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Despite stringent selection criteria, hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) still occurs in up to 20% of cases, mostly within the first 2–3 years. No adjuvant treatments to prevent such an occurrence have been developed so far. However, a balanced use of immunosuppression with minimal dose of calcineurin inhibitors and possible addition of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors is strongly advisable. Moreover, several pre- and post-transplant predictors of recurrence have been identified and may help determine the frequency and duration of post-transplant follow-up. When recurrence occurs, the outcomes are poor with a median survival of 12 mo according to most retrospective studies. The factor that most impacts survival after recurrence is timing (within 1–2 years from LT according to different authors). Several therapeutic options may be chosen in case of recurrence, according to timing and disease presentation. Surgical treatment seems to provide a survival benefit, especially in case of late recurrence, while the benefit of locoregional treatments has been suggested only in small retrospective studies. When systemic treatment is indicated, sorafenib has been proved safe and effective, while only few data are available for lenvatinib and regorafenib in second line. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors is controversial in this setting, given the safety warnings for the risk of acute rejection.  相似文献   

The current management therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) patients are discussed in this review. Despite the development of new therapies, HCC remains a "difficult to treat" cancer because HCC typically occurs in advanced liver disease or hepatic cirrhosis. The progression of multistep and multicentric HCC hampers the prevention of the recurrence of HCC. Many HCC patients are treated with surgical resection and radiofrequency ablation(RFA), although these modalities should be considered in only selected cases with a certain HCC number and size. Although there is a shortage of grafts, liver transplantation has the highest survival rates for HCC. Several modalities are salvage treatments; however, intensive care in combination with other modalities or in combination with surgical resection or RFA might offer a better prognosis. Sorafenib is useful for patients with advanced HCC. In the near future, HCC treatment will include stronger molecular targeted drugs, which will have greater potency and fewer adverse events. Further studies will be ongoing.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is the second most common cause of death from cancer worldwide. Standard potentially curative treatments are either resection or transplantation. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the surgical management of HCC, as well as highlight current issues in hepatic resection and transplantation. In summary, due to the relationship between HCC and chronic liver disease, the management of HCC depends both on tumourrelated and hepatic function-related considerations. As such, HCC is currently managed largely through nonsurgical means as the criteria, in relation to the above considerations, for surgical management is still largelyrestrictive. For early stage tumours, both resection and transplantation offer fairly good survival outcomes(5 years overall survival of around 50%). Selection therefore would depend on the level of hepatic function derangement, organ availability and local expertise. Patients with intermediate stage cancers have limited options, with resection being the only potential for cure. Otherwise, locoregional therapy with transarterial chemoembolization or radiofrequency ablation are viable options. Current issues in resection and transplantation are also briefly discussed such as laparoscopic resection, ablation vs resection, anatomical vs non-anatomical resection, transplantation vs resection, living donor liver transplantation and salvage liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive tumor that often occurs in the setting of chronic liver disease. Many patients do not initially manifest any symptoms of HCC and present late when cure with surgical resection or transplantation is no longer possible. For this reason, patients at high risk for developing HCC are subjected to frequent screening processes. The surgical management of HCC is complex and requires an inter-disciplinary approach. Hepatic resection is the treatment of choice for HCC in patients without cirrhosis and is indicated in some patients with early cirrhosis (Child-Pugh A). Liver transplantation has emerged in the past decade as the standard of care for patients with cirrhosis and HCC meeting Milan criteria and in select patients with HCC beyond Milan criteria. Loco-regional therapy with transarterial chemoembolization, transarterial embolization, radiofrequency ablation and other similar local treatments can be used as neo-adjuvant therapy to downstage HCC to within Milan criteria or as a bridge to transplantation in patients on transplant wait list.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Various treatment modalities have been applied to HCC depending on the tumor load, functional capacity of the liver and the general condition of the patient. According to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging strategy and The American Association for the Study of Liver Disease guidelines, surgical resection is not advocated in the tretment of multinodular HCC. Despite this, many recent clinical studies show that, resection can achieve good results in patients with multinodular HCC and 5-year survival rate around 40% can be reached. If resection or transplantation is not performed, these patients are usually managed with palliative procedures such as transarterial chemoembolization, radioembolization and cytotoxic chemotherapy and 5-year survival of this group of patients will be extremely low. Although survival rates are lower and complications may be increased in this group of patients, liver resection can safely be performed in selected patients in experienced centers for the management of multinodular HCC.