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The ability to predict externally visible characteristics (EVCs) from DNA has appeal for use in forensic science, particularly where a forensic database match is not made and an eye witness account is unavailable. This technology has yet to be implemented in casework in New Zealand. The broad cultural diversity and likely population stratification within New Zealand dictates that any EVC predictions made using anonymous DNA must perform accurately in the absence of knowledge of the donor's ancestral background. Here we construct classification tree models with SNPs of known association with eye colour phenotypes in three categories, blue vs. non-blue, brown vs. non-brown and intermediate vs. non-intermediate. A set of nineteen SNPs from ten different known or suspected pigmentation genes were selected from the literature. A training dataset of 101 unrelated individuals from the New Zealand population and representing different ancestral backgrounds were used. We constructed four alternate models capable of predicting eye colour from the DNA genotypes of SNPs located within the HERC2, OCA2, TYR and SLC24A4 genes using probability calculation and classification trees. The final model selected for eye colour prediction exhibited high levels of accuracy for both blue (89%) and brown eye colour (94%). Models were further assessed with a test set of 25 ‘blind’ samples where phenotype was unknown, with blue and brown eye colour predicted correctly where model thresholds were met. Classification trees offer an aesthetically simple and comprehendible model to predict blue and brown eye colour.  相似文献   

Inference of biogeographic origin is an important factor in clinical, population and forensic genetics. The information provided by AIMs (Ancestry Informative Markers) can allow the differentiation of major continental population groups, and several AIM panels have been developed for this purpose. However, from these major population groups, Eurasia covers a wide area between two continents that is difficult to differentiate genetically. These populations display a gradual genetic cline from West Europe to South Asia in terms of allele frequency distribution. Although differences have been reported between Europe and South Asia, Middle East populations continue to be a target of further investigations due to the lack of genetic variability, therefore hampering their genetic differentiation from neighboring populations. In the present study, a custom-built ancestry panel was developed to analyze North African and Middle Eastern populations, designated the ‘NAME’ panel. The NAME panel contains 111 SNPs that have patterns of allele frequency differentiation that can distinguish individuals originating in North Africa and the Middle East when combined with a previous set of 126 Global AIM-SNPs.  相似文献   

As evidenced by the large number of articles recently published in the literature, forensic scientists are making great efforts to infer externally visible features and biogeographical ancestry (BGA) from DNA analysis. Just as phenotypic, ancestry information obtained from DNA can provide investigative leads to identify the victims (missing/unidentified persons, crime/armed conflict/mass disaster victims) or trace their perpetrators when no matches were found with the reference profile or in the database. Recently, the advent of Massively Parallel Sequencing technologies associated with the possibility of harnessing high-throughput genetic data allowed us to investigate the associations between phenotypic and genomic variations in worldwide human populations and develop new BGA forensic tools capable of simultaneously analyzing up to millions of markers if for example the ancient DNA approach of hybridization capture was adopted to target SNPs of interest. In the present study, a selection of more than 3000 SNPs was performed to create a new BGA panel and the accuracy of the new panel to infer ancestry from unknown samples was evaluated by the PLS-DA method. Subsequently, the panel created was assessed using three variable selection techniques (Backward variable elimination, Genetic Algorithm and Regularized elimination procedure), and the best SNPs in terms of inferring bio-geographical ancestry at inter- and intra-continental level were selected to obtain panels to predict BGA with a reduced number of selected markers to be applied in routine forensic cases where PCR amplification is the best choice to target SNPs.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA Phenotyping or ‘DNA intelligence’ tools are expected to aid police investigations and find unknown individuals by providing information on externally visible characteristics of unknown suspects, perpetrators and missing persons from biological samples. This is especially useful in cases where conventional DNA profiling or other means remain non-informative. Recently, we introduced the HIrisPlex system, capable of predicting both eye and hair colour from DNA. In the present developmental validation study, we demonstrate that the HIrisPlex assay performs in full agreement with the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) guidelines providing an essential prerequisite for future HIrisPlex applications to forensic casework. The HIrisPlex assay produces complete profiles down to only 63 pg of DNA. Species testing revealed human specificity for a complete HIrisPlex profile, while only non-human primates showed the closest full profile at 20 out of the 24 DNA markers, in all animals tested. Rigorous testing of simulated forensic casework samples such as blood, semen, saliva stains, hairs with roots as well as extremely low quantity touch (trace) DNA samples, produced complete profiles in 88% of cases. Concordance testing performed between five independent forensic laboratories displayed consistent reproducible results on varying types of DNA samples. Due to its design, the assay caters for degraded samples, underlined here by results from artificially degraded DNA and from simulated casework samples of degraded DNA. This aspect was also demonstrated previously on DNA samples from human remains up to several hundreds of years old. With this paper, we also introduce enhanced eye and hair colour prediction models based on enlarged underlying databases of HIrisPlex genotypes and eye/hair colour phenotypes (eye colour: N = 9188 and hair colour: N = 1601). Furthermore, we present an online web-based system for individual eye and hair colour prediction from full and partial HIrisPlex DNA profiles. By demonstrating that the HIrisPlex assay is fully compatible with the SWGDAM guidelines, we provide the first forensically validated DNA test system for parallel eye and hair colour prediction now available to forensic laboratories for immediate casework application, including missing person cases. Given the robustness and sensitivity described here and in previous work, the HIrisPlex system is also suitable for analysing old and ancient DNA in anthropological and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

