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目的提高对胰腺内分泌肿瘤的认知和诊疗水平。方法回顾性分析1968~2005年收治的78例胰腺内分泌肿瘤患者的临床资料。结果胰岛素瘤49例,均为良性,其中40例行单纯肿瘤摘除术(2例在腹腔镜下完成),2例在摘除的同时行胰腺空肠Roux—en—Y吻合术,7例行胰体尾切除术;胰高血糖素瘤4例,均有肝转移,行原发病灶及部分转移灶切除术;胰多肽瘤21例,恶性8例,手术切除16例,其余5例因肿瘤无法切除而放弃手术;舒血管肠肽瘤1例和胰腺类癌3例,均为恶性,行外科手术。术后均获得满意的疗效。结论手术切除是胰腺内分泌肿瘤最为理想的治疗方法。术前定性诊断尤为重要,关键是提高对这类肿瘤的认知水平。对胰岛素瘤不强求术前定位诊断,应慎用有创性诊断方法,术中胰腺探查是定位的关键。其他内分泌肿瘤术前多可依影像学检查定位诊断。手术方式根据肿瘤生长部位而定。姑息性切除手术亦可明显缓解症状。即便是恶性肿瘤,其预后亦明显好于胰腺外分泌肿瘤。  相似文献   

胰腺囊性肿瘤较为少见,常缺乏典型临床表现。归纳了临床常见的胰腺囊性肿瘤的临床病理特点及外科处理,包括浆液性囊性肿瘤、黏液性囊性肿瘤、导管内乳头状黏液肿瘤、实性假乳头状肿瘤等。胰腺囊性肿瘤各自特殊的临床病理特征决定了不同的预后。指出应重视胰腺囊性肿瘤的正确诊断,选择恰当的外科治疗策略。  相似文献   

胰腺内分泌肿瘤的诊断及手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程云生  刘弋  曹先东 《山东医药》2008,48(33):67-68
对28例经手术治疗、病理检查证实的胰腺内分泌肿瘤(PETs)患者的临床资料作回顾性分析。发现PETs以胰岛素瘤、胰多肽瘤最常见,肿瘤大小与症状轻重无关;胰岛素瘤体积较小,术前定位诊断较难;胰多肽瘤无特定性症状,术前定性诊断较难。本组胰岛素瘤18例,均为良性,其中15例行单纯肿瘤切除术;胃泌素瘤1例为恶性,行胰尾联合全胃切除术;胰高血糖素瘤2例均为恶性,术中发现肝转移,1例行胰体尾联合肝转移灶切除术,1例行姑息性切除;胰多肽瘤7例,4例行肿瘤切除术,3例伴肝转移者中,1例行胰体尾姑息性切除术,2例无法切除。认为PETs术前诊断比较困难;手术切除是PETs最理想的治疗方法,手术方式根据肿瘤生长部位和性质而定。  相似文献   

胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(pNET)是所有胰腺肿瘤中较少见的一类肿瘤,近些年发病率呈逐渐增加趋势。肝脏是其远处转移的常见器官。对于分化良好、没有肝外转移、可切除的患者,手术仍是首选的治疗方法。对于不可切除的肝转移患者联合肝动脉栓塞化疗、射频消融、化疗和分子靶向药物等多种治疗方法可以延长患者的存活时间。而对于此类患者的肝移植指征则需要根据个体化情况严格掌握。  相似文献   

胰腺干细胞样细胞在胰腺内分泌肿瘤组织发生中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 12例胰腺内分泌肿瘤进行光镜、电镜观察和免疫组化研究 ,所有肿瘤均观察到胰腺干细胞样细胞 ,位于肿瘤组织边缘区增生的小导管样结构中或散在分布  相似文献   

目的:总结了较大样本功能性胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(PanNENs)的临床特点及诊疗经过。方法:回顾性分析2000年1月至2020年7月中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心经病理诊断确诊的功能性PanNENs患者的临床资料、相关激素检查、影像学检查及病理结果。结果:本研究共纳入286例患者(男性103例,女性183例),平均年龄...  相似文献   

