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目的:分析8例经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)并发的急性心脏压塞原因、临床表现和治疗结果。方法:2005年1月至2008年12月对5 241例冠心病患者进行了PCI术,8例患者并发急性心脏压塞。采用心包穿刺引流术处理,无效时采用外科手术。结果:急性心脏压塞的发生率为0.15%。8例患者早期均表现为胸闷、血压下降。7例患者行紧急心包穿刺引流,其中2例因引流后仍继续出血而行外科修补手术。1例患者未行心包穿刺引流死亡。结论:急性心脏压塞是PCI术的严重并发症,及时发现和有效救治是十分重要的。  相似文献   

目的 总结心脏介入性治疗中发生急性心脏压塞诊断和处理的经验与教训。方法 回顾性分析1986年1月至2003年6月1442例心脏病介入手术导致急性心脏压塞的资料。结果 4例患者在介入治疗术中或术后即刻出现胸闷、烦躁、大汗淋漓、血压下降、心率加快或减慢,X线示心脏搏动减弱或超声心动图示心包积液,诊断为急性心脏压塞,发生率0.3%,其中1例发生在植入起搏器术后即刻,1例在二尖瓣球囊扩张行房间隔穿刺时,2例发生于射频导管消融过程中。3例经心包穿刺引流成功,1例因射频导管消融导致左心房穿孔,心包穿刺失败,未能及时开胸切开心包,患者死亡。结论 心脏病介入性治疗操作术中并发急性心脏压塞可危及生命,及时诊断与处理非常重要,心包穿刺引流是首选的方法,必要时应及时开胸切开心包减压。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)并发冠状动脉穿孔的处理策略。方法纳入2004年5月至2010年10月行PCI治疗并发冠状动脉穿孔的25例患者,对患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,根据穿孔的影像特征进行Ellis分型,对各型冠状动脉穿孔的处理策略进行分析与总结。结果冠状动脉穿孔的发生率为0.82%(25/2036),其中Ⅰ型穿孔13例(52%),Ⅱ型穿孔3例(12%),Ⅲ型穿孔9例(36%),死亡2例(8%)。Ⅰ型穿孔患者采取严密观察,但未行特殊处理。Ⅱ型穿孔患者予以停用抗凝药物,球囊长时间低压扩张,其中1例于术后24h出现心包填塞,心包穿刺引流后病情逐渐稳定。Ⅲ型穿孔患者4例经球囊低压力贴附封堵穿孔部位后破口消失,3例行带膜支架置入,2例在球囊长时间低压力贴附封堵穿孔部位同时使用鱼精蛋白,但使用鱼精蛋白后均出现冠状动脉内慢血流死亡;Ⅲ型穿孔患者中4例出现急性心包填塞。结论冠状动脉穿孔发生率低,但可导致严重临床后果,及时正确处理是减少恶性心脏事件的关键。  相似文献   

目的 了解经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)中心包积液/心脏压塞发生率、发生的相关因素、处理以及预后,为PCI的正确操作及合理选用器械提供参考。方法 分析了1246例PCI资料,包括住院病历、PCI操作记录、护理记录和影像学资料,判定心包积液/心脏压塞发生原因、时间、临床表现、处理方式和结果。结果 共8例心包积液(0.64%)、3例心脏压塞(0.24%),其中10例(91%)在导管室确诊,1例(9%)延期发现。冠状动脉造影直接发现导引钢丝和/或球囊致冠状动脉穿孔9例(81.8%),其中球囊通过冠状动脉破口未扩张2例,球囊通过冠状动脉破口并扩张1例,冠状动脉穿孔多发生在慢性完全闭塞性病变(CTO);通过临床表现、超声心动图证实起搏电极导线致右心室穿孔2例(18.2%),均出现在心肌梗死后患者。球囊通过冠状动脉破口并扩张1例,发生迟发性心脏压塞,6h后急诊外科干预引流后治愈;右心室临时起搏电极导管穿破右心室2例,1例行心包穿刺术,另1例心包穿刺后留置猪尾导管引流2d成功治愈。结论 冠状动脉及右心室穿孔是PCI并发心包积液/心脏压塞的主要原因,前者多发生在CTO患者,后者易出现于心肌梗死后患者。正确的操作方法及合理的器械选择可能减少此并发症的发生。冠状动脉穿孔较心室穿孔易于诊断,心包积液/心脏压塞多数能在导管室早期发现,并能得以合理的处理。  相似文献   

