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A detailed, light microscopic study on the distribution of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1(NMDAR1) was carried out with immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization on the cerebellar cortex of the mouse. With a monoclonal antibody, labeling of Purkinje cell bodies varied from intense to negative, while heavy dendritic staining was limited to the proximal dendrites (unlike the rat, which also had heavily stained distal dendrites). In the granular layer, the cell bodies and the dendritic shafts of Golgi II cells were only moderately stained, but very intense labeling was associated with granule cell bodies, and with their dendrites and dendritic endings in the glomeruli. The mossy and climbing fibers were negative. In situ hybridization with a cRNA probe showed levels and spatial distributions of NMDAR1 mRNA consistent with the immunolabeling pattern, in that signals were strongest in the granular and Purkinje cell layers and relatively low or absent in the molecular layer and white matter. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that NMDAR1 may be especially well concentrated at the synaptic target sites of the mossy and climbing fibers. In the mouse, NMDAR1 at the parallel fiber sites associated with Purkinje cell spiny branchlets may differ from the rat in its level of expression or in its molecular configuration. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of glutamate receptor activation on the high-affinity sodium-dependent glutamate transport expressed in chick Bergmann glia cells was examined. Pre-exposure to glutamate produced a time- and dose-dependent decrease in 3H-labeled D-aspartate uptake. This effect could not be reproduced by selective glutamate receptor agonists. Furthermore, it was insensitive to both ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists. Replacement of extracellular sodium ions with choline in the preincubation media, abolished the reduction of the uptake. When the cells were pre-exposed to competitive transportable inhibitors of the transporter, such as D-aspartate, DL-threo-hydroxyaspartate (DL-THA), and aspartate-beta-hydroxamate (ABH), the glutamate effect was mimicked. From saturation experiments, it was found that the reduction on the uptake, after glutamate treatment, is related to an increase in K(m). Interestingly, the effect is blocked by staurosporine, a Ca(2+)/diacylglycerol-dependent protein kinase (PKC) inhibitor. The present findings suggest that glutamate regulates its transport in a non-receptor fashion, a phenomena that is most probably linked to changes induced by the translocation process of the substrate through the transporter.  相似文献   

Glutamate mediated intracellular calcium accumulation and free radical generation are thought to be major mechanisms that contribute to cell death in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. For this reason, various glutamate receptor antagonists and antioxidants have been investigated for their therapeutic potential. To assess whether L-carnitine, a possible antioxidant, is able to prevent glutamate- and kainic acid (KA)-induced neurotoxicity. Glutamate (10(-7) M) and one of its receptor agonists, KA (10(-4) M) were administered to cerebellar granular cell cultures that were prepared from 1-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats. The neuroprotective effect of L-carnitine was examined. L-carnitine at doses of 10(-6), 10(-5), 10(-4), 10(-3) M was applied to culture flasks. L-carnitine at doses of 10(-4) and 10(-3) M significantly blocked glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. 10(-4) M dose of L-carnitine proved to be more effective than 10(-3)M. L-carnitine also blocked KA-induced neurotoxicity only at the dose of 10(-4) M. 10(-4) M L-carnitine, the most effective dose in both glutamate- and KA-induced neurotoxicity, decreased glutamate-induced neuronal cell death from 36.14+/-2.95% to 17.59+/-2.25%; (P<0.001) and KA-induced neuronal cell death from 21.4+/-0.41 to 13.4+/-1.38%; (P<0.001). The present study demonstrates that L-carnitine protects against glutamate- and KA-induced neurotoxicity. Protective effect of L-carnitine may result from its antioxidant activity because free radical generation is a common result in either glutamate- or KA-induced neurotoxicity. L-carnitine merits further investigation as a therapeutic option in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury of newborn.  相似文献   