血浆嗜铬粒蛋白A对胃肠胰腺内分泌肿瘤的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景:嗜铬粒蛋白A(CgA)广泛存在于神经内分泌细胞中,其血浆水平升高提示存在神经内分泌来源的肿瘤。目的:确定血浆CgA诊断胃肠胰腺内分泌肿瘤的临界点,并探讨其诊断价值。方法:以酶联免疫吸附测定(EUSA)检测39例胃肠胰腺内分泌肿瘤和37例嗜铬细胞瘤患者的血浆C外水平,以30例非内分泌肿瘤消化疾病患者和30例正常人作为对照。绘制接受者操作特征曲线(ROC曲线),确定ROC曲线下面积(AUROC)和血浆C小的诊断临界点。结果:胃肠胰腺内分泌肿瘤、嗜铬细胞瘤和非内分泌肿瘤消化疾病组的血浆CgA水平均显著高于正常对照组(86、135和30U/L对20U/L,P〈0.001)。以正常对照组和胃肠胰腺内分泌肿瘤组数据绘制ROC曲线,AUROC为0.912.CgA的诊断临界点为30U/L,敏感性为80.0%,特异性为96.7%;以正常对照组和嗜铬细胞瘤组数据绘制ROC曲线,AUROC为0.914,CgA的诊断临界点为30.5U/L,敏感性为89.2%,特异性为96.7%。结论:血浆C外水平对神经内分泌肿瘤,尤其是胃肠胰腺内分泌肿瘤具有较高诊断价值,可作为可靠的肿瘤标志物应用于临床。  相似文献   

胃肠胰神经内分泌肿瘤(GEP-NETs)主要来源于胃肠胰系统的神经内分泌细胞,这一细胞系统和肿瘤是以表达细胞类型特异的肽激素和普通标记物(突触囊泡蛋白、铬粒素A)为特征。其特点为:临床上少见;肿瘤通常较小(〈1 cm);生长速度较慢(数月或数年),呈阶段性表达,可能数年无症状;通常在出现症状前即有转移,转移部位多为肝脏和骨,而此时肿瘤的体积通常〉2cm。因此这类肿瘤经常被误诊,诊断过程较复杂,不单单依靠临床,往往需要高端的实验室和扫描手段支持。而GEP-NETs中胃肠神经内分泌肿瘤(NET)和胰腺NET,两者在临床表现、诊断和治疗方面也有不同,需要临床医生重视和加以区分。  相似文献   

腹腔镜技术在胰腺外科的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着腹腔镜技术的不断成熟 ,新设备和器械的出现,其应用范围逐步扩展到普通外科的各个领域。腹腔镜技术在胰腺外科的应用可以归纳为以下几个方面:( 1)胰腺癌的分期与活检;( 2)不能切除胰腺癌的转流手术;( 3)胰腺切除治疗良、恶性肿瘤 ;( 4)急性胰腺炎的腹腔镜治疗 ;( 5)胰腺囊肿的引流。本文拟就腹腔镜技术在胰腺外科的应用做一综述。   一、胰腺癌的腹腔镜检与分期   对胰腺癌患者进行腹腔镜检查的最初目的是为了避免不必要的开腹手术。 Fernandez等 [1]认为腹腔镜检查应作为评估胰腺癌程度的必备步骤。 Conlon等 [2]提…  相似文献   

目的 分析胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤的外科治疗策略及影响预后的因素.方法 回顾性分析1999年4月至2007年5月之间经手术治疗且病理证实的30例胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤患者的临床资料.根据WHO新的分级标准,对肿瘤大小、手术方式、病理类型与远期生存之间的关系进行分析.结果 30例患者中男性18例,女性12例;平均年龄54岁(28~78岁);5例失访,获得随访的25例患者中,良性20例、恶性5例;良、恶性组中位生存时间分别为74.8和33.8个月(X2=8.90,P=0.003).全组1、2、3、4、5年生存率分别为100%、100%、82.0%、82.0%、65.6%.结论 胰腺内分泌肿瘤是一类比较少见的胰腺肿瘤.手术切除可获得良好的长期生存.新的WHO分型方法可以比较有效地预测肿瘤的预后.  相似文献   