The IrisPlex system consists of a highly sensitive multiplex genotyping assay together with a statistical prediction model, providing users with the ability to predict blue and brown human eye colour from DNA samples with over 90% precision. This ‘DNA intelligence’ system is expected to aid police investigations by providing phenotypic information on unknown individuals when conventional DNA profiling is not informative. Falling within the new area of forensic DNA phenotyping, this paper describes the developmental validation of the IrisPlex assay following the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) guidelines for the application of DNA-based eye colour prediction to forensic casework. The IrisPlex assay produces complete SNP genotypes with only 31 pg of DNA, approximately six human diploid cell equivalents, and is therefore more sensitive than commercial STR kits currently used in forensics. Species testing revealed human and primate specificity for a complete SNP profile. The assay is capable of producing accurate results from simulated casework samples such as blood, semen, saliva, hair, and trace DNA samples, including extremely low quantity samples. Due to its design, it can also produce full profiles with highly degraded samples often found in forensic casework. Concordance testing between three independent laboratories displayed reproducible results of consistent levels on varying types of simulated casework samples. With such high levels of sensitivity, specificity, consistency and reliability, this genotyping assay, as a core part of the IrisPlex system, operates in accordance with SWGDAM guidelines. Furthermore, as we demonstrated previously, the IrisPlex eye colour prediction system provides reliable results without the need for knowledge on the bio-geographic ancestry of the sample donor. Hence, the IrisPlex system, with its model-based prediction probability estimation of blue and brown human eye colour, represents a useful tool for immediate application in accredited forensic laboratories, to be used for forensic intelligence in tracing unknown individuals from crime scene samples.  相似文献   

With recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies it has become feasible and cost effective to genotype larger marker sets for forensic purposes. Two technologies that make use of the larger marker sets have come into focus in forensic research and applications; inference of biogeographic ancestry (BGA) and forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP). These methods hold the promise to reveal information about a yet unknown perpetrator from a DNA sample. In contrast, DNA-profiling, that is a standard practice in case work, relies on matching DNA-profiles between crime scene material and suspects on a database of DNA-profiles. Markers for DNA-profiling were developed under the premise to reveal as little additional information about the human source of the profile as possible, the rationale being that personal privacy rights have to be balanced against the public interest in solving a crime. The same argument holds for markers used in BGA and FDP; these markers might also reveal information on off-target phenotypes (OTPs), that go beyond BGA and the phenotypes targeted in FDP. In particular, health related OTPs might shift the balance between privacy protection and public interest. However, to our knowledge, there is currently no convenient resource available to incorporate knowledge on OTPs in BGA and FDP assay design and application.In order to provide such a resource, we performed a systematic search for OTPs associated with a comprehensive set of markers (1766 SNPs) used or suggested to be used for BGA inference and FDP. In this set, we identified a relatively small number of 27 SNPs (1.53%) that convey information on diverse health related OTPs such as cancer risk, induced asthma, or risk of alcoholism. Some of these SNPs are commonly used for FDP and BGA across different marker sets. We conclude that the effects of SNP markers used in FDP and BGA on OTPs are currently limited, with few exceptions that should be considered in a balanced decision on assay design and application.  相似文献   

