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目的 探讨单侧聋(single-sided deafness,SSD)成人患者人工耳蜗植入远期效果。以为单侧聋患者人工耳蜗植入适应症提供借鉴和参考。方法 选择一例单侧聋20年成人进行人工耳蜗植入,随访其残余听力、言语识别率、声源定位能力、以及言语空间和听觉质量主观量表(SQQ)。结果 该患者术后残余听力早期保持良好,但五年后残余听力未能保留。言语识别率随术后随访时间延长而有所提升,但没达到较高水平。声源定位能力随时间有所改善。随访SQQ量表可以看出SSD患者人工耳蜗植入后对于言语理解、空间听觉、声音聆听能力都有所帮助,尤其对于空间听觉帮助较大。结论 SSD患者人工耳蜗植入后,可以改善患者噪声下的言语识别率与声源定位能力及生活质量。建议进一步大样本研究,为SSD患者人工耳蜗植入适应症提供科学依据。  相似文献   

有低频残余听力感音神经聋的人工耳蜗植入术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍一种有低频残余听力感音神经聋的人工耳蜗植入技术,探讨人工耳蜗植入手术对有残余听力患者的治疗效果和价值。方法15例有残余听力的患者接受了保护残余听力的人工耳蜗植入手术。术中电极植入深度在19mm~24mm左右。术后分别检测单纯使用助听器、单纯使用人工耳蜗、人工耳蜗结合助听器三种不同状态下的听力。结果15例患者中,有13例术后残余听力保存良好,仅分别丢失5~20dB听力,但另2例术后残余听力全部丧失。术后在安静、信噪比15dB和10dB三种不同状态下的言语测试结果显示,人工耳蜗结合助听器使用者测试得分始终保持在很高水平;单纯使用人工耳蜗者也有较好的成绩,但在信噪比达10dB的条件下,测试成绩下降;而单纯使用助听器者,不仅在安静状态下听力成绩不甚理想,一旦加入竞争性噪声,听力测试成绩急剧下降。结论保护和利用残余听力的人工耳蜗植入技术,使人工耳蜗植入手术对象从重度或极重度聋扩大到高频为重度或极重度聋,低频(≤500Hz)为中、轻度聋的患者。接受这项技术患者的听力和言语识别能力均明显优于其单纯配戴助听器和单纯使用人工耳蜗时的听力和言语识别能力。  相似文献   

助听器与人工耳蜗的联合使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工耳蜗植入技术的适用范围已经从全聋患者扩宽到有残余听力的重度聋者,成为重度以及极重度聋患者恢复听力的重要康复手段。对于术后对侧耳仍具有残余听力的患者或者由于人工耳蜗植入电极的限制,使得植入耳的低频残余听力不能得到利用的患者,其残余频率段的言语识别率可能在随后的几年里呈进行性下降,  相似文献   

语前聋患儿6岁前与6岁后植入人工耳蜗效果的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的比较6岁前与6岁后两个年龄组语前聋患儿人工耳蜗植入术后的听觉言语康复的效果. 方法对31例语前聋人工耳蜗植入患儿,术后随访0.5~4年,按手术年龄分成A组(1.0~5.9岁)和B组(6.0~17.9岁),进行术后的听觉和言语识别率的评估. 结果 31例语前聋人工耳蜗植入患儿全部手术成功,全部建立了主观听性反应.A组的纯音听力水平平均为30dBSPL,开放式言语识别率平均为90%.B组的纯音听力水平平均为36dBSPL,开放式言语识别率平均为85%. 结论植入人工耳蜗的语前聋患儿1.0~5.9岁与6.0~17.9岁比较,在术后的言语识别率和语言清晰度两方面的听觉言语康复效果有显著性差异,年龄越小效果越好.因此,为达到满意的听觉言语康复效果,人工耳蜗植入的时机最好在6岁之前.  相似文献   

