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The processing of emotional faces is an important prerequisite for adequate social interactions in daily life, and might thus specifically be altered in adolescence, a period marked by significant changes in social emotional processing. Previous research has shown that the cannabinoid receptor CB1R is associated with longer gaze duration and increased brain responses in the striatum to happy faces in adults, yet, for adolescents, it is not clear whether an association between CBR1 and face processing exists. In the present study we investigated genetic effects of the two CB1R polymorphisms, rs1049353 and rs806377, on the processing of emotional faces in healthy adolescents. They participated in functional magnetic resonance imaging during a Faces Task, watching blocks of video clips with angry and neutral facial expressions, and completed a Morphed Faces Task in the laboratory where they looked at different facial expressions that switched from anger to fear or sadness or from happiness to fear or sadness, and labelled them according to these four emotional expressions. A‐allele versus GG‐carriers in rs1049353 displayed earlier recognition of facial expressions changing from anger to sadness or fear, but not for expressions changing from happiness to sadness or fear, and higher brain responses to angry, but not neutral, faces in the amygdala and insula. For rs806377 no significant effects emerged. This suggests that rs1049353 is involved in the processing of negative facial expressions with relation to anger in adolescence. These findings add to our understanding of social emotion‐related mechanisms in this life period.  相似文献   

Afferent projections to the thalamic lateral dorsal nucleus were examined in the rat by the use of retrograde axonal transport techniques. Small iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase were placed at various locations within the lateral dorsal nucleus, and the location and morphology of cells of origin of afferent projections were identified by retrograde labeling. For all cases examined, subcortical retrogradely labeled neurons were most prominent in the pretectal complex, the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. Labeled cells were also seen in the thalamic reticular nucleus and the zona incerta. Within the cerebral cortex, labeled cells were prominent in the retrosplenial areas (areas 29b, 29c, and 29d) and the presubiculum. Labeled cells were also seen in areas 17 and 18 of occipital cortex. Peroxidase injections in the dorsal lateral part of the lateral dorsal nucleus result in labeled neurons in all of the ipsilateral pretectal nuclei, but especially those that receive direct retinal afferents. Labeled cells were also seen in the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus and the rostral tip of laminae IV-VI of the superior colliculus. In contrast, peroxidase injections in ventral medial portions of the lateral dorsal nucleus result in fewer labeled pretectal cells, and these labeled cells are found exclusively in the pretectal nuclei that do not receive retinal afferents. Other labeled cells following injections in the rostral and medial portions of the lateral dorsal nucleus are seen contralaterally in the medial pretectal region and nucleus of the posterior commissure, and bilaterally in the rostral tips of laminae IV and V of the superior colliculus. Camera lucida drawings of HRP labeled cells reveal that projecting cells in each pretectal nucleus have a characteristic soma size and dendritic branching pattern. These results are discussed with regard to the type of sensory information that may reach the lateral dorsal nucleus and then be relayed on to the medial limbic cortex.  相似文献   

Subcortical afferent projections to the medial limbic cortex were examined in the rat by the use of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. Small iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase were placed at various locations within the dorsal and ventral cingulate areas, the dorsal agranular and ventral granular divisions of the retrosplenial cortex and the presubiculum. Somata of afferent neurons in the thalamus and basal forebrain were identified by retrograde labeling. Each of the anterior thalamic nuclei was found to project to several limbic cortical areas, although not with equal density. The anterior dorsal nucleus projects primarily to the presubiculum and ventral retrosplenial cortex; the anterior ventral nucleus projects to the retrosplenial cortex and the presubiculum with apparently similar densities; and the anterior medial nucleus projects primarily to the cingulate areas. The projections from the lateral dorsal nucleus to these limbic cortical areas are organized in a loose topographic fashion. The projection to the presubiculum originates in the most dorsal portion of the lateral dorsal nucleus. The projection to the ventral retrosplenial cortex originates in rostral and medial portions of the nucleus, whereas afferents to the dorsal retrosplenial cortex originate in caudal portions of the lateral dorsal nucleus. The projection to the cingulate originates in the ventral portion of the lateral dorsal nucleus. Other projections from the thalamus originate in the intralaminar and midline nuclei, including the central lateral, central dorsal, central medial, paracentral, reuniens, and paraventricular nuclei, and the ventral medial and ventral anterior nuclei. In addition, projections to the medial limbic cortex from the basal forebrain originate in cells of the nucleus of the diagonal band. Projections to the presubiculum also originate in the medial septum. These results are discussed in regard to convergence of sensory and nonsensory information projecting to the limbic cortex and the types of visual and other sensory information that may be relayed to the limbic cortex by these projections.  相似文献   

