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OBJECTIVE: This EEG study investigates the role of the cholinergic system, cortico-cortical connections, and sub-cortical white matter on the relationship between individual EEG frequencies and their relative power bands. METHODS: EEGs were recorded at rest in 30 normal elderly subjects (Nold), 60 mild Alzheimer disease (AD) and 20 vascular dementia (VaD) patients, comparable for Mini Mental State Evaluation scores (MMSE 17-24). Individual EEG frequencies were indexed by the theta/alpha transition frequency (TF) and by the individual alpha frequency (IAF) with power peak in the extended alpha range (5-14 Hz). Relative power was separately computed for delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3 bands, on the basis of the TF and IAF. RESULTS: Using normal subjects as a reference, VaD patients showed 'slowing' of alpha frequency (TF-IAF) and lower alpha2 power; Mild AD patients showed lower alpha2 and alpha3 power; delta power was higher in both AD and VaD patients; Theta power was higher only in VaD patients. CONCLUSIONS: Individual analysis of the alpha frequency and power can discriminate mild AD from VaD and normal elderly subjects. SIGNIFICANCE: This analysis may probe pathophysiological mechanisms causing AD and VaD.  相似文献   

An increasing number of schizophrenia studies have been examining electroencephalography (EEG) data using time-frequency analysis, documenting illness-related abnormalities in neuronal oscillations and their synchronization, particularly in the gamma band. In this article, we review common methods of spectral decomposition of EEG, time-frequency analyses, types of measures that separately quantify magnitude and phase information from the EEG, and the influence of parameter choices on the analysis results. We then compare the degree of phase locking (ie, phase-locking factor) of the gamma band (36-50 Hz) response evoked about 50 milliseconds following the presentation of standard tones in 22 healthy controls and 21 medicated patients with schizophrenia. These tones were presented as part of an auditory oddball task performed by subjects while EEG was recorded from their scalps. The results showed prominent gamma band phase locking at frontal electrodes between 20 and 60 milliseconds following tone onset in healthy controls that was significantly reduced in patients with schizophrenia (P = .03). The finding suggests that the early-evoked gamma band response to auditory stimuli is deficiently synchronized in schizophrenia. We discuss the results in terms of pathophysiological mechanisms compromising event-related gamma phase synchrony in schizophrenia and further attempt to reconcile this finding with prior studies that failed to find this effect.  相似文献   

The specificity of procaine as a limbic epileptic focus activator was investigated in rats kindled in the amygdala. Power spectral analysis of spontaneous EEG was employed to assess the effects of two doses of procaine HCl (60 and 100 mg/kg) on the kindled and unkindled amygdala. Analysis revealed a dose-dependent increase in power in the 1--15 c/sec frequency band of the EEG. Power increases were greater in the kindled than in the unkindled amygdala of the same rat, and exceeded power changes induced in unkindled controls. The effects of procaine on the EEG persisted past the day of injection, but returned to baseline by the fifth day. Changes in power over days following an injection of procaine differed in the kindled and unkindled amygdala amygdala of the same rat. The kindled amygdala showed an increase on the day of injection, followed by a steady decline to baseline. The unkindled amygdala showed a delayed rise in power on day 2 and then a decline to baseline levels over days. Comparison of spectral changes induced by drug and by electrically triggered seizures suggested that procaine induces EEG patterns which are seizure-like in the absence of seizures. The data are consistent with the view that procaine may be a useful focus specific activator in the detection of limbic epilepsy.  相似文献   

