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Previous research has shown that humans generalize distortions of visuomotor feedback in terms of egocentric rotations. We examined whether these rotations are linked to the orientation of the eyes or of the shoulder of the arm that was used. Subjects moved a hand-held cube between target locations in a sequence of adaptation and test phases. During adaptation phases, subjects received either veridical or distorted visual feedback about the location of the cube. The distortions were changes in azimuth either relative to the eyes or to the shoulder. During test phases subjects received no visual feedback. Test phases were performed either with the arm that was exposed to the distorted feedback or with the unexposed arm. We compared test movement endpoints after distorted feedback with ones after veridical feedback. For the exposed arm, the spatial layout of the changes in endpoints clearly reflected the small differences between a rotation around the shoulder and around the eyes. For the unexposed arm, the changes in endpoints were smaller for both types of distortions and were less consistent with the distortions. Thus although the adaptation closely matches the imposed distortion, it does not appear to be directly linked to the orientation of the eyes or of the exposed arm.  相似文献   

Visuomotor adaptation to a kinematic distortion was investigated in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and age-matched controls. Participants performed pointing movements in which the visual feedback of hand movement, displayed as a screen cursor, was normal (pre-exposure condition) or rotated by 90° counterclockwise (exposure condition). Aftereffects were assessed in a post-exposure condition in which the visual feedback of hand movement was set back to normal. In pre- and early-exposure trials, both groups showed similar initial directional error (IDE) and movement straightness (RMSE, root mean square error), but the PD group showed reduced movement smoothness (normalized jerk, NJ) and primary submovement to total movement distance ratios (PTR). During late-exposure the PD subjects, compared with controls, showed larger IDE, RMSE, NJ, and smaller PTR scores. Moreover, PD patients showed smaller aftereffects than the controls during the post-exposure condition. Overall, the PD group showed both slower and reduced adaptation compared with the control group. These results are discussed in terms of reduced signal-to-noise ratio in feedback signals related to increased movement variability and/or disordered kinesthesia, deficits in movement initiation, impaired selection of initial movement direction, and deficits in internal model formation in PD patients. We conclude that Parkinson's disease impairs visuomotor adaptation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Studies of intermanual transfer have been used to probe representations formed during skill acquisition. We employ a new method that provides a continuous assay of intermanual transfer, intermixing right- and left-hand trials while limiting visual feedback to right-hand movements. We manipulated the degree of awareness of the visuomotor rotation, introducing a 22.5° perturbation in either an abrupt single step or gradually in ~1° increments every 10 trials. Intermanual transfer was observed with the direction of left-hand movements shifting in the opposite direction of the rotation over the course of training. The transfer on left-hand trials was less than that observed in the right hand. Moreover, the magnitude of transfer was larger in our mixed-limb design compared with the standard blocked design in which transfer is only probed at the end of training. Transfer was similar in the abrupt and gradual groups, suggesting that awareness of the perturbation has little effect on intermanual transfer. In a final experiment, participants were provided with a strategy to offset an abrupt rotation, a method that has been shown to increase error over the course of training due to the operation of sensorimotor adaptation. This deterioration was also observed on left-hand probe trials, providing further support that awareness has little effect on intermanual transfer. These results indicate that intermanual transfer is not dependent on the implementation of cognitively assisted strategies that participants might adopt when they become aware that the visuomotor mapping has been perturbed. Rather, the results indicate that the information available to processes involved in adaptation entails some degree of effector independence.  相似文献   

视觉动作适应是一种特殊形式的动作学习,是视觉目标与动作目标发生分离时大脑进行视觉动作转换从而完成动作执行的过程。类似于一般的动作学习,视觉动作适应中也有典型的动作学习、动作巩固和动作迁移现象,但表现机制更为复杂。视觉动作适应的学习是在视觉目标与动作目标不匹配时,被试在连续或阻断的视觉反馈的指导下,通过形成新的视觉动作地图完成动作任务的过程。排除任务间的顺行干扰,动作视觉适应巩固就随着时间的增强而增强。在双手之间和效应器之间都可以发生视觉动作适应的迁移。  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in learning, memory, and brain plasticity. Humans with a val66met polymorphism in the BDNF gene have reduced levels of BDNF and alterations in motor learning and short-term cortical plasticity. In the current study, we sought to further explore the role of BDNF in motor learning by testing human subjects on a visuomotor adaptation task. In experiment 1, 21 subjects with the polymorphism (val/met) and 21 matched controls (val/val) were tested during learning, short-term retention (45 min), long-term retention (24 h), and de-adaptation of a 60° visuomotor deviation. We measured both mean error as well as rate of adaptation during each session. There was no difference in mean error between groups; however, val/met subjects had a reduced rate of adaptation during learning as well as during long-term retention, but not short-term retention or de-adaptation. In experiment 2, 12 val/met and 12 val/val subjects were tested on a larger 80° deviation, revealing a more pronounced difference in mean error during adaptation than the 60° deviation. These results suggest that BDNF may play an important role in visuomotor adaptive processes in the human.  相似文献   