The nucleus incertus is located caudal to the dorsal raphe and medial to the dorsal tegmentum. It is composed of a pars compacta and a pars dissipata and contains acetylcholinesterase, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and cholecystokinin-positive somata. In the present study, anterograde tracer injections in the nucleus incertus resulted in terminal-like labeling in the perirhinal cortex and the dorsal endopyriform nucleus, the hippocampus, the medial septum diagonal band complex, lateral and triangular septum medial amygdala, the intralaminar thalamic nuclei, and the lateral habenula. The hypothalamus contained dense plexuses of fibers in the medial forebrain bundle that spread in nearly all nuclei. Labeling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus filled specifically the ventral half. In the midbrain, labeled fibers were observed in the interpeduncular nuclei, ventral tegmental area, periaqueductal gray, superior colliculus, pericentral inferior colliculus, pretectal area, the raphe nuclei, and the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. Retrograde tracer injections were made in areas reached by anterogradely labeled fibers including the medial prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, habenula, nucleus reuniens, superior colliculus, periaqueductal gray, and interpeduncular nuclei. All these injections gave rise to retrograde labeling in the nucleus incertus but not in the dorsal tegmental nucleus. These data led us to conclude that there is a system of ascending projections arising from the nucleus incertus to the median raphe, mammillary complex, hypothalamus, lateral habenula, nucleus reuniens, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, medial septum, and hippocampus. Many of the targets of the nucleus incertus were involved in arousal mechanisms including the synchronization and desynchronization of the theta rhythm.  相似文献   

Impaired emotional functioning in schizophrenia is a prominent clinical feature that manifests primarily as flat affect. Studies have examined the perception, experience, and expression of emotions in schizophrenia and reported normal ratings of experience but impaired affect identification. However, the relation between flat affect and performance on facial affect identification and cognitive tasks has not been systematically examined in relation to premorbid adjustment and clinical outcome. We report a prospective study of 63 patients with at least moderate severity of flat affect and 99 patients without flat affect, who were compared on functional domains, emotion processing tasks, and neurocognitive measures. Flat affect was more common in men and was associated with poorer premorbid adjustment, worse current quality of life, and worse outcome at 1-year follow-up. Patients overall performed more poorly on emotion processing tasks, one that required identification of happy and sad emotions and one that required differentiating among intensities within these emotions. They responded inaccurately yet faster than controls for the intensity differentiation task, suggesting a decomposition of the normal relation between accuracy and speed. Flat affect ratings, compared with other negative symptoms, uniquely predicted performance on emotion processing tasks. Patients with flat affect showed greater impairment in both emotion processing tasks, with the most pronounced impairment for the intensity differentiation task. However, the 2 patient groups did not differ in the neurocognitive profile except for verbal memory. We conclude that flat affect is an important clinical feature of schizophrenia that exacerbates the course of illness.  相似文献   

Information processing models are influenced by the information sciences and by computer technology, which progressed in the 1960s and 1970s. During the last decade these models have formed the theoretical basis for much of the experimental research on cognitive dysfunctions in psychiatric patients. An essential element in all of these models is that information is processed in several discrete stages. Different experimental paradigms have been developed in order to tap information about the processes taking place in each of these stages. Most of the research so far on pathological groups has been done on schizophrenic patients. Some deficits found in schizophrenics seem to be symptom-related. This is the case with performance deficits on the Continuous Performance Test with low processing load. Other dysfunctions might be vulnerability indicators, such as deficit performance on the forced choice Span of Apprehension task and the Continuous Performance Test with high momentary processing load, backward masking, serial recall for items that involve active rehearsal, and eye movement dysfunctions. However, information processing deficits do not seem to be specifically related to schizophrenia. Deficits can be found in other psychiatric syndromes too, especially in manic patients. Generally speaking, the dysfunctions emerge in a milder form in nonschizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

