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刘瑞玲  姜垣 《中国健康教育》2007,23(11):850-852
戒烟热线是国际上广为采用的一种有效咨询服务方式。本文就国际戒烟热线的建立、宣传和运作等进行综述,以期为建立符合我国国情的热线咨询模式提供借鉴。1戒烟热线的服务种类戒烟热线通过各种方式为吸烟者提供多种戒烟服务[1],包括人工和语音咨询服务,在回答电话时当场给予一次  相似文献   

蒋燕  王卉  侯芊  王蕾  张晓华  张荔  苏潇歌  崔颖 《中国公共卫生》2015,31(10):1237-1240
目的了解12320卫生热线来电者的吸烟情况及戒烟意愿。方法采用电话调查方式, 对2014年2—4月10个省市12320卫生热线的所有来电者进行调查, 了解调查对象的人口学特征、吸烟行为和吸烟量、戒烟史和戒烟意愿以及对12320卫生热线戒烟服务的接受程度等。结果12320卫生热线来电者的吸烟率为23.0%, 现在吸烟率19.6%, 79.2%的吸烟者每天吸烟, 每天吸烟1~10支者占57.2%, 每天11~20支者占35.9%;男性吸烟率高于女性, 文化程度越高, 吸烟率越低;48.6%的吸烟者过去1年尝试过戒烟, 42.4%的吸烟者未来1个月内计划戒烟, 其中愿意接受12320卫生热线戒烟服务的占73.4%。结论12320卫生热线来电者戒烟意愿较强, 对12320戒烟服务的认可度较高, 应进一步加大对12320戒烟服务功能的宣传力度, 提高12320戒烟服务方式的知晓率, 促进更多吸烟者尝试戒烟。  相似文献   

“禁烟令”一出,北京肺癌专家支修益的电话便成了“咨询热线”,很多朋友请教怎么戒烟。其实,我国已开设了两条“戒烟专线”,即便联系不上专家,吸烟者也可以得到戒烟咨询员的戒烟辅导。  相似文献   

为向群众提供有关“非典”预防知识和心理咨询 ,陕西省健康教育所针对“非典”期间广大群众急于了解“非典”情况、知识 ,排除大众恐慌心理 ,开设了“非典咨询热线”。从2 0 0 3年 4月 3 0日晚 8时至 6月 9日晚 8时 ,共接听热线电话 13 70人次。将咨询电话的内容详细记录 ,并按照咨询时间和咨询内容进行统计和分类整理 ,以期能够从其中了解发现群众身处突发公共卫生事件时的信息需求状况。对象与方法1 对象 “非典”时期陕西省“非典”咨询热线 13 70名咨询者。咨询者中男性 80 6人 (5 8 83 % ) ,女性 5 64人 (4 1 17% )。人员构成 :城市居…  相似文献   

充分利用语音电话答录系统做好艾滋病咨询热线工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国疾病预防控制中心健康教育所从 1 992年起开通了我国内地第一条艾滋病 性病咨询热线 (0 1 0 )64 2 6695 8。 1 0年来 ,始终坚持每周一至周六下午 4~ 8点 ,由来自临床医学、预防医学、心理学等专业的专家学者们提供人工义务咨询服务。热线电话咨询是在保密的情况下进行的一对一交流过程 ,亦不必因隐私而难于启齿 ,可以把求询者的顾虑减到最低程度 ,能较好地满足服务对象的需求 ,有针对性地传播健康信息 ,并具有方便、保密、快捷、费用低廉、人际传播等特点 ,是一种简便有效的宣传方式 ,在艾滋病预防控制工作中有不可替代的作用。但此种…  相似文献   

章在分析当前国内从事国际旅行人员骤增以及大众媒体尚未充分利用“国际旅行健康咨询”等现状的基础上,参考国外实例,提出开设国际旅行健康咨询热线的可行性及其咨询工作的内容、任务、方法和发展方向。  相似文献   

艾滋病咨询热线的启示   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
1995年以来,福建省原健康教育所开辟了一条免费的健康咨询热线,为公众提供健康咨询、寻医导药的服务。作者为该热线的工作人员,经整理近几年的热线记录,发现询问艾滋病/性病知识的人数逐年递增,这充分反映了人们对这方面的迫切需求。艾滋病/性病咨询中发现的问题艾滋病在当前仍是一种尚无有效治愈办法、病死率极高的传染病,它在全球的广泛流行已造成严重的公共卫生问题和社会问题。因此,我们在咨询服务中也十分重视与之相关的问题,以期对艾滋病防治有所助益。咨询的内容主要有知识解答和心理支持两大类。知识解答包括艾滋病及其相关知识和求…  相似文献   

