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OBJECTIVE: Clinical pathways now highlight both observation and operation as acceptable initial therapeutic options for the management of patients with splenic injury. The purpose of this study was to evaluate treatment trends for splenic injury in all North Carolina trauma centers over a 6-year period. METHODS: Splenic injuries in adults over a 6-year period (January 1988-December 1993) were identified in the North Carolina Trauma Registry using ICD-9-CM codes. Patients were divided into four groups by method of management: 1) no spleen operation, 2) splenectomy, 3) definitive splenorrhaphy, and 4) splenorrhaphy failure followed by splenectomy. The authors examined age, mechanism of injury, admitting blood pressure, and severity of injury by trauma score and injury severity score. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Comparisons were made between adult (17-64 years of age) and geriatric (older than 65 years of age) patients and between patients with blunt and penetrating injury. Resource utilization (length of stay, hospital charges) and outcome (mortality) were compared. RESULTS: One thousand two hundred fifty-five patients were identified with splenic injury. Rate of splenic preservation increased over time and was achieved in more than 50% of patients through nonoperative management (40%) and splenorrhaphy (12%). Splenorrhaphy was not used commonly in either blunt or penetrating injury. Overall mortality was 13%. Geriatric patients had a higher mortality and resource utilization regardless of their mechanism of injury or method of management.CONCLUSIONS: Nonoperative management represents the prevailing method of splenic preservation in both the adult and geriatric population in North Carolina trauma center hospitals. Satisfactory outcomes and economic advantages accompany nonoperative management in this adult population.  相似文献   



Trauma is the leading cause of mortality among children, underscoring the need for specialized child-centered care. The impact on presenting mechanisms of injury and outcomes during the evolution of independent pediatric trauma centers is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of our single center transition from an adult to American College of Surgeons–verified pediatric trauma center.


A retrospective analysis was performed of 1,190 children who presented as level I trauma activations between 2005 and 2016. Patients were divided into 3 chronological treatment eras: adult trauma center, early pediatric trauma center, and late pediatric trauma center after American College of Surgeons verification review. Comparisons were made using Pearson χ2, Wilcoxon rank sum, and Kruskal-Wallis tests.


The predominant mechanism of injury was motor vehicle crash, with increases noted in assault/abuse (2% adult trauma center, 11% late pediatric trauma center). A decrease in intensive care admissions was identified during late pediatric trauma center compared with early pediatric trauma center and adult trauma center (51% vs 62.4% vs 67%, P?<?.001), with concomitant increases in admissions to the floor and immediate operative interventions, but overall mortality was unchanged.