Coronary perforation is an undesirable complication during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). We reviewed the cases of overt coronary perforation in our institute and analyzed their clinical backgrounds, the characteristics of the target lesion, management, and clinical outcomes. Between 1991 and 2005, we experienced 12 cases (0.35%) of coronary perforation in a total of 3415 PCI procedures. The perforation occurred during the use of debulking devices in 3 cases, immediately after stenting in 2, immediately after postdilatation of the stent in 2, and during wiring in 3 cases. Restoration was attempted by long inflation of a balloon in 7 cases, implantation of a covered stent graft in 1, and emergency surgical repair in 1 case. Subsequent cardiac tamponade occurred in 3 patients who required pericardiocentesis, and 1 patient died due to congestive heart failure. Administration of protamine was effective in stopping the bleeding in 6 patients, whereas continuation of antiplatelet therapy resulted in no overt rebleeding. Coronary perforation during PCI is a rare complication but is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Intravenous administration of protamine is effective when it is used in conjunction with nonsurgical devices for initial management of perforation.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 67 year old male with acute inferior myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock 4 h after successful PCI of the target vessel. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed pericardial tamponade due to guiding wire-induced coronary perforation. Echocardiographically guided pericardiocentesis was performed immediately and after evacuation of 80 ml of hemorrhagic pericardial fluid haemodynamics stabilized. We conclude that coronary perforation could become symptomatic even hours after PCI and therefore should be considered in all forms of post procedural cardiogenic shock. The use of echocontrast media facilitates emergency pericardiocentesis.  相似文献   

【】 目的 总结心脏介入术中并发急性心包填塞的防治体会。方法 回顾性分析6例心脏介入术中发生急性心包填塞患者的发病特点、发生原因及处理措施。结果 二尖瓣球囊扩张术(PBMV)中1例为房间隔穿刺位置过高致右心房穿孔而发生急性心包填塞,经紧急心外科手术救治成功,1例为送入穿刺鞘致心房穿孔所致,超声引导下心包穿刺置管引流48h后痊愈;冠状动脉介入治疗术(PCI)中1例为反复推送导丝穿破高度狭窄钙化的左前降支所致, 经紧急心外科手术救治成功,1例为急性前壁心肌梗死PCI时发生,经对症治疗及置管引流48小时后痊愈;射频消融术(RFCA)中1例为放置左上肺静脉电极导管时不慎将左心耳穿破所致,行猪尾导管引流、输血、升压等措施后心包填塞症状缓解;心脏永久性起搏器植入术中1例为电极损伤冠状静脉所致,行超声下猪尾导管心包穿刺引流及输血等治疗后,病情稳定。结论:急性心包填塞是心脏介入术的严重并发症,积极预防、及时发现、果断处理是防治的关键措施。  相似文献   

心脏介入性治疗合并急性心脏压塞分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 分析2746例各类心脏介入性治疗病例并发急性心脏压塞(acute cardiac tampon—ade,ACT的原因和诊断、处理的经验及教训。方法回顾性分析1995~2003年1061例射频消融,1384例冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI),425例二尖瓣球囊扩张成形术(per-cutaneous balloon mitralvalvoplasty PBMV),76例先天性心脏病介入性治疗的病人合并急性心脏压塞的原因和诊断处理的过程。结果 在2746例介入性治疗的患者中,共有9例发生ACT,发生率为0.33%。其中8例行急诊心包穿刺引流,1例开胸并行修补术。9例病人无1例死亡。1061例射频消融病例中,2例发生ACT,占0.89%。1384例PCI病人中2例出现ACT,发生率为0.14%,5例冠状动脉脉破裂,经球囊和带膜支架封堵等处理,没发生ACT。425例经皮二尖瓣球囊成形术患者中共有5例ACT,占1.18%。其中1例开胸行修补术。76例先天性心脏病无ACT并发。结论心脏介入性冶疗中ACT发生率较低,早期发现,及时心包穿刺引流,可以避免外科开胸手术治疗。  相似文献   



