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目的评估马拉松赛对业余选手心血管、呼吸功能的影响。方法业余选手50名,参加马拉松全程26人,半程24人。赛前1周进行体检,比赛当天选择与心血管呼吸功能相关项目22项进行现场采血监测,并与赛后进行比较。结果体检未发现心肺疾病;赛后血压略低于赛前,心率明显快于赛前(P<0.01),PaO2明显低于赛前,PvO2、CvO2显著低于正常,Ca-vO2明显高于正常值(P<0.01),PaCO2、PvCO2低于赛前;BU赛后显著增高(P<0.01);CK、CK-MB和LDH赛后显著高于赛前,高出正常值数倍(P<0.01)。结论马拉松赛对于业余选手的机体尤其对心肺功能是一种极限挑战。多项监测结果出现异常,个别选手的少数项目为严重异常,确实具有潜在危险。这提醒马拉松运动爱好者赛前应有训练,赛中应量力而行,不能盲目挑战自我,要预防意外事件的发生。 相似文献
驼绒藜属(Ceratoides)植物属旱生、超旱生植物,该属植物在干旱的草原、荒漠草原和荒漠地区有重要的经济和生态利用价值,是改良天然草地最有前途的旱生植物之一。本文选取伊犁野生心叶驼绒藜属植物作为材料,对其抗旱性部分生理生化指标进行研究,以期对伊犁野生心叶驼绒藜植物的引种推广提供参考。 相似文献
优秀男子水球运动员身体形态和生理机能特点分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:分析优秀男子水球运动员身体形态、身体成分和身体机能特点,比较不同位置水球运动员上述三个方面的特点。方法:14名上海队男子水球运动员,其中中锋位置运动员6名,边锋和外围位置运动员8名,分别对此14名优秀运动员的身体形态、身体成分和身体机能进行测试。结果:优秀水球运动员身材高大,平均身高189.5±6.8cm,体重97.6±8.7kg,中锋队员身高和体重高于边锋,但身高差异无显著性;体脂含量14.8±4.1%,瘦体重为78.1±8.3kg,BMI指数达到27.1±1.4,中锋运动员瘦体重明显高于边锋(P<0.05),体脂%含量有差异,但差异无显著性。优秀水球运动员磷酸原代谢能力水平高,无氧糖酵解能力和有氧能力均一般,中锋和边锋的无氧能力和有氧能力无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结果显示:我国优秀水球运动员身体形态和身体成份特征与国外研究报道基本一致,而其有氧能力与国外优秀水球运动员有一定的差距。 相似文献
目的探讨低水温环境呼吸氦氧混合气潜水的人体生理效应及安全减压措施。方法4名男性成年潜水员,穿湿式潜水服,在15.0—19.0℃水温的大型人体加压舱内(10.5m^3),用HJ-801型潜水呼吸器,呼吸氦氧混合气,分别在60、80和120m深度进行了11人次模拟潜水试验。期间,全程连续检测了潜水员的直肠温度、体表温度、舱温、水温及其医学生理指标的变化。结果在模拟60-120m,呼吸氦氧混合气的低水温环境,潜水员有明显寒冷感觉,出现寒颤,与进舱前相比,体表温度降低了5.1—5.9℃,直肠温度下降0.4-1.1℃。有的在脱离寒冷环境后,直肠温度仍有下降。而对照组,潜水员感觉良好,未见寒颤反应。低水温潜水时,潜水员心理运算、数字记忆、闪光融合分数均有不同程度下降。但检测心前区气泡音显示,无论是静息状态或进行下蹲运动时气泡音均为0级,减压出舱后也未见潜水员发生减压病。结论(1)潜水员在15.0—19.0℃低水温环境进行大深度(60—120m)氦氧潜水时可导致体表和体心温度下降,出现寒冷反应,心理功能指标减退;(2)在15.0—19.0℃低水温氦氧潜水时,潜水员脱离低温环境后直肠温度仍有下降,提示低水温氦氧潜水后,仍需强化医学保障工作。 相似文献
血液流变学异常已被公认为是心肌缺血的高危因素[1] 。 1993年 6月 1998年 8月 ,我们应用 5种中药制剂治疗冠心病 ,并观察治疗前后血液流变学和生化指标的变化 ,以供临床参考。1 对象和方法1 1 对象 本组男 83例 ,女 34例 ;年龄 4 775岁 ,平均 56 3± 8 6岁。劳力性心绞痛 6 5例 ,陈旧性心肌梗死 36例 ,急性心肌梗死 16例。病程 :0 52 1年。主要症状 :胸痛 76例 ,胸闷 93例 ,心慌 4 5例 ,气短 58例。随机分成 5组 :复方丹参组 2 4例 ,川芎嗪组 2 3例 ,黄芪组 2 4例 ,葛根素组 2 3例 ,红花组2 3例。各组性别、年龄、病程、病情相似 ,无… 相似文献
电磁脉冲对猕猴血清生化指标的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:通过对电磁脉冲(MEP)照射后猕猴血清中部分生化指标的动态观察,探讨EMP对机体整体的影响。方法:成年猕猴5只,雄性2只,雌性3只,体重3.5-8.5kg。动物购回后,自由进食,单笼饲养观察30d。照射前进行全身检查,下肢浅静脉采血做自身对照。辐照用高场强电磁脉冲源,场强为60kV/m,脉冲上升 时间为20ns,脉宽为30μs,为6次/min,全身照射5min。于照射后6h,24h,3d,7d,14d,28d及90d分别采血,用美国Coulter-JTTR全自动生化仪检测19项指标:血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、血清总蛋白(TP)、血清白蛋白(ALB)、血糖(GLU)、血清尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(CRE)、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、乳酸脱氢酶(LD)及乳酸脱氢酶同工酶1(LD-1)、肌酸激酶(CK)与肌酸激酶同工酶MB(CK-MB)、α-羟丁酸脱氢酶(HBDH)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、γ-谷氨酰氨转肽酶(GGT)、血胆固醇(CHOL)、血钠(Na^ )、血钾(K^ )、血氯(Cl^-)和血镁(Mg^2 )。所有数据经SPSS8.0软件进行统计处理。结果:猕猴被照射后6h,其血清LD-1即明显升高(P<0.05);照射后24h,血清GLU和K^ 明显升高(P<0.05);照射后3d,血清CRE和GGT明显升高(P<0.01),CK-MB,Cl^-和Mg^2 则明显降低(P<0.05);照射后7d,血清ALB,BUN,CRE,ALP,GGT和Mg^2 明显升高(P<0.05),Na^2 则明显降低(P<0.05);照射后14d,血清ALT,ALB,GGT和Mg^2 明显升高(P<0.05),TP和Cl^-则明显降低(P<0.05);照射后28d,血清LD和LBDH明显降低(P<0.05);照射后90d,血清ALT,LD,HBDH,K^ 和Mg^2 明显升高(P<0.05),而GLU则明显降低(P<0.05)。结论:EMP可引起猕猴血清多种酶、蛋白、血糖、代谢产物及多种离子等的紊乱,既有早期影响,也表现为一定的持续效应。提示EMP可能引起猕猴多系统、多脏器的损伤。 相似文献
电针干预对中长跑运动员半程马拉松赛后免疫机能恢复的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:研究电针干预对中长跑运动员半程马拉松比赛后免疫机能恢复的影响。方法:6名18~22岁中长跑运动员(4男2女)进行了两次半程马拉松赛,两次赛程间隔1个月,后一次比赛后4小时给予电针干预治疗30分钟。分别在运动员比赛前1天不训练安静状态时、两次半程马拉松赛后4h和28h,测试其外周血淋巴细胞及其亚群,以及Th1与Th2特征自发性细胞因子的基因表达。结果:两次赛后4小时CD3+、CD4+、CD8+、NK、NKT细胞及细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-4的mRNA表达均比安静状态时有不同程度下降,赛后28h均有一定程度的恢复。经电针干预的NKT细胞数赛后28h比赛后4h显著增加(P<0.05)。IFN-γ/IL-10比值两次赛后4h均比不训练安静状态时显著下降(P<0.05),经电针干预的赛后28h基本恢复至不训练时水平,未经电针干预的较安静状态无显著差异,但与经电针干预值有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结果提示:半程马拉松后可出现短暂免疫功能抑制,电针干预可在一定程度上对运动员免疫系统产生正向调节作用。 相似文献
目的研究心理训练对高特质焦虑新兵考核时生理指标和成绩的影响。方法采用个人评价问卷(PEI)、状态.特质焦虑问卷(STAI)和简易应对方式问卷对参加考核的新兵实施团体测试。将被试者分为对照组、低特质焦虑组、高特质焦虑组和干预组,对干预组进行自我评价、潜能开发、团队精神强化、应对方式的心理训练。测试考核前后生理指标差值及考核成绩的变化。结果干预组新兵军事考核前后收缩压、舒张压和脉搏三项生理差值与考核成绩明显优于高特质焦虑组(P〈0.05)。结论系统的心理训练可有效改善新兵对应激情景的生理和心理反应,提高作业绩效。 相似文献