Transition to a verified pediatric trauma center maintains the safety expected of the American College of Surgeons certification, but with notable changes identified in mechanism of injury and improvements in resource utilization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The variability of outcome between Trauma Centers has not been extensively studied as a possible avenue for performance improvement. Trauma Center variability in severity-adjusted survival for patients with moderate intracranial injury (MII) was studied in order to determine the association of MII-related process of care variables with outcomes. The analytic results were supplemented with peer review of MII patients with unexpected outcomes and identified potential process of care variables. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was undertaken based on data submitted to a statewide trauma center database from July '95 through June '98. MII patients had one or more selected ICD-9-CM codes with an AIS-90 severity score of 3 or 4 but no higher. Severity adjustment was done using case matching and a logistic function based New Model that appropriately accounts for patients intubated on Emergency Department arrival. MII-related process of care variables derived from the database were identified and their relationship with outcome were evaluated individually and using multivariate methods. Trauma center personnel conducted standardized peer reviews. RESULTS: The study included data from 6765 patients treated at 26 trauma centers. Two centers (2PZW) had significantly more survivors than expected by both severity adjustment methods. Three had significantly fewer survivors than expected (3NZW). By several measures, patients treated in the 2PZW centers were more seriously injured and older than those in the 3NZW centers. CT of the head performed in the treating hospital was the only process of care variable associated with outcome in multivariate evaluations. Peer review also found little association between process of care variables and patient outcomes. However, peer review reported that 23.7% of unexpected deaths identified by case matching or the New Model were preventable or potentially preventable. Peer review also identified as medically unnecessary significant percentages of patients with unexpectedly long stays in hospital (26.4%) or in ICU (17.3%) identified by case matching. Nearly 45% of unexpected complications were judged preventable or potentially preventable. CONCLUSIONS: Two severity adjustment methods identified significant variability in trauma center outcomes for patients with MII. The difference in outcomes between the centers with better than expected (2PZW) and poorer than expected outcomes (3NZW) was substantial. Peer review identified significant opportunities for reducing unexpected deaths, stays in hospital and in ICU, and the occurrence of complications. Trauma registry data and peer reviews found little relationship between available process of care variables and patient outcomes. This study should stimulate discussions to understand reasons for outcome variability and ways to reduce it.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trauma systems decrease morbidity and mortality of injured populations, and each component contributes to the final outcome. This study evaluated the association between a referring hospital's trauma designation and the survival and resource utilization of patients transferred to a level I trauma center. METHODS: Data from the Registry of the American College of Surgeons on patients transferred to a level I trauma center during a 7-year period were subdivided into 3 categories: group 1 = level III-designated trauma center; group 2 = potential level III trauma centers; and group 3 = other transferring hospitals. Trauma and Injury Severity Score methodology was used to provide a probability estimate of survival adjusted for the effect related to injury severity, physiologic host factors, and age. A W statistic was calculated for each type of referring hospital so that comparisons between observed survival and predicted survival could be measured. Differences in W, length of stay, intensive care unit days, and ventilator days were examined using general linear models. RESULTS: Patients transferred to a level I from a level III trauma center (group 1) were more seriously injured (P < .0001) and had improved survival (P < .0018) compared with those transferred from nondesignated hospitals (groups 2 and 3). Patients transferred from large nondesignated hospitals (group 2) had outcomes similar to patients transferred from all other hospitals (group 3). Level I hospital resource utilization did not show significant differences based on referring hospital type. COMMENTS: Outcomes of patients in a trauma system are associated with trauma-center designation of the referring hospitals.  相似文献   



We investigated our 12-year experience of traumatic diaphragmatic injury (TDI) in our emergency medical center. This study aimed to clarify clinical features of TDI and identify factors affecting mortality and morbidity in TDI treatment.


We analyzed clinical characteristics, Injury Severity Score (ISS), probability of survival (Ps), and mortality of patients treated for TDI at the Tertiary Emergency Medical Center of Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital between January 1999 and December 2010.


TDI occurred in 28 patients. Of 21 TDI patients (75?%) who underwent surgery, 2 died (operative mortality, 9.5?%). Seven (25?%) presented with cardiopulmonary arrest, and TDI was detected during thoracotomy in the emergency room; all of these patients died. Blunt TDI occurred in 12 patients; penetrating TDI in 16. Blunt trauma patients had significantly more injured organs (3.75?±?0.28, P?=?0.043), higher ISS (P?=?0.024), and lower Ps (P?=?0.048). Lengths of intensive care unit (ICU) stay and hospital stay were greater in blunt cases than in penetrating cases (P?=?0.004 and P?=?0.02, respectively). Non-survivors had significantly higher ISS (P?<?0.001), lower Ps (P?=?0.0025), and larger injured diaphragm size (8.44?±?1.97, P?=?0.048). In blunt cases, delays in diagnosis and repair of TDI led to significantly increased ICU stay (16.25?±?3.64, P?=?0.017).


TDI occurs in cases of multiple trauma. Higher ISS and lower Ps predict death; therefore, prompt diagnosis of TDI and immediate repair of diaphragmatic injury are important.  相似文献   

Purpose: Traumatic cardiac injury (TCI) is a challenge for trauma surgeons as it provides a short therapeutic window and the management is often dictated by the underlying mechanism and hemodynamic status. The current study is to evaluate the factors influencing the outcome of TCI. Methods: Prospectively maintained database of TCI cases admitted at a Level-1 trauma center from July 2008 to June 2013 was retrospectively analyzed. Hospital records were reviewed and statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 15. Results: Out of 21 cases of TCI, 6 (28.6%) had isolated and 15 (71.4%) had associated injuries. Ratio between blunt and penetrating injuries was 2:1 with male preponderance. Mean ISS was 31.95. Thirteen patients (62%) presented with features suggestive of shock. Cardiac tamponade was present in 12 (57%) cases and pericardiocentesis was done in only 6 cases of them. Overall 19 patients underwent surgery. Perioperatively 8 (38.1%) patients developed cardiac arrest and 7 developed cardiac arrhythmia. Overall survival rate was 71.4%. Mortality was related to cardiac arrest (p=0.014), arrhythmia (p=0.014), and hemorrhagic shock (p=0.04). The diagnostic accuracy of focused assessment by sonography in trauma (FAST) was 95.24%. Conclusion: High index of clinical suspicion based on the mechanism of injury, meticulous examination by FAST and early intervention could improve the overall outcome.  相似文献   