目的〓〖HTK〗探讨影响人工耳蜗植入术后听觉言语恢复效果的相关因素。〖HTW〗方法〓〖HTK〗对24例双耳重度或极重度感音神经性耳聋患者,术前进行智力、听力学、影像学检查,配带助听器评估,并严格掌握手术适应证,经乳突-面隐窝进路行人工耳蜗植入术,记载术中情况,术终测电极电阻,术后1个月开机调试,语前聋者进行听觉语言培训,术后追踪随访疗效满意度和言语可懂度,对所得临床资料进行分析。〖HTW〗结果〓〖HTK〗23例耳蜗植入手术一次成功,1例电极移位二次手术成功,术后暂时性面瘫2例、眩晕1例,两周X线颞骨拍片证实耳蜗电极位于耳蜗内,1个月开机调试,全部病例获取听力。3例语后聋患者听觉言语恢复,其他语前聋患者均行半年以上的听觉语言培训,随访4~6年,半开放式言语识别率>80%,全部患者及家属达到术前的期望值。〖HTW〗结论〓〖HTK〗人工耳蜗是治疗重度极重度感音神经性耳聋及全聋的有效方法,术后效果主要与人工耳蜗植入时的年龄、术前听力与言语基础、听神经及其传导功能、智力、植入电极在规定的部位、术后调机与康复的有效性等关系密切。  相似文献   

内耳畸形人工耳蜗植入术后听力言语康复效果分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:使用听觉和言语问卷分级及术后产生听觉的最小电流值(T值)的方法,评估并比较内耳畸形与正常解剖结构语前聋患儿人工耳蜗植入术后的听觉言语康复效果。方法:按术前影像学检查将语前聋人工耳蜗植入患儿分为正常结构组和内耳畸形组,并配对组合,对思儿家长进行问卷形式调查随访,对术后听力及言语康复效果进行评估分析,记录术后1年凋机T值。用秩和检验比较2组听觉行为分级标准(CAP)、言语可懂度分级标准(SIR)结果及T值。结果:人工耳蜗植入患儿家长术前主要担心术后效果不理想及手术并发症的发生,多数认为听力言语康复训练应由医疗机构进行;秩和检验显示:2组CAP及SIR均无显著差异,术后1年调机时产生听觉的T值无显著差异。结论:①内耳畸形患儿人工耳蜗植入术后,经正规康复训练,听力言语康复效果与内耳解剖结构正常植入者相同,人工耳蜗植入术可帮助伴耳蜗畸形的极重度感音神经性聋患者重建听力,重返主流社会;②听力言语康复训练尚有很多方面需要改进。  相似文献   

目的探讨大龄语前聋患者人工耳蜗植入术后的听力、言语、生活质量等方面的长期康复效果。方法选取了68例2012年-2016年在中南大学湘雅医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科行单侧人工耳蜗植入术的语前聋患者为研究对象,其中7岁及7岁以上患者34例,为本次研究的研究组(A组),6岁及6岁以下患者34例,为本次研究的对照组(B组)。利用CAP量表、SIR量表、声场听阈、言语识别率以及生活质量相关问卷等对其术后听力、言语、生活质量等方面进行长期随访观察。结果所有植入人工耳蜗的患者术后2年均可观察到听觉言语能力及生活质量的提高。两组患者术后2年的声场听阈无明显差异。术后24个月CAP得分、SIR得分及言语识别率方面,低龄对照组均要优于大龄研究组;但术后3个月及6个月的CAP评分以及3个月的SIR评分,研究组要优于对照组。结论大龄语前聋患者植入人工耳蜗后可以获得听觉、言语及生活质量等方面的提高。因此术前进行听力、心理、期待值等多方面综合评估,人工耳蜗植入也能成为大龄语前聋患者改善听觉言语障碍及日常生活的有效选择。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着声电联合刺激(Electric Acoustic Stimulatlion,EAS)技术的发展,学者们越来越重视保存人工耳蜗植入患者的残余听力.EAS是一种结合了助听器功能的新型人工耳蜗装置,它通过联合使用人工耳蜗与助听器来改善患者的听觉.中、高频重度听力损失,低频区有残余听力,配戴助听器效果不佳的患者,EAS植入后能够获得良好的听功能.EAS的作用原理是中、高频区借助人工耳蜗的电刺激产生听觉,而低频区的残余听力由助听器来放大,从而有效提高植入后耳聋患者的听力表现,尤其是声音的定位、音调的感知以及噪声环境下的言语识别率[1,2].  相似文献   

