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STUDY OBJECTIVE: The most common extraintestinal manifestation of Entamoeba histolytica, the agent of amebiasis, is a hepatic abscess. This infection is common throughout the world and can be associated with life-threatening consequences. Given the often nonspecific nature of the complaints related to an amebic abscess, a retrospective review of patients with confirmed disease was done to recognize the most common patterns of presentation. METHODS: A retrospective case series was conducted of all patients with confirmed amebic liver abscess over a 5-year period. All available emergency department and inpatient records were reviewed. Age, sex, country of origin, chief complaint (including duration), vital signs, and physical and laboratory findings were recorded. The use of ultrasonography, computed tomography scan, chest radiograph, and serum antibodies was noted, as well as the final ED diagnosis. RESULTS: Seventy-five patients were reviewed; mean patient age was 35.5 years, 80% were male, and Mexico was the country of origin for 64%. The most common complaint was fever (77%), followed by abdominal pain (72%), which was most often located in the right upper quadrant. Cough (16%), chest pain (19%), and chest radiographic abnormalities (57%) were also common. The majority of patients (69%) had symptoms for less than 13 days. The WBC count was the most consistent laboratory abnormality (83%), whereas the liver aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin levels were often normal. Most patients received their diagnoses on the basis of ultrasonography (85%), followed by a confirmatory serum antibody titer (88%). The diagnosis of amebic liver abscess was correctly made in the ED in 31.5% of the patients, with the most common misdiagnoses being cholecystitis (16.4%), hepatitis (12.3%), and pneumonia (9.6%). CONCLUSION: Patients with amebic liver abscess do present to EDs in the southwestern United States, especially in areas with a high immigrant population from endemic areas. Patients with complaints of fever and right upper quadrant abdominal pain, especially men of Hispanic origin, warrant a high degree of vigilance. Whereas most laboratory studies are unhelpful, the diagnosis can often be made in the ED by means of a bedside ultrasonographic test. Treatment should be initiated with metronidazole with disposition to an inpatient medical service.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven patients with Amobebic Liver Abscess were observed during the last two years and were analysed retrospectively with respect to diagnostic procedures and therapeutic strategies. Seven of the 27 patients had surgery and were subsequently referred to our hospital. Those patients with surgery had a longer duration of illness and hospitalization (3.3 months) compared to the other 20 patients with chemotherapy alone (2 months). Most important diagnostic parameters for extraintestinal amoebiasis were: typical clinical findings, time spent in tropical or subtropical countries, strongly positive Latex agglutination against Entamoeba histolytica antigen, and isotope and/or ultrasound scanning to confirm abscess formation in the liver. The vast majority of abscesses were found in the right liver lobe. Response to treatment with complete cure was seen in all patients, regardless of whether Metronidazole alone or combinations of Metronidazole with Chloroquine and Metronidazole and Dehydroemetine or Chloroquine and Dehydroemetine were used. There is a need for prospective therapeutic studies to compare the different drug regimen concerning side-effects, toxicity, costs, application, and duration of hospitalization. From the retrospective data it seems that surgery is not beneficial for the patients.  相似文献   

替硝唑治疗阿米巴肝脓肿的疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察替硝唑对阿米巴肝脓肿的临床疗效。方法以每日顿服替硝唑2.0g,5日疗法治疗33例阿米巴肝脓肿患者,并与甲硝唑14日疗法治疗31例阿米巴肝脓肿患者进行比较。结果替硝唑组患者体温恢复正常时间(3.7±0.5天),平均住院天数(24.3±1.5天)及总有效率(78.8%)与甲硝唑组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。但替硝唑组患者脓腔缩小所需时间较短,肝区疼痛消失较早,不良反应亦比甲硝唑组较少(P<0.05)。结论替硝唑是一种治疗阿米巴肝脓肿的新的良好药物  相似文献   

