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The consequences of chronic cholinesterase inhibition during kindling were examined to further evaluate the importance of cholinergic function in kindling development and maintenance. Inhibition of brain and serum cholinesterases of as much as 80% were produced by the daily administration of 0.5 or 2.0 mg/kg parathion. The degrees in inhibition attained had no significant effects upon the rate or expression of kindling.  相似文献   

The effects of exercise on the myelination and growth of axons in the nerve to the soleus muscle (NSM) was investigated in young male Wistar rats. Experimental animals were run on a treadmill for 13 weeks (70 min/day, 6 days/week), while sedentary weight-matched animals of the same age and sex served as controls. The activity of the enzymes, phosphofructokinase (PFK) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) were measured in the soleus muscle to assess the effects of training on the anaerobic glycolytic and oxidative capacities. Axon and myelin sheath cross-sectional areas were measured from electron micrograph montages of the whole NSM with the aid of a digitizing tablet.The exercise programme produced large adaptive increases in the capacity of the soleus muscle for both oxidative and anaerobic glycolytic metabolism. The specific activity of PFK and SDH increased in the soleus muscle of exercised animals by 42.8% and 68.2%, respectively. In the NSM, however, there were no differences between control and exercised animals concerning the total number of myelinated nerve fibers, the size of axons and myelin sheaths of nerve fibres and the degree of myelination of axons (myelin area divided by axon area).Comparison with other studies suggests that the intensity of exercise may be the critical parameter responsible for discrepancies in the literature. Reports suggesting that exercise increases the size of nerve fibres should not be generalized to all exercise programmes.  相似文献   

In the present work we confirm that gestational malnutrition affects body and brain composition and results in an activation of the synthesis of the brain neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine. These results also demonstrate more activity of the rate-limiting enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase in the malnourished fetal and postnatal brain. However, the activity of this enzyme remains increased in the brain of nutritionally recovered animals accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine. We therefore suggest that, in the nutritionally recovered animal, the mechanism of activation of this biosynthetic path in the brain may be not dependent on the increased availability of free l-tryptophan observed in malnourished animals, but might be due to a specific change in the enzyme complex itself. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that plasma free and brain l-tryptophan return to normal in the recovered animal.  相似文献   

We compared blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability to glucose between quiet wakefulness and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep to assess whether changes in BBB permeability play a role in coupling glucose supply to the physiologic metabolic needs of the brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were prepared with electrodes for wake-sleep state scoring and with arterial and venous catheters. Using the single-pass, dual-label indicator method, unidirectional glucose extraction by the brain and cerebral blood flow (CBF) were simultaneously measured during states of quiet wakefulness (n=12) or REM sleep (n=7). The product of BBB surface area and permeability to glucose (PS product) was computed in each state. During REM sleep, CBF significantly exceeded that during quiet wakefulness in all regions but the cerebellum, whereas the difference in the PS product between quiet wakefulness and REM sleep was not statistically significant in any brain region. In the brain as a whole, CBF significantly increased 29% from quiet wakefulness to REM sleep, while a nonsignificant 0.8% increase occurred in the PS product. During REM sleep, the increase in CBF indicates a higher rate of brain glucose consumption than in quiet wakefulness, given the tight flow-metabolism coupling in the brain. Therefore, these data show that modulation of BBB permeability to glucose is not a mechanism that provides 'energy on demand' during the physiologic brain activation characterising REM sleep.  相似文献   

Previously we described a transgenic mouse model in which neurofilaments are sequestered in neuronal cell bodies and withheld from the axonal compartment. This model and other transgenic models with disrupted neurofilaments are used widely to investigate the role of the neurofilament cytoskeleton in normal neurons and in inherited or acquired diseases. To interpret such studies, it is important to establish whether the maldistribution of neurofilaments has major secondary consequences on the cell biology of the affected neurons. Notably, multiple perturbations of the nervous system simultaneously affect both the neuronal cytoskeleton and neurotrophin expression. To determine whether the expression of neurotrophic factors or their receptors is perturbed by a primary disruption in neurofilaments, we compared the accumulated mRNA levels for ciliary neuroptrophic factor (CNTF), nerve growth factor, neurotrophin 3, and the alpha CNTF receptor in mature transgenic mice and their littermate controls. Consistently with the prolonged survival of neurons expressing atypical or abnormally distributed neurofilaments, no obvious changes were observed for any of the mRNA species examined.  相似文献   

