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This study aimed to describe the morphology, expression of IgA and IgG in adult yak tonsils. The 12 clinically healthy yak tonsils [3- to 6-year old, n = 12] were examined for morphology using light, and transmission electron microscopes. Expression of IgA and IgG was measured by qRT-PCR, ELISA, and immunohistochemistry. The results showed that the palatine tonsil, the tonsil of the soft palate, and the lingual tonsil were oropharyngeal tonsils. The stratified squamous epithelia covering them had a thick underlying layer of connective tissue and their crypts were heavily infiltrated by lymphocytes. The pharyngeal tonsil and the tubal tonsil were nasopharyngeal tonsils. The epithelia of them was predominantly pseudostratified columnar ciliary epithelium, which were loosely arranged with a number of desmosomes or intermediate junctions variably connecting them. The expression levels of IgA and IgG mRNA and protein from high to low was in the pharyngeal tonsil, palatine tonsil, tonsil of the soft palate, lingual tonsil, and tubal tonsil, respectively. Interestingly, the expression of IgG was very significantly higher than that of IgA in yak tonsils (P < 0.01). Both the IgA and IgG ASCs were distributed in the subepithelial areas of the non-reticular crypt epithelium, especially areas of pseudostratified columnar ciliary epithelium, the reticular crypt epithelium, lymphoid follicles, interfollicular areas, and with some of the positive cells aggregating around the glands. The results indicated that the tonsils were not only typical secondary lymphoid organs but also lymphoepithelial structures. IgG could be a significant component of mucosal immune responses in yak tonsils. Anat Rec, 302:999–1009, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Salivary glands are a good model to investigate the relationship between cell secretion and glandular structure. Most studies of this organ deal with mammals, but we are interested in a morphofunctional characterization of these glands in poultry in relation with particular feeding habits. For this purpose, conventional and lectin histochemical methods as well as ultrastructural methods have been applied to the chicken lateral and medial palatine salivary glands. It was found that periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive, alcianophilic, and metachromatic or orthochromatic cells were present with a more homogeneous distribution pattern in lateral glands than in medial palatine glands. Lectin staining depended on the lectin type that was applied, but also on the glandular part both in lateral and medial glands. Ultrastructural studies showed cytoplasmic membranous structures with a scattered granular or filamentous content depending on the secretory cell. In conclusion, morphofunctional characteristics of salivary glands of chicken suggest that their products are involved in lubrication and humidification of food ingested, and probably in protection of the oral surface, as has been previously described for other animals showing similar histochemical staining patterns.  相似文献   

Three types of serous products were detected in the syncytial cutaneous glands of the leptodactylid tungara frog, Engystomops pustulosus: type Ia, granules with wide halos and variable density cores; type Ib, high density granules without halos; and type II, vesicles containing a finely dispersed product. Ultrastructural evidence revealed that these products were manufactured by different serous gland types and excluded that they represented different steps in the secretory cycle of a single gland type. Indeed, secretory maturation affecting the products released by the Golgi apparatus proceeded through different mechanisms: confluence (vesicles), interactions between syncytium and secretory product (type Ib granules), and a combination of both processes (type Ia granules). In conclusion, this investigation of secretory maturation was shown to be a suitable approach for the identification of serous gland polymorphism and demonstrated that the tungara frog belongs to the minority of anuran species characterized by this peculiar morpho‐functional trait. Anat Rec, 298:1659–1667, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本实验观察了Wistar大鼠在80dB(A)和100dB(A)中频、连续噪声作用下,睾丸的组织学、SDH 和3β-HSD 的改变。两组噪声作用后,各级生精细胞和支持细胞均有不同程度的退变,主要表现为线粒体肿胀变性,内质网扩张,胞质内出现较多空泡及顶体系统的改变等。曲细精管周组织发生皱折,局部增厚和纤维化,但间质细胞形态未见明显改变。生精上皮和间质细胞的SDH 活性和间质细胞的3β-HSD 活性明显减弱。提示噪声对大鼠生精过程有明显损害,并对睾丸的能量代谢和甾体合成代谢有抑制作用。噪声对睾丸损害的可能机理:①对睾丸细胞特别是细胞膜的直接损伤;②通过下丘脑--垂体系统对睾丸产生间接影响。  相似文献   