In two recent studies of Spanish individuals [1], [2], gender was suggested as a factor that contributes to human eye colour variation. However, gender did not improve the predictive accuracy on blue, intermediate and brown eye colours when gender was included in the IrisPlex model [3].In this study, we investigate the role of gender as a factor that contributes to eye colour variation and suggest that the gender effect on eye colour is population specific.A total of 230 Italian individuals were typed for the six IrisPlex SNPs (rs12913832, rs1800407, rs12896399, rs1393350, rs16891982 and rs12203592). A quantitative eye colour score (Pixel Index of the Eye: PIE-score) was calculated based on digital eye images using the custom made DIAT software. The results were compared with those of Danish and Swedish population samples.As expected, we found HERC2 rs12913832 as the main predictor of human eye colour independently of ancestry. Furthermore, we found gender to be significantly associated with quantitative eye colour measurements in the Italian population sample. We found that the association was statistically significant only among Italian individuals typed as heterozygote GA for HERC2 rs12913832. Interestingly, we did not observe the same association in the Danish and Swedish population. This indicated that the gender effect on eye colour is population specific. We estimated the effect of gender on quantitative eye colour in the Italian population sample to be 4.9%. Among gender and the IrisPlex SNPs, gender ranked as the second most important predictor of human eye colour variation in Italians after HERC2 rs12913832. We, furthermore, tested the five lower ranked IrisPlex predictors, and evaluated all possible 36 (729) genotype combinations of the IrisPlex assay and their corresponding predictive values using the IrisPlex prediction model [4]. The results suggested that maximum three (rs12913832, rs1800407, rs16891982) of the six IrisPlex SNPs are useful in practical forensic genetic casework.  相似文献   

Background:The advent of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) applications focused on the generation of forensic-quality full mitochondrial genome sequences led to a popularization of the technique on a global scale. However, the lack of forensic-graded population databases has refrained a wider adoption of full genome sequences as the industry standard, despite its better discrimination capacity of individual maternal lineages.Purpose:This work describes a forensic-oriented full mtDNA genome database comprised of 480 samples from a Southern Brazilian population.Methods:A collection of mitochondrial sequences were obtained from low-pass, full genome DNA sequencing results. The complete sample set was evaluated regarding haplotype composition and distribution. Summary statistics and forensic parameters were calculated and are presented for the database, with detailed information concerning the impact of removing genetic information in the form of specific variants or increasingly larger genomic regions. Interpopulational analysis comparing haplotypical diversity in Brazilian and 26 worldwide populations was also performed. The association between mitochondrial genetic variability and phenotypic diversity was also evaluated in populations, with self-declared ancestry and three distinct phenotypic pigmentation traits (eyes, skin and hair colors) as parameters.Results:The presented database can be used to evaluate mitochondrial-related genetic evidence, providing LR values of up to 20,465 for unobserved haplotypes. Haplotype distribution in Southern Brazil seems to be different than the remaining of the country, with a larger contribution of maternal lines with European origin. Despite association can be found between lighter and darker phenotypes or self-declared ancestry and haplotype distribution, prediction models cannot be reliably proposed due to the admixed nature of the Brazilian population.Conclusions:The proposed database provides a basis for statistical calculation and frequency estimation of full mitochondrial genomes, and can be part of an integrated, representative, national database comprising most of the genetic diversity of maternal lineages in the country.  相似文献   

The IrisPlex system is a DNA-based test system for the prediction of human eye colour from biological samples and consists of a single forensically validated multiplex genotyping assay together with a statistical prediction model that is based on genotypes and phenotypes from thousands of individuals. IrisPlex predicts blue and brown human eye colour with, on average, >94% precision accuracy using six of the currently most eye colour informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (HERC2 rs12913832, OCA2 rs1800407, SLC24A4 rs12896399, SLC45A2 (MATP) rs16891982, TYR rs1393350, and IRF4 rs12203592) according to a previous study, while the accuracy in predicting non-blue and non-brown eye colours is considerably lower. In an effort to vigorously assess the IrisPlex system at the international level, testing was performed by 21 laboratories in the context of a collaborative exercise divided into three tasks and organised by the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) Group of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG). Task 1 involved the assessment of 10 blood and saliva samples provided on FTA cards by the organising laboratory together with eye colour phenotypes; 99.4% of the genotypes were correctly reported and 99% of the eye colour phenotypes were correctly predicted. Task 2 involved the assessment of 5 DNA samples extracted by the host laboratory from simulated casework samples, artificially degraded, and provided to the participants in varying DNA concentrations. For this task, 98.7% of the genotypes were correctly determined and 96.2% of eye colour phenotypes were correctly inferred. For Tasks 1 and 2 together, 99.2% (1875) of the 1890 genotypes were correctly generated and of the 15 (0.8%) incorrect genotype calls, only 2 (0.1%) resulted in incorrect eye colour phenotypes. The voluntary Task 3 involved participants choosing their own test subjects for IrisPlex genotyping and eye colour phenotype inference, while eye photographs were provided to the organising laboratory and judged; 96% of the eye colour phenotypes were inferred correctly across 100 samples and 19 laboratories. The high success rates in genotyping and eye colour phenotyping clearly demonstrate the reproducibility and the robustness of the IrisPlex assay as well as the accuracy of the IrisPlex model to predict blue and brown eye colour from DNA. Additionally, this study demonstrates the ease with which the IrisPlex system is implementable and applicable across forensic laboratories around the world with varying pre-existing experiences.  相似文献   

