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Objective. A variety of methods are used to calculate indices of lung mechanics. We conducted this study to compare 6 methods of calculating airway resistance.Methods. Data were recorded from 20 adult mechanically ventilated patients. All were relaxed and breathing in synchrony with the ventilator, and an end-inspiratory pause sufficient to produce a pressure plateau (0.5–1.5 s) was used. Pressure and flow rate were measured at the proximal airway using a calibrated lung mechanics analyzer (VenTrak, Med Science, St Louis, MO). Flow rate, pressure, and volume were printed simultaneously. Airway resistance was calculated using 6 methods: Suter, Krieger, Neergard, Bergman, Comroe, and Jonson.Results. Mean calculated resistances (± SD) (cm H2O/L/s) were 11.7 ± 4.8 (Suter method), 13.3 ± 5.0 (Krieger method), 14.9 ± 5.3 (Neergard method), 25.0 ± 6.6 (Bergman method), 24.7 ± 6.4 (Comroe method), and 26.9 ± 4.8 (Jonson method). By repeated measures analysis of variance, these differences were significant (p < 0.001). Using Scheffe analysis, no difference was found between the calculations using the Bergman, Comroe, and Jonson methods; these were significantly greater than the other 3 methods (p < 0.05).Conclusions. Methods that evaluate expiratory resistance (Comroe, Bergman, and Jonson) produce higher values than methods that evaluate inspiratory resistance (Suter and Neergard) or a combination of inspiratory and expiratory resistance (Krieger). Because of these differences, investigators should clearly describe their calculations when reporting airway resistance values.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDEpiglottic cysts is a rare but potentially lethal supraglottic airway pathology in infants due to the high risk of cannot intubation or cannot ventilation. Awake fiberoptic intubation appeared to be the safest technique, but it is very challenging in infants with large epiglottic cysts. Even it has the risk of airway loss. We report that cyst aspiration is an effective treatment as the first-choice procedure for airway management in an infant with large epiglottic cysts.CASE SUMMARYA 46-day-old male infant weighing 2.3 kg presented to the emergency room with difficulty feeding, worsening stridor, and progressive respiratory distress. Epiglottic cysts was diagnosed, but fibro bronchoscopy examination failed, as the fiberoptic bronchoscope was unable to cross the epiglottic cysts to the trachea. The infant was transferred to the operating room for emergency cystectomy under general anesthesia. Spontaneous respiration was maintained during anesthesia induction, and cyst aspiration was performed as the first procedure for airway management under video laryngoscopy considering that the preoperative fibro bronchoscopy examination failed. Then, the endotracheal tube was intubated successfully. Cystectomy was performed uneventfully, and the infant was safely transferred to the intensive care unit after surgery. The infant was extubated smoothly on the third postoperative day and discharged on the eighth day after surgery. On follow-up 1 year after the surgery, a normal airway was found by fibro bronchoscopy examination.CONCLUSIONEpiglottic cyst aspiration can be considered the first procedure for airway management in infants with large epiglottic cysts.  相似文献   

Wei H 《Resuscitation》2006,70(3):438-444
The “jet endotracheal tube” (JET) has been designed to facilitate emergency intubation in apnoeic or paralyzed patients with a difficult airway. We investigated the efficiency of jet ventilation to maintain adequate oxygenation and ventilation using the initially designed JET, either with its distal tip positioned above vocal cord and pointed directly at or 45° to the right of the vocal cord opening midline in 10 adult paralyzed pigs. The effectiveness of using end tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PetCO2), chest rise and breath sounds to facilitate tracheal placement of the JET blindly in a simulated difficult airway was studied. All complications of using the JET were noted. Jet ventilation with the distal tip of the JET pointed directly at, not 45° to the right of vocal cord opening midline, provides adequate oxygenation and ventilation during intubation. In a simulated difficult airway, PetCO2, chest rise and breath sounds were all effective methods to assist placement of the JET blindly, and the combination of all three methods works the best. No serious complications were detected with the use of the JET. Our results suggest that a correctly positioned JET guided by monitoring PetCO2, chest rise and breath sound provides adequate oxygenation and ventilation during intubation in apnoeic pigs, and facilitates the intubation blindly in a simulated difficult airway. No serious complications were observed using the JET in this study. In patients requiring emergency intubation, a JET with PetCO2 monitoring catheter and the instructions for use may be a useful addition to the airway management devices.  相似文献   