In guinea pigs sensitized with ovalbumin the respiratory epithelium lost its ability to modulate the responses of airway smooth muscles to histaminergic stimuli. Incubation of bronchial segments with IL-5 potenntiated the contractile responses of bronchial smooth muscles to histamine in both intact and sensitized animals. Incubation of bronchial segments with IL-5 receptors moderated contractile activity of segments from sensitized pigs, but not in the segments from intact controls. __________ Translated from Byulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 140, No. 9, pp. 250–252, September, 2005  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the olfactory mucosa of the armadillo Dasypus hybridus was studied. A comparison with the olfactory mucosa of another armadillo ( Chaetophractus villosus ) was made. The olfactory mucosa of D. hybridus shows many features which are similar to those of other mammals. Interestingly, it differs from the olfactory mucosa of the armadillo C. villosus . A suggestion is made that these differences may be due to differences in the digging habits of these species. In Dasypus , the supporting cells (SCs) showed dense vacuoles, multivesicular bodies and lysosome-like bodies probably related with the endocytotic system. The SCs show a dense network of SER presumably associated with xenobiotic mechanisms. The olfactory receptor neurons exhibit lysosome-like bodies and multivesicular bodies in their perikarya. These organelles suggest the presence of an endocytotic system. Duct cells of Bowman's glands exhibit secretory activities. Bowman's glands are compound-branched tubulo-acinar mixed glands with merocrine secretory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Background: The respiratory submucosal glands are a major source of secretions in the airway. Human submucosal laryngeal glands have been scarcely studied, with no works existing about their ultrastructure and histochemistry. Methods: Samples of epiglottis, ventricle, false vocal folds and true vocal folds were fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histochemical study with conventional and carbohydrate lectin histochemistry. Other samples were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and conventionally processed for transmission electron microscopy. Results: The human submucosal laryngeal glands are composed of serous tubules; mucous tubules; collector duct; and final portion of this duct. The serous cells showed sialosulphomucins and affinity for WGA and Con-A lectins. With a previous treatment with neuraminidase, they also labelled with PNA. The mucous cells contained sialosulphomucins and showed affinity for WGA and DBA lectins in the samples proceeding from blood group A, and for WGA, UEA-I and LTA with those from blood group O. Ultrastructurally, the serous cells presented a wide variety of granules, cells in which seromucous granules predominated. The mucous cells presented larger-sized granules which were very electron-lucent. The collector duct was composed of mitochondria-rich cells and basal cells. A cell which we have termed “intermediate” was identified in the transition zone between the mucous tubules and the collector duct, and in the final portion of the collector duct. It had morphological characteristics as if it were a transition between a goblet cell and collector duct cell. Some nerve endings with cholinergic and peptidergic vesicles were found among the myoepithelial cells. Conclusions: These glands presented some histological differences from the bronchial glands, the mucous secretion was related to the blood group antigens, and the serous cells showed a wide variability in their secretory granules, many of them being of a seromucous type. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The histological and histochemical features of the minor salivary glands during postnatal development have been generally associated with the type of food ingested. However, recent studies support the fact that these salivary glands develop independently of the diet; in fact, minor salivary glands have similar morphological and histochemical characteristics in adult individuals of species with different diet regimens. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize the developmental morphology of the penguin minor salivary glands and to contrast them with minor salivary glands of other species. The tongue, palatine, and mouth cavity (bottom) minor salivary glands of newborn, 1‐ to 20‐day‐old, and adult magellanic penguins were studied with hematoxylin–eosin, periodic acid–Schiff, alcian blue, toluidine blue, and lectin histochemistry. Minor salivary glands were present at all ages, although they were only moderately developed in animals less than 15 days old. After this age, glands were abundant in all age groups; in addition, cells from the glandular epithelium were functionally mature and secreted mucins. Nevertheless, in newborn to 15‐day‐old penguins, mucins were located only at the apical cytoplasm of mucous cells. In all ages, mucous cells displayed periodic acid–Schiff‐positive, alcianophilic, and metachromatic reactions; among mucous cells, other orthochromatic cells appeared interspersed. From 15 days on, histochemical reactions became more intense until adulthood, and the cytoplasm of secretory cells was filled with glycoproteins and sulfomucins. Moreover, lectins bound to different oligosaccharides in mucous cells, depending on the stage of maturation of the glands. In conclusion, penguin minor salivary glands are already present at birth, and show progressive and quantitative increases in mucous secretionduring postnatal development. These changes are necessary not only for nutrient ingestion, but also for nonimmune protection of the buccal cavity. Anat Rec 254:298–306, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to reveal by enzyme histochemistry and ultrastructural examination the possible anatomic substrate that may be the cause of high susceptibility of the pig heart to ischemia and/or reperfusion-induced severe arrhythmias. The heart of landrace pigs was subjected to 90 min of left coronary occlusion followed by 30 min reperfusion, whereby both conditions elicited arrhythmias and often even ventricular fibrillation. We found for the first time, besides common contractile cardiomyocytes, Purkinje fibers, and "transitional cells" in mid-myocardium. Transitional cells likely correspond to the recently described M cells. Importantly, these cells and Purkinje fibers exhibited reversible ischemia-related subcellular alterations, whereas the majority of contractile cardiomyocytes were irreversibly injured in the area of infarction. In correlation with these findings, glycogen-dependent phosphorylase activity was abolished, whereas it was still persistent in Purkinje fibers and small islands of contractile cardiomyocytes. Moreover, a distinct heterogeneity in the activity of all enzymes selected and subcellular alterations within a border zone were observed. These results suggest that particularly the preserved viability of specialized conducting cells spanning the ventricular wall may account for electrical disturbances that consequently contribute to increased susceptibility of the pig heart to ischemia- and reperfusion-induced severe arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Tissues from three siblings with inclusion-cell (l-cell) disease (a 16 month old boy and two fetuses aborted at 20 and 18 weeks) were investigated histologically, histochemically and ultrastructurally. The lymphocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, epithelial cells and histiocytes of various organs were affected. The cells had many intracytoplasmic vacuoles, which showed positive staining with colloidal iron, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), alcian blue, and Sudan III and IV. Ultrastructurally, the cells contained various inclusion bodies, showing vesicles, granules, flocculent material, amorphous electron-dense globules and myelin structures. The amounts and ultrastructural features of the inclusion bodies differed among the various kinds of cells.  相似文献   