Ancestry informative markers (AIMs) can be useful to infer ancestry proportions of the donors of forensic evidence. The probability of success typing degraded samples, such as human skeletal remains, is strongly influenced by the DNA fragment lengths that can be amplified and the presence of PCR inhibitors. Several AIM panels are available amongst the many forensic marker sets developed for genotyping degraded DNA. Using a 46 AIM Insertion Deletion (Indel) multiplex, we analyzed human skeletal remains of post mortem time ranging from 35 to 60 years from four different continents (Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Central America, East Asia and Europe) to ascertain the genetic ancestry components. Samples belonging to non-admixed individuals could be assigned to their corresponding continental group. For the remaining samples with admixed ancestry, it was possible to estimate the proportion of co-ancestry components from the four reference population groups. The 46 AIM Indel set was informative enough to efficiently estimate the proportion of ancestry even in samples yielding partial profiles, a frequent occurrence when analyzing inhibited and/or degraded DNA extracts.  相似文献   

The VISAGE Enhanced Tool for Appearance and Ancestry (ET) has been designed to combine markers for the prediction of bio-geographical ancestry plus a range of externally visible characteristics into a single massively parallel sequencing (MPS) assay. We describe the development of the ancestry panel markers used in ET, and the enhanced analyses they provide compared to previous MPS-based forensic ancestry assays. As well as established autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that differentiate sub-Saharan African, European, East Asian, South Asian, Native American, and Oceanian populations, ET includes autosomal SNPs able to efficiently differentiate populations from Middle East regions. The ability of the ET autosomal ancestry SNPs to distinguish Middle East populations from other continentally defined population groups is such that characteristic patterns for this region can be discerned in genetic cluster analysis using STRUCTURE. Joint cluster membership estimates showing individual co-ancestry that signals North African or East African origins were detected, or cluster patterns were seen that indicate origins from central and Eastern regions of the Middle East. In addition to an augmented panel of autosomal SNPs, ET includes panels of 85 Y-SNPs, 16 X-SNPs and 21 autosomal Microhaplotypes. The Y- and X-SNPs provide a distinct method for obtaining extra detail about co-ancestry patterns identified in males with admixed backgrounds. This study used the 1000 Genomes admixed African and admixed American sample sets to fully explore these enhancements to the analysis of individual co-ancestry. Samples from urban and rural Brazil with contrasting distributions of African, European, and Native American co-ancestry were also studied to gauge the efficiency of combining Y- and X-SNP data for this purpose. The small panel of Microhaplotypes incorporated in ET were selected because they showed the highest levels of haplotype diversity amongst the seven population groups we sought to differentiate. Microhaplotype data was not formally combined with single-site SNP genotypes to analyse ancestry. However, the haplotype sequence reads obtained with ET from these loci creates an effective system for de-convoluting two-contributor mixed DNA. We made simple mixture experiments to demonstrate that when the contributors have different ancestries and the mixture ratios are imbalanced (i.e., not 1:1 mixtures) the ET Microhaplotype panel is an informative system to infer ancestry when this differs between the contributors.  相似文献   