Endocrine pancreatic tumours (EPTs) are uncommon, with a major challenge to alert physicians to their recognition and requirements of treatment. Functioning EPTs cause well-known clinical syndromes of hormone excess. Insulinomas, gastrinomas and glucagonomas are most common; vipomas and somatostatinomas are rare. EPTs also occur as non-functioning lesions without symptoms of hormone excess occasionally with ectopic hormone, such as ACTH and Cushing syndrome as a late complication. The majority of EPTs are sporadic, but they may also be part of a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome or rarely the von Hippel-Lindau syndrome. EPTs have been of great interest to endocrine surgeons and we have, during recent years, witnessed continuing advances in diagnosis, imaging and treatment of the different tumour entities. It has become obvious that surgical treatment of these tumours is of increased concern and can have a marked impact on symptoms and survival.  相似文献   

Strategy for pancreatic endocrine tumors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The endocrine tumors of the pancreas are rare diseases and there is no established standard therapy for the liver metastasis of pancreatic endocrine tumors. In this study, the therapy for the pancreatic endocrine tumors was evaluated. METHODOLOGY: The endocrine pancreas tumors of 13 patients had been surgically treated. All primary tumors were completely resected. The liver metastasis was recognized in 4 patients. Partial resection of the liver was performed in 2 patients. Lipiodol-transcatheter arterial embolization was performed for synchronous unresectable liver metastases in the other 2 patients. RESULTS: The patients with no liver metastases survived without recurrence (max: 18.8 yr; mean follow-up: 9.2 yr). The patient with resected synchronous solitary liver metastasis died of recurrent multiple liver metastases 5 months after surgery. The other patient with the metachronous liver metastasis completely resected survived 13.9 years. In the 2 patients with unresectable numerous liver metastases, after lipiodol-transcatheter arterial embolization, tumor necrosis rate was more than 90% in both cases and serum gastrin level was normalized. CONCLUSIONS: Complete resection of liver metastasis is favorable, whereas lipiodol-transcatheter arterial embolization is effective for unresectable liver metastases from pancreatic endocrine tumors as palliation. Complete resection of the primary site is recommended even in the cases with unresectable numerous liver metastases.  相似文献   

Metz DC  Jensen RT 《Gastroenterology》2008,135(5):1469-1492
Pancreatic endocrine tumors (PETs) have long fascinated clinicians and investigators despite their relative rarity. Their clinical presentation varies depending on whether the tumor is functional or not, and also according to the specific hormonal syndrome produced. Tumors may be sporadic or inherited, but little is known about their molecular pathology, especially the sporadic forms. Chromogranin A appears to be the most useful serum marker for diagnosis, staging, and monitoring. Initially, therapy should be directed at the hormonal syndrome because this has the major initial impact on the patient's health. Most PETs are relatively indolent but ultimately malignant, except for insulinomas, which predominantly are benign. Surgery is the only modality that offers the possibility of cure, although it generally is noncurative in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or nonfunctional PETs with multiple endocrine neoplasia-type 1. Preoperative staging of disease extent is necessary to determine the likelihood of complete resection although debulking surgery often is believed to be useful in patients with unresectable tumors. Once metastatic, biotherapy is usually the first modality used because it generally is well tolerated. Systemic or regional therapies generally are reserved until symptoms occur or tumor growth is rapid. Recently, a number of newer agents, as well as receptor-directed radiotherapy, are being evaluated for patients with advanced disease. This review addresses a number of recent advances regarding the molecular pathology, diagnosis, localization, and management of PETs including discussion of peptide-receptor radionuclide therapy and other novel antitumor approaches. We conclude with a discussion of future directions and unsettled problems in the field.  相似文献   