目的:论述老年前期患者在人工耳蜗植入术后的听力言语康复原则和策略;分析讲方言的成年语后聋患者术后调机与听觉言语康复的方法和技巧。方法:根据成人语后聋的特点,结合幼儿听力言语康复训练方法的要素,在家属的配合下制订个体化训练模式。结果:①采取多途径、多方式指导患者正确地配合调机和学习听觉言语康复方法,有助于提高康复效果;②指导家属配合并参与康复过程的各环节是康复成功的重要保证;③术后及时、科学.针对性地安排老年前期患者听觉言语训练计划,可促进听觉能力与交流能力的同步发展。结论:人工耳蜗术后特殊人群语后聋的训练方案,可参照语前聋儿童的训练模式设计;家属参与康复训练全过程是成功实施老年患者康复训练计划的重要环节。  相似文献   

随着手术方法和电极设计等技术的创新,人工耳蜗手术取得了一定的进步,使患者残余听力得到一定的保留。所有手术方法的共同目标即是:保护耳蜗内结构,保留残余听力,以提高听觉言语能力。人工耳蜗术后残余听力的丧失被认为是多种因素的结果,近年来,为获得更好的残余听力保留,人们在电极设计与选择、新型电极涂层、围手术期药物治疗、机器人辅助、图像和电生理引导等方面的研究有了新的突破,对于残余听力的保护有了很大程度的提高。本文将对人工耳蜗术后残余听力保护相关因素的进展作一综述。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Cochlear implantation is an effective means for providing auditory rehabilitation in adult patients with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. It has been hypothesized that patients with substantial, preoperative residual hearing would be excellent cochlear implant candidates because of surviving neural populations and a lack of auditory deprivation. The purpose of this study is to describe the outcomes of patients with substantial residual hearing who have undergone cochlear implantation. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective chart review of patients with substantial preoperative residual hearing who underwent cochlear implantation. METHODS: Chart reviews were completed for patients with substantial residual hearing who underwent cochlear implantation (City University of New York Sentence Test [CUNY] > 60%, Hearing in Noise Test sentences presented in quiet [HINTQ] > 50%, or Consonant-Nucleus-Consonant [CNC] > 20% in the ear to be implanted). Preoperative and postoperative measures of audiologic performance as well as complications were assessed. RESULTS: All 12 patients who met inclusion criteria ultimately surpassed their preoperative aided performance level after implantation and gained significant benefit from their cochlear implant. At 6 months postimplantation, mean CUNY, HINTQ, and CNC scores were 93%, 78%, and 48% in the implant ear alone, respectively. However, progress was slower than expected for many patients, and at least one patient took 1 year to surpass his preoperative performance level. There were no complications from surgery in this selected group of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with some degree of residual hearing do benefit from cochlear implantation. However, there may be an initial decline in performance as compared with preoperative levels. This decline is overcome in time in this patient population. These patients need to be counseled accordingly.  相似文献   

Conclusion: Bilateral electric acoustic stimulation (EAS) effectively improved speech perception in noise and sound localization in patients with high-frequency hearing loss. Objective: To evaluate bilateral EAS efficacy of sound localization detection and speech perception in noise in two cases of high-frequency hearing loss. Methods: Two female patients, aged 38 and 45 years, respectively, received bilateral EAS sequentially. Pure-tone audiometry was performed preoperatively and postoperatively to evaluate the hearing preservation in the lower frequencies. Speech perception outcomes in quiet and noise and sound localization were assessed with unilateral and bilateral EAS. Results: Residual hearing in the lower frequencies was well preserved after insertion of a FLEX24 electrode (24 mm) using the round window approach. After bilateral EAS, speech perception improved in quiet and even more so in noise. In addition, the sound localization ability of both cases with bilateral EAS improved remarkably.  相似文献   


Background: Recent advances in less-invasive surgery and electrode design allow for a high degree of hearing preservation (HP) after cochlear implantation (CI), although residual hearing still deteriorates in some patients. To date, the factors predictive of preserving residual hearing remain a controversial topic.

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive factors, including the etiology of hearing loss (HL) as a patient-related factor, influencing residual HP after CI.

Methods: Forty-four patients (50 ears, 41 families) with residual acoustic hearing who underwent CI were included. Auditory thresholds before and at 6 months after initial activation were measured. Genetic testing was performed to identify the responsible genes for HL.

