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Transthoracic (TTE) and transesophageal (TEE) three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) is now used in daily clinical practice. Advancements in technology have improved image acquisition with higher frame rates and increased resolution. Different 3DE acquisition techniques can be used depending upon the structure of interest and if volumetric analysis is required. Measurements of left ventricular (LV) volumes are the most common use of 3DE clinically but are highly dependent upon image quality. Three-dimensional LV function analysis has been made easier with the development of automated software, which has been found to be highly reproducible. However, further research is needed to develop normal reference range values of LV function for both 3D TTE and TEE.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Reliability of left ventricular geometry assessed by echocardiography (Echo) using an assumed left ventricular mass (LVM) and one-dimensional eccentricity (relative wall thickness: RWT), remains questionable. This study evaluated the feasibility of three-dimensional left ventricular geometric analysis using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Echocardiography and MRI were performed on 55 patients with hypertension. LVM was calculated using 0.8 (American Society of Echocardiography-cube LVM) + 0.6 g for Echo and the slice summation method for MRI. Eccentricity was determined by RWT (septal wall thickness + posterior wall thickness/left ventricular inner diameter) for Echo and LVM/1.05/left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) ratio [MRI-mass volume/cavity (M/C) ratio] for MRI. Left ventricular geometry was classified into four patterns according to the presence/absence of left ventricular hypertrophy and abnormal/normal eccentricity (partition value: RWT = 0.44, MRI; M/C ratio = 2.0), and the patient distribution was compared between the two methods. RESULTS: Although the mean values for LVM were similar, the mean value for LVEDV by echocardiography was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) and the mean M/C ratio was significantly lower (r = 0.004) than those by MRI. There were widely dispersed LVM values at higher underlying values of LVM and significant correlations between MRI-LVEDV and MRI-LVM (r = 0.87) and between Echo-LVEDV and Echo-LVM (r = 0.75). There was a significant difference in patient distribution according to left ventricular geometric pattern between the two methods (p < 0.01). Concentric (n = 18) and eccentric hypertrophy (n = 12) were dominant patterns in Echo analysis, and concentric hypertrophy (n = 23) and concentric remodeling (n = 21) were dominant in MRI analysis. The left ventricular geometric patterns were different in 32 patients (58.0%). Inadequate LVEDV values in Echo were the primary cause of this phenomenon. CONCLUSIONS: Left ventricular geometric analysis by Echo results in inaccurate values. Three-dimensional left ventricular geometric analysis using MRI provides more accurate information about left ventricular geometry.  相似文献   

This study was performed to compare a novel three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) system to clinical two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for determination of left ventricular mass (LVM) in humans. LVM is an independent predictor of cardiac morbidity and mortality. Echocardiography is the most widely used clinical method for assessment of LVM, as it is non-invasive, portable and relatively inexpensive. However, when measuring LVM, 2DE is limited by assumptions about ventricular shape which do not affect 3D echo. Methods: A total of 25 unselected patients underwent 3DE, 2DE and MRI. Three-dimensional echo used a magnetic scanhead tracker allowing unrestricted selection and combination of images from multiple acoustic windows. Mass by quantitative 2DE was assessed using seven different geometric formulas. Results: LVM by MRI ranged from 91 to 316 g. There was excellent agreement between 3DE and MRI (r = 0.99, SEE = 6.9 g). Quantitative 2D methods correlated well with but underestimated MRI (r = 0.84–0.92) with SEEs over threefold greater (22.5–30.8 g). Interobserver variation was 7.6% for 3DE vs. 17.7% for 2DE. Conclusions: LVM in humans can be measured accurately, relative to MRI, by transthoracic 3D echo using magnetic tracking. Compared to 2D echo, 3D echocardiography significantly improves accuracy and reproducibility.  相似文献   