This report is a follow-up to a previous paper which described seizure rate changes with central cortical EEG feedback training in 8 poorly controlled epileptic subjects. Data examined here include associated training compliance and performance, sleep EEG spectra, clinical EEG and anticonvulsant blood levels. The study employed a double-cross-over, single blind ABA design applied to two subgroups of epileptic patients. Both groups had in common two training periods (A1, A2) in which either 12--15 c/sec (subgroup I, n = 4) or 18--23 c/sec (subgroup II, n = 4) was reinforced in the absence of 6--9 c/sec, movement or epileptiform discharge, and one training period (B) in which 6--9 c/sec was reinforced in the absence of 12--15 or 18--23 c/sec as well as movement and epileptiform discharge. Training periods occurred primarily in the home and lasted 3 months. Compliance with training instructions and response acquisition were demonstrated. Overall anticonvulsant blood levels were low and unrelated to EEG or seizure changes. Clinical EEG findings corresponded to sleep EEG and seizure rate outcomes. Power spectral analysis of sampled non-REM sleep from all-night EEG recordings obtained after each training phase indicated contingency specific changes which were limited to sensorimotor recordings in subgroup I and corresponded to the pattern of seizure rate changes in this group. EEG changes were also limited to sensorimotor cortex in subgroup II, but were linear and paralleled a progressive decrease in seizure rate. Both groups, however, showed the same pattern of EEG changes with seizure reductions; low and high frequencies were reduced and intermediate, rhythmic frequencies increased. Correlational analysis confirmed this relationship. The pattern, duration and topographic specificity of these changes suggested a normalization of sensorimotor EEG substrates related to the EEG feedback traning.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to investigate the correlation of mismatch negativity (MMN) to other biological and clinical measures in schizophrenic patients using Quantitative electroencepharography (QEEG), computed tomography (CT), and psychopathological ratings. MMN was recorded during an auditory oddball paradigm. QEEG was recorded in the resting condition. Additionally, areas of the lateral ventricles and Sylvian fissure were measured using CT. Although the authors could not obtain a significant difference in MMN amplitudes between controls and the schizophrenic patients, MMN deflection inversely correlated with slow wave QEEG power and dilation of the lateral ventricles. Furthermore, the longer the duration of illness, the lower the MMN amplitudes and the larger the SF-BR in the patients. However there was no significant correlation between illness duration and QEEG. In this view, a correlation between MMN and the delta power in QEEG might usefully suggest a progression in pathology of first manifestation of psychosis. The patients with reduced MMN accompanied by greater slow waves even at their first manifestation might have severely progressing pathological process and poor prognosis of disease outcome.  相似文献   

Cortical power spectrum (CPS), a derivative of quantitative EEG, has been studied in human development and varieties of brain functions and dysfunctions. From the EEG literature, consistently a high degree (e.g. 6-15x in alpha amplitude) of individual differences in CPS densities is noted. This study examined the potential biopsychological factors contributing to such a wide range of individual differences in CPS. A set of significant inverse functions between systolic blood pressure and differential topographic CPS densities was observed, indicating that hemodynamic baroreceptor regulatory function may partially account for the individual differences in CPS densities. Furthermore, the trait measure of perceptual factor (reducer-augmenter) was correlated positively with other parameters of CPS densities. These results suggest that hemodynamic and psychological factors are predictive of the individual differences in EEG magnitudes.  相似文献   

Resting state electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients suggest alterations in neural oscillatory activity. However, few studies directly compare these anomalies between patient groups, and none have examined EEG coherence. Therefore, this study investigated whether these electrophysiological characteristics differentiate clinical populations from one another, and from non-psychiatric controls. To address this question, resting EEG power and coherence were assessed in 76 bipolar patients (BP), 132 schizophrenia patients (SZ), and 136 non-psychiatric controls (NC). We conducted separate repeated-measures ANOVAs to examine group differences within seven frequency bands across several brain regions. BP showed significantly greater power relative to SZ at higher frequencies including Beta and Gamma across all regions. In terms of intra-hemispheric coherence, while SZ generally exhibited higher coherence at Delta compared to NC and BP, both SZ and BP showed higher coherence at Alpha1 and Alpha2. In contrast, BP and HC showed higher coherence within hemispheres compared to SZ at Beta 1. In terms of inter-hemispheric coherence, SZ displayed higher coherence compared to NC at temporal sites at both Alpha1 and Alpha2. Taken together, BP exhibited increased high frequency power with few disruptions in neural synchronization. In contrast, SZ generally exhibited enhanced synchronization within and across hemispheres. These findings suggest that resting EEG can be a sensitive measure for differentiating between clinical disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated the clinical and biological concomitants of electroencephalogram power abnormalities in schizophrenia. METHODS: We examined the power characteristics of resting electroencephalograms in 112 schizophrenic patients. Also collected were measures of psychotic symptomatology, brain morphology, ocular motor functioning, electrodermal activity, and nailfold plexus visibility. Seventy-eight nonschizophrenic psychosis patients (e.g., mood disorder patients with psychosis) and 107 nonpsychiatric control subjects were included for comparison. RESULTS: Schizophrenic patients whose electroencephalograms were characterized by augmented low-frequency power and diminished alpha-band power had more negative symptoms, larger third ventricles, larger frontal horns of the lateral ventricles, increased cortical sulci widths, and greater ocular motor dysfunction compared with schizophrenic patients without these electroencephalogram characteristics. In nonschizophrenic psychosis patients, augmented low-frequency and diminished alpha-band powers failed to be associated with any clinical or biological indices. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that clinical and biological concomitants of low-frequency and alpha-band power abnormalities in schizophrenia are unique, perhaps indicating the presence of thalamic and frontal lobe dysfunction.  相似文献   