We sought to compare the ability of novice operators to provide artificial ventilation using a standard facemask and a new ergonomically designed facemask. Whether or not proper technique was used was also assessed.


Thirty-two allied-health students used both masks in random crossover fashion to ventilate an airway trainer. Breaths were delivered by a mechanical ventilator and exhaled tidal volume was recorded for each of 12 breaths for each participant for each mask. The effect of each mask during ventilation over time was assessed using repeated-measures ANOVA. Assessment of mask technique among participants and association between mask type and hand repositioning were analyzed using the Wilcoxon-Rank Sum Test and McNemar's paired proportions test, respectively.


The tidal volume achieved when participants used the ergonomic mask was higher than when participants used the standard mask by the fourth breath (361 ± 104 mL vs. 264 ± 163 mL; Bonferroni adjusted p-value = 0.040) and increased over time. The repeated-measures ANOVA showed that the ergonomic mask consistently resulted in higher tidal volumes than the standard mask regardless of rescuer's gender. Over time the standard mask resulted in a linear decrease in tidal volume of −10 mL/breath (estimated difference in decay of 10 mL/breath versus the ergonomic mask; p < 0.001).


Novice airway operators were better able to provide facemask ventilation using an ergonomically designed mask than with a traditional facemask. We conclude that better hand position facilitating improved mask seal and less operator fatigue account for our findings.  相似文献   

目的 调查国内护士成人有创机械通气气道分泌物吸引的现状。 方法 问卷由中华护理学会成人有创机械通气气道分泌物吸引操作规范起草小组设计,采用问卷星在线平台制作电子问卷,于2019年3月—4月通过中华护理学会重症及呼吸专业委员会转发,对全国21 279名护士进行调查。 结果 10 679名(50.19%)护士选择按需结合按时吸引;17 554名(82.49%)护士在吸引顺序中优先选择气道吸痰;16 167名(75.98%)护士对“吸痰前后给予高浓度氧的时长”选择不正确;3 715名(17.46%)护士吸痰时总是或经常将生理盐水滴入气道;4 857名(22.83%)护士不知道密闭式吸痰管更换频率。 结论 护士在成人有创机械通气气道分泌物吸引方面的理论和实践与目前的最佳证据和指南有一定差距,有待进一步统一和规范。  相似文献   

Objective: Thus far only few data are available on airway humidification during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). Therefore, we studied the performance and efficiency of a heated humidifier (HH) and a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) in HFOV using an artificial lung model. Methods: Experiments were performed with a pediatric high-frequency oscillatory ventilator. The artificial lung contained a sponge saturated with water to simulate evaporation and was placed in an incubator heated to 37 °C to prevent condensation. The airway humidity was measured using a capacitive humidity sensor. The water loss of the lung model was determined gravimetrically. Results: The water loss of the lung model varied between 2.14 and 3.1 g/h during active humidification; it was 2.85 g/h with passive humidification and 7.56 g/h without humidification. The humidity at the tube connector varied between 34.2 and 42.5 mg/l, depending on the temperature of the HH and the ventilator setting during active humidification, and between 37 and 39.9 mg/l with passive humidification. Conclusion: In general, HH and HME are suitable devices for airway humidification in HFOV. The performance of the ventilator was not significantly influenced by the mode of humidification. However, the adequacy of humidification and safety of the HME remains to be demonstrated in clinical practice. Received: 22 September 1998 Final version received: 22 March 1999 Accepted: 23 April 1999  相似文献   

