant metastases or progression. One partial response was treated with brachytherapy and is now disease free. All the other patients are still living. In all cases we have seen no side-effects from PDT. The patients were sheltered from the sunlight for 20–30 days after therapy.  相似文献   

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