For the purpose of obtaining chemical information about the physiological role of N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), the release of endogenous NAAG from and the uptake of [3H]NAAG by Guinea pig cerebellar slices were investigated in comparison with l-aspartate (Asp) and l-glutamate (Glu). Although endogenous NAAG was found to be released spontaneously from the slices as is endogenous Asp and Glu, high-K+-induced facilitation of release occurred only for endogenous Asp and Glu in a Ca2+-dependent manner, but not for NAAG. It was confirmed that [3H]NAAG itself was taken up in a Na+-dependent manner by the slices by two low-affinity processes with small Vmax values, and labeled Glu and glutamine were detected as the metabolites of [3H]NAAG in the slices. The [3H]NAAG uptake was slower than that of labeled Glu and was significantly depressed by NAAG, Asp, Glu and d-aspartate, but not affected by γ-aminobutyrate, suggesting that NAAG may share a common uptake carrier with excitatory amino acids. These results suggest that endogenous NAAG may act extracellularly, but the amount of endogenous NAAG released from nerve terminals by presynaptic depolarization may be very small if any, and also that spontaneously liberated NAAG can be inactivated by low-affinity uptake systems, at least, in the Guinea pig cerebellum.  相似文献   

目的研究癫痫敏感大鼠内嗅皮层(EC)GABA及Kappa受体免疫反应活性的变化。方法用惊厥剂量(10mg/kg.sc)的红藻氨酸(Kainic acid,KA)制备癫痫发作敏感大鼠,用免疫组化方法观察内嗅皮层(EC)GA- BA和Kappa受体免疫反应活性的变化。结果与对照组比较,KA后4周,癫痫敏感动物EC部位GABA免疫反应活性(GABA-IR)及Kappa受体免疫反应活性(Kappa-R-IR)均明显减少(P<0.05)。结论 EC处GABA-IR及Kap- pa-R-IR的长期下调很可能是大鼠癫痫发作敏感性长期增强的重要原因。  相似文献   

The hemizygote of the macular mutant mouse is clinically, biochemically and neuropathologically similar to a patient with Menkes kinky hair disease. The heterozygote of this mutant mouse was biochemically and neuropathologically examined. The copper content in the brain decreased in comparison with that in the normal littermate, although it was more than that in the hemizygote. In the Golgi study, abnormal Purkinje cells with somal sprouts, thick stem dendrites and dendritic focal swellings, which were seen in the hemizygote, were not observed in the heterozygote. Ultrastructurally, abnormal mitochondria were seen in the Purkinje cells in the anterior and middle cerebellar lobe of the heterozygote. Histochemically, cytochrome c oxidase activity decreased, especially at the anterior lobe in the cerebellar cortex of the heterozygote. This activity, as indicated by staining intensity, was in between that in the normal littermate and that in the hemizygote. The heterozygote did not show a mosaic pattern in the distribution of these neuropathological changes, although this mutant mouse shows x-linked recessive inheritance. Thus, our results lead to the conclusion that the neuropathological changes observed in this mutant mouse do not result directly from an abnormal gene in the Purkinje cell, but from the secondary effects subsequent to presumptive copper deficiency.  相似文献   

The Lurcher mutant mouse is characterized by a primary selective loss of Purkinje cells, leading to the near total apoptotic death of these neurons. In contrast to the subsequent massive secondary degeneration of the granule cells and the inferior olivary neurons, only mild degeneration occurs in the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN). However, it is not known to what extent the different populations of DCN neurons-glutamatergic principal projection neurons, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic inferior olivary projection neurons, and glycinergic neurons-are affected in their neurotransmitter composition. To answer this question we studied the neurotransmitter contents (glutamate, GABA, and glycine) of DCN neurons and the size of synaptic boutons immunohistochemically on serial semithin sections in both Lurcher and wild-type mice. Applying the physical dissector counting method, our results confirmed the mild degeneration (a reduction by 20%) of large glutamatergic neurons and a more pronounced degeneration of GABAergic (by 42%) and glycinergic neurons (by 45%). On the other hand, an analysis of neurons colabeled for both GABA and glycine, revealed that this specific colabeling increased in the Lurcher mutant (by 40%). In addition, both the GABA-immunolabeled (IL) (by 56%) and the glycine-IL (by 45%) synaptic boutons showed an increase in diameter in the mutant. The density of these boutons showed a decrease of 30% each. In summary, the increase in the number of neurons colabeled for GABA and glycine, together with the increase in the size of the inhibitory synaptic boutons, could help in providing the minimum inhibition needed to maintain a residual "cerebellar" functionality in the Lurcher DCN.  相似文献   