目的观察老年患者胸科手术时单肺通气期间不同通气模式对患者气道压力和氧合的影响。方法需行单肺通气麻醉的老年手术病人120例,其中男性80例,女性40例,年龄60岁以上。将120名患者分为例组,施行全麻诱导双腔插管后行双肺通气,进胸后分别再进行不同通气模式的单肺通气,单肺通气开始后,其中容量控制通气模式(VCV)组(Ⅰ组)VT=10 ml/kg,f=10;压力控制通气模式(PCV)(Ⅱ组)压力设定为达10 ml/kg潮气量的压力值,f=10;VCV组(Ⅲ组)VT=7 ml/kg,f=14;PCV组(Ⅳ组)压力设定为达7 ml/kg潮气量的压力值,f=14;VCV+选择性通气肺呼气末正压组(PEEP)(Ⅴ组)VT=7 ml/kg,f=14,PEEP=5 cm H2O;PCV+PEEP组(Ⅵ组)压力设定为达7 ml/kg潮气量的压力值,f=14,PEEP=5 cm H2O。定时记录数据。结果单肺通气30 min后、单肺通气60 min后,Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组相比氧合具有显著统计学差异(P<0.05),Ⅲ组和Ⅴ组相比氧合具有显著统计学差异(P<0.05),Ⅳ组和Ⅵ组相比氧合具有显著统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论为了改善单肺通气时出现的低氧血症和确保患者在手术中的安全,需要合理选择通气模式,达到提高单肺通气效果的目的,使单肺通气技术得到广泛的推广。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The classic laryngeal mask airway (cLMA) has been demonstrated to be effective for airway management during neonatal resuscitation. However, high airway pressures, when required, cannot be achieved with this device. A neonatal prototype of the LMA-ProSeal (PLMA), which might improve the oropharyngeal leak pressure, has recently been produced. The airway sealing pressures of the cLMA and the PLMA were compared in a neonatal manikin. METHODS: A neonatal PLMA and a neonatal cLMA were positioned at random in a neonatal intubation manikin (Neonate Airway Trainer; Laerdal, Norway). A Dr?eger pressure controlled ventilator (Dr?eger 8000; Dr?egerwerk AG, Germany) was connected to the airway tubes and increasing inspiratory pressures (from 10 to 40 cm H2O) of positive pressure ventilation applied. The peak and the mean airway pressures obtained with each device were recorded. RESULTS: The airway pressures obtained with PLMA were significantly higher than those obtained with cLMA (p < 0.01) at levels of positive pressure ventilation of 25, 30, 35 and 40 cm H2O. CONCLUSIONS: The neonatal PLMA allows higher airway pressure ventilation than the cLMA, in a neonatal intubation manikin. If confirmed clinically, this may have important implications during neonatal resuscitation when high airway pressures are required.  相似文献   

Intermittent Mandatory Pressure Release Ventilation (IMPRV) is a positive pressure spontaneous breathing ventilatory mode in which airway pressure is released intermittently and synchronously with patient's spontaneous expiration in order to provide ventilatory assistance. Eight critically ill patients free of any factor known to alter chest wall mechanics (group 1) and 8 critically ill patients whose spontaneous respiratory activity was markedly altered by a flail chest, or by a C5 quadraplegia and/or by the administration of opioids (group 2) were studied prospectively. CPAP and IMPRV were administered to each patient in a random order during a 1 h period using a CESAR ventilator. Gas flow, tidal volume, tracheal pressure, esophageal pressure, end-expiratory lung volume and hemodynamic parameters were measured. In group 1 patients, the ventilatory assistance provided by IMPRV was associated with a significant decrease in spontaneous tidal volume whereas all other respiratory parameters remained unchanged. In group 2 patients, IMPRV increased minute ventilation from 8.0±2.61/min to 12.2±1.81/min (p<0.05), decreased PaCO2 from 46±7.3 mmHg to 38±6.8 mmHg (p<0.05) and reduced respiratory frequency from 21±10 bpm to 14±5.7 bpm (p<0.07). These results show that IMPRV provides significant ventilatory assistance to patients with mild acute respiratory failure either by decreasing patient's contribution to minute ventilation or by increasing alveolar ventilation in presence of respiratory depression of central or peripheral origin.Presented in part at the 32th Congrès National d'Anesthésie-Réanimation, Paris, September, 24, 1990 and at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 22, 1990  相似文献   