Effect of patient load on trauma outcomes in a Level I trauma center   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arbabi S  Jurkovich GJ  Wahl WL  Kim HM  Maier RV 《The Journal of trauma》2005,59(4):815-8; discussion 819-20
OBJECTIVE: Increased medical staff workload has been associated with worse outcomes in several studies. Inappropriate staffing has also been implicated in the increased risk of mortality for medical patients admitted on weekends. A theoretical threshold patient load may exist, beyond which the resources are strained and patient outcomes suffer. The goal of the study was to see whether trauma patients admitted during 'high' patient-load periods, at night, or on weekends had worse outcomes. METHODS: Trauma patients admitted to a high-volume Level I trauma center from 1994 to 2002 were analyzed. Patient load was defined as a combination of the number of patients admitted and the severity of their illness. On the basis of a multivariate regression model, a probability of fatal outcome was calculated for each patient as a marker for the severity of illness. For each patient, two new variables were calculated, the number of admissions (#ad) and the average probability of fatal outcome (PFO) for the 24-hour period in which the patient was admitted (excluding the patient him- or herself). The above variables, night/d, and weekend/d were placed in a multivariate regression model. RESULTS: There were 30,686 patients. Age, mechanism of injury, Injury Severity Score, maximum head Abbreviated Injury Scale score, admission Glasgow Coma Scale score, systolic blood pressure, and intubation status were the independent predictors of mortality. This model had an outstanding predictive power, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.96. The mean #ad was 11 +/- 4 and PFO was 0.08 +/- 0.07. Values above the 90th percentile were considered 'high' for #ad > 17 or PFO > 0.18. There was no difference in mortality for patients admitted during high #ad (odds ratio [OR], 0.95; p = 0.7) or high PFO (OR, 0.99; p = 0.9) versus low. There was no difference in mortality if a patient was admitted on weekends versus weekdays (OR, 0.9; p = 0.2) or at night versus day (OR, 0.9; p = 0.2). There was no difference in hospital length of stay for high #ad, high PFO, nights, or weekends. CONCLUSION: At this Level I trauma center that is part of an established statewide trauma system, patient outcomes were not compromised during high-patient-load periods, at night, or on weekends.  相似文献   

A retrospective review of the literature was performed to determine the natural history, prevalence, prognosis and management of adrenal injury associated with blunt abdominal trauma in pediatric population. Blunt adrenal injury in children is uncommon, rarely isolated, and typically present as part of a multi organ trauma. Adrenal hemorrhage is being diagnosed more frequently since the emergence of computed tomography in modern emergency rooms. Obstetric birth trauma during vaginal delivery of a macrosomic fetus may result in neonatal adrenal hemorrhage. In children appear to be an incidental finding that resolves on follow-up imaging. Most of these injuries are self-limited and do not require intervention. The differential diagnosis of an adrenal neoplasm, especially in children with an isolated adrenal hemorrhage, must be considered. The presence of adrenal hemorrhage in the absence of a trauma history should alert to the possibility of pediatric inflicted injury.  相似文献   