Coronary perforation is a serious but uncommon complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.


We performed an analysis of the Mayo Clinic PCI database. Clinical records, procedural reports, and angiographic studies were reviewed. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify clinical, procedural, anatomic, and angiographic correlates of coronary perforation.


A total of 16,298 PCI procedures were performed between January 1990 and December 2001. We identified 95 coronary perforations (0.58%; 95% CI, 0.47-0.71). The incidence of coronary perforation varied with time. Correlates of coronary perforation included the use of an atheroablative device and female sex. Twelve patients (12.6%) sustained an acute myocardial infarction, and cardiac tamponade developed in 11 patients (11.6%). Management strategies included reversal of heparin, pericardiocentesis, placement of a covered stent, and surgical repair. Seven patients died (7.4%).


Coronary perforation during PCI is rare, but is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The variable frequency of perforation may be explained by temporal variations in the use of atheroablative devices.  相似文献   

目的:总结心脏介入治疗并发心脏压塞的临床特点、诊断、治疗和结果。方法:分析1998年1月~2005年6月进行心脏介入治疗发生心脏压塞的12例患者资料。结果:12例患者发生心脏压塞,其中起搏器置入术2例,射频消融术2例,冠心病介入治疗术3例,房间隔缺损封堵术1例,上腔静脉滤器置入术1例,冠状动脉瘘造影1例,肥厚型心肌病行NOGA标测1例,心包穿刺引流术1例。早发心脏压塞6例,迟发心脏压塞6例;早发心脏压塞多表现为术中血压、心率突然下降,透视下心影外缘出现透亮环,心脏搏动减弱;迟发心脏压塞患者可表现为血压下降、心率增快、休克。救治成功10例,死亡2例。结论:强化诊断意识、早期识别心脏压塞、及时行心包穿刺引流、外科处理是抢救的关键。  相似文献   

Coronary artery perforation complicating percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is rare but can be potentially fatal. We report a case of coronary artery dissection and perforation during PTCA that was successfully treated by implanting a bare stent with disappearance of angiographic contrast extravasation and performing one-time pericardiocentesis for unexpected, delayed cardiac tamponade thereby avoiding the need for surgery. The possibility of coronary angiography not detecting a small residual leak from the perforation is also discussed . (J Interven Cardiol 2000; 13:45–50)  相似文献   

《Acute cardiac care》2013,15(4):216-221
The present study reports the incidence, management and clinical outcome of coronary perforations in 5 of 2991 patients (0.1%) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention, with non-debulking (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stent) techniques. There was 1 type I, 1 type II and 3 type III perforations. One perforation was guidewire related, 2 perforations occurred after stent deployment and two occurred during stent-post dilatation with balloons. Restoration was obtained by prolong balloon inflation in three cases. Subsequent cardiac tamponade occurred in 2 patients, requiring pericardiocentesis. One patient died in the cath lab. due to electromechanical dissociation. At follow-up, 3 out of 4 patients were asymptomatic and one had bypass surgery for restenosis. Treatment of coronary perforation requires rapid detection, angiographic classification, and immediate occlusion of perforation site, pericardiocentesis, haemodynamic support and reversal of heparin anticoagulation.  相似文献   