Insertion of a supraglottic airway and tracheal intubation through it may be indicated in resuscitation scenarios where conventional laryngoscopy fails. Various supraglottic devices have been used as conduits for tracheal intubation, including the intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA), the Ctrach™ laryngeal mask and the I-gel supraglottic airway.


A prospective study with 25 participants evaluated the success rate of blind intubation (using a gum-elastic bougie, an Aintree intubating catheter (AIC) and designated tracheal tube) and fibrescope-guided tracheal intubation (through the intubating laryngeal mask airway and the I-gel supraglottic airway) on three different airway manikins.


Twenty-five anaesthetists performed three intubations with each method on each of three manikins. The success rate of the fibrescope-guided technique was significantly higher than blind attempts (P < 0.0001) with both devices. For fibreoptic techniques, there was no difference found between the ILMA and I-gel (P > 0.05). All blind techniques were significantly more successful in the ILMA group compared to the I-gel (P < 0.0001 for bougie, Aintree catheter and tracheal tube, respectively).


The results of this study show that, in manikins, fibreoptic intubation through both ILMA and I-gel is a highly successful technique. Blind intubation through the I-gel showed a low success rate and should not be attempted.  相似文献   

现代化战争中高科技武器使得伤员的伤势严重、伤情复杂、气道管理难度大、风险高,尤其困难气道管理更具挑战性,而及时有效的气道治疗对降低创伤死亡率尤为重要。本文针对创伤困难气道对近年来的气道评估及辅助工具进展情况进行综述,阐述创伤患者困难气道评估及气道管理辅助工具的进展。  相似文献   

The role of prehospital endotracheal intubation (ETI) remains controversial, with significant national variability in practice. The purpose of this project was to evaluate ETI management in a system of advanced life support (ALS) providers experienced in ETI and other advanced airway techniques, and describe management and outcomes of patients with a "difficult airway." Data were collected prospectively for all ETIs performed by the fire department over a 4-year period (2001-2005), and included demographics, number of laryngoscopy attempts, airway procedures, complications, and outcomes. Of 80,501 ALS patient contacts, 4091 (5.1%) underwent attempted oral ETI, with a 96.8% success rate in four or fewer attempts. The difficult airway cohort included 130 patients (3.2%), whose airway management consisted of oral ETI after more than four attempts (46%), bag-valve-mask ventilation (33%), cricothyroidotomy (8%), retrograde ETI (5%), and digital ETI (1%). Procedural success rates ranged from 14% (digital ETI) to 91% (cricothyroidotomy). Nine patients (7%) had failed airway management, of whom 5 were found in cardiac arrest. The two most common reasons subjectively reported by ALS providers for airway difficulty were anterior trachea (39%) and small mouth (30%). Overall mortality for the difficult airway cohort was 44%. Prehospital ETI can be performed with a high success rate by experienced ALS providers, but may still require advanced airway techniques in a small subset of patients. Patient anatomy is a primary factor in failed ETI. Among the advanced procedures, cricothyroidotomy had the highest success rate and should not be delayed by other interventions.  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether different video laryngoscopes (VLs) facilitate endotracheal intubation (ETI) faster or more secure than conventional laryngoscopy in a manikin with immobilized cervical spine.


