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Between July 1979 and June 1980 the regional neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, received 170 requests from maternity units for the transfer of ill newborn babies. Most of the babies were suffering from respiratory failure. The initial request was declined in 65 babies because of overcrowding or lack of facilities at the NICU (n = 59), or because transfer was not justified on medical grounds (n = 6). Forty-two of the 65 babies were compelled to remain in the maternity unit because they could not be accommodated at hospitals with facilities for ventilating newborn babies. The neonatal survival rate of babies with respiratory failure who were transferred to the NICU was 66% whereas the survival rate of similar babies who were declined transfer was 30%. Our findings support the efficacy of intensive care for ill babies with respiratory failure and suggest that such facilities need to be more widely developed.  相似文献   

Between July 1979 and June 1980 the regional neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at St Mary''s Hospital, Manchester, received 170 requests from maternity units for the transfer of ill newborn babies. Most of the babies were suffering from respiratory failure. The initial request was declined in 65 babies because of overcrowding or lack of facilities at the NICU (n = 59), or because transfer was not justified on medical grounds (n = 6). Forty-two of the 65 babies were compelled to remain in the maternity unit because they could not be accommodated at hospitals with facilities for ventilating newborn babies. The neonatal survival rate of babies with respiratory failure who were transferred to the NICU was 66% whereas the survival rate of similar babies who were declined transfer was 30%. Our findings support the efficacy of intensive care for ill babies with respiratory failure and suggest that such facilities need to be more widely developed.  相似文献   

Preterm newborns may experience extended periods of hospitalization which disrupt the normal early contact between the newborn and its family. Variations in the frequency of visits to 164 preterm neonates in a neonatal intensive care unit were examined in relation to infant and family status variables and compliance with follow-up appointments at 3 months postterm. The mean number of visitors decreased from day 2 to day 12 of hospitalization and then remained stable through day 21. There was a corresponding increase in the number of days with no visitors through day 12, and then stabilization. Neonates who had intraventricular hemorrhages, whose parents did not live together, and who were not firstborn had the most days with no visitors. While the mother was hospitalized herself, her condition was the only variable related to percentage of no-visitor days. The sicker the mother, the more likely the newborn had no visitors. The greater the number of days with no visitors, the poorer the likelihood that the infant was brought to a 3-month follow-up clinic appointment.  相似文献   

Neonatal respiratory difficulties are increased following second trimester amniocentesis. In preterm, prolonged rupture of the membranes, respiratory outcome is particularly poor when rupture occurs in the first trimester. It therefore seems likely that first trimester/early amniocentesis (EA) would be associated with severe respiratory problems necessitating a high neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission rate. To test that hypothesis, the requirement for admission to the NICU of 278 infants whose mothers had undergone EA, 262 whose mothers had undergone chorion villus sampling (CVS group) and 264 controls whose mothers had undergone no invasive procedures were reviewed as were their diagnoses if they needed admission. There was no significant difference in the mode of delivery, gestational age or gender distribution of the three groups and the median maternal age of the EA and CVS groups was similar. Nineteen EA, eight CVS and five control infants required admission to the NICU (EA versus controls, P < 0.01; EA versus CVS plus controls, P < 0.005). Nine EA, one CVS and four control infants had suffered respiratory problems (EA versus CVS P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that immaturity and EA were significantly associated with a requirement for NICU admission. We conclude infants whose mothers have undergone EA may be at increased risk for NICU admission, this is partly due to respiratory problems but the association is uncommon. Received: 1 August 1996 / Accepted: 12 December 1996  相似文献   

Over a three year period 444 requests for the neonatal transfer of babies with acute medical problems were received at this regional neonatal medical unit. Despite an increase in available resources in the North Western Health Region the provision of intensive care remained inadequate with 38% of requests declined, and babies had to be referred elsewhere including to neighbouring health regions. The survival of those babies who had to remain at the hospital of birth (49%) was significantly lower than for those transferred to the regional centre (71%). Those babies declined admission had significantly lower gestational ages and birth weights than those accepted. For those babies with respiratory failure and birth weights of less than 1500 g within these two groups, however, there were no significant differences in birth weight, gestational age, or gender yet survival was significantly better for those transferred. Babies from multiple pregnancies caused particular problems if neonatal transfer was required.  相似文献   

With increasing facilities for antenatal diagnosis, lowering gestation for intiation of intensive care, palliative care in the perinatal period is increasingly recognized as a specialist area. There have been standards and pathways developed in the UK that provides guidance to health professionals. Providing holistic perinatal palliative care depends on close multiprofessional working between the neonatal team and the palliative care professionals who are being integrated into the core neonatal services. Even though most neonates will continue to receive end of life care within the NICU, there are increasing number of families who choose to have end of life care either at home or a hospice. There is a need to develop services across the regions to provide equitable access to excellent clinical care as well as ongoing support to families following loss of a neonate. This short article explores the issues raised in the provision of palliative care in the perinatal period and offers practical guidance for paediatricians in this emerging area.  相似文献   