Results: We identified the cause of HL in 21 families (51.2%). HP was marginally correlated with age at implantation, while it was independent of pre-operative low-frequency hearing thresholds, cochlear duct length, and electrode length. We found that patients who had pathogenic variants in the CDH23, MYO7A, or MYO15A gene showed statistically better HP scores compared with patients with HL due to other causes (p?=?.002).

Conclusions: Identification of the etiology of HL using genetic testing is likely to facilitate the prediction of HP after implant surgery.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(8):870-876
Conclusions. With recent increased interest in minimizing intracochlear trauma and preserving residual hearing during cochlear implantation, increased attention must be paid to the cochleostomy site. The results of this paper demonstrate that the cochleostomy must be made inferior, rather than anterior, to the round window to ensure scala tympani insertion and to decrease the likelihood of insertion-induced intracochlear damage during electrode insertion. Objective. To describe the complex anatomy of the hook region of the cochlea, specifically in relation to the optimal placement of the cochleostomy for cochlear implant electrode insertion to potentially achieve hearing preservation. The authors believe that previous industry recommendations and described surgical techniques have resulted in cochleostomies being placed in anatomical positions that possibly result in electrode insertions that damage the basilar membrane and/or other cochlear structures. Material and methods. The results of a number of temporal bone studies were reviewed with attention being paid to the anatomical relationship of the basilar membrane and spiral ligament to the round window membrane. For different cochleostomy sites the potential for damage to intracochlear structures, particularly the basilar membrane and organ of Corti, was assessed. Results. The review of electrode insertion studies into human temporal bones, as well as a post-mortem anatomical study of implanted temporal bones, showed an increased risk of scala vestibuli insertions and insertion-induced damage to intracochlear structures when the cochleostomy was performed more anterior to the round window. These results were endorsed by studies detailing the anatomy of the hook region of the cochlea.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the effect of substantial preoperative residual hearing on speech perception outcomes in adult cochlear implant recipients. Setting: Tertiary care academic referral center. Methods: Twenty‐nine patients with substantial preoperative residual hearing underwent cochlear implantation. Twenty‐one implant recipients matched for age and duration of hearing loss, but without preoperative residual hearing, served as controls. Postoperative speech perception was assessed using City University of New York sentence, consonant‐nucleus‐consonant, and hearing in noise test in quiet and in noise (+10 dB signal to noise ratio) tests at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after fitting. Results: After implantation, there were no significant differences between groups for any of the tests administered. The mean change in speech perception abilities from baseline was significantly greater for the control patients than those with substantial preoperative residual hearing at a number of the test intervals across the various conditions. Moreover, at both 1 and 3 months, some patients in the residual hearing group had speech perception scores that were worse than their preoperative values. Ultimately, all of the patients with substantial residual hearing surpassed their preoperative performance. Discussion: Patients with substantial preoperative residual hearing can gain significant benefit from cochlear implantation. Although the degree of improvement in these individuals is somewhat more modest than for those patients without preoperative residual hearing, the outcomes are still excellent. That there were no significant differences between the patient groups suggests that having substantial residual hearing before implantation does not provide a measurable performance advantage for electrical stimulation. Patients with substantial residual hearing who are contemplating cochlear implantation should be counseled regarding a possible initial decline in speech perception performance.  相似文献   

目的:通过对人工耳蜗植入对侧耳不同听力损失的患儿联合使用助听器与人工耳蜗语前聋患儿的听觉、语言及学习能力进行评估和比较,探索对患儿更为有效的助听方法,帮助患儿获得最大限度的言语交流。方法:将30例3~6岁语前聋患儿按照植入人工耳蜗对侧耳听力损失程度及是否佩戴助听器,分为一侧人工耳蜗+对侧重度听力损失助听器组(CI+SHA组)、一侧人工耳蜗+对侧极重度听力损失助听器组(CI+PHA组)、单耳人工耳蜗组(CI组)。评估各组在康复3、6、9、12、15、18个月时听觉、语言及学习能力,并记录结果。结果:随着术后康复时间的延长,聋儿听觉、语言及学习能力逐渐提高(P<0.05),CI+SHA组听觉能力优于CI+PHA组及CI组(均P<0.05),语言能力及学习能力无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:语前聋患儿单耳人工耳蜗植入后,若对侧耳尚有残余听力,佩戴助听器后听觉能力效果显著,长期佩戴有助于患儿的康复。  相似文献   


Background: Electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS) has emerged as a standard treatment for patients with high-frequency hearing loss. EAS is usually performed with shorter electrodes of 16–24?mm in length. As most EAS recipients gradually lose residual acoustic hearing in the implanted ear over time, EAS with longer electrodes without causing significant intra-cochlear damage might be ideal.