经皮冠状动脉介入治疗并发急性心包填塞的临床分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:分析和探讨冠心病介入治疗(PCI)并发急性心包填塞(ACT)的原因、诊断和处理方法。方法:回顾性分析1546例冠状动脉患者PCI中ACT的发生率、原因和诊断处理方法。结果:在1546例行PCI的患者中,根据临床表现及超声心动图检查,证实有5例因冠状动脉穿孔并发ACT,发生率为0.32%。5例全部行心包急诊穿刺引流,无一例死亡。结论:PCI中应尽早期发现ACT,并及时心包穿刺及持续引流,可以避免外科开胸手术治疗。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most frequent pericardial emergency is cardiac tamponade, but complications of an acute coronary syndrome and aortic dissection may also involve the pericardium. Acute pericarditis can also represent a medical emergency due to chest pain of upsetting intensity. Decompensations in chronic advanced constriction and in the clinical course of purulent pericarditis necessitate critical care as well. DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT: The diagnosis of cardiac tamponade is based on clinical presentation and physical findings, confirmed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Tamponade is an absolute indication for urgent drainage, either by pericardiocentesis or surgical pericardiotomy. The approach for pericardiocentesis can be subxiphoid or intercostal using echocardiographic or fluoroscopic guidance. Urgent drainage, combined with intravenous antibiotics, is also mandatory in suspected purulent pericarditis. If confirmed, it should be combined with intrapericardial rinsing (best by a surgical drainage). Pericardiocentesis is contraindicated in cardiac tamponade complicating aortic dissection. This condition should immediately lead to cardiac surgery. Although pericardiectomy is the only treatment for permanent constriction, this procedure is contraindicated when extensive myocardial fibrosis and/or atrophy are demonstrated. CASE STUDY: Iatrogenic tamponade may occur during percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty, implantation of pacemakers, electrophysiology and radiofrequency ablation procedures, right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy, percutaneous coronary interventions, and rarely during Swan-Ganz catheterization. The authors report on a 79-year-old who suffered coronary perforation and cardiac tamponade during elective stent implantation. Tamponade was successfully treated with pericardiocentesis and implantation of a membrane-covered graft stent. Subsequent recurrent pericarditis/postpericardial injury syndrome with moderate pericardial effusion was initially treated with aspirin and then with aspirin and colchicine. At 6 months, the patient is in stable remission even after withdrawal of colchicine. CONCLUSION: Natural history of pericardial diseases can be complicated with pericardial emergencies requiring prompt diagnosis, intensive care with hemodynamic monitoring, and early aggressive management. Medical supportive measures, drainage of pericardial effusion, surgical pericardiotomy, and pericardiectomy should be applied when needed with no delay. This procedural approach also applies to iatrogenic interventions leading to tamponade.  相似文献   

Perforation or rupture of a coronary artery with subsequent pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade is a potentially life-threatening complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Several emergency treatment strategies exist to close the perforation including reversal of anticoagulation, prolonged balloon inflation, implantation of stent grafts, local injection of thrombogenic molecules, placement of microcoils, or open heart surgery. Here we report on a 66-year-old patient who underwent urgent PCI for acute stent thrombosis in the proximal LAD. The artery was reopened, a new stent implanted successfully, and a GPIIb/IIIa-antagonist was given. Shortly thereafter the patient suffered from cardiac tamponade requiring pericardiocentesis and pericardial drainage. The coronary angiogram indicated a severe guide wire-induced perforation and pericardial effusion originating from a distal diagonal branch segment. Prolonged balloon inflation did not stop the leakage. Therefore the monorail balloon was exchanged for an over-the-wire balloon. A two-component commercial fibrin glue consisting of fibrinogen and thrombin was rapidly but separately injected through the wire channel of the balloon into the distal segment of the diagonal branch. The coronary leak was successfully closed and the patient recovered quickly. In comparison with the previously reported cases of thrombin injection important differences should be noticed: (1) a two-component hemostatic seal was used without reversal of anticoagulation, (2) rapid injection instead of prolonged infusion of the hemostatic drugs was performed, and (3) the rescue technique was applied in a cath lab that routinely uses monorail catheter systems. Therefore we consider this a novel and effective approach for closure of coronary ruptures.  相似文献   