A glutamate transporter subtype, EAAT4, is closely related to removal of glutamate from the synaptic cleft. Immunohistochemistry for EAAT4 demonstrated the specific distribution and localization of its expression in the developing human cerebellum. Purkinje cells showed faint EAAT4 immunostaining at 17 gestational weeks (GW), which became increasingly intense from 23 GW to the infantile period. In the late fetal to early infantile periods, Purkinje cells showed marked immunoreactivity. After the late infantile period, EAAT4 immunoreactivity was the same in extent as in the adult pattern. Its intracellular localization also changed with development. EAAT4 immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the short processes of Purkinje cells in the early embryonic period, in the cell bodies and dendrites in the late fetal to early infantile periods, and then in the spines after the late infantile period. In the adult cerebellum, immunoreactivity was detected strongly in the spines of Purkinje cells and weakly in the cell bodies. No immunoreactivity was found in the axons or axon terminals of the cells. Thus, the glutamate transporter exhibits developmental changes in its distribution in the cerebellum and its localization in Purkinje cells. EAAT4 immunoreactivity may be related to the dendritic arborization of cells in the molecular layer.  相似文献   

Windels F  Kiyatkin EA 《Brain research》2006,1086(1):104-116
Although it is evident that general anesthesia should affect impulse activity and neurochemical responses of central neurons, there are limited studies in which these parameters were compared in both awake and anesthetized animal preparations. We used single-unit recording coupled with iontophoresis to examine impulse activity and responses of substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) neurons to GABA, glutamate (GLU), and dopamine (DA) in rats in awake, unrestrained conditions and during chloral hydrate anesthesia. SNr neurons in both conditions had similar organization of impulse flow, but during anesthesia, they have lower mean rates and discharge variability than in awake conditions. In individual units, discharge rate in awake, quietly resting rats was almost three-fold more variable than during anesthesia. These cells in both conditions were highly sensitive to iontophoretic GABA, but the response was stronger during anesthesia. In contrast to virtually no responses to GLU in awake conditions, most SNr neurons during anesthesia were excited by GLU; the response occurred preferentially in slow-firing units, which were atypical of awake conditions. Consistent with no postsynaptic DA receptors on SNr neurons, iontophoretic DA was ineffective in altering discharge rates in awake conditions, but often induced weak excitations during anesthesia. Although SNr neurons are autoactive, generating discharges without any excitatory input (i.e., in vitro), their impulse activity and responses to natural neurochemical inputs are strongly affected by general anesthesia. Some alterations appear to be specific to the general anesthetic used, while others probably reflect changes in the activity of afferent inputs, brain metabolism and neurotransmitter uptake that are typical to any type of general anesthesia. Therefore, an awake, freely moving animal preparation appears to be advantageous for studying impulse activity and neurochemical interactions at single-neuron level during physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Expression of GAP-43 in the cerebellum and selected regions of the brain has been shown to be developmentally regulated. Localization of GAP-43 mRNA within granule cells of the immature and mature rat cerebellum has been demonstrated by in situ hybridization. Higher levels are detected in the neonate compared to the adult. To determine if the cerebellar neurotransmitters, GABA (γ-amino-butyric acid) and glutamate are involved in the modulation of GAP-43 expression, cultured cerebellar granule cells were exposed to these transmitters. Cultures were treated with glutamate, GABA, or the agonists/antagonists to their receptors in serum-free media for 5–7 days. Analysis of the levels of GAP-43 mRNA by in situ hybridization indicated that a 7-day exposure to GABA (25 and 50 μM) significantly lowered levels of granule cell GAP-43 mRNA. Specific agonists to the GABAA (muscimol) and GABAB (baclofen) receptors produced a decrease similar to that observed for GABA. Results from these studies also indicated that exposure to non-NMDA (CNQX) and NMDA (CPP, MK-801) glutamate receptor antagonists, and a metabotropic receptor glutamate agonist (ACPD), decreased the level of GAP-43 mRNA. The involvement of GABA and glutamate in the modulation of GAP-43 expression was corroborated by Northern hybridization. These studies revealed that a 5-day exposure to GABA decreased the cellular content of GAP-43 mRNA by 21% whereas exposure to glutamate resulted in a 37% increase. Findings from the studies reported here, using an in vitro cerebellar granule cell model, suggest that levels of GAP-43 mRNA, in vivo, are modulated by input from both excitatory glutamatergic mossy fibers and inhibitory GABAergic Golgi interneurons. Thus, modulation of GAP-43 mRNA by these neurotransmitters may influence granule cell maturation during development in the neonate and neuroplasticity in the adult, possibly at the parallel fiber–Purkinje cell synapse.  相似文献   

