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空间信息技术在传染病流行病学调查中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立一种基于移动设备的传染病流行病学数据采集、管理与分析应用平台,实现空间信息技术在传染病现场流行病学调查中的应用.方法:以北京市为例,系统收集包括北京市18个区县在内的传染病发病情况以及相关的影响因素资料,经过整理分析后建立数据库.以eMbedded Visual C 作为系统开发软件,以移动式设备作为系统应用平台,构建北京市传染病发病情况以及相关数据的地理信息系统,将建立的数据库与北京市数字地图相关联,用户通过对地图的操作,实现对传染病流行病学资料的空间查询、分析和管理.结果:建立的北京市传染病流行病学地理信息系统具有空间数据管理、信息咨询、全球卫星定位查询等七大功能,包含了北京市18个区县的地理环境、气象、人口、交通状况信息以及与传染病相关的发病情况、媒介宿主和医学动物的分布、医疗卫生机构的分布等方面的信息,用户通过点选、圆选、多边形选等方式可在数字地图上实现对数据的空间查询.结论:本系统的建立为我国开展现场流行病学调查提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   

西藏是我国重要的自然疫源地,仅明确的自然疫源性疾病就有20余种,自然疫源地分布广泛、类型众多;宿主动物和生物媒介种属齐全、传播链完整;自然和社会因素非常适合自然疫源性疾病的传播.加上特殊的政治地理环境,西藏具有遭受生物恐怖威胁的高度危险性.本文结合西藏自然疫源地的特点,探讨西藏生物恐怖的应对策略.  相似文献   

土拉弗氏菌病是一种多宿主、多媒介、多传播途径的自然疫源性疾病,全世界分布很广.在我国已确定有土拉弗氏菌病自然疫源地的地区有内蒙通辽地区、黑龙江嫩江地区、西藏及新疆塔城地区.为进一步查明本病在新疆的疫源地存在情况,我们对阿勒泰地区进行了调查,结果在9460只蜱中未分离出本病病原体.现仅就血清学结果报告如下:  相似文献   

自然疫源性疾病是原发于野生动物间的传染病,其病原体可不依赖于人类而在自然界生物群落里生存繁殖,与其动物宿主和特异性生物媒介于一定的地理环境中长期在自然界循环延续,共同构成自然疫源地。人类因生活、生产或军事行动等情况下进入疫区时,偶尔也可感染发病,甚或也可由病人传染给健康人。目前已经得到公认的自然疫源性疾病有 39种,我国约有 30种。按其病原体,可将自然疫源性疾病分为以下几类。 病毒病 包括森林脑炎、乙脑、流行性出血热、狂犬病等。 衣原体病 主要是鸟疫(鹦鹉热)。 立克次体病 包括地方性斑疹伤寒、恙虫病…  相似文献   

西藏亚东自然疫源地调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解西藏亚东自然疫源地详细分布,对自然疫源性疾病相关因素进行调查研究。方法采取夹捕法、粘鼠板法、笼捕法调查啮齿动物的密度分布、种类;常规方法和直接捕捉法调查媒介生物的地区分布;采集100份在亚东居住5年以上的本地居民血清,进行相关病原检测,调查人群感染状况和发病情况;查阅文献资料对亚东地理信息、啮齿动物和医学媒介种类进行补充、完善。结果此次在亚东地区采集的啮齿类动物共45只,其中鼠兔3只,小家鼠23只,灰腹鼠12只,黄胸鼠7只。采集到医学媒介178只,分别为蚤类41只,蚊科106只,蠓2只,蜱19只。结合本次实地调查和查阅历史资料获知,西藏哑东地区的啮齿类动物包括兔科、鼠兔科、鼯鼠科、松鼠科、鼠科、仓鼠科6个科中的9个属21种(亚种),医学媒介包括蚤科、蠕形蚤科、多毛蚤科、细蚤科、角叶蚤科、蚊科、蠓科、硬蜱科8个科中25属47种。与张启恩1995年发表的结果相比,当地健康人群的斑疹伤寒、辛德比斯和基孔肯雅热的阳性率分别为3%、2%和1%。结论西藏亚东地理环境复杂、地区海拔落差大、植被种类多;生长着21种啮齿动物和47种医学媒介生物。当地居民中已有斑疹伤寒、辛德比斯和基孔肯雅热感染者。  相似文献   