We examined neuronal activity in three motor cortical areas while a rhesus monkey adapted to novel visuomotor transforms. The monkey moved a joystick that controlled a cursor on a video screen. Each trial began with the joystick centered. Next, the cursor appeared in one of eight positions, arranged in a circle around a target stimulus at the center of the screen. To receive reinforcement, the monkey moved the joystick so that the cursor contacted the target continuously for 1s. The video monitor provided continuous visual feedback of both cursor and target position. With those elements of the task constant, we modified the transform between joystick movement and that of the cursor at the beginning of a block of trials. Neuronal activity was studied as the monkey adapted to these novel joystick-cursor transforms. Some novel tasks included spatial transforms such as single-axis inversions, asymmetric double-axis inversions and angular deviations (also known as rotations). Other tasks involved changes in the spatiotemporal pattern and magnitude of joystick movement. As the monkey adapted to various visuomotor tasks, 209 task-related neurons (selected for stable background activity) showed significant changes in their task-related activity: 88 neurons in the primary motor cortex (M1), 32 in the supplementary motor cortex (M2), and 89 in the caudal part of the dorsal premotor cortex (PMdc). Slightly more than half of the sample in each area showed significant changes in the magnitude of activity modulation during adaptation, with the number of increases approximately equaling the number of decreases. These data support the prediction that changes in task-related neuronal activity can be observed in M1 during motor adaptation, but fail to support the hypothesis that M1 and PMdc differ in this regard. When viewed in population averages, motor cortex continued to change its activity for at least dozens of trials after performance reached a plateau. This slow, apparently continuing change in the pattern and magnitude of task-related activity may reflect the initial phases of consolidating the motor memory for preparing and executing visuomotor skills.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older adults (HAROLD) has been reported in previous imaging studies that employed not only cognitive, but also motor tasks. However, whether age-related reductions in asymmetry of hemispheric activations affect the symmetry of motor behavior in older adults remains largely untested. We now examine the effect of aging on lateralization of motor adaptation and transfer by investigating adaptation to novel visuomotor transformations in both old and young age groups. We have previously reported substantial asymmetries in interlimb transfer of learning these transformations in young adults, and attributed these asymmetries in transfer to hemispheric lateralization for motor control, as detailed by our dynamic dominance hypothesis. Based on the HAROLD model, we reasoned that older adults should recruit more symmetrical hemispheric activity, and thus show more symmetrical transfer of adaptation across the arms. Half of the subjects in each age group first adapted to a rotated visual display with the left arm, then with the right arm; and the other half in the reversed order. Naïve performance with one arm and the same-arm performance following opposite arm adaptation were compared to determine the extent of transfer in each age group. Our results showed that interlimb transfer of initial direction information only occurred from the nondominant to dominant arm in young adults, whereas it occurred in both directions in older adults. Our findings clearly indicate substantially reduced asymmetry in visuomotor adaptation in older adults, and suggest that this reduced motor asymmetry might be related to diminished hemispheric lateralization for motor control.  相似文献   

The present study aims to address a novel aspect of visuomotor adaptation and its generalization. It is based on the assumption that the spatial structure of the distal action space is crucial for generalization. In the experiments, the distal action spaces could manifest either a symmetric or parallel structure. The imposed visuomotor rotations in the adaptation and the following generalization were either the same or opposing each other. In the generalization phase, motor bias resulting from prior adaptation was observed, and it turned out to substantially depend on the property of the workspace. In Experiment 1 with a parallel workspace, preceding adaptation to the same rotation was more advantageous than adaptation to an opposing rotation. This observation was reversed in Experiment 2 with the symmetrical workspace: prior adaptation to an opposing rotation was more advantageous for the generalization than prior adaptation to the same rotation. Mechanisms possibly underlying the observed influence of the workspace configuration were discussed.  相似文献   