After local ethics board approval, a standard airway manikin with cervical spine immobilization by means of a standard stiff collar was placed on a trauma stretcher. We compared times until glottic view, ETI, cuff block and first ventilation were achieved, and verified the endotracheal tube position, when using Macintosh laryngoscope, Glidescope Ranger, Storz C-MAC, Ambu Pentax AWS, Airtraq, and McGrath Series5 VLs in randomized order. Wilcoxon signed-rank test and McNemar's test were used for statistical analysis; p < 0.05 was considered as significant.


Twenty-three anaesthetists (mean age 32.1 ± 4.9 years, mean experience in anaesthesia of 6.9 ± 4.8 years) routinely involved in the management of multitrauma patients participated. The primary study end point, time to first effective ventilation, was achieved fastest when using Macintosh laryngoscope (21.0 ± 7.6 s) and was significantly slower with all other devices (Airtraq 33.2 ± 23.9 s, p = 0.002; Pentax AirwayScope 32.4 ± 14.9 s, p = 0.001; Storz C-MAC 34.1 ± 23.9 s, p < 0.001; McGrath Series5 101.7 ± 108.3 s, p < 0.001; Glidescope Ranger 46.3 ± 59.1 s, p = 0.001). Overall success rates were highest when using Macintosh, Airtraq and Storz C-MAC devices (100%), and were lower in Ambu Pentax AWS and Glidescope Ranger (87%, p = 0.5) and in McGrath Series5 device (72.2%, p = 0.063).


When used by experienced anaesthesiologists, video laryngoscopes did not facilitate endotracheal intubation in this model with an immobilized cervical spine in a faster or more secure way than conventional laryngoscopy. However, data was gathered in a standardized model and further studies in real trauma patients are desirable to verify our findings.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The EasyTube, which is constructed in a similar way to the Combitube, is a recently introduced alternative to tracheal intubation for airway management in emergency medicine. OBJECTIVE: To determine if there is a difference in rate of, and time to, successful airway placement and ventilation using tracheal intubation, Combitube and EasyTube. METHODS: Twenty-six paramedics, trained in tracheal intubation received additional training in the use of the Combitube and the EasyTube. Each participant performed all three methods twice in random order on a manikin. Time to successful ventilation (presented as mean and standard deviation) and success rate were recorded. RESULTS: Mean time to successful ventilation was significantly longer for tracheal intubation (45.2 s (S.D.=15.8)) than for the Combitube (36.0 s (S.D. = 8.6)) p = 0.002 and the EasyTube (38.0 s (S.D.=15.3)) p = 0.023 with no difference between the latter (p = 1.000). Success rate for the Combitube and EasyTube combined (103/104) was significantly higher than for tracheal intubation (45/52) with odds ratio 16.0 (95% CI: 1.9-134); p = 0.002. CONCLUSION: For paramedics tested on manikins placement success rate was higher with less time required for the Combitube and Easytube than for tracheal intubation with no differences between the Combitube and EasyTube.  相似文献   

目的探讨无创双水平正压通气(NIPPV)对重症支气管哮喘患者的治疗价值。方法30例重症哮喘患者分为治疗组和对照组各15例,对照组予常规方法治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上给予NIPPV治疗,观察治疗前后血气分析和临床指标的变化,并与对照组进行比较。结果常规治疗的基础上加用NIPPV治疗后,患者临床征象及血气分析均得到明显改善(P〈0.05),与对照组相比差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论在常规治疗的基础上加用NIPPV治疗,可有效改善患者的临床征象,改善通气,提高重症哮喘的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare two modes of airway clearance, the intrapulmonary percussive ventilation system (IPV) to high frequency chest wall oscillation system (HFCWO) in medically complex pediatric patients with tracheostomy requiring long term care.