土拉菌病是一种自然疫源性疾病,其宿主多、传播途径呈多样化,故对本病进行彻底消灭疫源地较为困难,主要预防措施是个人防护,特别是预防接种。该病在世界分布较广,美洲、亚洲、欧洲和远东等地区均有发现。我国自1957年在内蒙通辽地区首次从黄鼠(Citellus dauricus)体内分离出土拉菌后,黑龙江、青海、西藏、新疆等地相继报告有疫源地存在,并有人间病例发生。该菌致病  相似文献   

影像学文档及数据资料计算机管理系统(VMIS)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 :设计一套用于快速处理和管理各种影像学诊断文档信息和数据资料的计算机应用程序。方法 :利用影像学诊断的各种文档信息和数据资料 ,通过建立标准和实用的相关数据库的方法 ,采用 FOX数据库系统设计出适用于快速处理影像学诊断文档信息和数据资料的应用软件。结果 :该软件具有存储容量大、可备份保存、标准信息代码库及数据库等功能 ,适用于 CT或 MRI诊断的预约登记、检查申请和诊断报告的快速查询和检索、疾病分类快速检索和统计、诊断报告快速规范地打印、检查经费及日常管理工作量和综合信息的快速统计等工作。结论 :该软件系统采用全屏幕中文显示工作方式 ,操纵简便 ,信息处理和数据统计快速、准确 ,具有较高的实用价值和推广应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:探索细颗粒物(particulate matter 2.5,PM2.5)、环境温度、紫外线辐射和绿色植被等环境因素对中国不同地区甲状腺癌发病的影响。方法:收集《2018中国肿瘤登记年报》中388个2015年肿瘤登记点的甲状腺癌发病资料,从公开的遥感地理信息数据库中获取2015年中国近地面PM2.5、环境年平均温度、年日照时数和归一化植被指数。使用地理探测器模型分析PM2.5、环境温度、紫外线和绿色植被对中国甲状腺癌发病率分布的影响,采用解释力(q)来度量。结果:PM2.5、环境温度、紫外线和绿色植被对中国男性甲状腺癌发病率分布的q分别为0.039、0.004、0.041、0.088,对女性甲状腺癌发病率分布的q分别为0.084、0.109、0.091、0.049;且两两因素之间的交互作用均大于独立因素的影响。在空间上,随着PM2.5浓度增加,环境温度降低,紫外线辐射增强,绿色植被减少,甲状腺癌发病率呈增高的趋势。结论:严重的空气污染、低温环境、强紫外线辐射和缺乏绿色植被可能是中国甲状腺癌发病的危险环境因素。本研究的发现可为研究甲状腺癌危险因素提供线索,同时对相应的风险人群进行超声...  相似文献   

医学图像存储与传输系统的初步应用与效益分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
目的:通过组建及应用大型医学图像存储与传输系统(PACS),总结PACS对医院工作方法、管理及服务等诸方面的贡献。方法:运用质量因素处理(QFD)的方法对医院诊断与非诊断性劳动比值、科研数据可查询率(%)、胶片查询、单位服务成本、病人等待时间等方面的分析,比较建立及应用PACS前后之间的诸多参数及因素。结果:组建PACS后,急诊影像检查时间平均减少64%、数据信息保存比率提高了50%、出报告时间缩短、胶片用量节省33%、图像检索的时间效率提高95%,以及其他诸多方面都有不同程度的改善和提高。结论:组建1个真正符合医院具体实际情况的大型PACS系统非常重要,因为它将对医院的工作方法、管理等方面起到积极的推动作用,加快和促进医院向更快、更高的数字化方向发展。  相似文献   

本文报告了西藏米林地区流行性出血热(EHF)血清流行病学研究结果,受检的453份人血清,EHF抗体1:10以上阳性的26例,阳性率5.74%,在26份阳性标本中,8人为世居者,18人为移居者,平均地该地居住年限2.9年,由于交通不便,在其他地区感染的可能性极小,人群分布特征显示:军人高于农民;汉族高于藏族;在当地居住<5年组高于5—组;平原出生者高于高原出生者,因为军人,汉族,平原出生者和在当地居住<5年组多为移居者,说明米林地区存在EHF及该病自然疫源地,但感染率较云,贵,川等内地省份为低,媒介宿主调查和病原学的证实有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的 为更加直观了解核与辐射恐怖事件在城市地区的辐射影响范围,开发可将预测结果直接显示在城市电子地图上的系统软件.方法 针对放射性物质散布、脏弹袭击、辐射设施爆炸或纵火袭击3种场景,采用高斯扩散模型,预测污染物在大气中的扩散与沉降.结合相应的剂量转换因子,估算"代表人"的内、外照射剂量.集成计算系统与Mapinfo(R)地理信息系统,将相应的预测结果直观显示于城市电子地图.结果 该软件可实现预测结果在城市电子地图上的直接显示.其预测结果与国外类似软件Hotspot(R)的计算结果比较,对于主要污染区域的预测范围基本一致,事故下风向区域等剂量曲线位置偏差小于0.2 km.结论 研制出的软件系统能对城市核与辐射恐怖事件的辐射影响进行早期预测,为城市的应急响应提供参考,具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