健康咨询热线中341人次心理问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解1997-2000年福建省健康教育促进中心健康咨询热线中咨询者的心理问题状况及其社会心理需求,为今后开展心理健康教育和行为干预提供可行性策略。方法对1997-2000年电话咨询的341个有心理问题的咨询者的咨询记录进行分析。结果341人次中,男性占54.5%,女性占45.5%。年龄以18-35岁为主(72.7%)。婚姻以未婚为主(62.2%)。主要心理问题有神经症(64.2%)、心身疾病(28.2%)、性心理障碍(2.3%)、神经分裂症(1.5%)等。结论健康咨询热线中神经症、心身疾病等心理问题在青少年中较为突出,应引起社会及卫生、教育相关部门关注。  相似文献   

2004年“非典”期间热线咨询情况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解北京市疾病预防控制中心“非典”咨询热线在宣传预防“非典”知识,引导市民以科学的态度认识“非典”,稳定市民情绪方面所发挥的作用。方法 对2004年4月23日至2004年5月9日北京市疾病预防控制中心“非典”咨询热线的数量变化情况和咨询的主要内容进行归纳、整理和统计分析。结果 此期间共接听热线咨询电话985个,2004年4月23日热线电话最多达191个,随后逐渐减少;疫情初期以咨询疫情情况和预防控制措施为主;疫情后期咨询发病表现的相对增加。结论 2004年“非典”疫情咨询热线反映出本次疫情时期市民情绪平稳,社会影响较小,这与2004年政府对“非典”疫情透明度高,采取的预防控制措施得力,现场处理及时和疫情有效控制等有关。  相似文献   

陈艳  尹利军 《中国健康教育》2009,25(4):255-257,266
目的分析5521人次人工接听“艾滋病咨询热线”资料数据,为艾滋病热线咨询与艾滋病健康教育工作提供参考。方法对中国健康教育中心2007—2008年艾滋病咨询热线人工接听电话的记录数据进行分析。结果求询者群体相对稳定,以男性、20~39岁青壮年、外省市、高学历(大学及以上)、艾滋病病毒感染阴性者居多,分别为91.8%、91.3%、70.1%、67.4%、97.4%。求询者的艾滋病知识主要来源于网络,占89.8%,求询内容以艾滋病的传播、检测、症状为主,分别为44.2%、29.4%、15.9%。求询者自述高危行为中嫖娼行为居首位,占81.4%。求询者心理问题主要为恐惧,占69.5%。结论热线咨询有较固定的群体,求询内容集中,求询者高危行为以嫖娼为主,应根据对咨询群体分析的情况做好咨询员培训及相关资料准备工作,开展好艾滋病热线咨询工作,提高咨询工作的质量。  相似文献   

The evidence suggests that medical treatment of breast cancer produces psychosocial trauma in both the patient and her husband due to the loss of the breast and/or physical disfigurement. This study evaluated the effects of a structured couples treatment program on the psychosocial discomfort following a mastectomy. Twenty couples were randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions and were administered an assessment battery before and after treatment that measured change in marital happiness, sexual satisfaction, depression, self-esteem, helplessness, anxiety, alienation, and emotional discomfort. An analysis of variance yielded no significant difference between experimental and control conditions on any of the dependent variables. A supplemental analysis of covariance using the pretest as a covariate found that the treatment reduced emotional discomfort in both partners, reduced depression in the patient, and increased sexual satisfaction for both spouses. Recommendations were made for further study of the treatment, controlling for the subject's level of distress prior to treatment.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of the study (conducted 2010–2013) was to determine the efficacy of two common types of tobacco quitlines in adult cancer survivors who regularly smoked cigarettes.MethodAdult onset cancer survivors in Memphis, Tennessee (n = 427, 67% female, 60% Caucasian) were randomized either to a Proactive (i.e., counselor-initiated calls) or Reactive (i.e., participant-initiated calls) quitline. Both conditions also received nicotine replacement therapy. The primary outcome was biochemically-verified (i.e., salivary cotinine) smoking cessation.ResultsWhile 12-month self-reported abstinence was consistent with other published studies of smoking cessation (22% and 26% point prevalence abstinence for Proactive and Reactive conditions, respectively), 48% of participants who were tested for cotinine failed biochemical verification, indicating a considerable falsification of self-reported cessation. Adjusted cessation rates were less than 5% in both intervention conditions.ConclusionOur results are consistent with other studies indicating that traditional smoking cessation interventions are ineffective among cancer survivors. Moreover, self-reports of cessation were unreliable in cancer survivors participating in a quitline intervention, indicating that future studies should include biochemical verification. Given the importance of smoking cessation among cancer survivors and low cessation rates in the current study, it may be necessary to design alternative interventions for this population.ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00827866.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sought to evaluate the impact on the quitline utilization and abstinence rates of increasing a free nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT) benefit from 4 weeks to 6 weeks. METHODS: Intake data were utilized to assess the number of callers to the quitline during the time period in which 4 weeks of free NRT was provided (January-November 2006) and the time period of the enhanced NRT benefit (December 2006-June 2007). Abstinence rates at 3 and 6 months were calculated for people utilizing the quitline program during both time periods. RESULTS: The mean number of intake calls to the quitline increased from 397 (range 326-509) prior to the enhanced NRT benefit to 712 (range 592-1227) during the 6-week NRT benefit period. The 6-month tobacco abstinence rates were significantly higher among people receiving the 6-week NRT benefit compared to those receiving the 4-week benefit (OR=1.51; 95% CI=1.07, 1.66). CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the promotion of an expanded NRT benefit can increase quitline utilization and abstinence rates.  相似文献   