While impairments in emotion recognition are consistently reported in schizophrenia, there is some debate on the experience of emotion. Only few studies investigated neural correlates of emotional experience in schizophrenia. The present functional magnetic resonance imaging study compared a standard visual mood induction paradigm with an audiovisual method aimed at eliciting emotions more automatically. To investigate the interplay of sensory, cognitive and emotional mechanisms during emotion experience, we examined connectivity patterns between brain areas. Sixteen schizophrenia patients and sixteen healthy subjects participated in two different mood inductions (visual and audiovisual) that were administered for different emotions (happiness, sadness and neutral). Confirming the dissociation of behavioral and neural correlates of emotion experience, patients rated their mood similarly to healthy subjects but showed differences in neural activations. Sensory brain areas were activated less, increased activity emerged in higher cortical areas, particularly during audiovisual stimulation. Connectivity was increased between primary and secondary sensory processing areas in schizophrenia. These findings support the hypothesis of a deficit in filtering and processing sensory information alongside increased higher-order cognitive effort compensating for perception deficits in the affective domain. This may suffice to recover emotion experience in ratings of clinically stable patients but may fail during acute psychosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether impairment in visual information processing measured by backward masking was related to high threshold values in the Defence Mechanism Test (DMT) in patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: A total of 20 patients with schizophrenia according to DSM-IV, most of whom were out-patients, were studied with backward masking and a modified version of the DMT (DMTm). RESULTS: Nine of the patients showed an impairment in backward masking. There was a relationship between impairment in backward masking and the DMTm with either no or a late C-phase (correct perception in DMTm) in the first series, and a late perception of the peripheral person in the second series. There was no relationship for the other 14 threshold values. The patients did not have high threshold values in the DMTm as was expected. CONCLUSION: In this sample consisting mainly of out-patients, there were few relationships between impairment in backward masking and high threshold values in DMTm. Their visual information processing was not as disturbed as expected. Most previous studies on both backward masking and the DMT in patients with schizophrenia have been conducted among in-patients, who could be expected to be more disturbed than the out-patients in the present study. The results of studies on in-patients with schizophrenia must not be generalized to include out-patients, and vice versa.  相似文献   

The anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) was used to study the anatomical organization of descending projections from the mamillary body (MB) to the mesencephalon and pons at light and electron microscopic levels. Injections of WGA-HRP into the medial mamillary nucleus resulted in dense anterograde and retrograde labeling in the ventral tegmental nucleus, while injections in the lateral mamillary nucleus resulted in dense anterograde labeling in the dorsal tegmental nucleus pars dorsalis and dense anterograde and retrograde labeling in the pars ventralis of the dorsal tegmental nucleus. Anterogradely labeled fibers in the mamillotegmental tract diverged from the principal mamillary tract in an extensive dorsocaudally oriented swath of axons which extended to the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei, and numerous axons turned sharply ventrally and rostrally to terminate topographically in the dorsomedial nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and rostromedial pontine nuclei. The anterograde labeling in these two precerebellar relay nuclei was distributed near the midline such that projections from the lateral mamillary nucleus terminated mainly dorsomedial to the terminal fields of projections from the medial mamillary nucleus. In the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei, labeled axon terminals contained round synaptic vesicles and formed asymmetric synaptic junctions primarily with small diameter dendrites and to a lesser extent with neuronal somata. A few labeled terminals contained pleomorphic vesicles and formed symmetric synaptic junctions with dendrites and neuronal somata. Labeled axon terminals were also frequently found in synaptic contact with retrogradely labeled dendrites and neuronal somata in the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei. These findings indicate that neurons in the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei are reciprocally connected with MB projection neurons. In the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and medial pontine nuclei, labeled axon terminals contained round synaptic vesicles and formed asymmetric synaptic junctions primarily with small diameter dendrites. The present study demonstrates that projections from the medial and lateral nuclei of the MB are topographically organized in the mesencephalon and pons. The synaptic morphology of mamillotegmental projections suggests that they may have excitatory influences primarily on the distal dendrites of neurons in these brain regions.  相似文献   