Amebic liver abscess is a parasitic disease which is often encountered in tropical countries. A hepatogastric fistula secondary to an amebic liver abscess is a rare complication of this disease and there are only a handful of reported cases in literature. Here we present a case of an amebic liver abscess which was complicated with the development of a hepatogastric fistula. The patient presented with the Jaundice, pain and distension of abdomen. The Jaundice and pain improved partially after he had an episode of brownish black colored increase in frequency of stools for 5 to 6 d. Patient also had ascites and anemia. He was a chronic alcohol drinker. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy performed in view of the above findings. It showed a fistulous opening with bilious secretions along the lesser curvature of the stomach. On imaging multiple liver abscesses seen including one in sub capsular location. The patient was managed conservatively with antiamebic medications along with proton pump inhibitors. The pigtail drainage of the sub capsular abscess was done. The patient improved significantly. The repeat endoscopy performed after about two months showed reduction in fistula size. A review of the literature shows that hepatogastric fistulas can be managed conservatively with medications and drainage, endoscopically with biliary stenting or with surgical excision.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A total of 80 patients with pyogenic liver abscess managed at a single institution over a 10-year period were studied. METHODS: The clinical features, laboratory, imaging, and microbiologic findings, management strategy, and final outcome were studied. RESULTS: Fever and chills, leucocytosis and elevated alkaline phosphatase were the most common clinical and laboratory findings. Forty-one percent of patients were diabetic and 61% had biliary pathology. Systemic antibiotics and image-guided aspiration had a success rate of 94%. By multiple logistic regression analysis, malignancy on presentation (P = 0.011) was an independent risk factor associated with mortality. A past history of endoscopic sphincterotomy was an independent factor associated with resolution of liver abscess within 6 weeks (P = 0.03). CONCLUSION: Pyrexia, leucocytosis, elevated alkaline phosphatase, presence of diabetes, and underlying biliary pathology are common clinical and laboratory findings in patients with pyogenic liver abscess. Malignancy was associated with a poor outcome. Previous endoscopic sphincterotomy was a good prognostic factor for early resolution.  相似文献   

All 69 patients with amebic liver abscess that we treated in 1981–1992 were studied retrospectively. Men predominated by a 101 ratio. Of our 227 patients with amebiasis, some 30% yearly had liver involvement. The incidence peaked in 1988, decreasing later but increasing again in 1992. Most patients were 30–50 years old, the overall mean age being 45 years (range, 22–79), and decreasing with time. Patients with the related factors of travel abroad, positive results of a test forTreponema pallidum hemagglutination, and homosexuality have increased in number in recent years. Fever, abdominal pain, and hepatomegaly were the most frequent findings, and 39 patients had neither bloody stools nor diarrhea. Only 8 patients had had amebiasis previously. A solitary abscess in the right lobe of the liver was found in 40 patients.Eniamoeba histolytica was found in the stool of 31 patients and in the pus of 39 patients. Sixty-one patients had positive results for an amebic serological test(s). The abscesses ruptured into the peritoneal cavity in 4 patients. All patients received metronidazole. Percutaneous or surgical drainage (or both) was done in 62 patients. The outcome was good, with 1 exception, and only 2 patients had recurrences.  相似文献   

A 59-yr-old Mexican-American man developed fatal necrotizing amebic enterocolitis following an extensive cutaneous thermal injury. Those factors in the severely burned patient which predispose to amebic disease are discussed.  相似文献   

The clinical features and response to treatment of 24 patients with amoebic liver abscess in Wessex are presented. Two patients died before adequate treatment could be instituted, but 6 of the remaining 22 patients (27%) did not respond to single courses of conventional anti-amoebic therapy. Possible reasons for this high failure rate are discussed. It is concluded that although Metronidazole is a highly effective anti-amoebicide, there remains a place for other drugs such as Emetine. The importance of early diagnosis of Amoebic Liver Abscess is emphasised.  相似文献   

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