Purpose: Scarf is a long loose piece of cloth worn around the neck and shoulder. Despite cultural association of this apparel, it is part of numerous injury episodes of varying enormity. Entanglement of loose scarf in spoke wheels of bike, tricycle, belt driven machines like sugarcane juice machine, thresher, grinding machines, etc is observed both in social and industrial milieu. This study aims to investigate the scarf-related injuries at a major trauma center in northern India.Methods: From June 2013 to May 2015, a hospital-based prospective observational study was done inpatients who presented to a level 1 trauma center in northern India with the mode of injury involvingscarf around the neck. Demographic profile, mode of trauma, contributing factors, injury pattern, and the early management as well as early complications were recorded.Results: There were 76 injuries directly related from scarf with the mean age of patients being 32.4 years. The most common primary factor involved was rotating wheel of motorbike/tricycle (46.1%), followed by belt driven machines (28.9%). The spectrum of injuries was diverse, including minor abrasions or lacerations (53.9%), large lacerations (15.8%), fractures and spine trauma (18.4%), mangled extremity and amputations (7.9%) and death (3.9%). More severe injury patterns were noted with belt driven machines.Conclusion: Scarf-related injuries constitute a sizable proportion of trauma, with varying degrees ofseverity. Devastating consequences in significant proportion of cases dictate the call for a prevention plan comprising both educational and legislative measures. Urgent preventive measures targeting scarfrelated injuries will help reduce mortality and morbidity.  相似文献   

Brooks A  Holroyd B  Riley B 《Injury》2004,35(4):407-410
OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence, aetiology and contributing factors to injuries being missed during the primary and secondary surveys in patients with major trauma managed on a general Adult Intensive Care Unit (AICU). METHODS: The records for patients admitted to the AICU following severe injury (defined as injury severity score (ISS) >16) over a 1-year period were reviewed. Diagnostic imaging performed during the resuscitation was reviewed in cases where missed injuries were discovered. RESULTS: Forty-five patients with a median injury severity score of 26 were included in the study. Twelve missed injuries were discovered in 10 patients during the intensive care admission; three required an additional surgical procedure. There was no significant difference in Glasgow Coma Score, revised trauma score, ISS or admission systolic blood pressure between patients with missed injuries and those patients where all injures were found at resuscitation (P > 0.05). Three quarters of the undetected injuries were orthopaedic. CONCLUSIONS: Significant injuries can be missed during the primary and secondary surveys in severely injured patients. A tertiary survey should be completed in all trauma patients admitted to an intensive care unit.  相似文献   

We reviewed the records of 233 patients with major trauma admitted to The Children's Hospital of Alabama during the first 2 years of operation of its Pediatric Trauma Center. The male-to-female ratio was 1.7:1. The highest incidence of trauma occurred in the spring (88 patients, 38%) and the lowest in the winter (36 patients, 15%). Most children (184, 79%) were injured between noon and midnight. Blunt mechanisms of injury accounted for 206 patients (88%), penetrating for 17 (7%), and burns for ten (4%). The distribution of injuries by organ system was head/neurologic, 185 patients (79%); musculoskeletal, 83 (36%); thoracic, 57 (24%); abdominal, 29 (12%); major soft-tissue, 26 (11%), genitourinary, 11 (5%); and vascular, 11 (5%). Surgery was required at some point during the hospitalization in 89 patients (38%). Seventy-two patients (31%) experienced 115 complications. The mean length of time spent for resuscitation and stabilization in the trauma room was 49 min. The mean ICU stay was 3.2 days. Total length of hospitalization averaged 11.2 days. Twenty-six patients (11%) died. The Pediatric Trauma Score and the Pediatric Coma Score were found to be predictive of outcome. The organization and function of the trauma team is described, and public health concerns are discussed.  相似文献   



Canadian trauma units have relatively little experience with major cardiac trauma (disruption of a cardiac chamber) so injury outcome may not be comparable to that reported from other countries. We compared our outcomes to those of other centers.  相似文献   



To evaluate a two-tiered trauma activation protocol in a major trauma referral hospital in Australia.


A prospective study performed over a 12-month period of all consecutive trauma activations in a major trauma referral hospital. The triage tool assigned patients into two tiers of trauma activation. The full trauma activation was initiated where physiological or anatomical criteria were present. These patients were assessed by a multispecialty trauma team. A consult trauma activation was initiated where only mechanism of injury criteria was present. These patients were assessed by the Emergency Department Registrar and Surgical Registrar. The primary endpoint was major trauma outcome defined as either injury severity score (ISS) greater than 15, requirement for High Dependency Unit or Intensive Care Unit (HDU/ICU) admission, need for urgent operative intervention, or in hospital mortality.