Endocrine pancreatic tumors are rare and their surgical treatment is often debated. This review analyzes the management and the different indications in functioning and non-functioning neoplasms. The choice among different procedures is described as well as the role of intra operative ultrasound. Moreover, the different patterns of tumor spread are considered (local, loco-regional and metastatic) along with the indications according to the main controversies relating to cytoreductive surgery, transplantation and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 patients.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity in pancreatic endocrine tumors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVES: Pancreatic endocrine tumors (PETs) have variable prognoses, and predictors of survival are lacking. PETs can be difficult to distinguish histologically from aggressive pancreatic neoplasms such as acinar cell carcinoma. Telomerase is a ribonuclear protein that maintains the length of the telomere and induces cell immortality. Telomerase is present in 95% of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and is associated with aggressive tumor behavior. Our aim is to determine telomerase activity in PETs and investigate its potential role as a prognostic indicator. METHODS: Telomerase detection using the telomeric repeat amplification protocol was performed on frozen surgical archived pancreatic endocrine tissue from 30 patients with PETs identified by light microscopy (hematoxylin-eosin stain). All results were confirmed with internal controls. A patient's survival was measured from the time of surgery. Acinar cell differentiation (presence of zymogen granules) was determined by electron microscopy. Follow-up data were acquired via telephone interview, medical record review, and death certificates. RESULTS: Three of 30 PETs diagnosed by light microscopy were telomerase positive: three were considered nonfunctional, and two of these three patients had extrapancreatic disease. All three telomerase-positive cases were reclassified as either acinar cell carcinoma (two cases) or mixed acinar-endocrine cell carcinoma (one case). All three patients (mean age = 63 yr) died from tumor progression within 2 yr of surgery (mean = 1.6 yr +/- 0.5 SD). The remaining PETs were telomerase negative: 13 insulinomas, four nonfunctional, two sporadic glucagonomas, one gastrinoma, one vipoma, one carcinoidlike PET, and five PETs from three patients with multiple endocrine neoplasm syndrome type I and two patients with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Excluding insulinomas, 12 of 14 patients with telomerase-negative PETs had extrapancreatic disease. Nevertheless, Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for these 12 patients were significantly longer than for patients with telomerase-positive acinar cell carcinoma (92% vs 0% at 2 yr, p = 0.001, log rank test). The survival of all telomerase-negative PETs (n = 27) was significantly longer than that of the patients with telomerase-positive acinar cell carcinoma (93% vs 0% at 2 yr, p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Telomerase activity helps to identify acinar cell carcinomas that histologically resemble PETs, which accounts for the poor prognosis demonstrated in these patients. The absence of telomerase activity in most PETs may be responsible for their indolent clinical course. Telomerase may identify potentially progressive tumors, such as acinar cell carcinoma, and may be useful in selecting patients for more aggressive treatment.  相似文献   

胰腺内分泌肿瘤(EPTs)是一组具有不同临床表现、生物学行为以及预后的肿瘤的总称;其显著特征为大部分肿瘤细胞存在神经胺摄取机制和(或)细胞表面表达特殊受体,这些都为核医学显像在诊疗EPTs方面提供了依据.随着核医学技术的发展,尤其是PET与CT实现了解剖与功能的完美结合,核医学显像在探查EPTs微小病灶、早期发现转移灶以及治疗方面具有独到的优势.  相似文献   

胰腺内分泌肿瘤(pancreatic endocrine tumors,PETs)是一类少见肿瘤,发病率约占总人口的4-5/100万,占胰腺肿瘤的1%-2%,病程缓慢,最终发生转移致死.根据其临床表现,PETs分为功能性和无功能性两类.CD10、CD44、CD99、p27、COX2、Ki-67、KIT、CK19、ARH...  相似文献   

Pancreatic endocrine tumors (PETs) are uncommon tumors with an annual incidence <1 per 100 000 person-years in the general population. The PETs that produce hormones resulting in symptoms are designated as functional. The majority of PETs are non-functional. Of the functional tumors, insulinomas are the most common, followed by gastrinomas. The clinical course of patients with PETs is variable and depends on the extent of the disease and the treatment rendered. Patients with completely resected tumors generally have a good prognosis, and aggressive surgical therapy in patients with advanced disease may also prolong survival. The epidemiology, prognosis, and established and novel prognostic markers of PETs are reviewed.  相似文献   

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