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[目的]对上海市某区8家餐厅的环境烟草烟雾浓度在《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(简称《控烟条例》)实施前后进行比较,旨在评价《控烟条例》在餐厅的实施效果,为该条例今后的进一步修订提供参考. [方法]采用目的抽样方法,在2008年4月《控烟条例》实施前和2010年12月《控烟条例》实施后选取8家餐厅分别进行基线调查和随访监测,采用AM510个体气溶胶监测仪检测空气中细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度以代表环境烟草烟雾污染状况. [结果]《控烟条例》实施前后餐厅室内PM2.5浓度分别为147.76、125.15μg/m3,室内PM2.5浓度峰值分别为363.20、272.00μg/m3.《控烟条例》实施前后餐厅室内外PM2.5浓度差值分别为80.44、70.53μg/m3,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). [结论]《控烟条例》实施前后,餐厅室内PM2.5浓度没有明显变化.部分餐厅大厅内尚无有效控烟措施,环境烟草烟雾暴露问题比较严重,必须采取严格有效禁烟措施减少环境中因吸烟所致的烟雾污染.  相似文献   

上海市市区婴儿环境烟草烟雾暴露的现况调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的了解上海市市区目前婴儿的环境烟草烟雾(ETS)暴露情况和婴儿父亲在其妻子怀孕期间吸烟行为的变化。方法在2005年6月—2006年8月期间,通过采用整群抽样的方法,从上海市遵义、斜土和田林3个社区中抽取所有在研究当时为5~8月龄婴儿(包括户籍和非户籍人口)的母亲为研究对象,通过调查员询问和自填2种方式进行问卷调查。采用SPSS11.5统计软件对资料进行单因素统计分析。结果38.2%的婴儿母亲在孕期有ETS暴露,其被动吸烟率为24.8%;21.3%的婴儿在出生后有ETS暴露,其被动吸烟率为11.2%。母亲孕期被动吸烟与家中同住状态和母亲孕期的工作状态有关,ETS暴露来源以同事、丈夫、朋友和陌生人为主,暴露场所以家里和工作场所为主;婴儿出生后被动吸烟与其母亲文化程度有关,ETS暴露来源主要是婴儿父亲,暴露场所以家中最高。婴儿父亲在其妻子整个怀孕期间的吸烟行为改变率为38.3%,19.1%的父亲减少烟量,19.7%戒烟,12.8%完全戒烟。结论婴儿父亲们开始意识到ETS暴露对胎儿健康的影响,在妻子怀孕期间自发地进行吸烟行为改变,提示孕期可能是婴儿和孕妇ETS暴露干预的最佳时期。工作场所也是母亲孕期ETS暴露的重要场所,在工作环境控烟应成为干预孕期ETS暴露的重要措施。  相似文献   

北京市部分餐厅和酒吧烟草烟雾及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解北京市餐厅采取控烟措施的现况和实行禁烟措施对减少室内烟草烟雾浓度的效果。方法电话调查部分餐厅和酒吧采取的各种禁烟措施情况,采用AM510型个人智能防爆粉尘检测仪对室内外细颗粒物PM2.5的浓度进行检测,分析不同禁烟措施和不同类别餐厅烟草烟雾浓度以及室内外细颗粒物浓度差是否存在差异。结果在抽取调查92家的餐厅、酒吧中,采取完全禁烟和部分禁烟措施的占27.9%。92家的室内细颗粒物平均浓度达到253.08μg/m^3,比室外的高102.37%;有禁烟规定的餐厅和酒吧室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是93.10μg/m^3和110.33μg/m^3,无禁烟规定的餐厅、酒吧室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是289.34μg/m^3和128.40μg/m^3,不同类型餐厅、酒吧室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是413.46μg/m^3和190.62μg/m^3,西式快餐厅室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是8386μg/m^3和104.77μg/m^3,不同档次的餐厅中,室外细颗粒物浓度均比室内低。所调查餐厅、酒吧的室内细颗粒物浓度与单位体积吸烟人数呈显著正相关。结论餐厅内采取禁烟措施能有效减少环境烟草烟雾污染。  相似文献   