Conventional histochemistry and the binding patterns of 22 biotinylated lectins were examined for characterisation of glycoconjugates in the components of the olfactory mucosa of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus . The mucous lining the olfactory epithelium showed binding sites for DSL, WGA, STL, LEL, PHA-E and JAC. Only the basilar processes of the supporting cells stained for Con-A and S-Con A. The olfactory receptor neurons stained with LEL, LCA, Con A, S-Con A, JAC and PNA. The layer of basal cells did not react with any of the lectins studied. Bowman's glands in the lamina propria showed subpopulations of acinar cells reacting with SBA, S-WGA, WGA, STL, Con A, PSA, PNA, SJA, VVA, JAC and S-Con A, but in our optical studies with lectins we were unable to differentiate between mucous and serous cells in the way that is possible on electron microscopy. The ducts of Bowman's glands were labelled with S-WGA, STL, LEL, PHA-E, BSL-I and JAC. This histochemical study on the glycoconjugates of the olfactory mucosa in the order Xenarthra provides a basis for further experimental investigations.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural appearance of surface epithelial cells of normal and abnormal pyloric epithelium is presented. In addition to areas of complete intestinal metaplasia (IM) an incomplete metaplasia is described which contains poorly differentiated mucous cells, goblet cells, an occasional immature absorptive cell as well as the mature mucus-secreting surface epithelial cells of normal pyloric epithelium. This type of epithelium frequently appeared hyperplastic and showed alterations in the surface microvilli, terminal webs, plasma membranes and mucin granules. Apical vesicles, small electron-dense bodies and larger electron-dense multivesicular bodies were also found in the intermediate cells of incomplete IM and in the mature absorptive cells of complete IM. The intermediate cells described here may be synonymous with the sulphomucin-secreting cells found in adenocarcinomas of the stomach and oesophagus.  相似文献   