The effect of marathon cycling on renal function 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Neumayr G Pfister R Hoertnagl H Mitterbauer G Getzner W Ulmer H Gaenzer H Joannidis M 《International journal of sports medicine》2003,24(2):131-137
The stress of strenuous long-term exercise may alter renal function. Whether this is also true for marathon cycling is unknown so far. The purpose of this study was to evaluate renal function following competitive marathon cycling. We investigated 38-male, well-trained recreational cyclists credibly not taking any kind of doping who participated in the Otztal Radmarathon. Blood and urine specimens were taken the day before, immediately after and one day after competition. Baseline renal functional parameters--normal before competition--increased significantly afterwards and remained elevated during 24 hours of recovery. The rises in serum creatinine, urea and uric acid were 20, 54 and 42 % (p < 0.001 respectively). The corresponding decline in estimated creatinine clearance was 18 %. In all athletes the serum urea/creatinine ratio rose above 40, fractional sodium excretion and fractional uric acid excretion fell below 0.4 % and 15 %, indicating reduced renal perfusion. The observed effects lasted for at least 24 h despite a stable fluid balance during the race and an expanding plasma volume (PV) in the recovery period. Levels of haematocrit remained unchanged immediately post-race but significantly declined from 0.44 to 0.41 on the following day (p < 0.001). The calculated rise in PV was + 10.8 %. Electrolyte homeostasis was preserved throughout the observation period. Post-exercise proteinuria was small and of the mixed glomerular-tubular type. There was neither evidence for exercise-induced haemolysis, nor for significant skeletal muscle damage. The finding obtained from well-hydrated recreational athletes reveals that the extraordinary strains of marathon cycling influence renal function only on a minimal scale. Though minor, the physiological effects were long-lasting. The results obtained suggest that a reduced renal perfusion is the mechanism responsible for the slight impairment of renal function following exhaustive marathon cycling. 相似文献
Christine Holm Moseid Grethe Myklebust Marit Kyte Slaastuen Jonathan Brun Bar‐Yaacov Aase Helen Kristiansen Morten Wang Fagerland Roald Bahr 《Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports》2019,29(11):1736-1748
Youth elite athletes often double their training and competition load after enrollment into specialized sport academy high school programs. The least fit athletes may be exposed to an excessive and too rapid increase in training load, with negative adaptations such as injury and illness as a consequence. In this study, our aim was to determine whether these least fit athletes were at greater risk of injury or illness during their first school year. Participants were 166 youth elite athletes (72% boys) from a variety of team, technical, and endurance sports newly enrolled into specialized sport academy high schools. The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaire on Health Problems was used to self‐report injuries and illnesses weekly for 26 weeks. Athletes completed the Ironman Jr physical fitness test battery at baseline, evaluating endurance, strength, agility, and speed properties. We ranked the athletes based on their combined test scores and identified the least fit quartile. The main outcome was the number and severity of health problems, comparing the least fit quartile of athletes to the rest of the cohort. Overall, the least fit quartile of athletes did not report more health problems (mean 3.7, 95% CI 3.0‐4.4) compared with the rest of the cohort (3.6, 3.2‐3.9). In conclusion, we demonstrated no association between low physical fitness level and number and severity of injury and illness in youth elite athletes after enrollment into a specialized sport academy high school program. 相似文献
Dr H. Nikjoo D. Emfietzoglou D. E. Charlton 《International journal of radiation biology》2013,89(12):1011-1026