<正>近几年,环境烟草烟雾作为I类致癌物[1]在公共场所室内空气中暴露已成为重要的公共卫生问题。在室内吸烟场所的空气中直径小于2.5微米微颗粒物(PM2.5)的主要来源是烟草燃烧产生的烟雾,因此,目前国外大量研究都采用测定PM2.5作为评价室内空气中环境烟雾的指标,反映场所内吸烟情况[1]。对哈尔滨市20家中西餐厅室内空气烟草烟雾污染情况进行PM2.5  相似文献   

儿童由于其生理特征,暴露于环境烟草烟雾的不良健康影响更大,除了会导致不良的生理作用,如肺功能异常、哮喘、耳部疾病和婴儿猝死综合征等,也会使儿童出现行为、态度及情感方面的障碍。作者主要从环境烟草烟雾对儿童的影响儿童烟草暴露情况及国内外家庭环境中对烟草烟雾的主要干预措施3个方面进行综述。  相似文献   

张佳蕾 《中国健康教育》2012,28(10):868-869,875
目的了解《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》实施前后,长宁区内各类公共场所控烟工作执行情况,评价立法的实施效果。方法采用现场观察的方法,在长宁区公共场所中随机选择16类107个具有代表性的公共场所开展监测。选择人流量较大的时间,以顾客的身份进入现场观察30 min,收集相关数据。结果《控烟条例》实施后,长宁区107个监测点有87家配备了宣传资料,控烟宣传资料配备率从41.21%上升到81.23%(χ2=36.24,P<0.01);有100家张贴有禁烟标志,禁烟标志张贴率较初次监测时的73.28%上升到93.25%(χ2=15.21,P<0.01);在97个有禁烟要求的监测场所中,禁止吸烟区域中仍设烟具和发现有烟蒂的场所从立法前43个和28个分别减少到26个和17个,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=6.25,χ2=305,P均<0.01);有人吸烟场所的劝阻吸烟率从9.27%(3/31)提高到65.20%(13/20),差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.23,P<0.01)。不同重点场所控烟执行情况有所不同。结论立法实施后各类公共场所控烟环境改善明显,但是互联网场所、娱乐场所、餐馆和饭店等公共场所控烟工作还有待加强。  相似文献   

环境烟草烟雾的健康危害及其暴露的评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关玉群  宋宏 《现代预防医学》2006,33(12):2332-2333,2336
吸烟有害健康,这是众所周知的事实,而被动吸烟已越来越引起社会各界的广泛关注.被动吸烟(吸二手烟),或称环境烟草烟雾(enviromental tobacco smoke,ETS)暴露,是室内环境危险暴露之一.1992年美国环境保护总署(EPA)研究数据表明:ETS和肺癌、心脏病以及呼吸道感染等发病率密切相关,是A组致癌物之一,即任何剂量的暴露都不安全.目前已在ETS中发现有4 500多种化学物质,其中60种已被证明或被怀疑对人体有致癌作用.很多有关ETS暴露的流行病学研究中,ETS暴露与否以及暴露量主要通过调查问卷来判定,因此影响评价结果的可靠性.采用较为客观的实验室测量指标来保证调查结果的真实有效是必要的.本文就ETS对人体的健康危害以及ETS暴露的评价指标、暴露指标的测定方法等进行综述.  相似文献   

黎明 《中国健康教育》2008,24(9):728-729
目的了解上海市户外烟草广告现状,为制定公共场所控烟相关政策服务。方法采取沿街观察记录调查法。结果出现户外烟草广告73块,发现区域为市中心内的杨浦区、长宁区、徐汇区、虹口区、普陀区、卢湾区和杨浦区长阳路上烟草卷烟厂附近。且杨浦区长阳路卷烟厂附近烟草广告较为集中,达47块。烟草广告的内容主要以宣传烟草企业或烟草制品形象的软性或隐性广告为主。外地烟草企业有关的广告基本没有观察到。结论《烟草控制框架公约》在我国已经生效,但全面禁止烟草广告履约在上海还没有达到要求。  相似文献   