Hippocampal area CA1 provides the major cortical output of the hippocampus, but only its projections to the subiculum and lateral septal nucleus are well characterized. The present study reexamines these extrinsic projections by using anterograde and retrograde tracing techniques. Injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) in the septal one-third of CA1 label axons and terminals in subicular, postsubicular, retrosplenial, perirhinal, and entorhinal cortices, lateral septal nucleus, and diagonal band of Broca. The septal CA1 injections also label terminal fields in contralateral CA1, and in contralateral subicular, postsubicular, perirhinal, and entorhinal cortices. Injections into the splenial one-third of CA1 label axons and terminals in subiculum, postsubiculum, ventral area infraradiata, and lateral septal nucleus, but they do not label axons and terminals on the contralateral side of the brain. Injections in the temporal one-third of CA1 label axons and terminals in subicular, parasubicular, entorhinal, and infraradiata cortices, anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory bulb, lateral septal nucleus, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and hypothalamus. The temporal CA1 injections label no axons on the contralateral side of the brain. These data demonstrate that CA1 has more widespread projections than previously appreciated, and they provide the first clear evidence that CA1 projects to the contralateral cortex and to the ipsilateral olfactory bulb, amygdala, and hypothalamus. The results also demonstrate a heterogeneity in the efferent projections originating in different septotemporal levels of CA1.  相似文献   

A previous study in the rat revealed that distinct orbital and medial prefrontal cortical (OMPFC) areas projected to specific columns of the midbrain periaqueductal gray region (PAG). This study used anterograde tracing techniques to define projections to the hypothalamus arising from the same OMPFC regions. In addition, injections of anterograde and retrograde tracers were made into different PAG columns to examine connections between hypothalamic regions and PAG columns projected upon by the same OMPFC regions. The most extensive patterns of hypothalamic termination were seen after injection of anterograde tracer in prelimbic and infralimbic (PL/IL) and the ventral and medial orbital (VO/MO) cortices. Projections from rostral PL/IL and VO/MO targeted the rostrocaudal extent of the lateral hypothalamus, as well as lateral perifornical, and dorsal and posterior hypothalamic areas. Projections arising from caudal PL/IL terminated within the dorsal hypothalamus, including the dorsomedial nucleus and dorsal and posterior hypothalamic areas. There were also projections to medial perifornical and lateral hypothalamic areas. In contrast, it was found that anterior cingulate (AC), dorsolateral orbital (DLO), and agranular insular (AId) cortices projected to distinct and restricted hypothalamic regions. Projections arising from AC terminated within dorsal and posterior hypothalamic areas, whereas DLO and AId projected to the lateral hypothalamus. The same OMPFC regions also projected indirectly, by means of specific PAG columns, to many of the same hypothalamic fields. In the context of our previous findings, these data indicate that, in both rat and macaque, parallel but distinct circuits interconnect OMPFC areas with specific hypothalamic regions, as well as PAG columns.  相似文献   

