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目的结合HBVDNA载量、HBeAg阳性与HBeAg阴性,评价HBsAg在原发性肝癌(HCC)发生、发展中的意义。方法采用化学发光法检测306例HBV感染所致肝硬化及肝硬化合并HCC的两组患者血清乙型肝炎病毒标志物(HBVM)滴度,采用荧光定量PCR技术检测患者血清HBVDNA载量。结果肝硬化组:血清HBsAg滴度≥250IU/ml者占67.5%;HBeAg阳性者占23.8%;HBeAg阴性者占76.2%;HBVDNA≥104copies/ml者占79.5%。肝硬化合并HCC组:血清HBsAg滴度≥250IU/ml者占81.9%;HBeAg阳性者占38.1%;HBeAg阴性者占61.9%;HBVDNA≥104copies/ml者占61.3%。两组中HBsAg≥250IU/ml与HBVDNA≥104copies/ml病例比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在HBV感染所致肝硬化患者中,长期高滴度状态的HBsAg在评价肝硬化发展为HCC中同样起到预警信号的作用。  相似文献   



The clinical outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is variable, ranging from spontaneous recovery to an inactive carrier state, chronic hepatitis, occult HBV infection, liver cirrhosis, or hepatocellular carcinoma.

Evidence Acquisition

This variable pattern and clinical outcomes of the infection were mainly determined by virological and host genetic factors. Since the most of host genetic factors associated with HBV infection have currently focused on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) associations and interleukin (IL)-10 gene polymorphisms, this review focuses on the recent progresses in these issues to provide prognostic markers for the outcome of HBV infection.


A study on serum levels of IL-10 in occult HBV infected patients reported that the higher level of IL-10 production may suppress function of the immune system against HBV in patients with occult HBV infection. IL-10 promoter polymorphism at position -592 is associated with susceptibility to occult HBV infection.


Findings of this study suggest that the host HLA polymorphism is an important factor in determining outcome of HBV infection but regarding IL-10 gene promoter polymorphisms, we are still have a long way to achieve a definite conclusion.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major health issue, especially in Asia. A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) implicated genetic variants in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DP locus associated with chronic hepatitis B in Japanese and Thai populations. To confirm whether the polymorphisms at the HLA-DP genes are associated with persistent chronic HBV infection in Han Chinese, we conducted an independent case-control study using 521 persistent chronic HBV carriers and 819 controls that included 571 persons with HBV natural clearance and 248 never HBV-infected (healthy) individuals. Eleven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a region including HLA-DPA and HLA-DPB and an adjacent SNP in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) with a neighboring HLA-DR13 locus were genotyped using the TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. Eleven variants at HLA-DP showed a strong association with persistent chronic HBV carrier status (P = 1.82 × 10(-12) to 0.01). We also stratified the analysis by HBV clearance status to test the association between these polymorphisms and HBV natural clearance; similar results were obtained (P = 2.70 × 10(-11) to 0.003). Included SNPs define highly structured haplotypes that were also strongly associated with HBV chronic infection (block 1: odds ratio [OR] = 0.54, P = 8.73 × 10(-7) ; block 2: OR = 1.98, P = 1.37 × 10(-10) ). These results further confirm that genetic variants in the HLA-DP locus are strongly associated with persistent HBV infection in the Han Chinese population.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒慢性感染和肝癌发生   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
自1965年Blumberg发现HBsAg以来,乙型病毒性肝炎(HBV)在分子病毒学、组织病理学、免疫学、流行病学及临床诊断治疗学等方面已取得了长足的发展,一些问题得到阐明达成了共识,但仍存在许多问题,我国是乙型肝炎的高流行区,全世界的慢性乙型肝炎患者我国占50%以上,而我国的乙型肝炎防治工作存在一些国外不曾有过的问题,这些问题需要我们自己来研究解决,可以说,在乙型肝炎临床与科研过程中充满了艰辛,我国的临床医师及基础科研工作者尽管在治疗中做了大量工作,遗憾的是至今尚未有重大性突破,这使我们喜忧参半、任重而道远。在临床研究中我国与欧美存在较大的差距,除外经济、政治和学风中的一些问题外,主要存在以下一些问题:(1)临床治疗试验不规范,难以严格的按照随机、双盲、对照和多中心原则实施临床科研方案;(2)临床科研与基础实验研究结合不够,重基础研究,轻临床科研;(3)存在多经验,少证据的现象;(4)肝活体组织检查较少,尤其是治疗前、后自身对照的肝活体组织标本甚少;(5)缺乏长期随访资料,医学资料保管不善,丢失现象较为普遍;(6)国内诊断试剂质量不稳定,缺乏统一标准,大多不能通过国际质检要求,实验数据难以得到国际权威性杂志的认可;(7)临床研究及经典流行病学调研难以获得基金资助等。慢性乙型肝炎已成为相关临床医生面临的重要问题,为了更好地解决这些临床问题,我们组织国内部分专家结合个人的临床经验及科研体会,对"慢性乙型病毒性肝炎的诊断与治疗"进行讨论,目的是引导临床医生科学、准确地处理这些问题,同时进一步深入开展慢性乙型肝炎的临床实用性研究,为提高我国慢性乙型肝炎诊治水平做出应有的贡献,造福于人类,这也是本期"焦点论坛"主办者的心愿。  相似文献   

Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection (OBI) is a challenging pathobiological and clinical issue that has been widely debated for several decades. By definition, OBI is characterized by the persistence of HBV DNA in the liver tissue (and in some cases also in the serum) in the absence of circulating HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). Many epidemiological and molecular studies have indicated that OBI is an important risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. OBI may exert direct pro-oncogenic effects through the activation of the same oncogenic mechanisms that are activated in the course of an HBsAg-positive infection. Indeed, in OBI as in HBV-positive infection, HBV DNA can persist in the hepatocytes both integrated into the host genome as well as free episome, and may maintain the capacity to produce proteins-mainly X protein and truncated preS-S protein - provided with potential transforming properties. Furthermore, OBI may indirectly favor HCC development. It has been shown that the persistence of very low viral replicative activity during OBI may induce mild liver necro-inflammation continuing for life, and substantial clinical evidence indicates that OBI can accelerate the progression of liver disease towards cirrhosis that is considered the most important risk factor for HCC development.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The HBV mutations, which include point mutation, deletion, insertion and truncation mutation of HBV gene in 4 open reading frames (S, C, P, X), are closely associated with HCC pathogenesis. Some mutations accumulated during chronic HBV infection could be regarded as a biomarker to predict the occurrence of HCC. The detection of the mutations in clinical practice could be helpful for defining better preventive and therapeutic strategies and, moreover, predicting the progression of liver disease.  相似文献   

Associations were studied between the polymorphism of northern Han Chinese leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and the outcomes of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and HBV genotypes. HLA-A, B, and DRB1 alleles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with sequence-specific primers. The PBMCs were collected from 61 persons who tested positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) for more than 6 months (Persistent group), 32 persons who tested negative for both HBsAg and HBV DNA but positive for both anti-HBc and anti-HBs (Recovered group), and 40 persons who tested negative for all serologic markers of HBV infection (Uninfected group). HBV genotypes in serum specimens from 56 of 61 patients with persistent HBV infection were determined by nested PCR with 6 pairs of HBV genotype-specific primers (A to F). The frequency of HLA-DRB1*12 was significantly higher in the Persistent group than in the Recovered group (P=0.004). HLA-A*02 was significantly higher in the Recovered group than in the Persistent group (P=0.044). HLA-DRB1*15 was significantly higher in the HBV genotype B group than in the C group (P=0.013). These findings suggested that there were associations not only between HLA polymorphisms and outcomes of HBV infection but also between HLA polymorphisms and the infected HBV genotypes.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate whether different human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes might be associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. DNA obtained from 141 Spanish patients with HCV infection (48 with alanine aminotransferase levels in the range considered to be normal, 47 with liver cirrhosis, and 46 with hepatocellular carcinomas [HCCs]) and from 116 control subjects were typed for HLA-B, HLA-DRB1, and HLA-DQB1 alleles, as well as for major histocompatibility complex class I chain-related gene A (MICA) transmembrane polymorphism. The frequency of HLA-DR11 was increased in HCV carriers, compared with patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) (corrected P value [Pc],.0002) and, especially, with patients who had HCC (Pc=.003). The frequency of the HLA-B18 allele was increased in patients with HCC, and the allele was absent in HCV carriers (Pc=.003). The MICA-A4 allele was overrepresented in patients with HCC, compared with HCV carriers (Pc=.0002). The DR3/MICA-A4/B18 haplotype was associated with HCC (Pc=.01). In conclusion, HLA-DR11 seems to be protective against the development of severe forms of infection, and the DR3/MICA-A4/B18 haplotype may be an important factor in the progression to the most severe HCV-infection status.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the correlation between hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis C virus (HCV) expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the HAI score of the noncancerous region of the liver and the serum Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) level.
METHODS: The patterns of HBsAg and HCV in 100 cases of HCC and their surrounding liver tissues were studied on paraffin-embedded sections with immunohistochemistry, the histological status was determined by one pathologist and one surgeon simultaneously using the hepatitis activity index (HAIl score, and AFP was detected by radioimmunity. The study included 100 consecutive patients who underwent curative resection for HCC. Based on HBsAg and HCV expression, the patients were classified into 4 groups: patients positive for HBsAg (HBsAg group), patients positive for HCV (HCV group), patients negative for both HCV and HBsAg (NBNC group) and patients positive for both HBsAg and HCV (BC group).
RESULTS: The BC group had significantly higher HAI scores than the other three groups. (BC 〉 HCV 〉 HBsAg 〉 NBNC). HBV and HCV virus infection was positively correlated with HAI (rs = 0.39, P = 0.00011. The positive rate of AFP (85.7%) and the value of AFP (541.2 ng/mL) in the group with HBV and HCV co-infection were the highest among the four groups. The positive rate (53.3%) of AFP and the value of AFP ( 53.3 ng/mL) in the group with none-infection of HBV and HCV were the lowest. HBV and HCV virus infection was positively correlated with AFP(rs = 0.38, P = 0.0001).
CONCLUSION: The AFP increase in patients with liver cancer was positively correlated with the infection of HBV and HCV. The-serum AFP elevation by the infection of HBV and HCV is one of mechanisms which lead to hepatocarcinogenesis, and the antivirus intervening treatment of hepatitis is significant for the prognosis of liver cancer. From our Spearman's rank correlation analysis, we can conclude that the severity of virally induced  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the genomic changes in hepatitis B virus (HBV) and evaluate their role in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients chronically infected with genotype C HBV.METHODS: Two hundred and forty chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients were subjected and followed for a median of 105 mo. HCC was diagnosed in accordance with AASLD guidelines. The whole X, S, basal core promoter (BCP), and precore regions of HBV were sequenced using the direct sequencing method.RESULTS: All of the subjects were infected with genotype C HBV. Out of 240 CHB patients, 25 (10%) had C1653T and 33 (14%) had T1753V mutation in X region; 157 (65%) had A1762T/G1764A mutations in BCP region, 50 (21%) had G1896A mutation in precore region and 67 (28%) had pre-S deletions. HCC occurred in 6 patients (3%). The prevalence of T1753V mutation was significantly higher in patients who developed HCC than in those without HCC. The cumulative occurrence rates of HCC were 5% and 19% at 10 and 15 years, respectively, in patients with T1753V mutant, which were significantly higher than 1% and 1% in those with wild type HBV (P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: The presence of T1753V mutation in HBV X-gene significantly increases the risk of HCC development in patients chronically infected with genotype C HBV.  相似文献   