目的 为更加直观了解核与辐射恐怖事件在城市地区的辐射影响范围,开发可将预测结果直接显示在城市电子地图上的系统软件.方法 针对放射性物质散布、脏弹袭击、辐射设施爆炸或纵火袭击3种场景,采用高斯扩散模型,预测污染物在大气中的扩散与沉降.结合相应的剂量转换因子,估算"代表人"的内、外照射剂量.集成计算系统与Mapinfo(R)地理信息系统,将相应的预测结果直观显示于城市电子地图.结果 该软件可实现预测结果在城市电子地图上的直接显示.其预测结果与国外类似软件Hotspot(R)的计算结果比较,对于主要污染区域的预测范围基本一致,事故下风向区域等剂量曲线位置偏差小于0.2 km.结论 研制出的软件系统能对城市核与辐射恐怖事件的辐射影响进行早期预测,为城市的应急响应提供参考,具有一定的实用价值.
Objective To develop a new software system that cau directly display the predicted results on an electronic map,in order to get a directly perceived understanding of the affected areas of nuclear and radiological terrorism events in city areas.Methods Three scenarios of events including spreading radioactive materials, dirty bomb attack,and explosion or arson attacks on the radiation facilities were assumed.Gaussian diffusion model was employed to predict the spread and deposition of radioactive pollutants,and both the internal and external doses were estimated for the representative person by using the corresponding dose conversion factors.Through integration of the computing system and Mapinfo geographic information system(GIS),the predicted results were visually displayed on the electronic maps of a city.Results The new software system could visually display the predicted results on the electronic map of a city, and the predicted results were consistent with those calculated by the similar software Hotspot(R)The deviation between this system and Hotspot was less than 0.2 km for predicted isoplethic curves of dose rate downwind.Conclusions The newly developed software system is of the practical value in predicting the effects of nuclear and radiological terrorism events in city areas.  相似文献   


This project looks at the intersection between gunshot damage to road signs and the use of geographic information systems (GIS) for forensic intelligence. The project has surveyed several distinct regions in Victoria Australia (residential, semi-rural and rural) in order to establish the level and distribution of gunshot damage to signs. The study assesses the correlation between population densities, land use and road type and the types of gunshot damage associated with road signs. The study includes a temporal aspect with the aid of backdated GIS image data and assessment is made on the potential benefits for crime scene information gathering. Further, a software tool has been established that enables photographic analysis of the gunshot impact points to be used to help determine the scale of damage associated with the signs in order to help establish the types of weapons used. This information is presented in the context of the typical registered guns in the community to correlate the key types of weapons used in this type of activity.  相似文献   

全国医用辐射防护监测信息系统构建及应用情况   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 依托全国放射卫生信息平台,建立全国医用辐射防护监测信息系统,支持国家医用辐射防护监测项目数据上报,全面了解医用辐射防护现状。方法 根据国家医用辐射防护监测方案、法规和标准,前端采用HTML、CSS、JavaScript,后端采用JAVA语言,平台数据库采用SQL server,开发中间件为Tomcat。系统通过B/S的架构建立数据上报和分析系统,并对2017年度的监测数据进行了统计分析。结果 平台的业务组成包括数据采集(通过各业务系统)、数据资源整合(整合业务系统公共数据)、应用和展现4个层次。实现架构灵活、信息集中、操作便捷的全国医用辐射防护监测系统,完成2017年国家医用辐射防护信息的上报,汇总和数据统计分析,2017年度共上报33 565所医院放射防护基本情况和10 624台放射诊疗设备性能及防护信息。共完成统计信息报表95个,分别从时间、行政地理信息、医院级别、设备种类4个维度描述全国医用辐射防护现状。结论 医用辐射防护监测系统达到设计目的,顺利完成2017年数据上报,为了解全国医用辐射防护现状和放射诊疗防护管理政策制定提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