环境烟草烟雾(ETS)是影响儿童呼吸健康的一个重要危险因素。家庭中环境烟草烟雾是儿童被暴露的最常见来源,此外,学校、餐馆、公共场所和公共交通工具的环境烟草烟雾也不可忽视。环境烟草烟雾中的微粒比主流烟雾更小,因而在儿童的气道中有更强的穿透能力,对儿童,尤其是呼吸系统影响很大。并且,它可以通过胎盘威胁胎儿的呼吸系统的发育。因此,了解环境烟草烟雾如何损害肺功能以及呼吸系统是很有必要的,这为促进儿童健康的发展提供良好的平台,并能了解环境烟草烟雾对儿童哮喘影响提供基础以及做出相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) in hotels and clubs is of community concern and may lead to a variety of adverse health outcomes for workers and patrons. This study sought to measure ETS in both smoking and non-smoking areas of hospitality venues in South Australia and to assess the effectiveness of ETS control measures. Seven hotels, clubs and cafes were investigated and the concentrations of airborne nicotine and particulate matter (PM(10)) were measured as markers of ETS exposure during normal to busy periods. Overall average concentrations were higher in smoking areas (nicotine = 15 microg/m(3) and PM(10) = 255microg/m(3)) compared with non-smoking dining areas (nicotine = 7 microg/m(3) and PM(10) = 192 microg/m(3)). The data demonstrate an approximate two-fold reduction of ETS within non-smoking areas and suggest that mechanical ventilation is only partially effective in preventing propagation of ETS throughout premises. Risk models suggest that ETS exposures in non-smoking areas may still represent an appreciable health risk. It is recommended that smoking be totally banned in enclosed publicly accessible areas.  相似文献   

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) has been associated with adverse health consequences. In this study, the association between self-reported ETS exposure and serum cotinine levels was examined. As part of the population-based Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study in Beaver Dam, WI, self-reported data on ETS were obtained at the 5-year follow-up examination (1998-2000; n = 2800). Serum cotinine levels were obtained on 643 of these participants (53-75 years old). Serum cotinine levels increased with reported number of hours of recent ETS exposure. Most (95.3%) participants who reported being smokers had serum cotinine levels >15 ng/mL, compared with only 2.7% of nonsmokers. Usual ETS exposure among nonsmokers was assessed with a brief questionnaire quantifying exposure at work, at home, and in social settings, and then classified into three levels of exposure. Those reporting little or no exposure had a geometric mean cotinine level of 0.06 ng/mL (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.05, 0.07), compared with 0.14 (95% CI: 0.09, 0.22) and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.36, 1.10) for those reporting moderate and high ETS exposure, respectively (F-test for trend: P < 0.001). These results suggest that the questionnaire can be used to distinguish relative levels of exposure to ETS.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke of 6-year-old children and parental educational level in Germany under the changing socioeconomic conditions after reunification. Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between tobacco smoke exposure of children (current environmental tobacco smoke, maternal smoking during pregnancy, environmental tobacco smoke during the first 3 years of the child’s life) and the determinants parental educational level, time and region. In Germany, the risk of environmental tobacco smoke exposure among 6-year-old children was strongly associated with parental educational level (odds ratio: ≥2 ‘low’/‘middle’ versus ‘high’ parental educational level). In West Germany, environmental tobacco smoke exposure generally exhibited a decreasing trend of about 20%. In contrast, in East Germany the environmental tobacco smoke exposure was only decreasing for children of parents with higher education. The gap between low and high parental educational level with respect to current children’s tobacco smoke exposure has increased from 1991 to 2000 in East Germany. A considerable fresh increase of maternal smoking during pregnancy could be observed around 1991 in both parts of Germany. In East Germany, the transition from a socialist economic system to a market economy after reunification might in part explain the increased gap of tobacco smoke exposure between children of parents with lower and higher educational levels.  相似文献   

Indoor exposures at home, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and mould/dampness adversely affect respiratory health of children. Disturbi Respiratori nell’Infanzia e Ambiente in Sardegna (DRIAS) (Respiratory Symptoms in children and the Environment in Sardegna, Italy) aims at relating the prevalence of respiratory and allergic symptoms to indoor exposures in Sardinian children.DRIAS, a cross-sectional investigation of respiratory symptoms/diseases, used a modified version of ISAAC questionnaire, included 4122 children attending 29 primary schools in the school year 2004-2005.If both parents smoke the prevalence for current wheeze and current asthma is almost doubled in comparison with never smokers, for persistent cough and phlegm a role is suggested when only mother smokes. Among mothers smoking in pregnancy, the prevalence of current wheeze and current asthma is increased. Exposure to ETS and family atopy have a joint effect resulting in an almost tripling of prevalence for current wheeze and more than four times for current asthma. Exposure to “dampness” (mould or dampness) both during the first year of life and currently is associated with increased prevalence of current wheeze, persistent cough or phlegm and current rhino-conjunctivitis; if exposure is only during the first year of life a doubling or more of prevalence is observed for current wheeze, current asthma, and persistent cough or phlegm.DRIAS results add evidence to the causal role of childhood exposure to ETS in the development of respiratory symptoms (cough, phlegm, and wheezing) and asthma. The joint effect of ETS and family atopy is corroborated. The results strengthen the evidence for a causal association between “dampness” and respiratory health, pointing to its possible independent role in causing asthma, a long-lasting exposure entails a doubled prevalence for both asthmatic and bronchitis symptoms.  相似文献   