One can adapt movement planning to compensate for a mismatch between vision and action. Previous research with prismatic lenses has shown this adaptation to be accompanied with a shift in the evaluation of one’s body midline, suggesting an important role of this reference for successful adaptation. This interpretation leads to the prediction that rotation adaptation could be more difficult to learn for some directions than others. Specifically, we hypothesized that targets seen to the right of the body midline but for which a rotation imposes a movement to its left would generate a conflict leading to a bias in movement planning. As expected, we observed different movement planning biases across movement directions. The same pattern of biases was observed in a second experiment in which the starting position was translated 15 cm to the right of the participants’ midline. This indicates that the “straight ahead” direction, not one’s midline, serves as an important reference for movement planning during rotation adaptation.
Luc Proteau (Corresponding author)Email:

Studies on visuomotor adaptation provide crucial clues on the functional properties of the human motor system. The widely studied saccadic adaptation paradigm is a major example of such a fruitful field of investigation. Magescas and Prablanc (J Cogn Neurosci 18(1):75–83, 2006) proposed a transposition of this protocol to arm pointing behavior, by designing an experiment in which the informational context of the upper limb visuomotor system is comparable to that of the saccadic system. Subjects were given terminal only visual feedback in a hand pointing task, assumed to produce a purely terminal visual error signal. Importantly, this paradigm has been shown to induce no saccadic adaptation. Although the saccadic adaptation paradigm is known to induce a predominantly motor adaptation with minor sensory effects, the lack of sensory changes has not been tested in its transposition to pointing. The present study was a partial replication of Magescas and Prablanc’s (J Cogn Neurosci 18(1):75–83, 2006) study with additional control tests. A first experiment searched for a possible change in the static visual-to-proprioceptive congruency. A second experiment, based on an anti-pointing task, aimed at separating the sensory and motor effects of the adaptation in a dynamic condition. Consistent with most results on saccadic adaptation, we found a predominant adaptation of the motor components, with little if any involvement of the sensory components. Results are interpreted by proposing a causal relationship between the type of error signal and its adaptive effects.  相似文献   

Reaching to targets with misaligned visual feedback of the hand leads to changes in proprioceptive estimates of hand position and reach aftereffects. In such tasks, subjects are able to make use of two error signals: the discrepancy between the desired and actual movement, known as the sensorimotor error signal, and the discrepancy between visual and proprioceptive estimates of hand position, which we refer to as the cross-sensory error signal. We have recently shown that mere exposure to a sensory discrepancy in the absence of goal-directed movement (i.e. no sensorimotor error signal) is sufficient to produce similar changes in felt hand position and reach aftereffects. Here, we sought to determine the extent that this cross-sensory error signal can contribute to proprioceptive recalibration and movement aftereffects by manipulating the magnitude of this signal in the absence of volitional aiming movements. Subjects pushed their hand out along a robot-generated linear path that was gradually rotated clockwise relative to the path of a cursor. On all trials, subjects viewed a cursor that headed directly towards a remembered target while their hand moved out synchronously. After exposure to a 30° rotated hand-cursor distortion, subjects recalibrated their sense of felt hand position and adapted their reaches. However, no additional increases in recalibration or aftereffects were observed following further increases in the cross-sensory error signal (e.g. up to 70°). This is in contrast to our previous study where subjects freely reached to targets with misaligned visual hand position feedback, hence experiencing both sensorimotor and cross-sensory errors, and the distortion magnitude systematically predicted increases in proprioceptive recalibration and reach aftereffects. Given these findings, we suggest that the cross-sensory error signal results in changes to felt hand position which drive partial reach aftereffects, while larger aftereffects that are produced after visuomotor adaptation (and that vary with the size of distortion) are related to the sensorimotor error signal.  相似文献   

We tested whether observational practice would elicit after-effects in a normal environment following observation of an actor performing in a perturbed visuomotor environment. Two actor groups (with and without vision of the hand) practised reaching to visual targets with the cursor rotated 30° to the actual hand movement. An observer group viewed this adaptation. Observers demonstrated significant learning when they subsequently performed the aiming task in the perturbed environment. However, different from both actor groups, observers did not show after-effects in the normal visuomotor condition. Our findings imply that there is a qualitative difference in the processes between observational and physical practice and suggest that physical exposure is required to update an internal model of the visuomotor environment.  相似文献   