A new nongeometric echocardiographic technique for measurement of right and left ventricular volumes was recently validated in vitro. With this method, all images are taken from one point on the chest wall as the transducer is tilted through the ventricle. This approach offers several advantages. No geometric assumptions about ventricular shape are made. All images are acquired from the best echocardiographic window. Furthermore, the digitized points can be used to make a three-dimensional reconstruction of the ventricle. The present study addresses the clinical feasibility of imaging the heart from a single pivoting point in short axis and compares the accuracy of the method in determining left ventricular volumes with that of biplane cineangiography. Twenty-four patients underwent echocardiographic studies within 2 h before angiography. At catheterization, volumes determined by the biplane area-length method ranged between 95 and 368 ml at end-diastole and between 15 and 303 ml at end-systole. A good correlation was observed between ventricular volumes by angiography and echocardiography at end-diastole and end-systole (r = 0.92 and 0.96, respectively). Correlations between volumes by the two techniques were equally good in patients with wall motion abnormalities (n = 13; r = 0.97). Ventricular ejection fraction ranged between 18% and 84% at angiography and correlated well with echocardiographic measurements (r = 0.82). Thus, the echocardiographic tilt method provides accurate determination of left ventricular volume and ejection fraction. This nongeometric method offers the potential for the determination of right ventricular volume and three-dimensional display of the heart.  相似文献   

Objectives. This study aimed to validate a method for mass computation in vitro and in vivo and to compare it with conventional methods.Background. Conventional echocardiographic methods of determining left ventricular mass are limited by assumptions of ventricular geometry and image plane positioning. To improve accuracy, we developed a three-dimensional echocardiographic method that uses nonparallel, nonintersecting short-axis planes and a polyhedral surface reconstruction algorithm for mass computation.Methods. Eleven fixed hearts were imaged by three-dimensional echocardiography, and mass was determined in vitro by multiplying the myocardial volume by the density of each heart and comparing it with the true mass. Mass at diastole and systole by three-dimensional echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was compared in vivo in 15 normal subjects. Ten subjects also underwent imaging by one- and two-dimensional echocardiography, and mass was determined by Penn convention, area-length and truncated ellipsoid algorithms.Results. In vitro results were r = 0.995, SEE 2.91 g, accuracy 3.47%. In vivo interobserver variability for systole and diastole was 16.7% to 27%, 14% to 18.1% and 6.3% to 12.8%, respectively, for one-, two- and three-dimensional echocardiography and was 7.5% for MRI at end-diastole. The latter two agreed closely with regard to diastolic mass (r = 0.895, SEE 11.1 g) and systolic mass (r = 0.926, SEE 9.2 g). These results were significantly better than correlations between MRI and the Penn convention (r = 0.725, SEE 25.6 g for diastole; r = 0.788, SEE 28.7 g for systole), area-length (r = 0.694, SEE 24.2 g for diastole; r = 0.717, SEE 28.2 g for systole) and truncated ellipsoid algorithms (r = 0.687, SEE 21.8 g for diastole; r = 0.710, SEE 24.5 g for systole).Conclusions. Image plane positioning guidance and elimination of geometric assumptions by three-dimensional echocardiography achieve high accuracy for left ventricular mass determination in vitro. It is associated with higher correlations and lower standard errors than conventional methods in vivo.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess, using 3-dimensioanl echocardiography, the morphologic characteristics, determinants, and physiologic limits of left ventricular (LV) remodeling in 511 Olympic athletes (categorized in skill, power, mixed, and endurance sport disciplines) and 159 sedentary controls matched for age and gender. All subjects underwent 3-dimensional echocardiography for the assessment of LV volumes, ejection fraction, mass, remodeling index (LV mass/LV end-diastolic volume), and systolic dyssynchrony index (obtained by the dispersion of the time to minimum systolic volume in 16 segments). Athletes had higher LV end-diastolic volumes (157 ± 35 vs 111 ± 26 ml, p <0.001) and mass (156 ± 38 vs 111 ± 25 g, p <0.001) compared to controls. Body surface area and age had significant associations with LV end-diastolic volume (R(2) = 0.49, p <0.001) and mass (R(2) = 0.51, p <0.001). Covariance analysis showed that also gender and type of sport were significant determinants of LV remodeling; in particular, the highest impact on LV end-diastolic volume and mass was associated with male gender and endurance disciplines (p <0.001). Regardless of the type of sport, athletes had similar LV remodeling indexes to controls (1.00 ± 0.06 vs 1.01 ± 0.07 g/mL, p = 0.410). No differences were found between athletes and controls for the ejection fraction (62 ± 5% and 62 ± 5%, p = 0.746) and systolic dyssynchrony index (1.06 ± 0.40% and 1.37 ± 0.41%, p = 0.058). In conclusion, 3-dimensional echocardiographic morphologic and functional assessment of the left ventricle in Olympic athletes demonstrated a balanced adaptation of LV volume and mass, with preserved systolic function, regardless of specific disciplines participated.  相似文献   