Acylated ghrelin exerts numerous endocrine and non-endocrine activities via the GH Secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHS-R1a). D-Lys-GHRP-6 has been widely studied in vitro and in vivo in animal studies as GHS-R1a antagonist; its action in humans has, however, never been tested so far. Aim of our study was to verify the antagonistic action of D-Lys-GHRP-6 on the endocrine responses to acylated ghrelin and hexarelin, a peptidyl synthetic GHS, in humans. The effects of different doses of D-Lys-GHRP-6 (2.0microg/kg iv as bolus or 2.0microg/kg/h iv as infusion) on both spontaneous and acylated ghrelin- or hexarelin (1.0microg/kg iv as bolus) -stimulated GH, PRL, ACTH and cortisol levels were studied in six normal volunteers (age [mean+/-SEM]: 25.4+/-1.2yr; BMI: 22.3+/-1.0kg/m(2)). The effects of D-Lys-GHRP-6 (2.0microg/kg iv as bolus+4.0microg/kg/h iv) on the GH response to 0.25microg/kg iv as bolus acylated ghrelin was also studied. During saline, spontaneous ACTH and cortisol decrease was observed while non changes occurred in GH and PRL levels. Acylated ghrelin and hexarelin stimulated (p<0.05) GH, PRL, ACTH and cortisol secretions. D-Lys-GHRP-6 administered either as bolus or a continuous infusion did not modify both spontaneous and acylated ghrelin- or hexarelin-stimulated GH, PRL, ACTH and cortisol secretion. D-Lys-GHRP-6 did not modify even the GH response to 0.25microg/kg iv acylated ghrelin. In conclusion, D-Lys-GHRP-6 does not affect the neuroendocrine response to both ghrelin and hexarelin. These findings question D-Lys-GHRP-6 as an effective GHS-R1a antagonist for human studies.  相似文献   

There has been some evidence that electrical stimulation of the primary motor cortex (MCS) may relieve motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). This surgical technique is being studied as alternative for PD patients who are considered poor candidates for deep brain stimulation (DBS) of subthalamic nucleus (STN). In 4 PD patients with unilateral MCS, we used [(15)O] H(2)O positron emission tomography to measure changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) while testing motor performance with a joystick motor task during different stimulation frequencies, OFF-condition, 50 and 130 Hz. We found that different stimulation settings did neither improve performance on joystick task nor modify the pattern of movement-related rCBF. Similarly, no changes were observed in UPDRS motor score between Off and On stimulation while off medication. We conclude that while MCS may be a simpler and safer surgical procedure than DBS of STN, it failed to provide evidence of clear effect on motor performance and movement-related activation pattern in patients with advanced PD.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) uses a magnetic field to “carry” a short lasting electrical current pulse into the brain where it stimulates neurones, particularly in superficial regions of cerebral cortex. TMS can interfere with cognitive functions in two ways. A high intensity TMS pulse causes a synchronised high frequency burst of discharge in a relatively large population of neurones that is terminated by a long lasting GABAergic inhibition. The combination of artificial synchronisation of activity followed by depression effectively disrupts perceptual, motor and cognitive processes in the human brain. This transient neurodisruption has been termed a “virtual lesion”. Smaller intensities of stimulation produce less activity; in such cases, cognitive operations can probably continue but are disrupted because of the added noisy input from the TMS pulse.It is usually argued that if a TMS pulse affects performance, then the area stimulated must provide an essential contribution to behaviour being studied. However, there is one exception to this: the pulse could be applied to an area that is not involved in the task but which has projections to the critical site. Activation of outputs from the site of stimulation could potentially disrupt processing at the distant site, interfering with behaviour without having any involvement in the task.A final important feature of the response to TMS is “context dependency”, which indicates that the response depends on how excitable the cortex is at the time the stimulus is applied: if many neurones are close to firing threshold then the more of them are recruited by the pulse than at rest. Many studies have noted this context-dependent modulation. However, it is often assumed that the excitability of an area has a simple relationship to activity in that area. We argue that this is not necessarily the case. Awareness of the problem may help resolve some apparent anomalies in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible modifications of the plasma and urine short-chain-fatty acid (SCFA) patterns indiced by treatment with valproic acid (VPA). Increased amounts of SCFAs in patients under VPA treatment may explain the presence of VPA-induced hyperammonemia, toxic encephalopathies and rarer Rey-like syndromes recently observed. For this reason we assayed SCFA levels in the plasma and looked for propionic acid in the urine of 10 epileptic patients to whom it was decided to add VPA to their previously unsatisfactory anti-epileptic treatment. This was carried out prior to and during therapy with VPA. 5 of these patients developed toxic encephalopathy with hyperammonemia induced by VPA. Our data show that plasma and urine SCFAs are not modified by VPA treatment. This is so even in patients who have toxic encephalopathy with hyperammonemia indiced by this drug.  相似文献   

