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酸反流与胆汁反流在胃食管反流病中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张峻  杨昭徐 《胃肠病学》2000,5(4):207-210
目的探讨酸反流与胆汁反流在胃食管反流病(GERD)中的作用及相互关系.方法46例GERD患者(反流性食管炎组30例,胃镜阴性组16例)及26例健康对照者在完成食管测压后,应用便携式食管pH监测仪及Bilitec2000胆汁反流监测仪,同时进行24h食管内酸及胆汁反流的动态连续监测.结果GERD患者酸反流及胆汁反流各指标均明显高于健康对照者,且与食管炎严重程度一致.pH<4总时间百分比与胆红素光吸收值(Abs)>0.14,总时间百分比存在线性相关关系(r=0.34,P<0.01).酸反流和胆汁反流共存的双重反流在GERD患者中最为常见,且较单纯反流更易引起严重食管炎.结论GERD患者中较为常见的双重反流对食管粘膜的损伤作用强于单纯酸或胆汁的不完全反流,酸反流与胆汁反流间可能有正性协同作用;联合应用胃镜检查及食管内酸和胆汁反流监测将为GERD的诊治提供可靠的客观依据.  相似文献   

十二指肠胃食管反流在胃食管反流病中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Xu XR  Li ZS  Xu GM  Zou DW  Yin N  Ye P 《中华内科杂志》2004,43(4):269-271
目的 研究十二指肠胃食管反流 (DGER)在胃食管反流病发病机制中的作用及其对非糜烂性反流病 (NERD)的诊断价值。方法  95例患者根据内镜检查的结果分为反流性食管炎和NERD组 ,对其均进行 2 4h食管 pH和胆汁联合监测。 结果 反流性食管炎患者DGER的各项指标 :吸光度值 >0 14时间百分比 (% )、总反流次数和反流 >5min的次数分别为 19 0 5± 2 3 4 4、30 5 6±34 0 4和 5 90± 6 37,均显著高于NERD组相应的 7 2 6± 11 0 8、15 6 8± 2 0 92和 2 5 9± 3 5 7(P <0 0 5 ) ,而酸反流差异无显著性 ,随着反流性食管炎的程度加重DGER发生率增高 ;18 2 %的NERD患者存在单纯DGER ,联合胆汁监测可使NERD诊断阳性率由 6 5 9%升高到 84 1%。结论 DGER可以单独发生 ,在引起反流性食管黏膜损伤或症状方面都有作用 ,2 4h食管 pH和胆汁联合监测有助于NERD的诊断。  相似文献   

目的 分析酸反流及胆汁反流在引起胃食管反流症状中的作用。方法 对56例有典型反流症状的患者进行24小时食管内pH值及BiHtee胆汁同步监测。患者通过症状按键标记典型反流症状,对每一症状事件按症状发生前2分钟内食管最低pH值和最高胆红素光吸收值,分别计算症状与酸反流或胆汁反流事件的相关性,得出每一例患者的酸反流相关症状指数(Sla)及胆汁反流相关症状指数(SIb)。结果 56例患者中共发生典型症状事件357次。其中大部分症状(37.25%)与酸反流有关,仅7.56%的症状与单纯胆汁反流有关。反流性食管炎组(RE)亚组的243次症状事件中,105次(43.21%)事件与酸反流相关,而21次(8.64%)与胆汁反流有关。两种症状相关指数均值比较差异有显著性。结论 胃食管反流症状事件与酸反流的相关性明显高于胆汁反流,胆汁反流在引起典型食管症状方面似乎不起主要作用。  相似文献   

随着24 h食管pH监测和胆汁监测技术的开展,胃、十二指肠液混合反流在胃食管反流病(GERD)的发生、发展中的作用已被逐步认识.胆汁反流在GERD发病过程中所扮演的角色,成为近年来人们研究的焦点之一.基础研究证明胆汁在不同酸碱环境、不同浓度对食管黏膜的损伤作用是不同的.不少临床试验对GERD进行研究发现,胆汁反流与症状和食管损伤严重度存在一定关系,但研究结果不尽一致,胆汁在GERD中的作用仍有争议.明确胆汁在GERD中的作用,有助于为预防此类疾病开辟新的道路.本文就有关胆汁反流在胃食管反流病中的作用的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

胃和 (或 )十二指肠内容物反流入食管产生症状或并发症时 ,称为胃食管反流病 (GERD)。十二指肠内容物经幽门反流入胃内称为十二指肠胃反流 (DGR) ,如进一步反流入食管则形成十二指肠胃食管反流(DGER) ,若反流量大、频率高、持续时间长 ,则可能引起病理性损害。现就十二指肠胃食管反流的病因和致病机制、临床意义、检测方法及防治措施作以下综述。  十二指肠胃食管反流的病因和致病机制若发生十二指肠胃食管反流则首先要有十二指肠胃反流 ,许多结构或功能紊乱均可引起十二指肠胃反流 ,如胃部分切除术后、胃十二指肠运动异常、胆…  相似文献   