The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is known to be present in bats of the family Phyllostomidae, but in most species this is inferred from the presence of accessory olfactory bulbs. Like primates, bats have profound intergroup variations in the vomeronasal system. Of the family Phyllostomidae (49 genera, 143 species) the VNO of approximately 60 species has been studied. Here, we report light microscopic observations of the VNO of Anoura geoffroyi (fetus and adult), A. caudifer, and A. cultrata, as well as ultrastructural observations of the VNO in adult A. geoffroyi. The organ is crescent‐shaped, with a wide lumen encroached by a “mushroom body” that contains a venous sinus. In adults, the vomeronasal cartilage is reduced, being longer in absolute length in fetal A. geoffroyi compared with the adult. In the neuroepithelium, the receptor cell microvilli are dark, distinct, and short, emerging from a vesicular tuft; the supporting cell microvilli are relatively much longer. Large paravomeronasal ganglia are observed. The receptor‐free epithelium is undulating and lacks cilia or microvilli. Some characteristics of the VNO in Anoura have not been reported in other chiropterans to date, such as the marked reduction of the vomeronasal cartilage and absence of cilia in the receptor‐free epithelium. Moreover, if A. geoffroyi is representative, the genus has an adult neuroepithelial volume similar to other mammals of its body size. Further examination of uninvestigated phyllostomid VNOs may elucidate a phylogenetic history of the family, as well as ecological or social correlates of the VNO in the order Chiroptera. Anat Rec 290:1341–1354, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The infrastructure of a benign uterine epithelioid leiomyoma with prominent clear cells (“leiomyoblastoma”) was studied to define the subcellular changes that yield the distinctive light microscopic pattern of this rare lesion. The main constituent of the cytoplasm was multiple cytolysosomes composed of vesicular, membranous material. Aggregates of glycogen also contributed to the clear appearance of the cytoplasm seen by light microscopy. In addition, the cells contained scattered aggregates of typical smooth muscle myofilaments with densities that certified that the lesion was a variant of a leiomyoma. The fine structural features of this lesion are distinctly different than those described in gastrointestinal leiomyoblasto-mas and indicate that the uterine clear cell leiomyoma is a unique lesion that should be separated from nonuterine leiomyoblastomas. Furthermore, the ultrastructural features of the uterine clear cell tumor suggest the lesion represents a leiomyoma that has undergone sublethal cell injury. The term “leiomyoblastoma” implies a primitive tumor and is inappropriate; “epithelioid leiomyoma, clear-cell type” is preferred.  相似文献   


The GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase catalyzes the first step in the formation of mannose 6-phosphate (M6P) residues on lysosomal acid hydrolases that is essential for the efficient transport of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes to lysosomes and the maintenance of lysosomal functions. Mutations in the GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase cause the lysosomal storage disease mucolipidosis type II (MLII), resulting in mistargeting and hypersecretion of multiple lysosomal hydrolases and subsequent lysosomal accumulation of nondegraded material in several tissues. To describe cell-type specificity, compositional differences, and subcellular distribution of the stored material we performed an in-depth ultrastructural analysis of lysosomal storage in brain and retina of MLII knock-in mice using electron microscopy. Massive vacuoles filled with heterogeneous storage material have been found in the soma, swollen axons, and dendrites of Purkinje, and granular cells in 9-month-old MLII mice. In addition, non-neuronal cells, such as microglial, astroglial, and endothelial cells, exhibit storage material. Fucose-specific lectin histochemistry demonstrated the accumulation of fucose-containing oligosaccharides, indicating that targeting of the lysosomal α-fucosidase is strongly impaired in all cerebellar cell types. The data suggest that the accumulation of storage material might affect neuronal function and survival in a direct cell-autonomous manner, as well as indirectly by disturbed metabolic homeostasis between glial and neuronal cells or by cerebrovascular complications.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages function to capture and process antigen and present it to T lymphocytes, a critical step in early immune response. The dendritic Langerhans cells (LCs) belong to the system of antigen presenting cells and play a role in cutaneous immune responses. In our previous studies, we have ultrastructurally demonstrated the presence of LCs in the crypt epithelium and surface epithelium of the human palatine tonsil. In the present study our aim was to demonstrate the LCs in the intra-follicular and inter-follicular area of human palatine tonsil by conventional electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. Here we report the presence of CD1a positive Langerhans Cells (LCs) in the intra-follicular and inter-follicular areas of the human palatine tonsil and confirm their presence ultrastructurally by demonstrating typical Birbeck granules (BGs) in their cytoplasm. Identification of LCs in the intra-follicular and inter-follicular areas of the palatine tonsil supports the migratory nature of the LCs. Apposition between the Langerhans cells and lymphocytes in the intra-follicular area further strengthens the function of Langerhans cells as antigen presenting cells in initiating immune responses in human palatine tonsil.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates have two anatomically distinct olfactory organs—the olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal organ—to detect chemicals such as general odorants and pheromones in their environment. The vomeronasal organ is not present in fish but is present in vertebrates of a higher order than amphibians. Among all extant fishes, the lungfish is considered to be genetically and phylogenetically closest to tetrapods. In this study, we examined the olfactory organs of African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, by lectin histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. Two types of sensory epithelia were identified in the olfactory organ—the olfactory epithelium covering the surface of lamellae and the sensory epithelium lining the recesses both at the base of lamellae and in the wall of the nasal sac—and designated here as the lamellar olfactory epithelium and the recess epithelium, respectively. Based on analysis of G‐protein expression and ultrastructure, the lamellar olfactory epithelium resembled the olfactory epithelium of ordinary teleosts and the recess epithelium resembled the vomeronasal organ of tetrapods. Furthermore, lectin histochemistry demonstrated that the axons from the recess epithelium converge and project to the ventrolateral part of the olfactory bulb, suggesting that lungfish possess a region homologous to the accessory olfactory bulb of tetrapods. Based on these results, it seems appropriate to refer to the recess epithelium as “a primordium of the vomeronasal organ.” This study may provide important clues to elucidate how the vomeronasal organ emerged during the evolution of vertebrates. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Background and objectives:  Nerve growth factor (NGF) and NGF receptors have been shown to be expressed by structural and infiltrating inflammatory cells in the human allergic bronchial mucosa and conjunctiva. In the nose, a positive immunostaining for NGF was recently reported in biopsies of subjects undergoing surgery for refractory nasal obstruction. This study was aimed at studying by immunohistochemistry NGF expression and localization in the nasal mucosa from subjects with moderate/severe persistent allergic rhinitis and natural allergen exposure.
Methods:  Immunostaining for NGF, tryptase and eosinophil cationic protein was performed in human nasal turbinate sections of 25 patients affected by persistent allergic rhinitis and sensitization to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus .
Results:  NGF was consistently expressed in the epithelium and in the submucosa of allergic rhinitic subjects, preferentially localized in eosinophils and mast cells. A strong NGF immunostaining was found in mucous cells of the epithelial lining and in the submucosal glands.
Conclusions:  As previously shown for allergic asthma and allergic conjunctivitis, NGF is also detectable in the nasal mucosa of patients with persistent allergic rhinitis. The preferential NGF localization in mucous cells of the epithelial lining and in the submucosal glands suggests a possible role for NGF in modulating secretion in allergic rhinitis and possibly other allergic diseases.  相似文献   

A monolayer of dissociated glial cells of human olfactory epithelium was cultured in Petri dishes and 12-well plates using a polylysine-laminin substrate. Primary cultures were sub-cultured after 10–15 days. The cell cultures were analyzed by phase contrast microscopy at all stages of culturing. A cytological study involved histological methods (trypan blue staining) and immunocytochemical visualization of GFAP, nestin, and low-affinity nerve growth factor receptors. At the final stage of culturing (5 passages) the monolayer cultures included 2 types of cells: GFAP- and p75-positive glial cells and nestin-positive fibroblasts.__________Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine, No. 2, pp. 95–98, 2005  相似文献   

Alterations in tannic acid (TA) binding capacity of cell surface carbohydrates in normal, premalignant, and malignant squamous epithelium of the human uterine cervix have been studied using electron microscopic visualization in combination with microdensitometric evaluation.

While in normal epithelium there is distinct binding in four to five cell layers of the deep intermediate zone, cells of carcinoma in situ and invasive cancer lesions lack TA binding. In moderate dysplasia an intermediate reacting pattern is found.

Deep intermediate cells in areas bordering the carcinoma in situ lesions do not show any binding, although their ultrastructure cannot be distinguished from similar cells in normal tissue.

The TA deposition within the deep intermediate zone is probably related to the presence here of glycoprotein-containing membrane-coating granules.

The finding that TA binding discriminates between cells in normal squamous epithelium and morphologically normal cells in juxtaposition with lesional areas in premalignant and malignant epithelium opens the possibility for a more reliable cytologic diagnosis of cervical epithelial neoplasia.  相似文献   

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