Background and Aim: Host genetic and environmental factors are viewed as a common basis of the different outcomes of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) plays an important role in immunological reaction to HBV infection. In this study, we aimed to determine the association between HBV infection and HLA‐A, B, and DRB1 alleles in northern Iran. Methods: HLA‐A, B, and DRB1 alleles in 33 patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and 31 healthy carriers as the persistent group, and 30 subjects who had spontaneously recovered from HBV infection were analyzed by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–sequence‐specific primer (PCR‐SSP) technique. Results: The frequency of the HLA‐A*33 allele was higher in the persistent group than in the recovered group (10.16% vs 0%, P < 0.008); the frequency of the DRB1*13 allele was lower in the persistent group than in the recovered group (3.13% vs 11.67%, P < 0.03). The frequency of the B*52 allele was higher in CHB patients than healthy carriers (7.58% vs 0%, P < 0.05). The logistic regression model showed that the presence of the HLA‐DRB1*13 allele was the significant factor associated with protection against the persistency of HBV. There were significant differences between the HBV recovered group, CHB patients, and healthy carriers regarding age, hepatitis B e antigen, and anti‐hepatitis B e positivity. Conclusion: HLA‐A*33 was closely related with susceptibility to persisting hepatitis B infection, and HLA‐DRB1*13 was closely related with protection against persisting hepatitis B in an Iranian population. These findings emphasized that the host HLA polymorphism is an important factor in determining the outcome of HBV infection.  相似文献   

Sera from 102 black patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) and hepatitis B surface antigenemia were tested for immunoglobulin M antibody against hepatitis B core (IgM anti-HBc), hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), and hepatitis B viral (HBV) DNA. Their prevalences were compared to those of a control group of 124 age and sex matched black HBV carriers without tumor. IgM anti-HBc was present in 68.6%, HBeAg in 32.3%, and HBV-DNA in 26.7% of the patients. In the control population, IgM anti-HBc was present in 45%, HBeAg was detected in 3.2%, and HBV-DNA in 25.8%. We conclude that IgM anti-HBc is present appreciably more often than either HBeAg or HBV-DNA in patients with PHC. HBeAg or IgM anti-HBc in serum of HBsAg positive carriers may predict an added risk of PHC development in South African blacks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Liver transplantation(LT)is an effective therapy for end-stage hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection. Recurrence of HBV is one of the frequent complications.In the present study,we investigated whether human leukocyte antigen(HLA)matching influences the incidence of HBV recurrence,and the time point of HBV recurrence after LT. METHODS:One hundred and two recipients of LT with end-stage chronic HBV infection were reviewed.The triple- drug immunosuppression regimen consisted of tacrolimus,mycophenolate,a...  相似文献   