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is the most rapidly increasing type of cancer in the United States. HCC is a highly malignant cancer, accounting for at least 14000 deaths in the United States annually, and it ranks third as a cause of cancer mortality in men. One major difficulty is that most patients with HCC are diagnosed when the disease is already at an advanced stage, and the cancer cannot be surgically removed. Furthermore, because almost all patients have cirrhosis, neither chemotherapy nor major resections are well tolerated. Clearly there is need of a multidisciplinary approach for the management of HCC. For example, there is a need for better understanding of the fundamental etiologic mechanisms that are involved in hepatocarcinogenesis, which could lead to the development of successful preventive and therapeutic modalities. It is also essential to define the cellular and molecular bases for malignant transformation of hepatocytes. Such knowledge would:(1) greatly facilitate the identification of patients at risk;(2) prompt efforts to decrease risk factors; and(3) improve surveillance and early diagnosis through diagnostic imaging modalities. Possible benefits extend also to the clinical management of this disease. Because there are many factors involved in pathogenesis of HCC,this paper reviews a multidisciplinary perspective of recent advances in basic and clinical understanding of HCC that include: molecular hepatocarcinogenesis, noninvasive diagnostics modalities, diagnostic pathology, surgical modality, transplantation, local therapy and oncological/target therapeutics.  相似文献   

Recurrence after hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is frequent.Currently,there are no recommendations on therapeutic strategy after recurrence of HCC.Whereas the 5 year-recurrence rate after resection of HCC is 100%,this drops to 15% after primary liver transplantation.Repeat hepatectomy and salvage liver transplantation(SLT) could be performed in selected patients to treat recurrent HCC and enable prolonged overall survival after treatment of recurrence.Other therapies such as local ablation,chemoembolization or sorafenib could be proposed to those patients unable to benefit from resection or SLT.A clear definition of the place of SLT and "prophylactic" liver transplantation is required.Indeed,identifying risks factors for recurrence at time of primary liver resection of HCC may help to avoid recurrence beyond Milan criteria and non-resectable situations.In this review,we summarize the recent data available in the literature on the feasibility and outcomes of repeat hepatectomy and SLT as treatment for recurrent HCC.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is the sixth most common cancer worldwide and leading cause of death among patients with cirrhosis.Treatment guidelines are based according to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging system.The choice among therapeutic options that include liver resection,liver transplantation,locoregional,and systemic treatments must be individualized for each patient.The aim of this paper is to review the outcomes that can be achieved in the treatment of HCC with the heterogeneous therapeutic options currently available in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent neoplasms worldwide and in most cases it is associated with liver cirrhosis. Liver resection is considered the most potentially curative therapy for HCC patients when liver transplantation is not an option or is not immediately accessible. This review is aimed at investigating the current concepts that drive the surgical choice in the treatment of HCC in cirrhotic patients; Eastern and Western perspectives are highlighted. An extensive literature review of the last two decades was performed, on topics covering various aspects of hepatic resection. Early post-operative and long-term outcome measures adopted were firstly analyzed in an attempt to define an optimal standardization useful for research comparison. The need to avoid the development of post-hepatectomy liver failure represents the “conditio sine qua non” of surgical choice and the role of the current tools available for the assessment of liver function reserve were investigated. Results of hepatic resection in relationship with tumor burden were compared with those of available competing strategies, namely, radiofrequency ablation for early stages, and trans-arterial chemoembolization for intermediate and advanced stages. Finally, the choice for anatomical versus non-anatomical, as well as the role of laparoscopic approach, was overviewed. The literature review suggests that partial hepatectomy for HCC should be considered in the context of multi-disciplinary evaluation of cirrhotic patients. Scientific research on HCC has moved, in recent years, from surgical therapy toward non-surgical approaches and most of the literature regarding topics debated in the present review is represented by observational studies, whereas very few well-designed randomized controlled trials are currently available; thus, no robust recommendations can be derived.