胃食管反流病是一种胃内容物反流引起不适症状和(或)并发症的一种疾病,其发病与食管下括约肌(inferior esophageal sphincter,LES)一过性松弛、食管酸清除功能障碍以及食管抗反流屏障下降等机制有关。研究表明,胃内酸袋的存在亦为导致胃食管反流病发生的机制之一。本文就胃内酸袋与胃食管反流病的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

患者:男,58岁。主诉:反酸烧心5年余。 1.病例特点介绍患者诉近5年来间断出现反酸、烧心、胸骨后不适,近期症状加重.故就诊,  相似文献   

目的 研究胃食管反流病(GERD)的反流症状与诊断关系,以引起临床医生的重视。方法采用典型症状、波利特试验及内镜检查;结果 检出反流性食管炎89例,非糜烂性食管炎291例,Barrett食管41例。结论 反流症状并有效检查为临床提供良好治疗方案。  相似文献   

抑酸治疗试验对诊断胃食管反流病的意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
24h食管pH监测可为诊断胃食管反流病 (GERD)提供可靠的依据 ,但由于其属侵入性检查且费用昂贵而无法普及。近年来临床正探讨用抑酸治疗试验来诊断GERD ,但对其方法及可靠性尚无一致意见 ,在我国也未见系统研究的报道。自 1999年 8月至 2 0 0 1年 3月 ,我们对 110例有烧心、反酸或反食等反流相关症状的患者行 2 4h食管pH监测及质子泵抑制剂抑酸治疗试验 ,以探讨后者对诊断GERD的意义 ,现将其结果分析报告如下。一、对象和方法1 研究对象 :110例 ,男 6 1例 ,女 4 9例 ,年龄 (46 6±12 4 )岁 ,具有烧心、反酸或反食等症状 …  相似文献   

胃食管反流病的药物治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胃食管反流病(GERD)是指胃或十二指肠内容物反流入食管导致的一系列慢性症状和食管黏膜损伤,包括非糜烂性反流性食管病(NERD)和传统意义上的反流性食管炎(RE)及其并发症如食管狭窄、食管溃疡和Barrett食管等。目前治疗的目的主要是减轻或消除症状,防止并发症和防止复发。药物治疗主要分为4类:(1)PPI制剂;(2)H2受体阻制剂;(3)促动力药;  相似文献   

Short-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of acid suppressant drugs in the empirical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and in the treatment of endoscopy-negative reflux disease (ENRD). DESIGN: medline, embase, and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register were searched. Bibliographies were reviewed. SETTING: Studies were eligible that compared the short-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) with each other or with placebo in adults with GERD who were enrolled irrespective of endoscopic findings (empirical cases) or in whom endoscopy showed no signs of esophagitis (endoscopy-negative cases). MEASUREMENTS: Of 1,408 studies, only 13 could be included for meta-analysis. Data on 3,433 patients empirically treated for GERD and 2,520 patients treated for ENRD were extracted. The primary endpoint was relief of heartburn. MAIN RESULTS: In the empirical treatment of GERD, the summary relative risk (sRR) for symptom relief from H2RAs versus placebo was 0.77 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.60 to 0.99). RR in the only placebo-controlled PPI trial was 0.35 (95% CI, 0.26 to 0.46). The sRR for standard dose PPIs versus H2RAs was 0.55 (95% CI, 0.44 to 0.68). In treatment of ENRD, both PPIs (sRR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.52 to 0.79) and H2RAs (sRR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.97) were superior to placebo, and PPIs were superior to H2RAs (sRR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.95). CONCLUSIONS: Acid suppressant therapy (with a PPI or an H2RA) is more effective than placebo for short-term relief of heartburn in patients with persistent symptoms who are treated empirically for GERD and in those in whom esophagitis was excluded after endoscopy. The benefit of PPIs compared with H2RAs is more pronounced in patients treated empirically.  相似文献   

胃食管反流病是常见的上消化道动力障碍性疾病,发病率呈现逐年上升趋势,目前胃食管反流病的治疗主要有改变生活方式、应用质子泵抑制剂以及中药治疗。对于药物治疗无效的胃食管反流病,内镜治疗如内镜下射频消融、注射治疗以及抗反流手术及外科手术治疗均可改善患者症状,减少胃食管反流病的并发症发生,对于胃食管反流病患者的治疗,应根据具体情况,选择恰当的治疗方法。  相似文献   

"Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic illness with a wide spectrum of symptoms that can significantly affect people's quality of life and increase the risk of complications, including cancer. Gastroesophageal reflux disease has been primarily treated with anti-secretory medications and, when needed, surgery. However, caveats to this approach include long-term medications, side effects, drug-interaction, cost, and the morbidity and mortality associated with surgery. Endoscopic management of gastroesophageal reflux disease offers a safe, effective and less invasive alternative to medications and surgery. There are different endoscopic therapies that include suturing, application of radiofrequency, injection of polymer, and placement of prostheses. The available data on these therapies is here discussed".  相似文献   

Abstract   In the West, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common and well-recognized disease. Lately, it has been described as an emerging problem in the East as well. While it is not a rapidly fatal illness, it causes a myriad of disturbing symptoms that remarkably reduce the patients' quality of life (QOL). The economic impact that results from multiple consultations, diagnostic investigations, and administration of a variety of treatment regimens, including surgery, is enormous.
The operative management for GERD is fundoplication, for example Toupet (270 degree wrap of the distal esophagus) and Nissen (360 degree wrap of the distal esophagus). These surgical procedures are aimed at permanently controlling acid reflux by reconstructing the gastroesophageal junction. Currently, the ease, aesthetic advantages, and the comparable outcomes achieved by minimally invasive laparoscopic fundoplication have rekindled interest in the operative alternatives of GERD management. Fundoplication controls or diminishes considerably the severity of the symptoms associated with GERD. However, appearance of new symptoms i.e. dysphagia, 'gas–bloat syndrome', etc. as postoperative events have been reported.
Recently, several innovative endoluminal treatment modalities have been introduced, namely; endoscopic plicator/suturing devices, bulking injections, and radiofrequency treatment. They are focused on enhancing the performance of a malfunctioning lower esophageal sphincter. While results of several case series reflect substantial improvements in GERD-HRQL scores, lack of long-term durability data is a major concern when recommending these novel, relatively simple, peroral techniques to a long suffering patient. It is clear that these therapies are still evolving and long-term outcomes of properly designed comparative efficacy trials are awaited.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of GERD requires the thoughtful evaluation of a patient's symptoms and clinical course. In young patients with classical reflux symptoms in the absence of untoward complications such as structure, bleeding or pulmonary aspiration, antireflux treatment can be instituted without the need for diagnostic testing. A large number of patients will demonstrate a good clinical response to medical therapy. The diagnostic challenge arises when symptoms of reflux masquerade as cardiac and pulmonary disease or do not respond to simple medical treatment. The use of diagnostic testing to determine the presence and quantity of reflux is helpful in establishing the diagnosis in atypical settings. Prolonged pH monitoring offers the opportunity to monitor symptoms in a physiologic setting over a prolonged period and to provide a correlation of symptoms with the presence of reflux. Endoscopic evaluation is most important in evaluating patients with complications such as peptic strictures, hemorrhagic esophagitis, or Barrett's metaplasia. In these situations, important diagnostic and prognostic information as well as therapeutic intervention can be gained through endoscopy. In patients with peptic strictures, palliation can be achieved by endoscopic dilatation. The number of options available for the medical management of reflux disease has increased significantly in recent years. The introduction of effective agents to block acid secretion has provided a significant advance in the medical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. Prokinetic agents offer an attractive alternative either alone or in combination with acid inhibition. Early results using parietal cell proton-pump blocking agents suggest that they may be effective in the treatment of severe esophagitis previously resistant to medical therapy. Despite significant advances in the medical treatment of GERD, a number of patients (5 to 10 per cent) may require antireflux surgery. The Nissen fundoplication has been shown to be an effective means of attaining mucosal healing usually accompanied by symptomatic relief. The use of a "loose wrap" performed over a large bore dilator avoids the postoperative problems of dysphagia or gas bloat. Despite improvements in our diagnostic and therapeutic armamentarium, a number of patients continue to pose a challenge for the clinician. There remains a clear need for more well-designed, well-controlled studies to assist in the effective treatment of this ubiquitous and often debilitating disease.  相似文献   

We propose a diagnostic algorithm based on the evaluation of GERD symptoms, the test results with a single dose of alginate with heartburn and EGD--esophagogastroduodenoscopy data. The diagnosis of GERD with reflux esophagitis based on the endoscopic detection of characteristic changes of esophagus. Diagnostic criteria endoscopically negative forms of GERD are the presence of symptoms of concern to the patient, the absence of damage to the esophagus during EGD and rapid relief of heartburn, a single dose of alginate (alginate positive test). Drug of choice for reflux esophagitis is an PPI. Specify the role of Helicobacter pylori diagnosis, indications for eradication in patients with GERD.  相似文献   

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