SNP analysis is of paramount importance in forensic genetics. The development of new technologies in next-generation sequencing allowed processing a large number of markers in various samples simultaneously. Although SNPs are less informative than STRs, they present lower mutation rates and perform better when using degraded samples. Some SNP systems were developed for forensic usage, such as the SNPforID 52-plex, from the SNPforID Consortium, containing 52 bi-allelic SNPs for human identification. In this paper we evaluated the informativeness of this system in a Brazilian population sample (n = 340). DNA libraries were prepared using a customized HaloPlex Target Enrichment System kit (Agilent Technologies, Inc.) and sequenced in the MiSeq Personal Sequencer platform (Illumina Inc.). The methodology presented here allowed the analysis of 51 out of 52 SNPforID markers. Allele frequencies and forensic parameters were estimated, revealing high informativeness: the combined match probability and power of exclusion were 6.48 × 10−21 and 0.9997, respectively. Population admixture analysis indicates high European contribution (more than 70%) and low Amerindian contribution (less than 10%) in our population, while individual admixture analyses were consistent with the majority of individuals presenting high European contribution. This study demonstrates that the 52-plex kit is suitable for forensic cases in a Brazilian population, presenting results comparable with those obtained using a 16 STR panel.  相似文献   

Various types of genetic markers have been applied to forensic ancestry inference. Biallelic markers, such as SNPs and InDels, have proven to be optimal choices except for the low information content provided by a single locus. Multi-InDel marker is defined as a specific DNA fragment with several InDel markers located tightly in the physical position. Previous research indicates that multi-InDel markers perform well in population analysis and ancestry inference because of higher degree of polymorphism and remarkable population differences. In this study, a panel consisting of 12 multi-InDel markers was employed to evaluate the general performance in forensic practice and the discrimination power for population analysis. Sample types encountered in routine forensic practice were genotyped to validate the feasibility of regular use. A population study was performed on a total of five Asian populations to verify the discrimination power. Moreover, a double-blind test for ancestry prediction was conducted to assess the predictive capability. In conclusion, these results revealed the significance of multi-InDel markers for population structure stratification. The present panel showed the potential as a valid complementary tool in forensic applications.  相似文献   

Ancestry inference is traditionally done using autosomal SNPs that present great allele frequency differences among populations from different geographic regions. These ancestry informative markers (AIMs) are useful for determining the most likely biogeographic ancestry or population of origin of an individual. Due to the growing interest in AIMs and their applicability in different fields, commercial companies have started to develop AIM multiplexes targeted for Massive Parallel Sequencing platforms.This project focused on the study of three main ethnic groups from Ecuador (Kichwa, Mestizo, and Afro-Ecuadorian) using the Precision ID Ancestry panel (Thermo Fisher Scientific). In total, 162 Ecuadorian individuals were investigated. The Afro-Ecuadorian and Mestizo showed higher average genetic diversities compared to the Kichwa. These results are consistent with the highly admixed nature of the first two groups. The Kichwa showed the highest proportion of Native Amerindian (NAM) ancestry relative to the other two groups. The Mestizo had an admixed ancestry of NAM and European with a larger European component, whereas the Afro-Ecuadorian were highly admixed presenting proportions of African, Native Amerindian, and European ancestries. The comparison of our results with previous studies based on uniparental markers (i.e. Y chromosome and mtDNA) highlighted the sex-biased admixture process in the Ecuadorian Mestizo.Overall, the data generated in this work represent one important step to assess the application of ancestry inference in admixed populations in a forensic context.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) comprises the prediction of a person’s externally visible characteristics regarding appearance, biogeographic ancestry and age from DNA of crime scene samples, to provide investigative leads to help find unknown perpetrators that cannot be identified with forensic STR-profiling. In recent years, FDP has advanced considerably in all of its three components, which we summarize in this review article. Appearance prediction from DNA has broadened beyond eye, hair and skin color to additionally comprise other traits such as eyebrow color, freckles, hair structure, hair loss in men, and tall stature. Biogeographic ancestry inference from DNA has progressed from continental ancestry to sub-continental ancestry detection and the resolving of co-ancestry patterns in genetically admixed individuals. Age estimation from DNA has widened beyond blood to more somatic tissues such as saliva and bones as well as new markers and tools for semen. Technological progress has allowed forensically suitable DNA technology with largely increased multiplex capacity for the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of DNA predictors with targeted massively parallel sequencing (MPS). Forensically validated MPS-based FDP tools for predicting from crime scene DNA i) several appearance traits, ii) multi-regional ancestry, iii) several appearance traits together with multi-regional ancestry, and iv) age from different tissue types, are already available. Despite recent advances that will likely increase the impact of FDP in criminal casework in the near future, moving reliable appearance, ancestry and age prediction from crime scene DNA to the level of detail and accuracy police investigators may desire, requires further intensified scientific research together with technical developments and forensic validations as well as the necessary funding.  相似文献   