A 68-year-old Japanese woman was admitted to our hospital in September 1995, because of a mass detected by ultrasonography during a follow-up examination for chronic hepatitis B. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the right liver lobe was diagnosed based on imaging studies and elevated alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) was performed. PEIT was repeated in November 1998, because the tumor had enlarged and serum AFP was re-elevated. Follow-up ultrasonography (US) demonstrated low echoic mass in the left liver lobe in August 1999; serum AFP was normal, but serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) was elevated to 420 U/ml. In October 1999, radiofrequency interstitial tissue ablation (RITA) was performed after tumor biopsy. Pathological findings revealed adenocarcinoma and pathological diagnosis was made as intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma (ICC). Three weeks later, her serum CA19-9 was remarkably decreased (180 U/ml). The patient has been well for 5 months. Her latest AFP and CA19-9 in the serum were 2 ng/ml and 89 U/ml, respectively. The incidence of double cancer in the liver is rare. This is also the first case report to discuss ICC treated with RITA.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B is the main risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Asia. The most important preventive strategy's adoption of the universal hepatitis B vaccination program is now in its third decade. There is a clear reduction in both chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection (hepatitis B surface antigen "carriage") but also in childhood HCC in Taiwan. An outstanding concern is variability in vaccine coverage between countries. For patients with chronic hepatitis B, serum HBV DNA levels have emerged as the key risk factor for development of HCC. The initial treatment for chronic hepatitis B was interferon. One randomized control trial, and several case–control or cohort studies have shown benefits for preventing HCC, particularly in cirrhotic patients who responded to therapy. With nucleos(t)ide analogs, the most important study has been the Asian Cirrhosis Lamivudine multicenter randomized controlled trial. This showed that lamivudine can reduce disease progression in HBV-related cirrhosis, including an approximately 50% decrease in HCC incidence. Such efficacy was achieved despite emergence of drug resistance in approximately 50% of cases. Case–control studies have suggested that hepatitis B cases without cirrhosis may also benefit. In conclusion, it is now possible to prevent HBV-related HCC. The most effective method is hepatitis B vaccination, which prevents chronic HBV infection and chronic liver disease resulting therefrom. Interferon therapy appears to confer benefit but the evidence is weaker. First-generation oral antiviral (lamivudine) reduces HCC risk, particularly in cirrhotics. Long-term outcome data with newer, more potent HBV antivirals that have a higher genetic barrier to drug resistance are eagerly awaited.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate reports that hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA sequences can be found in the serum and/or tumour tissue from some hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients who have no detectable hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in their sera. Such HBV infections would be highly atypical, because prospective studies have shown a clear succession of specific serologic markers during and after most HBV infections. As most HBsAg-negative HCC patients in Japan have hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, the present study was conducted to determine whether some of these patients actually have unrecognized HBV infections. Thirty newly diagnosed HCC patients from Kurume, Japan, with antibody to the hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) were studied. None of the 30 had HBsAg detectable in their serum. Of 22 for whom test results for antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) and antibodies to HBsAg (anti-HBs) were available, 14 (64%) had anti-HBc and anti-HBs, four (18%) had anti-HBc alone, and four (18%) had no HBV markers. Nested polymerase chain reaction was used to detect the HBV surface (S), core (C), polymerase (P) and core promoter gene sequences in the HCC tissues and in the adjacent nontumorous liver tissues. HBV DNA was detected in HCC and/or adjacent nontumorous liver in 22 of 30 (73%) patients [detected in both HCC and nontumorous liver in 19/30 patients (63%)]. Among the 22 patients with detectable HBV DNA, more than one HBV gene was detected in 10 (46%). Among the four patients whose sera were negative for all HBV markers, three had HBV DNA in either HCC and nontumorous liver (two cases) or only in the nontumorous liver (one case); HBV DNA could not be detected in tissues from the fourth patient. In 18 of 21 (86%) patients with detectable HBV core promoter sequences, mutations at both nucleotides 1762 (A-GT) and 1764 (G-A) in the core promoter region were found. No deletions were detected in the core promoter gene region of the type reported to be associated with some cases of HBsAg-negative HBV infection. Thus, HBV DNA was detectable in 22 (73%) HBsAg-negative, anti-HCV-positive HCCs, including three (10%) who were also negative for anti-HBc and anti-HBs. HBV mutations at both nucleotides 1762 (A-GT) and 1764 (G-A) in the core promoter region were found in the majority of cases, mutations that have previously been reported in HBV that is integrated in HCC DNA. In serologic surveys to determine etiologic associations of HCC, patients such as those in this study would have been incorrectly designated as having 'HCV-associated HCC,' whereas the data in this study suggest that HBV could have played a role in the development of their HCCs.  相似文献   

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