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C is a strong prognostic factor for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). Although liver resection and liver transplantation offer the chance of a cure for HCC,adequate management of co-existing infection with hepatitis C virus(HCV) is important to enable better long-term outcomes after surgery for HCV-related HCC. For patients undergoing liver resection,perioperative anti-viral treatment is recommended,since a decreased HCV viral load itself is reportedly associated with a lower tumor recurrence rate and a longer overall survival. For patients undergoing transplanatations for HCC complicated by end-stage liver disease,the post-transplant management of HCV infection is also necessary to prevent progressive graft injury caused by active hepatitis under the immunosuppressive condition that is needed after liver transplantation. Although only a few lines of solid evidence are available for postoperative antiviral treatment because of the limited indication and frequent adverse events caused by conventional high-dose combination interferon therapy,new direct acting anti-viral agents would enable interferon-free anti-viral treatment with a higher virologic response and minimal side effects.  相似文献   

肝移植和肝切除是目前肝癌的2种主要治疗方法。早期肝癌合并晚期肝病患者肝移植后疗效评估最佳;但是对于肝功能代偿尚可、不伴门静脉高压的早期肝癌患者来说,最佳的治疗方案仍存在争议。大量的研究证明肝移植后无病生存率更高,但是尚不清楚长期生存率如何。通过改进手术技术和实行补救性肝移植的方法可明显改善肝切除后患者生存率,且避免了可因切除治愈的患者因等待移植时间过长而失去机会。  相似文献   

AIM: To clarify the benefit of surgical excision for patients with extrahepatic metastases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 140 patients with pathologically proven extrahepatic metastases of HCC and evaluated the outcomes of those who had undergone surgical resection (SR) for extrahepatic metastatic lesions.Prognoses made on the basis of extrahepatic metastatic sites were also examined.RESULTS: The survival rates of patients who underwent SR of extrahepatic metastases were significantly better than those of patients who did not receive SR.For the SR group, 1- and 3-year survival rates were 24% and 7%, respectively, while for the non-resection group, the survival rates were 8% and 0%, respectively ( P < 0.0001).Survival rates related to metastatic sites were also significantly superior after SR of extrahepatic metastases: median survivals were 32 mo with lung metastasis, 10 mo with bone metastasis, 6.1 mo with brain metastasis.CONCLUSION: SR can provide survival benefits for patients with 1 or 2 isolated extrahepatic metastases and who concurrently exhibit good hepatic functional reserve and general performance status as well as successful treatment of intrahepatic HCC.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is the fifth most common malignancy and the third cause of tumor associated deaths worldwide. HCC incidence rates are increasing in many parts of the world including developing and developed countries. Potentially curative treatments for HCC are resection and liver transplantation, but these are only suitable for patients with small tumors, meeting strict pre-defined criteria, or well-compensated liver disease. Early diagnosis of HCCcan be achieved by surveillance of at-risk populations. For patients with non-resectable disease treatments modalities include loco-ablative and systemic therapies. In this review we focus on treatment options in HCC and their allocation. Although significant research is in progress, to this date, the results are unsatisfactory with limited long-term survival. In the fight against this deadly disease, there is still a long way to go.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver malignancy. The treatment of HCC is complex and complicated by the severity of associated chronic liver disease, the stage of HCC, and the clinical condition of the patient. Liver resection (LR) is one of the most efficient treatments for patients with HCC, with an expected 5-year survival of 38%-61% depending on the stage of the disease. Improved liver function assessment, increased understanding of segmental liver anatomy from advanced imaging studies, and surgical technical progress are important factors that have led to reduced mortality in patients with HCC. The indication for LR may be expanded due to emerging evidences from laparoscopic hepatectomies and combined treatments with newly developed chemotherapies. Liver transplantation (LT) is considered as an ideal treatment for removal of existing tumors and the injured/preneoplastic underlying liver tissue with impaired liver function and the risk of multicentric carcinogenesis that results from chronically injured liver. However, LT is restricted to patients with minimal risk of tumor recurrence under immunosuppression. The expansion of criteria for LT in HCC patients is still under trial and discussion. Limited availability of grafts, as well as the risk and the cost of transplantation have led to considerable interest in expansion of the donor pool, living donor-related transplantation, and combined treatment involving LR and LT. This highlight presents evidence concerning recent studies evaluating LR and LT in HCC patients. In addition, alternative therapies for the treatment of early stage tumors and the management of patients on transplant waiting lists are discussed.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is ranked as the 5th common type of cancer worldwide and is considered as the 3rd common reason for cancer-related deaths. HCC often occurs on top of a cirrhotic liver. The prognosis is determined by several factors; tumour extension, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentration, histologic subtype of the tumour, degree of liver dysfunction, and the patient’s performance status. HCC prognosis is strongly correlated with diagnostic delay. To date, no ideal screening modality has been developed. Analysis of recent studies showed that AFP assessment lacks adequate sensitivity and specificity for effective surveillance and diagnosis. Many tumour markers have been tested in clinical trials without progressing to routine use in clinical practice. Thus, surveillance is still based on ultrasound (US) examination every 6 mo. Imaging studies for diagnosis of HCC can fall into one of two main categories: routine non-invasive studies such as US, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging, and more specialized invasive techniques including CT during hepatic arteriography and CT arterial portography in addition to the conventional hepatic angiography. This article provides an overview and spotlight on the different diagnostic modalities and treatment options of HCC.  相似文献   