An isometric torque-production task was used to investigate interference and retention in adaptation to multiple visuomotor environments. Subjects produced isometric flexion–extension and pronation–supination elbow torques to move a cursor to acquire targets as quickly as possible. Adaptation to a 30° counter-clockwise (CCW) rotation (task A), was followed by a period of rest (control), trials with no rotation (task B0), or trials with a 60° clockwise (CW) rotation (task B60). For all groups, retention of task A was assessed 5 h later. With initial training, all groups reduced the angular deviation of cursor paths early in the movements, indicating feedforward adaptation. For the control group, performance at commencement of the retest was significantly better than that at the beginning of the initial learning. For the B0 group, performance in the retest of task A was not dissimilar to that at the start of the initial learning, while for the B60 group retest performance in task A was markedly worse than initially observed. Our results indicate that close juxtaposition of two visuomotor environments precludes improved retest performance in the initial environment. Data for the B60 group, specifically larger angular errors upon retest compared with initial exposures, are consistent with the presence of anterograde interference. Furthermore, full interference occurred even when the visuomotor environment encountered in the second task was not rotated (B0). This latter novel result differs from those obtained for force field learning, where interference does not occur when task B does not impose perturbing forces, i.e., when B consists of a null field (Brashers-Krug et al., Nature 382:252–255, 1996). The results are consistent with recent proposals suggesting different interference mechanisms for visuomotor (kinematic) compared to force field (dynamic) adaptations, and have implications for the use of washout trials when studying interference between multiple visuomotor environments.  相似文献   

The role of proprioception in the control and adaptation of visuomotor relationships is still unclear. We have studied a deafferented subject, IW, and control subjects in a task in which they used single joint elbow extension to move to a visual target, with visual feedback of the terminal position provided by a cursor displayed in the plane of their movements. We report the differences in movement accuracy between the deafferented subject and controls in the normal task and when challenged with a cognitive load, counting backwards. All subjects were less accurate when counting; this was a small effect for the controls (<10% change) but much greater for the deafferented subject (>60% change). We also examined changes in movement kinematics when the instructed amplitude was altered via a changed gain between final arm position and presentation of the feedback cursor. The deafferented subject maintained temporal movement parameters stable and altered amplitude by scaling force (i.e. changed peak velocity), whereas the controls scaled both movement velocity and duration. Finally, we compared the subjects' adaptation of movement amplitude after a period of exposure to the changed visuomotor gain. The deafferented subject was able to adapt, but his adaptation was severely impaired by the counting task. These results suggest that proprioception is not an absolute requirement for adaptation to occur. Instead, proprioception has a more subtle role to play in the adjustment to visuomotor perturbations. It has an important role in the control of reaching movements, while in the absence of proprioception, attention appears necessary to monitor movements.  相似文献   

Studies with patients and functional magnetic resonance imaging investigations have demonstrated that the cerebellum plays an essential role in adaptation to visuomotor rotation and force field perturbation. To identify cerebellar structures involved in the two tasks, we studied 19 patients with focal lesions after cerebellar infarction. Focal lesions were manually traced on magnetic resonance images and normalized using a new spatially unbiased template of the cerebellum. In addition, we reanalyzed data from 14 patients with cerebellar degeneration using voxel-based morphometry. We found that adjacent regions with only little overlap in the anterior arm area (lobules IV to VI) are important for adaptation in both tasks. Although adaptation to the force field task lay more anteriorly (lobules IV and V), lobule VI was more important for the visuomotor task. In addition, regions in the posterolateral cerebellum (Crus I and II) contributed to both tasks. No consistent involvement of the posterior arm region (lobule VIII) was found. Independence of the two kinds of adaptation is further supported by findings that performance in one task did not correlate to performance in the other task. Our results show that the anterior arm area of the cerebellum is functionally divided into a more posterior part of lobule VI, extending into lobule V, related to visuomotor adaption, and a more anterior part including lobules IV and V, related to force field adaption. The posterolateral cerebellum may process common aspects of both tasks.  相似文献   

This research explored specific contextual cues that might facilitate human motor learning. Using a dual adaptation task, humans performed manual reaches to visual targets while experiencing a 30° clockwise or counterclockwise rotation, which randomly alternated between trials, of a seen cursor representing their unseen hand. Groups had different cues to distinguish between rotations: ‘Cue’ (colours and shapes), ‘Workspace’ (target locations) and ‘Workspace with Cue’ (combination of cues). Importantly, the workspace groups required similar hand movement trajectories to accurately acquire pairs of targets. Our data show that only the ‘Workspace’ and ‘Workspace with Cue’ groups, but not ‘Cue’ group, adapted to both rotations concurrently (dual adaption). These findings suggest that colour and shape cues, even when integrated with the end-effector and targets, do not facilitate dual adaptation. However, target separation is sufficient to facilitate dual adaptation, even when hand movement trajectories are similar. Interestingly, adaptation was less complete when required hand trajectories were completely overlapping for pairs of targets (versus being similar), suggesting an important role for the motor system as well. Nonetheless, the location of targets and consequent differences in motor planning may play a larger role in facilitating adaptation than previously thought.  相似文献   

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