目的 探讨婴幼儿父母对家庭和公共场所环境烟草烟雾暴露干预的意愿及影响因素.方法 通过小组访谈和个人深入访谈的方法,以上海市长宁区遵义社区部分2岁以内婴幼儿的父母为研究对象,从对吸烟危害性的认识、目前的暴露状态和采取的保护措施、对将来干预的态度和建议等方面来探讨婴幼儿父母们对环境烟草烟雾暴露干预的意愿及影响因素.结果 几乎所有的婴幼儿父母亲都没有进一步对家庭中环境烟草烟雾暴露状况进行干预的愿望.父亲们不愿意为了妻子和孩子的健康而戒烟;母亲们满足于家中现行采取的通风、回避和减少烟量等措施所带来的保护效果;对吸烟危害性知识的缺乏是影响婴幼儿父母干预意愿的主要因素.所有的婴幼儿父母都要求采用立法来控制公共场所的吸烟情况.结论 必须结合中国特定的社会文化环境开展吸烟和环境烟草烟雾暴露有害健康的宣传教育,在全社会形成抵制环境烟草烟雾暴露的氛围,才有可能从根本上改善婴幼儿环境烟草烟雾暴露状况.  相似文献   

ObjectivesA workplace-smoking ban in the Netherlands was introduced on January 1, 2004. Before the ban male and low educated employees were at higher risk for exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Effective implementation of the ban should result not only in an overall decline of exposure, but also in the disappearance of systematic differences in exposure between subgroups of employees.MethodsData from a Dutch continuous Internet survey were used. From July 2003 through June 2005, 200 respondents were randomly selected each week. The sample consisted of 11,291 non-smoking, working respondents, aged 16–65 years.ResultsETS exposure decreased among all employees and among subgroups at higher risk before the ban. However, also after the ban, males and low educated employees were still most likely to be exposed to ETS.ConclusionsThe workplace-smoking ban was effective in reducing ETS exposure among employees. However, after the ban still 52.2% of non-smoking workers reported to be exposed. We did not find the expected stronger effect among employees who were at higher risk. Both before and after implementation of the ban, males and lower educated employees were about two times more likely to be exposed to ETS.  相似文献   

The home is a significant source of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure for many children and, therefore, increasingly a focus of intervention, although evidence of effectiveness remains equivocal. However, little is known about the nature, genesis, and micro-social context of self-imposed restrictions on smoking in the home. In this exploratory study, interviews were conducted in 15 diverse households that had resident children in Toronto, Canada. The results suggest that households cluster into three distinctive groups, from a high degree of restrictions to a lack of consistent measures. Attempts to control ETS exposures in homes often emerge as a result of protracted negotiations and must be understood in the context of situated relationships within the family. Implications for policy and practice, as well as recommendations for future research, are addressed.  相似文献   

环境香烟烟雾对妊娠结局影响的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
韩京秀  甘德坤 《卫生研究》2003,32(3):291-294
环境香烟烟雾 (environmentaltobaccosmoke ,ETS)对胎儿健康的影响越来越受到人们的关注。本文就 ( 1)ETS暴露的指标及评价 ;( 2 )ETS暴露对妊娠结局 ,其中包括胎儿出生体重、早产、自然流产和死产的影响等方面进行综述。研究表明 ,体液中的可的宁及头发中的尼古丁是评价较长时间内ETS暴露量的较理想的生物标记物 ,脐带血清中的可的宁是反映胎儿在怀孕后期暴露于ETS的适宜标记物。孕妇被动吸烟可降低新生儿的平均出生体重 ,增高低出生体重儿或小于胎龄儿的发生率 ,使胎儿发生早产、自然流产或死产的危险度增加  相似文献   

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