Methods: This was a single center, retrospective study comparing the number of respiratory illnesses, lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), utilization of bronchodilator and systemic steroids, and respiratory illnesses requiring acute care hospitalizations. A total of 8 tracheostomy dependent patients between the ages of 1–22 years were included for a 2-year study period. Each patient was used as their own control. During the period studied, the only variable in the medical regimen was the modality used for airway clearance. A Poisson regression model and generalized estimating equations were used to compare pre and post rates and to account for the correlation of count data from the same individual. Additionally, the paired differences (post—pre) for each event count were computed to provide the median and range of reductions in event rates while using intrapulmonary percussive ventilation system device. The non-parametric wilcoxon signed-rank test employed to determine whether the results from the Poisson model were consistently observed regardless of method of analysis.

Results: The total number of respiratory illnesses were reduced from 32 per year on HFCWO therapy to 15 per year on IPV system therapy (p < 0.001). The total number of LRTI requiring antibiotic use were decreased from 15 per year to 6 per year (p = 0.01), use of bronchodilator treatments were reduced from 53 to 21 (p < 0.001) and utilization of systemic steroids were reduced from 12 to 4 on IPV (p = 0.003). Numbers of hospitalizations to acute care facilities were reduced from 8 to 3 hospitalizations during the period of IPV use for airway clearance (p = 0.003).

Conclusion: This study suggests that airway clearance by IPV therapy could be more effective and beneficial in providing airway clearance in specific subsets of the medically complex pediatric population.  相似文献   

光棒用于困难气道伴口腔活动性出血的气管插管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较光棒和McCoy可调喉镜用于困难气道伴口腔活动性出血的气管插管效果.方法 经一名麻醉主治医生使用普通喉镜两次插管失败的口腔活动性出血外伤手术患者30例,随机(随机数字法)分成光棒(LW)组和McCoy可调喉镜(MC)组(n=15).记录两组插管成功率和插管时间.结果 LW组一次和总插管成功率均高于MC组(14/15比6/15,P=0.005;15/15比9/15,P=0.017).LW组插管时间短于MC组[24(23,34)s比48(31,119)s,P=0.011].MC组中有6例患者插管失败改用光棒插管成功.结论 光棒是困难气道伴口腔活动性出血患者建立人工气道的有效方法.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Emergency airway management for trauma adults is practised by physicians from a range of training backgrounds and with differing levels of experience. The indications for intubation and technique employed are factors that vary within EDs and between hospitals. OBJECTIVES: To provide practical evidence based guidance for airway management in trauma resuscitation: first for the trauma adult with potential cervical spine injury and second the management when a difficult airway is encountered at intubation. SEARCH STRATEGY AND METHODOLOGY: Full literature search for relevant articles in Medline (1966-2003), EMBASE (1980-2003), and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Relevant articles relating to adults and written in English language were appraised. English language abstracts of foreign articles were included. Studies were critically appraised on a standardised data collection sheet to assess validity and quality of evidence. The level of evidence was allocated using the methods of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

Background: Multiple predictors have been proposed to assist in identifying patient features that would predict difficult airway management. The Mallampati score (MS) has been shown to be useful in the preoperative assessment of patients being intubated in the operating room. Objective: We sought to define the feasibility of this assessment in the Emergency Department. Methods: A prospective, observational study was performed on all patients being intubated at a university Level I trauma center over a period of 6 months. We recorded and calculated the proportion of patients who were successfully assessed using the MS. Reasons given by individual intubators for failure to assess were recorded. We also tracked patient characteristics between groups and complication rates. Results: Of 328 patients, 32 (10%) were excluded due to incomplete data. Among the remaining 296, 58% were intubated for non-trauma indications, 70% were male, and the mean age was 45.9 years. Only 76 of 296 (26%) (95% confidence interval 21–31%) were able to have the MS performed. Lack of patient cooperation and clinical instability were listed as factors that precluded evaluation in patients whose assessment was unsuccessful. The frequency of procedure-related minor events did not differ significantly between the assessed and non-assessed groups. Major events included two cricothyrotomies in the non-assessed group. Conclusions: We were unable to perform a Mallampati assessment in three-quarters of our patients requiring emergency intubation. These findings call into question the feasibility of the standard Mallampati assessment in the practice of Emergency Medicine.  相似文献   

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