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate hearing preservation (HP) results after EAS surgery with longer electrodes.

Methods: Ten patients (11 ears) with partial deafness that met the indications for EAS with a MED-EL FLEX28 electrode were included in this study. Auditory thresholds before and at 6?months after activation were examined.

Results: In 100% of cases, HP was comfortably achieved, indicating that all patients could utilize acoustic amplification combined with electric stimulation.

Conclusion: EAS with longer electrodes can offer broader cochlear coverage, resulting in natural frequency matching in comparison with shorter electrodes, even in EAS cases. The combination of advanced surgical techniques and flexible, long, straight electrodes permits deep insertion that reaches the apical region with little or no insertion trauma.  相似文献   


Objectives: To investigate the preservation of residual hearing in subjects who received the Nucleus Hybrid L24 cochlear implant. To investigate the performance benefits up to one year post-implantation in terms of speech recognition, sound quality, and quality of life. Design: Prospective, with sequential enrolment and within-subject comparisons. Post-operative performance using a Freedom Hybrid sound processor was compared with that of pre-operative hearing aids. Study sample: Sixty-six adult hearing-impaired subjects with bilateral severe-to-profound high frequency hearing loss. Results: Group median increase in air-conduction thresholds in the implanted ear for test frequencies 125–1000 Hz was < 15 dB across the population; both immediately and one year post-operatively. Eighty-eight percent of subjects used the Hybrid processor at one year post-op. Sixty-five percent of subjects had significant gain in speech recognition in quiet, and 73% in noise (≥ 20 percentage points/2 dB SNR). Mean SSQ subscale scores were significantly improved (+ 1.2, + 1.3, + 1.8 points, p < 0.001), as was mean HUI3 score (+ 0.117, p < 0.01). Combining residual hearing with CI gave 22?26 %age points mean benefit in speech recognition scores over CI alone (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Useful residual hearing was conserved in 88% of subjects. Speech perception was significantly improved over preoperative hearing aids, as was sound quality and quality of life.  相似文献   

Objective: The preservation of residual hearing after conventional cochlear implantation (CI) is frequently observed when atraumatic soft surgery is adopted. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the predictive factors for residual hearing preservation after atraumatic CI.

Patients: This study included 46 patients who underwent CI based on an atraumatic technique using a standard-length flexible electrode implant through a round window approach.

Main outcome measure: Cochlear volume was measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Cochlear duct length (CDL) was taken as the length of the scala media measured using computed tomography (CT). The association between residual hearing preservation and cochlear volume/CDL was then examined.

Result: Cochlear volume and CDL were significantly larger in patients with complete hearing preservation than in those with hearing loss. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that cochlear volume was a significant predictive factor for residual hearing preservation.

Conclusion: Residual hearing preservation after conventional CI was observed in patients with a larger cochlear volume and longer CDL. Cochlear volume could be a predictive factor for residual hearing preservation after conventional CI.  相似文献   

Conclusion: The correlations between behavioral and auditory steady-state response (ASSR) thresholds were significant at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. ASSR presented high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of residual hearing in cochlear implant candidates when compared with warble-tone audiometry. Objectives: To assess residual hearing in cochlear implant candidates by comparing the electrophysiological thresholds obtained in dichotic single-frequency ASSR with behavioral thresholds at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. Methods: This was a comparative study between ASSR and warble-tone audiometry thresholds in 40 cochlear implant candidates (80 ears) before cochlear implantation with bilateral severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss. Results: Thresholds were obtained in 62.5% of all frequencies evaluated in warble-tone audiometry and in 63.1% in the ASSR. ASSR sensitivity was 96% and specificity was 91.6%. Mean differences between behavioral and ASSR thresholds did not reach significance at any frequencies. Strong correlations between behavioral and ASSR thresholds were observed in 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz and moderate in 4000 Hz, with correlation coefficients varying from 0.65 to 0.81. On 90% of occasions, ASSR thresholds were acquired within 10 dB of behavioral thresholds.  相似文献   

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