The Y-chromosomal genetic landscape of South America is relatively homogenous. The majority of native Amerindian people are assigned to haplogroup Q and only a small percentage belongs to haplogroup C. With the aim of further differentiating the major Q lineages and thus obtaining new insights into the population history of South America, two individuals, both belonging to the sub-haplogroup Q-M3, were analyzed with next-generation sequencing. Several new candidate SNPs were evaluated and four were confirmed to be new, haplogroup Q-specific, and variable. One of the new SNPs, named MG2, identifies a new sub-haplogroup downstream of Q-M3; the other three (MG11, MG13, MG15) are upstream of Q-M3 but downstream of M242, and describe branches at the same phylogenetic positions as previously known SNPs in the samples tested. These four SNPs were typed in 100 individuals belonging to haplogroup Q.  相似文献   

In recent years, several studies have greatly increased our understanding of the genetic basis underlying human eye colour variation. A large percentage of the eye colour diversity present in humans can already be genetically explained, so much so that different DNA-based eye colour prediction models, such as IrisPlex, have been recently developed for forensic purposes. Though these models are already highly accurate, they are by no means perfect, with many genotype-phenotype discrepancies still remaining unresolved. In this work we have genotyped six SNPs associated with eye colour (IrisPlex) in 535 individuals from Spain, a Mediterranean population. Aside from different SNP frequencies in Spain compared to Northern Europe, the results for eye colour prediction are quite similar to other studies. However, we have found an association between gender and eye colour prediction. When comparing similar eye colour genetic profiles, females tend, as a whole, to have darker eyes than males (and, conversely, males lighter than females). These results are also corroborated by the revision and meta-analysis of data from previously published eye colour genetic studies in several Caucasian populations, which significantly support the fact that males are more likely to have blue eyes than females, while females tend to show higher frequencies of green and brown eyes than males. This significant gender difference would suggest that there is an as yet unidentified gender-related factor contributing to human eye colour variation.  相似文献   

Studying the Y chromosomes of indigenous tribes of Ecuador revealed a lack of strategic SNP assays to examine the substructure of South American native populations. In most studies dealing with South American samples so far only the most common Y-SNP M3 of haplogroup Q was analyzed, because this is known to define a founder group in South America. Studies of SNPs ancestral to Q-M3 (Q1a3a) to confirm the results or the typing of Q subclades have often been neglected. For this reason we developed a SNaPshot assay, which allows first for a hierarchical testing of all main haplogroups occurring in South American populations and second for a detailed analysis of haplogroups Q and C thought having ancient Asian descent. We selected 16 SNPs from the YCC haplogroup tree and established two multiplexes. The first multiplex ("SA Major") includes 12 Y-SNPs defining the most frequent haplogroups occurring in South America (M42, M207, M242, M168, M3, M145, M174, M213, RPS4Y711, M45, P170, and M9). The second multiplex ("SA SpecQ") contains Y-SNPs of haplogroup Q, especially of the subclade Q-M3 (M19, M194, P292, M3, and M199). Within our Ecuadorian sample, haplogroup Q-M3 (xM19, M194, P292, and M199) was predominant, but we also found haplogroup E and R, which can be attributed to recent admixture. Moreover, we found four out of 65 samples, which were tested to be haplogroup C3* (C-M217) the modal haplogroup in Mongolians and widespread in indigenous populations of the Russian Far East as well as in Eastern Asia. This haplogroup is not known to be the result of recent admixture and has been found only one time before in South America. Since haplogroup C occurs in Asia and in North America (C3b or C-P39), we assume that these C-lineages are ancient as well. Therefore, we established a third multiplex ("SA SpecC"), which allows the further subtyping of haplogroup C, mainly of subclade C3 defined by the Y-SNP M217 (M407, M48, P53.1, M217, P62, RPS4Y711, M93, M86, and P39). Altogether, these three multiplexes cover the most frequent haplogroups in South America and allow for a maximal resolution of the Y-chromosomal SNP diversity in Amerindian population samples.  相似文献   

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