Several neuropathologic studies have suggested that there may be pathologic involvement of the cerebellum in Huntington's disease (HD). To investigate this further, we measured concentrations of neurotransmitter amino acids and the neuropeptides, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and substance P, in HD cerebellar cortex and dentate nucleus. Twenty-seven pathologically confirmed cases of HD were compared with 20 controls. There were no significant changes in concentrations were significantly increased by 21% in HD cerebellar cortex. In the dentate nucleus, there were small significant increases of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity and substance P-like immunoreactivity. The meaning of the neurotransmitter changes found is unclear: however, the lack of change in GABA and glutamate concentrations argues against a substantial loss of intrinsic cerebellar neurons.  相似文献   

The Girk2 wv (weaver) mutation impairs migration of cerebellar granule cells from external to internal granular layer and induces neuronal death during the first 2 weeks of postnatal life. Kainate receptors are heteromeric ionotropic receptors of glutamate consisting of five subunits termed GluR5, GluR6, GluR7, KA1 and KA2. In order to investigate whether the weaver gene affects the expression of kainate receptors in weaver cerebellum, we determined mRNA expression levels of GluR6 kainate receptor subunit and [3H]kainic acid specific binding in the developing cerebellum, using in situ hybridization and receptor film autoradiography, respectively. In the weaver postnatal day 10 (P10) cerebellum, our data indicated lower levels of GluR6 mRNA expression and lower [3H]kainic acid specific binding in external granular layer (EGL) compared to normal EGL. Our results are indicative of either down-regulation of kainate receptors or modulation of their functional characteristics in weaver granule cells.  相似文献   



Neurobiological research has implicated the cerebellum as one possible site of neurophysiological dysfunction in ADHD. Latest theoretical conceptualizations of the cerebellum as core site of the brain to model motor as well as cognitive behavior puts further weight to the assumption that it might play a key role in ADHD pathophysiology.


30 medication free adult ADHD patients and 30 group matched (gender, age and education) healthy controls were investigated using the method of chemical shift imaging (CSI) of the cerebellum. The vermis, left and right cerebellar hemispheres were processed separately.


We found significantly increased glutamate-glutamine (Glx) to creatine (Cre) ratios in the left cerebellar hemisphere. No other differences in measured metabolite concentrations were observed.