Purpose: The paper reports on progress in physics of radiationless transitions and new Auger spectra of 125I and 124I. We report progress in Monte Carlo track structure simulation of low energy electrons comprising majority electrons released in decay most Auger emitters.Materials and methods: The input data for electron capture (EC) and internal conversion(IC) were obtained from various physics data libraries. Monte Carlo technique was used for the simulation of Auger electron spectra. Similarly, electron tracks were generated using Monte Carlo track structure methods.Results: Data are presented for the EC, IC and binding energy (BE) of radionuclides 124I and 125I. For each of the radionuclides 125I and 124I some examples of electron spectra of individual decays are given. Because most Auger electrons are low energy and short range, data and a short discussion are presented on recent Monte Carlo track structure development in condensed media and their accuracy.Conclusions: Accuracy of electron spectra calculated in the decay of electron shower by Auger emitting radionuclides depends on availability of accurate physics data. There are many gaps in these libraries and there is a need for detailed comparison between analytical method and Monte Carlo calculations to refine the method of calculations. On simulation of electron tracks, although improved models for sub-keV electron interaction cross sections for liquid water are now available, more experimental data are needed for benchmarking. In addition, it is desirable to make data and programs for calculations of Auger spectra available online for use by students and researchers. 相似文献
Astrid J. De Vries Wendy Koolhaas Johannes Zwerver Ron L. Diercks Kari Nieuwenhuis Henk Van Der Worp 《Research in sports medicine (Print)》2017,25(3):253-265
Greater insight into sports and work performance of athletes with patellar tendinopathy (PT) will help establish the severity of this common overuse injury. Primary aim of this study is to investigate the impact of PT on sports and work performance. Seventy seven active athletes with PT (50 males; age 28.1 ± 8.2 years; Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment Patella 56.4 ± 12.3) participated in this survey. Sports performance, work ability and work productivity were assessed using the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center overuse injury questionnaire, the single-item Work Ability Index and the Quantity and Quality questionnaire, respectively. Reduced sports performance was reported by 55% of the participants; 16% reported reduced work ability and 36% decreased work productivity, with 23% and 58%, respectively, for physically demanding work. This study shows that the impact of PT on sports and work performance is substantial and stresses the importance of developing preventive measures. 相似文献
Unt E Zilmer K Mägi A Kullisaar T Kairane C Zilmer M 《Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports》2008,18(3):360-366
The importance of elevated homocysteine (Hcy) as a risk marker for cardiovascular disease is continously under debate. Lifestyle factors may increase the total Hcy (tHcy) level of the plasma, but there are no consistent findings relating to Hcy, physical activity, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Cross-sectional measurement from an ongoing follow-up study was performed on 77 former male athletes and 33 sedentary controls (age range 35-62 years). Lifestyle parameters (current physical activity patterns, smoking, etc.), anthropometric and blood pressure data, and data about tHcy, reduced, and oxidized glutathione (GSH, GSSG, respectively) in blood, lipoproteins, and maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2max)) were collected. Our study results showed that the subgroup of physically active ex-athletes (n=52) had a significantly lower tHcy level and glutathione redox ratio (GSSG:GSH) in comparison with the subgroup of sedentary ex-athletes (n=25). tHcy level was inversely related to cardiorespiratory fitness (VO(2max)/kg). Dietary and smoking habits were not significantly associated with the tHcy level in our study group. In conclusion, the research findings indicate that both current physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness are significantly inversely associated with an elevated homocysteine level in middle-aged former athletes. 相似文献