Telephone quitlines efficiently deliver cessation services, but few smokers use them. This article describes an unsolicited direct mail campaign designed to increase calls to the New York State Smokers' Quitline. Two post-cards advertising the quitline and the availability of free nicotine patches were sent to 77,527 smoker households between August and October 2005. One postcard emphasized the effectiveness of the nicotine patch, whereas the other contrasted the risks of smoking and patch use. Response was evaluated using geographically linked calls to the quitline 15 days before and after each mailing. The postcard campaign increased call volume by 36%, with no difference between the two postcard versions. Those who reported calling the quitline in response to a mailing were more likely to request nicotine patches (91% versus 82%, p < .001). Direct mail can be used to increase quitline call volume and should be one of the promotional tools used by quitlines.  相似文献   

目的编制大学生心理咨询倾向性问卷。方法在查阅文献和前期访谈基础上编制问卷。进行3次大一学生的整群抽样,第一次调查315名大一学生用于初步项目分析和因素探索;第二次调查584名大一学生用于探索性因素分析和问卷信、效度检测;第三次调查101名大一学生用于验证性因素分析,以专业心理求助态度量表为效标,并进行重测。结果大学生心理咨询倾向性问卷共19个题目,包括心理咨询偏见、心理咨询信任、非专业心理求助途径、心理咨询污名4个因子。验证性因素分析表明所得模型拟合度可接受(χ2/df =2.677,GFI=0.932,AGFI=0.912,CFI=0.916,NFI=0.874,RMSEA=0.054)。总问卷内部一致性系数总量表为0.878,各因子α为0.685~0.845;总量表重测信度为0.885,4个因子重测信度为0.693~0.836。结论本研究编制的问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可用于评估大学生心理咨询倾向性。  相似文献   

目的研究设计艾滋病咨询检测操作规程及辅助软件,用以规范咨询医生的咨询过程,提高咨询能力和咨询效率。方法采用快速原型法,即先通过系统的文献综述、现实咨询案例分析及专家咨询活动等设计出初步的咨询规程及软件原型,再通过现场反复试用不断修改完善规程与软件。结果提出了技术和知识水平较高的自愿咨询检测(VCT)专家辅助软件,其中设置了咨询检测、预约登记、数据管理、能力开发、系统设置和系统帮助等功能模块,能为VCT服务带来许多便利和收益。结论将复杂的VCT服务程范化、计算化基本可行;该辅助软件为改善现有VCT服务提供了新的规范与手段。  相似文献   

Background. Quitlines offer evidence-based, multisession coaching support for smoking cessation in the 50 U.S. states, Canada, and several other countries. Smokers who enroll in quitline services have, ipso facto, shown readiness to attempt to quit, but noncompletion of coaching services appears widespread and has not been widely investigated. The current study explored the magnitude and correlates of quitline service abandonment. Method. A state's quitline intake, coaching, and nicotine patch/gum utilization data were obtained for smokers who enrolled during the period July 2007 to June 2008 (n = 20,882). Analyses examined demographic, socioeconomic status, nicotine dependence-related, and nicotine replacement therapy-utilization factors associated with completion of only one coaching session (of five offered). Results. Almost half of enrollees (47.8%) completed only one session. All significant predictors together explained less than 4% of variance; not being sent nicotine replacement therapy was most strongly correlated with completion of only one session. A framework is proposed for directing research toward reducing quitline service nonadherence. Conclusions. Premature user abandonment of coaching calls is widespread within a quitline. Further research should determine the extent of the problem in national quitline systems, increase knowledge of mediators of nonadherence, and develop strategies for increasing coaching completion.  相似文献   

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