We examined the multifarious genetic heterogeneity of Europe and neighboring regions from a geographical perspective. We created composite maps outlining the estimated geographical distribution of major groups of genetically similar individuals on the basis of forensic Y-chromosomal markers. We analyzed Y-chromosomal haplotypes composed of 7 highly polymorphic STR loci, genotyped for 33,010 samples, collected at 249 sites in Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, deposited in the YHRD database (www.yhrd.org). The data set comprised 4176 different haplotypes, which we grouped into 20 clusters. For each cluster, the frequency per site was calculated. All geostatistical analysis was performed with the geographic information system GRASS-GIS. We interpolated frequency values across the study area separately for each cluster. Juxtaposing all 20 interpolated surfaces, we point-wisely screened for the highest cluster frequencies and stored it in parallel with the respective cluster label. We combined these two types of data in a composite map. We repeated this procedure for the second highest frequencies in Europe. Major groups were assigned to Northern, Western and Eastern Europe. North Africa built a separate region, Southeastern Europe, Turkey and Near East were divided into several regions. The spatial distribution of the groups accounting for the second highest frequencies in Europe overlapped with the territories of the largest countries. The genetic structure presented in the composite maps fits major historical geopolitical regions and is in agreement with previous studies of genetic frequencies, validating our approach. Our genetic geostatistical approach provides, on the basis of two composite maps, detailed evidence of the geographical distribution and relative frequencies of the most predominant groups of the extant male European population, examined on the basis of forensic Y-STR haplotypes. The existence of considerable genetic differences among geographic subgroups in Europe has important consequences for the statistical inference in forensic Y-STR haplotype analyses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to review the utility of the global positioning system (GPS) in the study of health-related physical activity. The paper draws from existing literature to outline the current work performed using GPS to examine transport-related physical activity, with a focus on the relative utility of the approach when combined with geographic information system (GIS) and other data sources including accelerometers. The paper argues that GPS, especially when used in combination with GIS and accelerometery, offers great promise in objectively measuring and studying the relationship of numerous environmental attributes to human behaviour in terms of physical activity and transport-related activity. Limitations to the use of GPS for the purpose of monitoring health-related physical activity are presented, and recommendations for future avenues of research are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Geographic information systems are widely used in studies of diseases. However, their value for aviation safety research has not been adequately explored. PURPOSE: This study examined the geographic patterns of pilot fatality rates in commuter and air taxi operations. METHODS: Crash data recorded by the National Transportation Safety Board under FAR Part 135 were used to create a digital map of all crash sites in the continental United States between 1983 and 1998. Fatality rates in crashes were calculated and then interpolated to create a contoured map of rates. A test of significance was performed using Monte Carlo simulations. High-, medium-, and low-rate areas were then compared for pilot characteristics, airplane characteristics, and crash circumstance. RESULTS: Of the 1094 commuter and air taxi crashes studied, 25% resulted in a pilot fatality. A large geographic area with a pilot fatality rate of > or = 36% extended through portions of Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. A relatively low fatality rate (< 15%) prevailed over an area extending from Texas to northwest Georgia. Crashes in high-rate areas were significantly more likely than crashes elsewhere to have occurred at night and during instrument meteorological conditions. CONCLUSION: The geographic analysis revealed a distinctive pattern of pilot fatality rates from Part 135 crashes. Factors underlying the geographic pattern should be investigated, with particular attention to the great geographic variability of terrain and weather phenomena between the north and south regions of the United States.  相似文献   

We exploit the intrinsic difference in magnetic resonance spin-spin relaxation time, T2, between water associated with myelin sheaths and water in other central nervous system tissue in order to measure myelin water content within any region of an image or to generate indirectly a myelin map of the brain. In normal volunteers, myelin water maps give the expected myelin distribution. In multiple sclerosis patients, lesions exhibit different myelin water contents providing insight into the de-myelination process unavailable from conventional magnetic resonance images. In vivo myelin measurement has important applications in the clinical management of multiple sclerosis and other white matter diseases.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a method of kinetic analysis for picture archiving and communication system (PACS) management and computer-aided diagnostic application in dynamic chest radiography. The main analytical technique used in this study was a new algorithm that converts dynamic radiographs into a color-static image. The algorithm is a visualization technique for kinetic information that uses the intensity-density transformation and the direction classification in optical flow. The image made by the new algorithm was defined as a "kinetic map," and, by analysis using the kinetic map, a patient collation system and nodule detection system were constructed. By analysis that used an artificial neural network of certain feature vectors as kinetic map similarity, the collation system obtained good identification performance. Temporal subtraction processing between a current-status map with simulated nodule and previous-status map detected the region of abnormality as the simulated nodule. It is expected that our method of analysis will be useful as a screening examination for risk management and computer-aided diagnostic application in dynamic chest radiography.  相似文献   

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