To our knowledge this is the first evidence for neurochemical alterations in cerebellar neurochemistry in adult ADHD. They relate well to recent hypotheses that the cerebellum might control mental activities by internal models.  相似文献   

Summary The adult arrangement and the development of stem vessels and capillaries was studied in the rat cerebellum. In principle, stem vessels branch and terminate at three levels: (1) the molecular layer, (2) the Purkinje cell-granular layer, and (3) the cerebellar white matter. All stem vessels are interconnected by the capillary network which is most dense in the Purkinje cell—granular layer. As in the neocortex, the stem vessels of the cerebellum are formed successively during development, so that the later they are formed the more superficial are their terminations. The formation of multiple stem vessels in the depths of fissures and sulci during both pre- and postnatal development may correlate to regional variations in, e.g., mitotic frequency or thickness of the external granular layer. The earliest endo-parenchymal branches are formed before the first neurons are present. Capillary growth by sprouting during the postnatal period parallels known regional differences in the timing of the neuronal maturation, e.g., increased synaptic density and oxidative metabolism. The findings in this investigation confirm and extend the results of an earlier morphometric study on capillary development in the cerebellar cortex. Although the angiogenetic factors remain unknown, the hypothesis of a link between the vascularization and the functional maturation of the brain is corroborated by the results. Knowledge of the normal vascular development seems necessary for an understanding of brain morphogenesis and for interpretation of primary pathogenetic mechanisms in various intoxications etc.  相似文献   

Summary Cerebella of young rats of various ages were irradiated. The effect on cerebellar morphogenesis was studied. This effect decreased with increasing age at the time of irradiation. Histological examination of the abnormal cerebella suggests a time-table of cerebellar maturation that is in good agreement with that obtained by other means. Further physiological and pharmacological investigation of these abnormal cerebella seems highly rewarding.
Zusammenfassung Das Kleinhirn junger Ratten verschiedenen Alters wurde bestrahlt. Die Wirkung auf die Kleinhirnmorphogenese wurde untersucht; sie wurde mit zunehmendem Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung geringer. Die histologische Untersuchung des geschädigten Kleinhirns legt einen Zeitplan der Kleinhirnreifung nahe, der mit dem mittels anderer Methoden gewonnenen in guter Übereinstimmung steht. Die weitere physiologische und pharmakologische Untersuchung des geschädigten Kleinhirns scheint im hohen Maße erfolgversprechend.

The response of two populations of neurones in the substantia nigra (nigro-striatal compacta neurones and reticulata neurones) to microelectrophoretically administered putative neurotransmitters and stimulation of the ipsilateral striatum has been investigated in anaesthetized rats. There were marked differences between compacta and reticulata neurones in respect to their action potential configurations, spontaneous firing rates and their responses to striatal stimulation. However, both compacta and reticulata neurones were excited and/or inhibited by striatal stimulation, although inhibition was usually the predominant response in both neuronal populations. Compacta neurones were strongly inhibited by noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) but were unaffected by acetylcholine (ACh) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). Reticulata neurones were excited by ACh and showed mixed responses to 5-HT, DA and NA. Excitant amino acids overdepolarized compacta neurones preventing them from firing rapidly, but induced large increases in reticulata neurone firing rate; effects that were readily antagonized by D-alpha-aminoadipate. Compacta neurones were less sensitive than reticulata neurones to GABA and glycine. The action of these inhibitory amino acids were selectively and reversibly antagonized by bicuculline methochloride and strychnine, respectively. The striatal-evoked inhibition of both compacta and reticulata neurones was reversibly reduced by bicuculline methochloride and irreversibly reduced by tetanus toxin, but was unaffected by strychnine. These results demonstrate that nigrostriatal-compacta neurones and reticulata neurones are physiologically and pharmacologically distinct neuronal populations and both receive inhibitory GABAergic and excitatory striatal inputs.  相似文献   