Wasow M 《Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)》2006,57(10):1517; author reply 1517-1517; author reply 1518

DBH is a candidate gene in Parkinson's disease (PD) and contains a putative functional polymorphism (-1021C-->T) that has been reported to modify PD susceptibility. We examined -1021C-->T in a sample of 1,244 PD patients and 1,186 unrelated control subjects. There was no significant difference in allele (p = 0.14) or genotype (p = 0.26) frequencies between the two groups. A similar result was obtained after pooling our data with those previously published. Furthermore, we found no evidence for an effect of genotype on age at onset among patients. Our findings argue against DBH -1021C-->T as a risk factor or age at onset modifier in PD.  相似文献   



In order to test the possible effect of Oxytocin (OT) on Ghrelin-stimulated GH, PRL, ACTH and cortisol, ten healthy normal men were studied.


Tests: Ghrelin (0.2 μg/kg body weight (BW)) as an iv bolus; Ghrelin plus OT (2 IU as bolus plus 0.07 IU/min administered for 90 min).


The administration of OT did not change GH, PRL, ACTH and cortisol release induced by Ghrelin.


The data suggests that in humans OT did not modulate the GH, PRL, ACTH and cortisol response to Ghrelin.  相似文献   

Summary Nigral cell death in Parkinson's disease (PD) may involve oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction initiated by a decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in substantia nigra. L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulphoximine (BSO; 4.8 and 9.6 mg/kg/day), an irreversible inhibitor of -glutamyl cysteine synthetase, was chronically infused into the left lateral ventricle of rats over a period of 28 days and markedly reduced GSH concentrations in substantia nigra (approx. 59% and 65% in 4.8 and 9.6 mg/kg/d BSO respectively) and the striatum (approx. 63% and 80% in 4.8 and 9.6 mg/kg/d BSO respectively). However, the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells in substantia nigra was not altered by BSO-treatment compared to control animals. Similarly, there was no difference in specific [3H]-mazindol binding in the striatum and nucleus accumbens of BSO-treated rats compared to control rats. In conclusion, depletion of GSH following chronic administration of BSO in the rat brain does not cause damage to the nigrostriatal pathway and suggests that loss of GSH alone is not responsible for nigrostriatal damage in PD. Rather, GSH depletion may enhance the susceptibility of substantia nigra to destruction by endogenous or exogenous toxins.  相似文献   

The mechanism of air travel-related venous thrombosis is unclear. Although immobility plays a pivotal role, other factors such as fluid loss may contribute. We investigated whether fluid loss occurred more in individuals with coagulation activation after air travel than in subjects without. As a secondary aim, we investigated whether fluid loss per se occurred during air travel. In this crossover study, 71 healthy volunteers were exposed to eight hours of air travel, eight hours immobilization in a cinema, and a daily-life control situation. Markers of fluid loss (haematocrit, serum osmolality and albumin) and of coagulation activation were measured before and after each exposure. The study included 11 volunteers with and 55 volunteers without coagulation activation during the flight. The change in parameters of fluid loss was not different in volunteers with an activated clotting system from those without (difference between groups in haematocrit: -0.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: -1.9 to 0.6). On a group level, mean haematocrit values decreased during all three exposures. However, in some individuals it increased, which occurred in more participants during the flight (34%; 95% CI 22 to 46) than during the daily-life situation (19%; 95% CI 10 to 28). These findings do not support the hypothesis that fluid loss contributes to thrombus formation during air travel.  相似文献   