Topographic quantitative electroencephalographic (EEG) power and frequency indices were collected in 17 treatment refractory, DSM-III diagnosed schizophrenic patients, before and after acute (single dose) and chronic (six weeks) clozapine treatment, as well as in 17 healthy volunteers. Prior to treatment, patients exhibited greater overall absolute theta power, slower mean alpha frequency and elevated absolute delta and total power in anterior regions. Acute dosing increased total spectrum power globally, slow wave power posteriorally, mean alpha frequency and beta power anteriorally and decreased alpha power posteriorally. Six weeks of clozapine treatment significantly reduced clinical ratings of positive and negative symptoms as well as symptoms of global psychopathology. Chronic treatment resulted in EEG slowing as shown by decreases in relative alpha power, mean beta/total spectrum frequency and by widespread increases in absolute total and delta/theta power. The preliminary findings suggest that brain electric profiling may be a promising tool for assessing and understanding the central impact of pharmacotherapeutic interventions in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Lateral ventricular enlargement and clinical response in schizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between enlargement of the lateral ventricles in the brains of schizophrenic patients and clinical response to neuroleptic treatment, as assessed by the ventricle-brain ratio (VBR) and psychopathology scores, was studied in a sample of 39 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective psychosis during a drug-free washout and after 3 1/2 weeks of treatment with either haloperidol or thioridazine. There was a weak, but statistically significant positive relationship between VBR and improvement on BPRS Psychosis factor scores after 3 1/2 weeks of treatment, and a negative correlation between VBR and baseline (washout) scores on the BPRS Anergia factor. Patients with enlarged VBRs, as defined by two criteria, also tended to show a better response to neuroleptics than patients below these criterion values.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported a therapeutic window (i.e., a curvilinear relationship between clinical response and drug level) for haloperidol concentrations in serum or plasma. The authors treated 30 acutely decompensated schizophrenic inpatients with a fixed dose of haloperidol (.4 mg/kg/day). After 6 weeks there was no statistically significant correlation between clinical improvement and serum haloperidol concentration. Fifteen subjects with serum concentrations of 5-15 ng/ml did not differ in clinical improvement compared with 15 subjects who had concentrations above 15 ng/ml. These data are consistent with a therapeutic plateau, rather than a window, and suggest that in most cases there is no clinical advantage to the use of haloperidol doses greater than approximately 30 mg/day in schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

Despite advances in the processing and display of electroencephalographic (EEG) data, the utility of this inexpensive and noninvasive technique in the investigation of schizophrenia has not been well established. We studied the resting EEG in 19 medication-free patients with chronic schizophrenia and 21 normal controls. Patients with schizophrenia had increased delta activity which was not specific to the frontal regions. Schizophrenic patients also had increased fast activity, and this increase was left sided for the fast beta frequency. Alpha frequency was reduced (less than 10.2 Hz) in 7 of 16 schizophrenic patients. Moreover, those patients with an alpha frequency reduction had a significantly larger mean cerebral ventricular size. These results indicate that the EEG does detect neurophysiological changes in schizophrenia. Our understanding of these changes may be enhanced by other neuroimaging techniques such as computed tomography.  相似文献   

目的 研究缺陷型、非缺陷型精神分裂症患者在脑电图(EEG)方面的差异。方法 采用国产ND-82B型八道EEG机对69例精神分裂症患者进行标准EEG描记,并对结果进行分析。结果 缺陷型精神分裂症的EEG异常率明显高于非缺陷型精神分裂症,二者有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 提示缺陷型与非缺陷型患者相比,有更明显的病理性生物学基础。  相似文献   

Conceptual issues in approaching the role of psychotherapy in the treatment of schizophrenic patients are discussed in the context of trainee supervision. Eight important variables which require consideration in conducting and evaluating the psychotherapy of these patients are elucidated. It is suggested that psychotherapy variables are conceptually distinct from those which belong to the frame of reference of the disease model or syndrome diagnosis, and thus demand separate attention.  相似文献   

Forty-eight patients had sleep-deprived EEGs prior to antiepileptic drug monotherapy. The majority were seizure-free after one year, or had more than 50% reduction in seizure frequency. Among those with normal EEGs 50% were seizure-free, while 75% with diffuse slowing, 44% with focal abnormality, and 83% with generalized epileptiform discharges were fully controlled. Freedom from seizures was achieved in 13% taking phenobarbital, 50% taking phenytoin, 63% taking carbamazepine, and 100% taking valproate. The sleep-deprived interictal EEG should be an integral part of initial assessment and drug selection in patients with clinical histories of convulsive seizure.  相似文献   

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