Thalamic projections to retrosplenial cortex in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The topographic relationships between anterior thalamic neurons and their terminal projection fields in the retrosplenial cortex of the rat were characterized by experiments with the fluorescent dye retrograde labeling technique. The results demonstrate that the anterodorsal (DAD) and anteroventral (AV) nuclei project heavily to retrosplenial granular cortex (Rg) and to a lesser extent to retrosplenial agranular cortex (Rag). In contrast, the anteromedial (AM) and lateral dorsal (LD) nuclei project heavily to Rag and more lightly to Rg. Irrespective of terminal field in Rg or Rag, the neuronal cell bodies in AD and AV are organized topographically so that the neurons in the caudal part of each nucleus project to rostral retrosplenial cortex and the neurons in the rostral portion of each nucleus project to the caudal retrosplenial cortex. Further, the ventromedial AD and AV neurons project to rostral retrosplenial cortex, whereas dorsolateral neurons in both nuclei project to caudal retrosplenial cortex. LD neurons display a different topographic organization. The neurons in the medioventral part of LD project primarily to the rostral retrosplenial cortex, and the neurons in lateral LD project to the caudal retrosplenial cortex. This latter projection to the caudal retrosplenial cortex is also contributed to by neurons residing in the mediodorsal part of caudal LD. The neurons in AM that project to the retrosplenial cortex display less segregation than the AV, AD, or LD neurons. In all experiments, a number of neurons in the dorsal ventro-anterolateral nucleus were labeled by retrosplenial injections. The largest number of cells in this nucleus were labeled after Rag injections, and these were topographically organized such that the neurons projecting to the rostral Rag were located immediately deep to the internal medullary lamina, and the neurons projecting to the caudal Rag were more ventrally located. Very few thalamic neurons have axon collaterals to different areas of the retrosplenial cortex as shown by double labeling experiments. Together, these results demonstrate a highly organized thalamic projection to the retrosplenial cortex.  相似文献   

目的 用失匹配负波(MMN)和P300去评定分裂症听信息加工中听感觉加工障碍与较高程度功能障碍的相关性.方法 52例分裂症患者和44例正常对照组采用事件相关脑电位检查,测量MMN和P300潜伏期和波幅,并采用SPSS和结构方程模型进行分析.结果 患者组产生的MMN的潜伏期、波幅与正常对照组比较差异有统计学意义(t=6.18,P<0.01;t=2.42,P<0.05),患者组产生的P300的波幅与正常对照组比较差异有统计学意义(t=2.64,P=0.01),患者组产生的P300的潜伏期与正常对照组比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.71,P>0.05).结构方程模型评定显示Group(疾病过程)和MMN波幅及Group和P300波幅显示出有显著路径的内相关(B=-1.01,P=0.015;B=-0.60,P -0.039),MMN波幅与P300波幅显示出有显著路径的内相关(B=0.17,P=0.015).结论 分裂症听信息加工中听感觉加工的障碍直接影响着较高程度的功能障碍.  相似文献   

Narme P  Bonnet AM  Dubois B  Chaby L 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(12):3295-3302
Parkinson's disease (PD) has been frequently associated with facial emotion recognition impairments, which could adversely affect the social functioning of those patients. Facial emotion recognition requires processing of the spatial relations between facial features, known as the facial configuration. Few studies, however, have investigated this ability in people with PD. We hypothesized that facial emotion recognition impairments in patients with PD could be accounted for by a deficit in configural processing. To assess this hypothesis, three tasks were proposed to 10 patients with PD and 10 healthy controls (HC): (i) a facial emotion recognition task with upright faces, (ii) a similar task with upside-down faces, to explore the face inversion effect, and (iii) a configural task to assess participants’ abilities to detect configural modifications made on a horizontal or vertical axis. The results showed that when compared with the HC group, the PD group had impaired facial emotion recognition, in particular for faces expressing anger and fear, and exhibited reduced face inversion effect for these emotions. More importantly, the PD group's performance on the configural task to detect vertical modifications was lower than the HC group's. Taken together, these results suggest the presence of a configural processing alteration in patients with PD, especially for vertical, second-order information. Furthermore, configural performance was positively correlated with emotion recognition for anger, disgust, and fear, suggesting that facial emotion recognition could be related, at least partially, to configural processing.  相似文献   