Variation in the monoamine-oxidase-A (MAO-A) gene has been associated with volumetric changes in corticolimbic regions with differences in their response to relevant emotional tasks. Here we show no changes in baseline regional brain metabolism as a function of genotype indicating that, unchallenged, corticolimbic activity is not modulated by the MAO-A genotype.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used in 2-day (n = 4) and 40-day (n = 4) miniswine to determine whether plasma hypermagnesemia alters brain intracellular magnesium concentration and if the plasma-brain intracellular magnesium relationship changes with age. At control, brain intracellular magnesium concentration was similar in the 2-day (0.24 +/- 0.04 mM) and 40-day groups (0.21 +/- 0.01 mM). Intravenous infusions of magnesium sulfate (MgSO(4), 60 minute) raised plasma magnesium concentration to 4-6 mM in both groups. During and for 3 hours after MgSO(4) infusions, there were no changes in brain intracellular magnesium concentration in either group and no correlation between plasma and brain intracellular magnesium (r = 0.11 and 0.08 for 2- and 40-day groups, respectively). Brain intracellular magnesium concentration appears to be tightly regulated.  相似文献   

MK-801 does not protect against hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in piglets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The excitatory amino acid inhibitor MK-801 has been shown in many animals species to protect against hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. We sought to determine whether hypoxic-ischemic injury to the newborn pig's brain could be prevented by the use of MK-801. METHODS: Hypoxic-ischemic injury to the brain was induced in forty 0-3-day-old piglets. They were randomized to receive either 3 mg/kg MK-801 (MK-801 group, n = 20) or vehicle (control group, n = 19) prior to insult. At time 0, the carotid arteries were ligated and the blood pressure was reduced by one third by hemorrhage. At 15 minutes, inspired oxygen was reduced from 50% to 6%. At 30 minutes, inspired oxygen was changed to 100%, carotid ligatures were released, and the withdrawn blood was reinfused. An additional 14 piglets received 3 mg/kg MK-801 but not hypoxic-ischemic injury (drug-only group), and a final group of 11 piglets were subjected to only a sham operation (sham group). RESULTS: Neurological examination scores at 24, 48, and 72 hours showed that MK-801 and drug-only piglets were significantly worse than the controls. Pathological examination of the brains at 72 hours showed significantly greater damage in the brains of the MK-801 and control pigs relative to the sham and drug-only groups. No differences were found between the control and the MK-801 groups. No differences were found between the sham and drug-only groups. CONCLUSIONS: MK-801, at a dose of 3 mg/kg, causes neurological dysfunction in piglets lasting at least 72 hours, but neither causes brain damage nor ameliorates the effects of hypoxic-ischemic injury to the brain of the newborn pig.  相似文献   

6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) or 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) was administered in the lateral cerebral ventricles of rats. These respective treatments caused reductions in norepinephrine (NE) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) levels in the hypothalamus-thalamus-septum-midbrain (HTSM; 62% and 44%) and brainstem (57% and 26%), respectively. Catecholamine depletion in 6-OHDA-treated rats resulted in a 55% decrease in the pressor response to ICV Ang II which was not associated with any significant change in the binding of 125I-sarcosine1, isoleucine8 Ang II to Ang II binding sites in the HTSM or brainstem. The radioligand binding was not significantly affected by the 5,7-DHT treatment. These results indicate that brain Ang II binding sites are not predominantly localized on NE- or 5-HT-containing nerve terminals. They do not, however, preclude the existence of a small proportion of Ang II binding sites on these neuronal populations.  相似文献   

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