B Flott  W Seifert 《Glia》1991,4(3):293-304
The dependence of 3[H]-L-glutamate uptake on the presence of sodium, chloride, or calcium ions or on a combination of the three was investigated in astrocyte primary cultures. A stimulating effect on glutamate uptake by each of the ions tested was found. In addition to the comparably small effect by calcium alone, calcium exhibits a synergistic effect on the sodium- and chloride-dependent uptake. The sodium-dependent transport accumulates the glutamate analogue D-aspartate as well as L-glutamate. L-aspartate is taken up by about 50% of the values observed for L-glutamate transport. Sodium-dependent glutamate uptake is strongly inhibited by aspartate-beta-hydroxamate (A beta H) and threo-beta-hydroxyaspartate (T beta H). Quisqualate is less potent in inhibiting this uptake. In contrast, the chloride- and the calcium-dependent uptake systems do not handle D- and L-aspartate as substrates. A beta H and T beta H are only poor inhibitors of these transporters while quisqualate reduces glutamate uptake almost completely. Kinetic data of all uptake systems were estimated. High and low affinity components of each individual system are demonstrated by Eadie-Hofstee analysis. Hill plots indicate that high and low affinity uptake may be due either to two respective uptake sites for Na(+)-, Cl(-)-, and Ca(++)-dependent glutamate transport, or to two glutamate binding sites for each single transport system with negative cooperativity.  相似文献   

Seizures induced by an acute pentylenetetrazole (50 mg/kg) injection were accompanied by a long-term (at 1-48 h, but not on day 7) decrease in the density (B(max)) of [3H]-diazepam binding to benzodiazepine receptors in rat cerebellar cortex with no change in affinity (K(d)). Kindling for 24 days by daily administrations of pentylenetetrazole (20 mg/kg) led to the same decrease in benzodiazepine receptor density (at 1-48 h, but not on day 7) as that observed after a single dose of pentylenetetrazole (50 mg/kg). This suggests a common mechanism for both acute and kindling-induced seizures, dependent on the long-term receptor changes. The increased susceptibility to seizures persisted for 6 months after the termination of kindling, with BDZ receptor density in cerebellar cortex reduced almost by half. In age-matched controls, an acute dose of PTZ (30 mg/kg) induced seizures and decrease in both B(max) and K(d) of [3H]-diazepam binding. In kindled rats, at 6 months post-kindling, the same dose of PTZ (30 mg/kg) restored the benzodiazepine receptor density to the level found 6 months before, at the time of termination of kindling. Also, the severity of seizures was enhanced in the kindled rats. The results are discussed in terms of a balance of inhibitory and excitatory processes, in which the reduced BDZ receptor density at 6 months post-kindling may represent a compensatory reaction to outbalance some alterations in excitatory systems that have been reported to be induced by kindling.  相似文献   

Tottering, rolling Nagoya, and leaner mutant mice all exhibit cerebellar ataxia to varying degrees, from mild (tottering mice) to severe (leaner mice). Collectively, these mice are regarded as tottering locus mutants because each of these mutant mice expresses a different autosomal recessive mutation in the gene coding for the alpha(1A) calcium ion channel protein, which is the pore forming subunit for P/Q-type high voltage activated calcium ion channels. These mutant mice all exhibit varying degrees of cerebellar dysfunction and neuronal cell death. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important messenger molecule in the central nervous system, especially in the cerebellum, and it is produced via the enzyme, nitric oxide synthase (NOS). We investigated expression of neuronal-NOS (n-NOS) in the cerebella of all three mutant mice, as revealed by NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemical staining, quantitation of n-NOS protein using Western blotting and quantitation of n-NOS mRNA using in situ hybridization. The expression of n-NOS mRNA and protein as well as the NADPH-d histochemical reaction were elevated in tottering and rolling Nagoya cerebella. n-NOS mRNA and the NADPH-d histochemical reaction were decreased in the leaner cerebellum, but the leaner mouse n-NOS protein concentration was not significantly different compared to age- and gender-matched controls. These findings suggest that NO may act as an important mediator in the production of the neuropathology observed in these mutant mice.  相似文献   

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