Townsend J, Altshuler LL. Emotion processing and regulation in bipolar disorder: a review.
Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 326–339. © 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objectives: Bipolar disorder (BP) is characterized by a dysfunction of mood, alternating between states of mania/hypomania and depression. Thus, the primary abnormality appears to be an inability to regulate emotion, the result of which is emotional extremes. The purpose of this paper is to review the current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) literature on adult patients with BP using emotion processing or regulation paradigms. Methods: A search was conducted on PubMed using the keywords: bipolar disorder, fMRI, mania, bipolar depression, bipolar euthymia, emotion, and amygdala. Only those studies that were conducted in adult patients using an emotion activation task were included in the final review. Results: Using tasks that assess neural functioning during emotion processing and emotion regulation, many fMRI studies have examined BP subjects during mania and euthymia. Fewer fMRI studies have been conducted during depression, and fewer still have included the same subjects in multiple mood states. Despite these limitations, these studies have demonstrated specific abnormalities in frontal–limbic regions. Using a variety of paradigms, investigators have specifically evaluated the amygdala (a structure within the limbic system known to be critical for emotion) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC) (a region known to have a regulatory function over the limbic system). Conclusions: These investigations reveal that amygdala activation varies as a function of mood state, while the PFC remains persistently hypoactivated across mood states. Emotional dysregulation and lability in mania and depression may reflect disruption of a frontal–limbic functional neuroanatomical network.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the amygdala projects to both the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) and its cortical projection area, the prefrontal cortex (PFC). In this investigation rats received injections of different fluorescent retrograde tracers (true blue and diamidino yellow) into MD and either the lateral, polar, or medial PFC in order to examine the relationship of amygdaloid neurons with cortical and/or thalamic projections. PFC injections labeled neurons in the basolateral (BL), basomedial (BM), ventral endopiriform (EnV), and rostral lateral nuclei as well as the periamygdaloid cortex (PAC) and the medial part of the amygdalohippocampal area (AHA). In BL, which contained the great majority of neurons projecting to PFC, most labeled cells were concentrated in particular parts of the nucleus and were topographically organized. The overwhelming majority of labeled neurons in BL were large pyramidal or piriform cells that correspond to class I neurons described in Golgi studies. Occasional small neurons with thin dendrites were also observed; these cells may be class II neurons. MD injections labeled numerous cells in the anterior division of the cortical nucleus, medial nucleus, and caudomedial part of the central nucleus. Moderate numbers of labeled cells were found in caudal portions of BM and PAC, whereas scattered cells were observed throughout the rest of the amygdala with the exception of the lateral nucleus. In BL and AHA many MD-projecting neurons were observed along nuclear boundaries and in the adjacent white matter. Neurons in BL, BM, and AHA usually had large elongated or irregular somata and two to four primary dendrites that branched sparingly. Other cells had smaller ovoid somata. The morphology and distribution of MD-projection cells in the basolateral amygdala indicate that they are primarily large class II neurons. Double-labeled amygdaloid neurons, labeled by both cortical and thalamic injections, were observed only in a small number of animals. Control experiments suggest that most of the double-labeled cells in these cases were artifacts caused by spread of the thalamic injectate into the third ventricle with subsequent uptake by fibers in the anterior commissure. Thus the findings of this study suggest that different neuronal populations in the amygdala project to the two poles of the MD-PFC system. In the basolateral amygdala class I neurons are the predominant cell type involved in PFC projections, whereas a subpopulation of class II neurons, hitherto thought to be primarily local-circuit neurons, project to MD.  相似文献   