经皮冠状动脉介入术相关并发症的诊治现状与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)不可避免地会发生某些并发症,甚至危及患者的生命。大型医疗中心的PCI并发症发生率为5.53%;严重的并发症包括冠状动脉穿孔、急性冠状动脉闭塞、冠状动脉无再流及急性冠状动脉内血栓形成等。PCI围手术期应注重预防和避免并发症的发生。  相似文献   

Retrograde recanalization of a chronic coronary total occlusion has become an increasingly utilized method to increase success from percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Retrograde wire passage using a septal collateral is the preferred route as the consequences of vessel perforation are more benign than epicardial collateral perforation which may produce cardiac tamponade. Tamponade risk is thought to be lessened by previous coronary bypass surgery due to adhesions preventing free flow of blood throughout the pericardial space. We report the first case of the retrograde approach producing epicardial collateral perforation resulting in a localized epicardial hematoma, which in turn, produced left atrial (LA) inflow and outflow obstruction, with the former producing localized pulmonary edema and pleural effusion. We review reported cases of LA hematoma as a consequence of the antegrade PCI approach and describe a unified explanation for the development of this phenomenon. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Coronary perforation is a rare complication of percutaneous coronary intervention. We report a case of left anterior descending artery osteal perforation that led to acute cardiac tamponade during excimer laser angioplasty. Perforation was successfully covered with a PTFE-coated stent with preserved distal coronary flow.  相似文献   

Cardiac tamponade is an uncommon but life-threatening complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The purpose of the present study was to characterize the incidence, management, and clinical outcome associated with this complication. We analyzed a prospective database of 25,697 PCIs performed at William Beaumont Hospital (Royal Oak, Michigan) between October 1993 and December 2000. Cardiac tamponade was observed in 31 of 25,697 PCI procedures (0.12%). Cardiac tamponade was diagnosed in the catheterization laboratory in 17 of 31 patients (55%), and 14 patients (45%) had a delayed presentation (mean time from PCI 4.4 hours). Cardiac tamponade was twice as frequent after use of atheroablative devices compared with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stenting (0.26% vs 0.11%, p <0.05). All patients with immediate cardiac tamponade had coronary artery perforation. In 11 of 14 patients with delayed tamponade (79%), no actual site of perforation could be identified. A moderate or large pericardial effusion was observed in 20 patients, and 9 had small effusions without typical echocardiographic features of tamponade. Pericardiocentesis was performed in 30 patients; 19 patients (61%) were treated successfully with aspiration alone, but 12 patients (39%) required further emergency surgical intervention. In-hospital complications included death (42%), emergency surgery (39%), myocardial infarction (29%), and transfusion (65%). Cardiac tamponade is an uncommon but important complication of PCI and is associated with high mortality and morbidity. Most cases are recognized in the catheterization laboratory, but delayed cardiac tamponade may occur and must be considered as a cause of late hypotension after PCI.  相似文献   

Life-threatening cardiac tamponade is one of the most serious complications of catheter-based cardiac procedures. Although most cases can be effectively treated by percutaneous pericardiocentesis, urgent surgical drainage is required in unsuccessful cases. Rarely, in collapsed patients, the delay for surgery, however minimal, may be fatal. We describe a technique whereby life-saving pericardial drainage was rapidly achieved via a novel transcardiac approach, using the transseptal puncture kit, after failure of conventional pericardiocentesis in a patient with procedure-related acute tamponade who rapidly deteriorated and developed cardiorespiratory arrest within a few minutes. Although surgical repair for the perforation had to be performed subsequently, the patient survived without sequelae. This transcardiac approach may be an important and potentially life-saving adjunctive technique after failure of conventional pericardiocentesis in rapidly deteriorating or extremely unstable patients.  相似文献   

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