Of 1144 trauma activations, 468 (41%) were full trauma and 676 (59%) were consult trauma activations. The full trauma activation group had a significantly higher proportion of the major trauma outcome (34% vs. 5%, p < 0.01) and all 18 patients (2%) who died were in the full trauma activation group. Sensitivity of the triage tool for the major trauma outcome was 83%, specificity was 68%, undertriage was 3% and overtriage was 27%.


The two-tiered trauma activation protocol is effective in identifying patients with major trauma from those with minor trauma. There were no deaths in undertriaged patients.  相似文献   


Background and objective

In China, fireworks are an integral part of the celebration of the annual Spring Festival, but the number of injuries associated with their private use seen in emergency rooms increases dramatically. To raise awareness and help guide future prevention practices in this city, we investigated the epidemiology of firework-related injuries presented at our trauma and burn center in Beijing during the Spring Festivals of 2007–2011.


Patients were interviewed using a pre-coded questionnaire to elicit information regarding age, gender, causes, injured body part, type of injury, diagnosis, and disposition.


From 2007 to 2011, during the Spring Festivals 734 patients with fire-work related injuries were seen at our trauma and burn center in Beijing, the median patients of the five year were 140(136–150). The mean age of the patients was 26 ± 15.3 years (range, 1–95 years). Of the 734 patients, the highest proportion of injuries were the 5–14 year-old age group The majority of the patients were male (87.9%), the overall male:female ratio was 7.41:1, and males were predominant in all age groups. For all 5 years, the incidence of firework-related injuries during the Spring Festival Holidays peaked specifically on the first, fifth, and last days, respectively. Injuries were mainly due to improper handling (415/610, 68.0%) or setting off illegal fireworks (195/610, 32.0%). The most frequently injured body parts were the hands and fingers (32.0%), head or face except eyes (28.3%), and trunk (22.4%). Burns were the most common type of injury (65.7%), most of the burned patients (437/453) were between 1% and 10%, and the most common region burned were hands and fingers (218/754). Contusions or lacerations were the second common type of injury (34.3%). Most of the patients (642, 87.5%) were treated and released, while 37 (5%) were treated and transferred, and 55 (7.5%) were admitted for advanced treatment.


The private use of fireworks during the Spring Festival Holidays is associated with a considerable number of injuries to various parts of the body. We can minimize the number and severity of accidents by raising awareness of safety practices, encouraging professional displays only and motivating manufacturers to adhere to strict quality control.  相似文献   

Traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta is a potentially fatal injury that leads to death in 75-90% of cases at the time of injury. In this report, we present our experience with traumatic thoracic aortic injury and compare the outcome in patients with respect to their hemodynamic stability at presentation and the timing of surgical repair. We performed a retrospective data analysis of the medical records of 30 patients who had sustained a traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta during the period from January 1, 2000 to October 30, 2005. The demographic data, mechanism of injury, modality of diagnosis, location of injury, other associated injuries, hemodynamic stability at presentation, response to resuscitation, timing of aortic repair, as well as the resultant morbidities and mortalities were reviewed. Traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta was diagnosed in 30 patients. The injury was located in the ascending aorta in two patients, in the aortic isthmus in 25 patients, and in the descending aorta (distal to the isthmus) in three patients. Associated injuries included head injury (50%), C spine (23.3%), lung injury (80%), and visceral (63%) and extremity (60%) injury. Seven patients (23%) were pronounced dead on arrival to the emergency room, 14 patients (47%) were hemodynamically unstable upon arrival, and nine patients (30%) were hemodynamically stable. In the unstable group, two patients (14%) expired before operative repair, 11 patients (79%) underwent emergent repair of the thoracic aorta resulting in 46% mortality, and one patient (7%) underwent delayed repair after initial stabilization with a splenectomy for a splenic laceration. In the stable group, three patients (33%) underwent early (within 24 hr) aortic surgery, while repair was delayed in six (67%). The mean duration of time spent prior to delayed repair was 20.85 days (range 2-53, median = 25). There was no mortality in this group. Acute traumatic thoracic aortic rupture remains a highly fatal condition. Hemodynamic instability remains the main mortality risk factor. Delayed repair is safe and is not associated with increased risk of aortic rupture in hemodynamically stable patients.  相似文献   

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