We evaluated left ventricular (LV) function by three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) in a patient with takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC). An 82-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a suspicion of acute myocardial infarction but was diagnosed as TC by coronary angiography and left ventriculography (LVG). Three-dimensional echocardiography showed circular asynergy from the midventricle to the apex associated with hyperkinesis of the base and volumetric data very close to those obtained by LVG. Thus, 3DE is a useful tool in evaluating regional wall motion abnormalities and LV volume in patients with TC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The present study sought to investigate the echocardiographic features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) with mild left ventricular (LV) remodeling, particularly in relation to wall motion abnormalities. METHODS: Among the 137 consecutive patients with HCM, 13 patients (mean age 52 +/- 13 years) who progressed to mild LV systolic dysfunction (LV ejection fraction (LVEF) of 35-50%) were studied. By reviewing the echocardiograms of these patients, wall motion score index (WMSI) was scored using 16 segments model. RESULTS: HCM patients with mild LV systolic dysfunction exhibited mild LV dilatation, mild left atrial dilatation, septal hypertrophy, and LV wall motion impairment localized in the septal and apical regions (septal WMSI 1.94 +/- 0.33 vs. total WMSI 1.51 +/- 0.25 and posterior WMSI 1.02 +/- 0.07; p < 0.001). During follow-up, further deterioration of LV systolic function (LVEF< 35%) was noted in five patients, who had less severe hypertrophy at the initial echocardiograms. These patients developed progressive LV cavity enlargement and more severe and extensive wall motion abnormalities, accompanied by septal akinesis and wall thinning, although posterolateral wall motion impairment was relatively mild (posterior WMSI 1.80 +/- 0.27 vs. septal WMSI 2.95 +/- 0.11; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Septal and apical wall motions are reduced in HCM with mild LV remodeling. As LV dysfunction progresses, septal akinesis and wall thinning develop and LV cavity enlargement becomes more prominent, though posterolateral wall motion impairment is relatively mild.  相似文献   

We report three-dimensional echocardiographic delineation of a congenital aneurysm of the membranous interventricular septum causing right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in an adult patient. To our knowledge, these findings have not been described before.  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) volumes are important prognostic indexes in patients with heart disease. Although several methods can evaluate LV volumes, most have important intrinsic limitations. Real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography (RT3D echo) is a novel technique capable of instantaneous acquisition of volumetric images. The purpose of this study was to validate LV volume calculations with RT3D echo and to determine their usefulness in cardiac patients. To this end, 4 normal subjects and 21 cardiac patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and RT3D echo on the same day. A strong correlation was found between LV volumes calculated with MRI and with RT3D echo (r = 0.91; y = 20.1 + 0.71x; SEE 28 ml). LV volumes obtained with MRI were greater than those obtained with RT3D echo (126 ± 83 vs 110 ± 65 ml; p = 0.002), probably due to the fact that heart rate during MRI acquisition was lower than that during RT3D echo examination (62 ± 11 vs 79 ± 16 beats/min; p = 0.0001). Analysis of intra- and interobserver variability showed strong indexes of agreement in the measurement of LV volumes with RT3D echo. Thus, LV volume measurements with RT3D echo are accurate and reproducible. This technique expands the use of ultrasound for the noninvasive evaluation of cardiac patients and provides a new tool for the investigational study of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Left ventricular dimensions were measured on M-mode echocardiograms, both by the Penn Convention and the Recommendations of the American Society of Echocardiographers in a sample cardiac population. The measurements of interventricular septum and the posterior wall of the left ventricle were significantly larger (P less than 0.001) using American Society Recommendations compared to using the Penn Convention. However, the left ventricular internal dimension at end-diastole was significantly larger (P less than 0.001) when measured by the Penn Convention. As a result of the differences in left ventricular dimensions, the left ventricular mass indexed to body surface area was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) using American Society as opposed to Penn measurements. On the other hand, left ventricular volume indexed to body surface area was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) on Penn measurements than on American Society estimates. These differences should be considered in any study where criteria of normality are to be applied. Good positive correlation (r greater than 0.9) between Penn and American Society estimates of indexed left ventricular volume allowed development of a regression equation to convert volumes from one convention to another. As a result, an upper normal limit of 100 ml/m2 for indexed left ventricular volume is suggested for measurements made using the Penn Convention.  相似文献   



Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is useful for assessing left ventricular (LV) volumes and function. Validation has mainly been carried out using Simpson’s method of summing up consecutive short-axis areas. Because the latter method is time-consuming, many users prefer using a quicker method, based on a single view or a pair of views.


To evaluate the accuracy of the long-axis area-length method (AL), which has not been validated for MDCT, using Simpson’s method as the gold standard, as well as right anterior oblique LV angiography as a clinical standard.


Twenty-three patients admitted with acute chest pain were clinically evaluated with electrocardiogram-gated MDCT and invasive LV angiography. MDCT-based end-diastolic, end-systolic and stroke volumes, and ejection fraction (EF) were calculated using Simpson’s method, biplane AL and single-plane AL. For LV angiography, EF was calculated using single-plane AL.


A Bland-Altman analysis showed a close agreement between biplane AL and Simpson’s method for EF, with 1% underestimation, 95% CI of ±11% and a correlation of 0.89. For end-diastolic, end-systolic and stroke volumes, overestimations of 7 mL, 4 mL and 2 mL, and 95% CI of ±27 mL, ±15 mL and ±26 mL, respectively were found. Correlation coefficients were 0.95, 0.97 and 0.82, respectively. Comparisons with LV angiography were considerably weaker. The vertical long-axis AL method by MDCT correlated better with both LV angiography and Simpson’s method than the horizontal long-axis AL method.


The biplane AL method gives results for EF, which correspond closely with the more cumbersome Simpson’s method, although volumes are slightly overestimated.  相似文献   



Use of the Tei index has not been described to assess myocardial function before or after surgery in pediatric patients. This study was designed to evaluate the left ventricular (LV) function using the Tei index pre- and post-cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with lesion that result in a volume loaded right ventricle (RV).


Retrospective data on 55 patients who underwent repair of a cardiac defect were analyzed. Patients with volume overload RV (n = 15) were compared to patients without volume overload but with other cardiac defects (n = 40). We reviewed pre- and post-operative LV myocardial performance index (Tei index). Tei index was obtained from transesophageal Doppler echocardiogram.


Patients with right heart volume overload, the mean preoperative Tei index was 0.6, with a postoperative mean decrease of 0.207 (P = 0.014). Patients without right heart volume overload, the mean preoperative Tei was 0.48 with no significant postoperative change (P = 0.82).


Pre- and post-operative transesophageal echocardiogram assessment provides an easy and quick way of evaluating LV function intra-operatively using LV Tei index. Preoperative LV Tei index was greater in the RV volume overload defects indicating diminished LV global function. This normalized in the immediate postoperative period, implying an immediate improvement in LV function. In patients without right heart volume load, consist of other cardiac defects, demonstrated no changes in the pre- and post-operative LV Tei. This implies that LV function was similar after the surgery.  相似文献   

This test is based on the incompressibility of myocardium, which dictates that left ventricular wall volume remains constant throughout the cardiac cycle. The volumes occupied by the left ventricular cavity, by ventricular wall plus cavity, and hence by ventricular wall alone were estimated, both at end-systole and at end-diastole, from ecocardiographic measurements of cavity transverse dimension and wall thickness. Wall volumes were determined by assuming an ellipsoid shape (the major axis being predicted from aggression equations relating angiocardiographic and echocardiographic cavity dimensions) and also by the cube method. A discrepancy between systolic and diastolic wall volume estimates indicates either that the measurements of ventricular dimensions were unreliable or that the assumptions of ventricular geometry involved in the volume calculations were incorrect. Studies were made on 60 subjects. Using the ellipsoid formula, values for wall volume ranged from 66 to 719 ml; systolic and diastolic wall volumes correlated closely (r = 0-96, mean difference = 6-8 +/- 0-9 (SEM) %) supporting the reliability of the echocardiographic dimensions and estimates of cavity and wall volume. In the 12 patients with very large end-diastolic cavity transverse dimensions (6-5 to 8-6 cm) however, correlation was less good (r - 0-81, mean difference = 14-3 +/- 2-3 (SEM) 5). Using the cube method, which does not allow for the changing relation between minor and major cavity axes with increasing cavity size, wall volumes were greater (76 to 986 ml) but correlation was similar (r = 0-94, mean difference = 7-1 +/- 0-9 (SEM)%). Having established that it is possible to obtain close agreement between wall volumes determined at different points in the cardiac cycle, this test can be used to assess the reliability of echocardiographic left ventricular dimensions and volume estimates in individual subjects.  相似文献   