The skin is a vital organ with key protective functions. Infants in the NICU are at risk for skin injury because of developmental immaturity and intensive care treatments. When skin injury occurs, the neonatal nurse is challenged to provide wound care to optimize functional and cosmetic healing. Optimal wound care requires basic knowledge of the mechanisms of injury, physiology of wound healing, host factors affecting wound healing, and wound assessment. This knowledge provides the basis for determining appropriate wound treatment, including dressing selection. Attention to pain issues associated with wound care is difficult because of the infant's developmental stage, but is essential because of the potentially negative life-long impact of pain. The premature infant's propensity for skin stripping limits the selection of appropriate dressing, as does the paucity of research examining wound care products in this population.  相似文献   

The effect of sibling visiting in a neonatal intensive care unit was studied. Sixteen siblings of 13 infants were randomly assigned to a visiting or nonvisiting group. Behavioral patterns were measured by questionnaires administered to the parents and by direct observation and interviews with the children. There were no significant changes in the behavior of the children following the birth of their sibling, and there was no significant difference between the behavior scores of the two groups 1 week after the experimental (or control) intervention. The visiting children did not show signs of fear or anxiety during the visit. These data suggest that sibling visiting to a neonatal intensive care unit is not likely to be harmful and might be beneficial to the siblings and their families.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate visiting frequency of family members, including mother, father, siblings and grandparents and associated factors during hospitalisation of preterm infants. METHODS: The study included all premature (< 37 weeks) infants born in Tampere University Hospital in 1997-1998 admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with a birth weight less than 2500 g (n = 210). Maternal and infant data and visits made by family members were compiled from the infants' hospital records. RESULTS: The length of the infants' hospitalisation varied from 2 to 133 days (median 26, quartiles 19, 45). Mothers visited the NICU on average 6.7 days/week; fathers 4.8 days/week. Mothers visited less frequently the lower the gestational age and the longer the distance between home and hospital. Fathers visited less frequently if distance from home to hospital was longer and if the infant had siblings. A total of 92% of siblings and 80% of grandparents visited the hospital. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed active visiting by the parents in the NICU. A lower gestational age was associated with lower visiting frequency for mothers. In contrast, more practical limitations such as geographical distance and other children to be taken care of had greater effect on the visiting frequency for fathers.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析该院新生儿重症监护室(NICU)2012年1月至2013年10月新生儿院内感染的发生情况,探讨院内感染发生的危险因素。方法回顾性分析NICU住院时间超过48 h新生儿的临床资料,分析院内感染发生、发展及相关的危险因素。结果该研究中1357例患儿发生院内感染202例次,院内感染发生率为14.89%(202/1375),日感染率为10.44‰(202/19355)。不同出生体重与胎龄患儿院内感染发生率比较有统计学意义,其中出生体重<1000 g患儿院感发生率为75.00%,胎龄<30周患儿院内感染发生率为52.63%。最常见的院内感染类型是肺炎[43.07%(87/202)]与败血症[26.73%(54/202)]。院内感染患儿比非院内感染患儿住院时间长(中位住院时间:20 d与10 d)(P<0.01),住院费用高(中位住院费用:21045.32元与8108.23元)(P<0.01)。单因素分析结果显示,院内感染患儿与非院内感染患儿在胎龄、出生体重、5 min Apgar评分、窒息抢救史、感染前抗生素使用、机械通气、中心静脉置管、胸腔闭式引流管、感染前胸腹部手术方面比较差异有显著统计学意义,Logistic 回归分析显示,机械通气、中心静脉置管及感染前使用抗生素为院内感染的独立危险因素。结论 NICU新生儿院内感染发生率比较高,机械通气、中心静脉置管及感染前使用抗生素为NICU院内感染独立危险因素。  相似文献   

Aims: To review clinical features and outcome of children with severe Staphylococcus aureus sepsis (SAS) presenting to a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with particular focus on ethnicity, clinical presentation, cardiac involvement, and outcome. Methods: Retrospective chart review of patients coded for SAS over 10 years (October 1993 to April 2004). Results: There were 58 patients identified with SAS over the 10 year study period; 55 were community acquired. This accounted for 4% of hospital admissions for SAS over this time; children with staphylococcal illness comprised 1% of all admissions to the PICU. Maori and Pacific children with SAS were overly represented in the PICU (81%) from a paediatric population where they contribute 21.6%. Musculoskeletal symptoms (79%) dominated presentation rather than isolated pneumonia (10%). An aggressive search for foci and surgical drainage of infective foci was required in 50% of children. Most children had multifocal disease (67%) and normal cardiac valves (95%); the few children (12%) presenting with methicillin resistant S aureus (MRSA) had community acquired infection. The median length of stay in the PICU was 3 (mean 5.8, SD 7.6, range 1–44) days. The median length of stay in hospital was 15 (mean 21, SD 22.7, range 2–149) days. Mortality due to SAS was 8.6% (95% CI 1.4–15.8%) compared with the overall mortality for the PICU of 6% (95% CI 5.3–6.7%). Ten children had significant morbidity after discharge. Conclusions: Community acquired SAS affects healthy children, is multifocal, and has high morbidity and mortality, in keeping with the high severity of illness scores on admission. It is imperative to look for sites of dissemination and to drain and debride foci. Routine echocardiography had low yield in the absence of pre-existing cardiac lesions, persisting fever, or persisting bacteraemia.  相似文献   

儿科重症监护室(NICU、PICU)的患儿常存在各种原因导致脑损伤,数字视频脑电图检查可为病因诊断、病情变化监测、评估、预后等提供帮助,现将数字视频脑电图在 NICU 和 PICU 中常见疾病中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

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