Subcortical projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei were studied in the rat, with special reference to projections from the mammillary nuclei, by retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The medial mammillary nucleus (MM) projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the entire anterior thalamic nuclei, whereas the lateral mammillary nucleus projects bilaterally to the anterodorsal nucleus (AD) of the anterior thalamic nuclei. A topographic relationship was recognized between the MM and the anterior thalamic nuclei. The dorsal region of the pars mediana of the MM projects to the interanteromedial nucleus (IAM), whereas the ventral region projects to the rostral part of the anteromedial nucleus (AM). The dorsal and the ventral regions of the pars medialis project to the dorsomedial part of the AM at its caudal and rostral levels, respectively. The dorsomedial region of the pars lateralis projects to the ventral AM. The ventrolateral region of the pars lateralis projects to the ventral part of the anteroventral nucleus (AV) in such a manner that rostral cells project rostrally and caudal cells project caudally. The pars basalis projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the dorsolateral AV and bilaterally to the AD. The rostrolateral region of the pars posterior projects to the lateral AV, whereas the medial and the caudal regions of the pars posterior project to the dorsomedial AV. The rostrodorsal part of the nucleus reticularis thalami was found to project to the anterior thalamic nuclei; cells located rostrally in this part project to the IAM and AM, whereas cells located caudodorsally project to the AV and AD. The laterodorsal tegmental nucleus projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the AV, especially to its dorsolateral part. The present study demonstrates that subdivisions of the subcortical structures are connected to the subnuclei of the anterior thalamic nuclei, with a clear-cut topography arranged in the dorsoventral and the rostrocaudal dimensions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is a neurocognitive disorder with a wide range of cognitive and sensory impairments. Early visual processing has been shown to be especially impaired. This article investigates the integrity of binocular depth perception (stereopsis) in schizophrenia. METHODS: Seventeen schizophrenia patients and 19 healthy control subjects were compared on the Graded Circles Stereo Test. Results of stereoacuity were compared between patients and control subjects using t test. RESULTS: Schizophrenia patients demonstrated significantly (p = .006) reduced stereoacuity (mean = 142 arcseconds) versus control subjects (mean = 55 arcseconds). At the normative level for adults, patients performed below chance. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate an impairment of binocular depth perception and further confirm deficits of early visual processing in schizophrenia. Findings are discussed in context of magnocellular/dorsal stream processing with implications for visual processing and cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neuroimaging studies report reduced medial prefrontal cortical (particularly anterior cingulate) but enhanced amygdala response to fear signals in posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We investigated whether anterior cingulate-amygdala dysregulation in PTSD would generalize to salient, but nonthreat related signals. METHODS: Individuals with PTSD (n = 14) and age and sex-matched nontraumatized controls (n = 14) completed an auditory oddball paradigm adapted to functional magnetic resonance imaging at a 1.5-T field strength. RESULTS: Controls displayed bilateral activation in ventral anterior cingulate and amygdala networks, and PTSD subjects showed bilateral dorsal anterior cingulate and amygdala activation to targets relative to nontargets. Compared to controls, PTSD subjects showed enhanced responses to targets in the dorsal and rostral anterior cingulate, and left amygdala. Whole-brain analyses confirmed the expected pattern of distributed prefrontal-parietal responses to targets in the oddball task. Greater activity in posterior parietal somatosensory regions was observed in PTSD. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings of enhanced anterior cingulate responses in PTSD contrast with reports of reduced activity for threat stimuli, suggesting that the latter may be specific to processing of threat-related content. Activation in rostral and dorsal anterior cingulate, left amygdala and posterior parietal networks in response to salient, nonthreatening stimuli may reflect generalized hypervigilance.  相似文献   

The shell of the nucleus accumbens and central division of the extended amygdala are telencephalic structures that influence motor activity and lately have been regarded by some as components of a single functional-anatomic continuum. Each has a highly differentiated internal organization and output system and distinct pharmacologic responses however, and it is thus likely that each subserves distinct contributions to behavior. In this investigation, nucleus accumbens and extended amygdala outputs were compared by using retrograde tracing in adult and postnatal rats. Fluoro-Gold, when injected into the ventral tegmental area, produced substantial retrograde labeling in the adult nucleus accumbens shell, but only trivial amounts in the central division of the extended amygdala. Injection sites in the lateral mesopontine tegmentum produced robust labeling in the central extended amygdala but little in the nucleus accumbens. The projections of extended amygdala were substantially developed by postnatal day 1, whereas those of the caudomedial shell of the nucleus accumbens only reached the ventral tegmental area by approximately postnatal day 6. Few neurons projecting from the caudomedial shell of the accumbens to the ventral tegmental area were observed even at postnatal day 21. In consideration of the reported importance of the nucleus accumbens, particularly the caudomedial shell, in neural processing related to reward and motivation and the central nervous system response to antipsychotic drugs, it may be important to determine whether processes occurring during the protracted postnatal development of the caudomedial shell are vulnerable to destructive circumstances, such as drug intoxication, maternal separation, or social isolation.  相似文献   

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