Dimitris Vlachopoulos Alan R. Barker Esther Ubago-Guisado Francisco B. Ortega Peter Krustrup Brad Metcalf Jose Castro Pinero Jonatan R. Ruiz Karen M. Knapp Craig A. Williams Luis A. Moreno Luis Gracia-Marco 《Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport》2018,21(4):404-409
Research investigating the longitudinal effects of the most popular sports on bone development in adolescent males is scarce. The aim is to investigate the effect of 12-month participation in osteogenic and non-osteogenic sports on bone development.Design
A 12-month study was conducted in adolescent males involved in football, swimming and cycling and compared with an active control group.Methods
116 adolescent males (13.1 ± 0.1 years at baseline): 37 footballers, 37 swimmers, 28 cyclists and 14 active controls were followed for 12 months. Bone mineral content (BMC) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and bone stiffness was measured by quantitative ultrasound. Bone outcomes at 12 months were adjusted for baseline bone status, age, height, lean mass and moderate to vigorous physical activity.Results
Footballers had higher improvement in adjusted BMC at the total body, total hip, shaft, Ward’s triangle, legs and bone stiffness compared to cyclists (6.3–8.0%). Footballers had significantly higher adjusted BMC at total body, shaft and legs compared to swimmers (5.4–5.6%). There was no significant difference between swimmers and cyclists for any bone outcomes. Swimming and cycling participation resulted in non-significant lower bone development at most sites of the skeleton compared to controls (?4.3 to ?0.6%).Conclusions
Football participation induces significantly greater improvements in BMC and bone stiffness over 12 months compared to cycling and swimming.Clinical trial registration
ISRCTN17982776. 相似文献20.
Iron status of active women and the effect of running a marathon on bowel function and gastrointestinal blood loss 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This study compared the bowel function, fecal hemoglobin (Hb) loss, iron status and diets of 36 women of varying activity levels. In addition, we examined the effect of a marathon race on bowel function and fecal Hb loss in 15 of these women. The subjects were divided into 4 groups based on estimated daily exercise energy expenditure: Group A) less than 400 kcal/d (less than 1674 kJ/d); Group B) 400-599 kcal/d (1674-2507 kJ/d); Group C) 600-800 kcal/d (2511-3348 kJ/d); and Group D) greater than 800 kcal/d (greater than 3348 kJ/d). There were no differences in hematological and iron indexes among the 4 groups. Mean daily stool wet weights and individual stool weights were greater for groups B and D as compared to group A. However, transit time and frequency of defecation were not different. Daily fecal Hb losses (mg/day) were greater in groups B, C, and D as compared to A, but there was no difference in fecal Hb concentrations (mg/g feces) among the groups. Dietary intakes of energy, protein, fat and fiber were similar for all groups. Ascorbic acid and iron intakes from food significantly increased with increased estimated daily energy expenditure. Total intakes of ascorbic acid and iron, including oral supplements, were not different among the groups. Marathon racing resulted in a 21% increase in mean transit time, a 27% decrease in daily stool weight and 21% lower frequency of defecation. Fecal Hb concentrations and daily Hb losses before and after the race were not significantly different, despite an increased daily Hb loss in 10 of the 15 runners after the race.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献