This test is based on the incompressibility of myocardium, which dictates that left ventricular wall volume remains constant throughout the cardiac cycle. The volumes occupied by the left ventricular cavity, by ventricular wall plus cavity, and hence by ventricular wall alone were estimated, both at end-systole and at end-diastole, from ecocardiographic measurements of cavity transverse dimension and wall thickness. Wall volumes were determined by assuming an ellipsoid shape (the major axis being predicted from aggression equations relating angiocardiographic and echocardiographic cavity dimensions) and also by the cube method. A discrepancy between systolic and diastolic wall volume estimates indicates either that the measurements of ventricular dimensions were unreliable or that the assumptions of ventricular geometry involved in the volume calculations were incorrect. Studies were made on 60 subjects. Using the ellipsoid formula, values for wall volume ranged from 66 to 719 ml; systolic and diastolic wall volumes correlated closely (r = 0-96, mean difference = 6-8 +/- 0-9 (SEM) %) supporting the reliability of the echocardiographic dimensions and estimates of cavity and wall volume. In the 12 patients with very large end-diastolic cavity transverse dimensions (6-5 to 8-6 cm) however, correlation was less good (r - 0-81, mean difference = 14-3 +/- 2-3 (SEM) 5). Using the cube method, which does not allow for the changing relation between minor and major cavity axes with increasing cavity size, wall volumes were greater (76 to 986 ml) but correlation was similar (r = 0-94, mean difference = 7-1 +/- 0-9 (SEM)%). Having established that it is possible to obtain close agreement between wall volumes determined at different points in the cardiac cycle, this test can be used to assess the reliability of echocardiographic left ventricular dimensions and volume estimates in individual subjects.  相似文献   

The enhancement of endocardial border delineation using second harmonic imaging and contrast administration improves the measurement of ventricular volumes. In the majority of existing echocardiographic equipment, however, harmonic imaging is not yet available. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of the measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction after intravenous administration of the contrast agent Levovist using standard echocardiographic equipment and fundamental imaging modality. In 10 patients with good-quality two-dimensional echo imaging, 4 g (400 mg/mL concentration) of Levovist was injected intravenously. Hewlett-Packard Sonos 2000 ultrasound equipment without second harmonic imaging capability was used. To avoid the destruction of microbubbles, the echo machine was set to produce only one end-systolic and one end-diastolic frame in each cardiac cycle (dual triggering). Native and contrast imaging measurements of left ventricular volumes and ejection fractions calculated by modified Simpson's rule were compared in the fundamental mode. Intraobserver and interobserver variability values were assessed. End-diastolic volumes in native continuous and triggered mode and by contrast echo were 126 +/- 48, 121 +/- 46, and 130 +/- 50 mL, respectively (NS), whereas end-systolic volumes were 79 +/- 48, 76 +/- 45, and 79 +/- 46 mL, respectively (NS). Calculated ejection fraction using the three different imaging modalities were 0.41 +/- 0.16, 0.41 +/- 0.16, and 0.42 +/- 0.16 (NS). The intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility values were excellent in triggered mode. Standard echocardiographic equipment with fundamental imaging modality in the triggered mode is suitable for the measurement of left ventricular volumes after intravenous Levovist administration. In clinically difficult patients, contrast echocardiography in triggered mode may be applied even if echocardiographic equipment does not have harmonic imaging possibility.  相似文献   

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