In the Algorithm for Diagnosis and Treatment in the Japanese Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma, the treatment strategy is determined by three major factors: liver function and the number and size of tumors. The algorithm is quite simple, consisting of fewer components than the Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer staging system. In this article, we describe the roles of the treatment algorithmin hepatectomy and perioperative management of hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the outcome of patients, who underwent transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and subsequently liver transplantation (OLT) irrespective of tumor size when no tumor progression was observed. METHODS: Records, imaging studies and pathology of 84 patients with HCC were reviewed. Ten patients were not treated at all, 67 patients had TACE and 35 of them were listed for OLT. Tumor progression was monitored by ultrasound and AFP level every 6 wk. Fifteen patients showed signs of tumor progression without transplantation. The remaining 20 patients underwent OLT. Further records of 7 patients with HCC seen in histological examination after OLT were included. RESULTS: The patients after TACE without tumor progression underwent transplantation and had a median survival of 92.3 too. Patients, who did not qualify for liver transplantation or had signs of tumor progression had a median survival of 8.4 mo. The patients without treatment had a median survival of 3.8 mo. Independent of International Union Against Cancer (UICC) stages, the patients without tumor progression and subsequent OLT had longer median survival. No significant difference was seen in the OLT treated patients if they did not fulfill the Milan criteria. CONCLUSION: Selection of patients for OLT based on tumor progression results in good survival. The evaluation of HCC patients should not only be based on tumor size and number of foci but also on tumor progression and growth behavior under therapy.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents a unique challenge for physicians and patients. There is no definitively curative treatment. Rather, many treatment and management modalities exist with differing advantages and disadvantages. Both current guidelines and individual patient concerns must be taken into account in order to properly manage HCC. In addition, quality of life issues are particularly complex in patients with HCC and these concerns must also be factored into treatment strategies. Thus, considering all the options and their various pros and cons can quickly become complex for both clinicians and patients. In this review, we systematically discuss the current treatment modalities available for HCC, detailing relevant clinical data, risks and rewards and overall outcomes for each approach. Surgical options discussed include resection, transplantation and ablation. We also discuss the radiation modalities: conformal radiotherapy, yttrium 90 microspheres and proton and heavy ion radiotherapy. The biologic agent Sorafenib is discussed as a promising new approach, and recent clinical trials are reviewed. We then detail currently described molecular pathways implicated in the initiation and progression of HCC, and we explore the potential of each pathway as an avenue for drug exploitation. We hope this comprehensive and forward-looking review enables both clinicians and patients to understand various options and thereby make more informed decisions regarding this disease.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a decisive influence on the prognosis of cirrhotic patients. Although α-fetoprotein (AFP) is a known and specific tumor maker for HCC, it is not suitable for the screening and surveillance of HCC because of its poor predictive value and low sensitivity. The use of imaging modalities is essential for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of HCC. Ultrasound (US) plays a major role among them, because it provides real-time and non-invasive observation by a simple and easy technique. In addition, US-guided needle puncture methods are frequently required for the diagnosis and/or treatment process of HCC. The development of digital technology has led to the detection of blood flow by color Doppler US, and the sensitivity for detecting tumor vascularity has shown remarkable improvement with the introduction of microbubble contrast agents. Moreover, near realtime 3-dimensional US images are now available. As for the treatment of HCC, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) was developed as a novel technology that provides transcutaneous ablation effect without needle puncture. These advancements in the US field have led to rapid progress in HCC management, and continuing advances are expected. This article reviews the current application of US for HCC in clinical practice.  相似文献   

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